• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 2,402 Views, 29 Comments

UnderTwi - Cipher800

Nearing the end of the True Pacifist Run, Frisk finds Twilight and Spike, who were exiled for something the former never did.

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New Home: King Asgore

Frisk walked into the King’s area, but with a purple alicorn and a dragon child who lost his wings following them into the halls. As they navigated the Castle, they told really good jokes to one another while Frisk told them their story. Soon, the unlikely trio had reached the throne room, which, to Twilight and Spike’s surprise, was filled with flowers.

And tending him was none other than the king himself, who was a goatlike creature that walked on two legs. The king was bipedal and had paws instead of hooves, and had a golden mane similar to a lion’s. He wore a crown between his horns, and it was hard to tell what else is there under his large purple cloak, save for golden shoulder pauldrons and a brooch.

“Huh, who’s there?” the king said as he looked towards Frisk, Twilight, and Spike. He then looked towards the trio. “A human? How did you get here all on your own?” Asgore said when looking at Frisk with a confused expression. He then turned his look towards Twilight and walked towards her, spotting Spike on her back. “A unicorn and a dragon, but I thought they were extinct. This is something I never saw before. I’m Asgore, king of the Underground, and you are?” he stated, asking on the last part.


“Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m Spike.”

“Okay then. Frisk, Spike, Twilight, how did you three meet one another?”

“It’s a long story.” Frisk said as they told the king what Spike had told them. Asgore shed a few tears at what had happened, and simply sighed.

“Oh, that’s saddening.” Asgore said as he looked downwards. “I have lost many things, and there were many things I saw, but never have I seen someone who had that fate, nor did I imagine it.” The King of the Underground pulled out a sweater. “Spike, this belongs to one of my children before they… they… they died.” He then put Chara’s old sweater on the young dragon with a sad smile.

“Um, thanks?” Spike replied with a sheepish smile.

“My pleasure, young one.” Asgore replied. “Now, come with me.” The three followed Asgore through another door, where they found an eerie room that flashed in black and white with a bit of grey floating around. “Children, this is the barrier. It is what keeps us all trapped underground. It gives off an almost… hypnotic feel to it. It makes you want to catch somebody trying to run off.” Twilight could feel that Asgore had done something that made him very sad and unhappy about it. “So… do you want to stay? Or do you want to go?”

Frisk answered for them, telling him that they wanted to go.

“Okay then.” Suddenly, seven containers erupted from the ground, six of them were containing floating hearts ranging through the colors of the rainbow. Asgore then took a step in front of them before sighing. “Human… pony… dragon… It was nice to meet you three… I wish you didn’t come here to meet this fate. Goodbye.”

He faced his head downards, but, before he could attack, a white fireball appeared from the blue and slammed into Asgore, knocking him back, but not killing him. Out of the shadows came a female monster of the same species as Asgore, only she was a bit smaller and lacked a mane on her head, and wore a purple robe with white sleeves and a strange symbol located in a blue area. “What a miserable creature, about to kill such poor, innocent youth.”

Twilight and Spike said nothing. “Do not be afraid, my child… children. It is I, Toriel, your friend and guardian.” she said before looking at Frisk. “My child, I first thought you could make it alone, but, over time, I grew worried. Your adventure must be treacherous. And you two have been through some suffering as well.” Toriel said as she looked at Twilight and Spike.

“I saw you enter his throne room, and, I knew I still had a chance. I knew that in order to leave this place, you would have to take a monster’s life. Ultimately, I couldn’t allow it.” she said before Asgore crept back into the foreground.

“Tori… you came back!” Asgore said.

“Don’t ‘Tori’ me, Asgore. If you really wanted to free our kind, then you would’ve let them die of old age before collecting their SOULs, and once you have seven, then you could have freed everyone peacefully.” she said. Twilight had noted that Toriel was Asgore’s wife before it all happened, but still said nothing. “But instead, you meekly hoped another would not come.”

“Tori… you’re right.” Asgore replied. “I am so sorry. But, don’t you think that at least we can be friends again.”

“No, not after what you did.”

Just then, another monster walked in, this one being a blue-skinned fish-like humanoid wearing a black tank-top, some jeans, boots, and an eyepatch over her left eye. She looked pretty determined to stop it all. “Asgore, human, nobody fight! Everybody’s going to be friends, or else I’ll, I’ll…”

“Hello, I’m Toriel.” Toriel said, looking at Undyne. “Are you the human’s friend? It is nice to meet you...”

“Uh… yeah…? Nice to meet you.” Undyne said with a grin before going to Asgore’s side and looking at him. “Hey, Asgore, is that your ex? Jeez, that’s rough, buddy.” A yellow lizard wearing a labcoat and glasses walked in.

“H-Hey! Nobody hurt each other!” Alphys said before pausing and looking at Toriel. “There’s two of them?” she said as she went by Undyne’s spot, Twilight found they were lovers.

