• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 2,402 Views, 29 Comments

UnderTwi - Cipher800

Nearing the end of the True Pacifist Run, Frisk finds Twilight and Spike, who were exiled for something the former never did.

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New Home: New Life

All Frisk could feel was something stiff. It felt like they hurt their head that first time they fell down Mount Ebott. The last thing they remembered was Twilight, Spike, them, and eight monsters talking to one another, and- wait. They didn’t remember it, but they knew that they did it. “You… you did it…” they said as they got up. The barrier was gone, judging by the fact that a way out was now visible.

Napstablook, Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Asgore were standing around them, and they saw Twilight and Spike lying unconscious, and the latter groaned as they both got up, with Twilight stretching like a cat, spreading her wings as her cramped joints gave satisfying pops. “Oh, you’re awake! Thank goodness!” Frisk said as they ran up to them and put them into a hug.

“Wait, where’s Asriel?” Twilight said as she and Spike looked around, electing the attention of both the king and the former queen.

“You two know our deceased son, but how?” Asgore asked.

“Um… I’m right here… I guess…” Asriel literally walked out of the darkness. He looked at his parents with a shy look and quietly waved a hand.

“Our deceased child, how is this possible?” Toriel said in shock before she and Asgore darted towards him and grabbed him in a hug. “It’s a miracle…”

“My son, you’re back… it’s been four hundred years…” Asgore said with tears in his eyes.

“Ugh, nearly can’t breathe here.” Asriel said, electing them to soften the hug. “And it’s good to be back, guys.”

“Wowie, I can’t believe Asgore and Toriel had a son!” Papyrus added. “Everyone, let's celebrate with spaghetti!”

“I think I’ll pass, bro.” Sans said as he walked towards the throne room. “I’ll meet you at the surface soon.”

“Isn’t he going the wrong way?” Spike asked.

“He’s just taking a shortcut.” Frisk replied. “He’ll be there.”

“Well, what are we waiting for, darlings? The next spotlight’s just ahead.” Mettaton said as he moved towards the direction of was presumably sunlight. Napstablook followed his cousin shortly afterwards, not saying anything.

“Well, I guess we should go up there now.” Asriel stated. “Mom, Dad, are you ready?” Both nodded at the statement, and the Dreemurr family, including Frisk, went towards the direction of the light.

“See ya at the surface.” Frisk said.

Undyne and Alphys were next to go, they were talking to themselves about how the surface would be like and what impression they should do with the humans, leaving Papyrus being the only other person in the room. “Well, if anything, I should be going now. Knowing Sans, he’s probably there by now.” And with that, Papyrus walked towards the direction of the surface.

This left Twilight and Spike as the only other ones in the room. “Twilight, do you feel like you’re ready to go now?” Spike asked. Twilight turned over to him.

“As ready as I’ll ever be…” Twilight said. “Are you ready?”

“Sure…” Spike replied. He somehow felt healed, and looked under his shirt to find out that the bandages were still there. He took them off to find that his back was healed. He still did not have his wings, but, this body’s better than nothing. “Twilight, I think I can walk on my own now.” Spike said as he began moving towards the surface.

Twilight began to follow her former assistant. They went past the final door and into a bright light behind it, where they covered their eyes until they reached the surface, where everyone was gazing at the sunset. “Oh my, I never thought I could get to see the sun again…” Toriel said in amazement as she saw the bright ball of light setting below the horizon.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, everyone?” Asgore asked.

“Wow, it’s even better than on TV.” Alphys said. “WAY better! Better than I imagined!”

“That, I have to admit.” Mettaton replied. “In all my years of performing, I never had seen something this dazzling.”

“Frisk, you live with this?” Undyne asked as she looked at the young child. “The sunlight is so nice, and the air is so fresh! I really feel alive.”

“Yeah, I lived with it.” Frisk replied as they smiled.

“Sans, what is that giant ball of light in the sky?” Papyrus asked.

“We call that ‘the sun’, my friend…” Sans said.

“That’s the sun!? Wowie! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting the sun!” Papyrus cheered.

“Hey guys.” Twilight said as she and Spike came into view. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Indeed. I could stand here on the mountain and watch this for hours.” Asgore answered.

“Yes, it is beautiful, is it not?” Toriel replied.

“Mom, Dad, we really should get going.” Asriel insisted. “I highly doubt that this sunset’s gonna last forever.”