Yet another monster came about, this one was a skeleton like Sans, only he was taller and wore some kind of suit. “Hey! Nobody fight anyone!” Papyrus said with a bold look of confidence as he stood proud and tall. “If anyone fights anyone, then I’ll… have to… ask Undyne for help!” The fish monster only facepalmed.

Just then, Sans himself walked. “Sup guys.” he said in his usual, lazy tone. “I heard that were are gathering here. I bet it is gonna be a SKELE-TON of fun.”

“SANS!” Papyrus said, annoyed by the shorter one’s pun.

“That voice!” Toriel said.

“Hold on, you know each other?” Twilight asked.

“Eh, some of us do and some do not, it’s a mixed situation.” Sans said.

“True to that.” Toriel then looked at Papyrus. “And you must be Papyrus. Your brother has told me a lot about you…”

“Wowie! I can’t believe Asgore’s clone knows who I am!” Papyrus responded, with Twilight almost about to facehoof in response. “This is the best day of my life!”

“Hey, Papyrus? What does a skeleton tile his roof with?” Toriel asked.

“Um, snow-proof roof tiles?” he answered. Both Twilight and Spike took note that this is going to be a joke.

“No, silly. A skeleton tiles his roof with… SHIN-gles!”

Twilight let out a quiet snicker as Spike burst into laughter, mainly at the look on Papyrus’s face at the joke rather than the joke itself. “I CHANGED MY MIND! THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!”

Meanwhile, Undyne and Alphys were confronting a saddened Asgore. “Come on, Asgore. It’s gonna be okay! There’s plenty of fish in the sea…” Undyne said before awkwardly looking at her hands. “No pun intended.”

“Yeah, Asgore!” Alphys cheered. “Undyne’s right. Sometimes you just gotta dig deep and find your true soulmate, like me and Undyne.”

“Well, I think it’s a good analogy.” Undyne said.

Just then, a robot went in: a rectangular figure with two cartoonish arms that is comically supported by a wheel. His face was just a bunch of pixels in a square. “Undyne, Alphys, would you just smooch already!? The audience is dying for some romantic action.” Mettaton said in a robotic, slightly scratchy voice as he went into the crowd.

A ghost wearing a set of headphones floated in along with the robot. “I am normally not a big fan of crowded areas, but, I was curious about what would happen.” Napstablook stated as he floated towards Mettaton’s side. “Um, Papyrus, if you don’t mind answering, how did you know how to call everybody, including me, for that manner?” he asked.

“Let’s just say…” Papyrus said, squinting through his eye sockets. “A tiny flower helped me…”

Just then, vines erupted from the ground and strangled anyone in reach, Twilight escaped by propelling herself upward with her wings. Napstablook wasn’t strangled, due to being a ghost himself. Twilight slowly propelled herself down, seeing eight people, including Frisk, being entrapped by the vines. Twilight found a flower pop out of the ground, smiling.

“Oh ho ho. This is very interesting for an ending.” Flowey said as he looked at the crowd before him. Undyne and Papyrus were struggling, Sans’s eyes were empty, Alphys had a devastated look, Toriel and Asgore looked shocked, Mettaton’s face pixels were flashing in different colors, and Frisk was just plain confused.

“Wait, Flowey, why are you targeting me?” Frisk asked.

“Silly Frisk, once I saw these two, I began to wonder about them, and the gears in my head turned. While you-” Flowey ducked to avoid a blast from Twilight’s horn and looked straight at her and Spike with that smug smirk still on his face. “Uh uh uh… If you attempt to tear my vines off, then my vines snap their necks, think about your decision.”

The aura around Twilight’s horn faded as she slowly went to the ground. “Why am I here in this place, you may ask? Well, allow me to tell you the whole story.” Flowey then flashed back to how it all began. “You see, the human had this ability to reset time, DETERMINATION that even exceeded my own spare DETERMINATION. Now, of course, I had to take the little goober into my own matters, after all, I told then it was kill or be killed.”

“That’s ludikris! Everyone here is so kind!” Twilight said.

“That’s the point. That IDIOT refused to kill, but during some of those runs, they did it to everyone in the Underground.” Twilight’s mouth dropped to the ground, and so did Spike’s.

“But, they would never do that!” Spike yelled. “They bandaged me and fed Twilight!”

“I know. You see, they weren’t excatly… themselves, as you would put it.”

“What was it? Possession? Curse? Trauma? What are you talking about!?” Twilight demanded.

“It was more of the latter two. You see, my old sib- an old friend’s spirit resided within the tyke’s body, and after a run almost excatcly like this one, without you, of course, my old friend took a hold on Frisk, and controlled their body like a puppet! They kept on torturing us over and over and over and over again! And for what?”