“Oh, right.” Asgore said. “Everyone, this is the beginning for a bright new future for each and every one of us…” He then turned to Twilight and Spike. “Twilight, Spike, I hope that you find happiness here, in an era of peace between humans and monsters…”

“Will do, chief!” Twilight said, going onto her back legs and saluting, mainly because she was feeling a little silly after the whole Asriel ordeal.

“But, there is still something else that needs to be done.” Asgore said. “We need an ambassador to the humans.”

“I’ll go.” Frisk said as they stepped forward.

“And I, the Great Papyrus, will be the best mascot!” Papyrus said in a proud manner as he began to scale down the mountain. “I’ll go make a good first impression.”

“Man, do I have to do EVERYTHING! Papyrus, wait!” Undyne yelled out as she ran towards the same direction that Papyrus was heading.

“Hey!! Undyne!! Wait up!” Alphys said as she ran towards the same direction.

“Welp, it looks like they are more than eager to meet them.” Sans said as he went to the opposite way. “See ya on the other side.”

Mettaton looked at the sun, and then at the remaining people. “Welp, I guess that I should be going right about now.” He then went down the mountain, with Napstablook following shortly afterwards, leaving Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Frisk, Twilight, and Spike on the summit.

“Whoops.” Asgore said, electing the attention of Twilight and Spike.

“Whoops what?” Twilight asked.

“I just thought there was something that I needed to do.” he replied before looking towards the city in the distance. “I think I might be going to keep them in check.” he joked as he calmly walked down the mountain.

When he was gone, Toriel looked into the distance. “Frisk, this is your world, right? You surely have somewhere to go, right?”

“Actually, I’m an orphan.” Frisk stated. “I never really knew my parents, and I was effectively homeless after a storm had arrived. The mountain was my only source of shelter.”

Toriel gave off a protective yet calm look at them, and simply chuckled. “Frisk, you are a funny person. If you had said that earlier, none of this would have happened. I guess fate works in weird and mysterious ways.” Toriel said. “Well… I suppose that if you do not have any place to go, then I will do my best to take care of you.” Toriel said as she grabbed Frisk’s hand and began to walk them towards the base.

“I’ll meet you down there, mom, I just need to talk to Twilight and Spike some.” Asriel said.

“Okay, don’t take too long…” Toriel said before resuming their walk, leaving three more people left on the summit.

Asriel just dusted his shirt and spoke. “Um, so, this is new to me, but, Mom said that fate works in mysterious ways, and I guess that it may have been destiny all this time.” Asriel said as he looked out into the sun.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked as she looked at him.

“Well, I thought about it some after we went to the surface, and I came to realize that the reason that I was able to RESET and LOAD before Frisk arrived was that Chara’s SOUL was still inside me. If I was truly soulless as a flower, then, I wouldn’t be able to feel any form of emotion, and, I never really realized it until recently.” Asriel put a hand over his heart, which was beating at a good pace. “If I had never died, then it would be highly unlikely that monsters would have been free this soon.” Asriel explained as he looked towards them.

“Let’s go scaling down the mountain, Mom is probably worried about me right now.” he said as the other two nodded, and all three of them began going down the mountain. “I know about how you might be feeling now that you are exiled from your homeland and can never come back, but we have your backs.”

“Thanks.” Twilight said. "But, as for where Spike and I are staying, we have thought that staying with you and Frisk would probably be a good choice." she explained as they found their feet on grass.

Asriel smiled at that comment. "Thanks for telling me this. Frisk and I will love your company." he said as they all went down the mountain and continued walking on their way. For Twilight and Spike, they smiled as well. They thought that many things would happen to them. First, Twilight was accused of murdering her parents, and put on an unfair trial with false witnesses, those being their former friends before being whisked away.

They thought about the world and how it treated them, Frisk especially. They helped Spike with his injuries and Twilight get back on their feet. Both guessed that Toriel was right about fate working in strange ways. Twilight thought about it and looked at the dragon by her side. Spike was the only one who defended her when she needed it the most, and she was grateful when he came with her. But then, Twilight shook those thought out, and they soon went to the forest, ready to encounter a brand new life just waiting for them both.

Author's Note:

Alright, so, that's the end of the New Home Arc.

Now, this next arc will focus on many things, such as the arrival of the monsters into the city in the distance and Twilight and Spike learning some things about the new world that they wound up in after their exile.