Twilight gasped, and so did Spike. Never had the villains they encountered when they were still living in Equestria came that far. Nightmare Moon only wanted Equestria to see the wonders of the night sky, Discord was just a mere jokester, Chrysalis only wanted to feed her subjects and fellow changelings, Sombra only wanted to use them, Tirek kept them alive because he only wanted their magic, Starlight only wanted everyone to be below her, Styagin was just consumed by darkness, the Storm King wanted to rule Equestria, and Cozy Glow, while she didn’t know much about her, was certain she would never kill.

This being that Flowey described, was beyond that, and using Frisk’s body as a vessel to kill everybody over and over again made them even more psychotic and evil, making the villains she fought seem like saints in comparison. “Luckily, for whatever reason, they have been defeated, but at the cost of Frisk’s ability to RESET. So, I let them have their little fun before I showed up, and then, you did…” he said with a laugh.

Of course, the two were standing completely still. “While you were having your little pow-wow of yours, I took the human SOULs! And like that previous run, I will add every single monster into the equation! And just to make things interesting, Frisk’s SOUL will also be added into the recipe.” Flowey laughed. “So come at me, ‘heroes’.” he sneered.

He then looked a bit deadpanned when he saw their paralyzed faces. “Huh, maybe you just need a little bit more ENCOURAGEMENT!” Flowey laughed as he shot friendliness pellets at the almost paralyzed duo, knocking them downward. At first, the bullets hit them, but before the last round could finish them off, a ring of white fireballs blocked the advance of the seeds.

The defender was Toriel, who was the first one to speak. “Don’t be afraid…” Toriel said with a smile as she looked at them. “No matter what, we will always be there to protect you.”

Twilight and Spike felt a rush of something… strange, flowing into their veins. A word formed for this strange feeling. It was… DETERMINATION! Flowey went to attack them again, but he was blocked by a bone and a spear. Once again, DETERMINATION flowed through his victims.

“That’s right, you can win!” Papyrus said. “I believe in you!”

“Hey, I know this sounds a bit crazy, but, you are our only hope! But don’t worry, we’ll be with you all this way!” Undyne said.

Sans was the fourth to respond. “Kiddos, you haven’t beaten this guy yet? Come on, you have a lot of magic at your hands, so this weirdo’s got nothing on you!” By then, Twilight was slowly standing up, able to hold Spike’s weight a little higher, with the dragon’s wounds seemingly closing off due to the DETERMINATION that kept the two going.

Flowey attempted once more, but was blocked by lightning and some blocks. “It would technically be impossible for you to beat him, but deep down, I know you can do it!”

“Darlings, you haven’t taken this guy down, yet.” Mettaton said. “If the situation wasn’t too brief, I would’ve tried to compose a cheer for you, but, I’m here too.”

“Yeah, so am I…” Nasptablook said.

“Pony… dragon… For the future of us all, you have to stay determined!” Asgore cheered.

Frisk only smirked. “Remember that last run Flowey mentioned? I was there, and everyone cheered on for me. Now, I am rooting for you. I don’t know how you would do this, and I am pretty sure that I won’t remember this one in the end, but I know you’ve got this!”

More monsters of many different kinds came up, cheering for Twilight and Spike, who were standing straight up, going into fighting positions against Flowey. “No… NO! I cannot believe this is happening!” Frisk knew he was obviously faking it, and the pony and dragon knew what was happening as well. “I can’t believe you are all so S T U P I D…”

“ALL OF YOUR SOULS ARE MINE!” he roared as everyone, even ghosts, writhed in shock as they felt themselves being absorbed.

“Now it’s your turn to be the heroes…” Frisk’s voice said as everything went white.

<Insert Phantom Ruby sound here>

When Twilight regained her sight, she saw Spike with her, all injuries healed, and they were in some sort of… strange black area. They only other occupant was a child who had a significant resemblance to Asgore and Toriel. The being then looked and his hands and spoke. “After all this time… I was so tired of the same cycle over and over again, and I am so tired of being that flower…” he said.

“What is going on?” Spike asked.

“I have no idea.” Twilight replied.

The creature turned around to reveal his cute, adorable face. This has to be who Flowey really was in the past, but how? Why? Why didn’t he choose another form. The only vialable answer was that he was turned into a flower somehow. "As for who I am? I am..."

Suddenly, in a flash of light, the goat monster transformed. He looked older, that's for sure, but Twilight knew that would not be what he would look like. Both Asgore and Toriel were bulky in nature, and this guy was thin and slevete, and lacked the mane that Asgore had. He wore a robe similar to Toriel's, but had pauldrons like Asgore's. He also wore some sort of heart locket around him.


The letters appeared one by one for whatever weird reason.

Author's Note:

Oh, I just wanted to be a little interesting. I wanted to show everybody just how much of a friend that Twilight and Spike could actually be, even in the face of a god like Asriel.

Also, I wanted to throw a curveball at you guys.