• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 2,402 Views, 29 Comments

UnderTwi - Cipher800

Nearing the end of the True Pacifist Run, Frisk finds Twilight and Spike, who were exiled for something the former never did.

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New Home: Hopes and Dreams

Something weird went on, and not just that the flower have mored into the goat creature resembling Asgore and Toriel that was standing before them. A strange aura began permeating into the background. “Okay, what just happened?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, but look out!” Spike said, pointing towards the letters, which were hurling straight at them. Twilight jumped to the left, and Spike to the right.

“Spike, quick, get on my back. I think that we will be better off in this fight if we stick together.” Twilight said as the dragon nodded and saddled up. A fireball went towards their direction, and Spike countered it with his own fireball, which, thankfully, wasn’t lost along with his wings, and it went out in a whitish-green explosion. “Uh oh.” Twilight said as she and Spike saw Asriel charge towards them, a sword in each hand. Twilight leapt towards the side as the former flower struck the ground with the sword. He attempted to get them again, but once again went in the same results, but then, something happened.

“Twilight! We’re running out of ground!” Spike said as they saw the circle of ground left shrank, and Twilight saw this and went aloft with her wings. “What is this guy?” he said as the background morphed into a rainbow-colored vortex and Asriel took flight.

“You know, I don’t care that this is the ‘final run’ anymore…” Asriel stated as he lifted his arms and disappeared into nothingness. Stars began hurling towards them.

“Spike! You better duck.” Twilight stated as her former assistant complied, just in time for a star to hurl right above them. She looked to see it explode into several smaller ones. “This can’t be good.” It took her agility and keeping Spike on her back as the starry barrage kept coming, but thankfully, Asriel resurfaced, causing them to stop.

“Or the fact that you are here. With Frisk out of the way, this’ll be cake!” Asriel readied a gunlike object and teleported behind Twilight.

“Twilight!” Spike yelled as Twilight turned around to see a barrage of bullets advance towards them and quickly flew upwards. That is, until a massive beam hit them. But they somehow have came out with no scars. It hurt, but not too much.

“Once I deal with you, there will be no stopping me from resetting everything!” Asriel once again disappeared into the void, but this time, lightning shot down. Fortunately, they were able to react to it, and Twilight flew up to avoid one, went to the side for another, and did a barrel roll to go in between a grid. Asriel manifested once again. “And the best part is that you are fresh meat! And not just chronologically, the same old cycle was getting a little bit predictable lately, either kill or spare. Let’s try something new, shall we?” Asriel’s hands shot out as he summoned a trident of red hue. He had learned this from his father, but he was never really strong enough to do so.

Twilight was quick and dodged Asriel, who aimed to impale them. The God of Hyperdeath looked towards them and threw his trident at them, and Twilight dodged to the side, but she and Spike were caught by the advance of fireballs. “Heh, all this time with the human in charge of the timeline made me a bit bored. But with you guys around, there might be something new for me after all.” Asriel disappeared into the background once more, and stars began raining down once more. And once again, Twilight dodged them. “I have seen nearly every outcome in this universe, and never have I thought that you would show up.

Once again, the fireballs continued their advance, and this time, more red tridents were manifesting in the background. Twilight readied her shield to block the upcoming advance of tridents. Spike looked to see something blocklike heading their way and spat a fireball at it to destroy it. “Heh, I’ve got to say, you are impressive, but don’t get too cocky, Because in a short while, I will not hit so hard, will I?”

Asriel once again readied his sabers, and this time, he slashed at them. Twilight leapt to the side on the first one, and flew upwards on the second one. Asriel teleported upwards and readied his sabers, but Twilight blocked it with her shield, or, attempted to. The swords broke through the shield, and Twilight and Spike got hit, forcing them down, but, there was solid yet invisible ground there. Asriel forced them apart and set up a force field. “So, let’s see how long you’ll last while separated, huh?” Asriel stated, readying his powers.

Spike, despite being chubby, was surprisingly nimble, and managed to run fast enough to dodge the lightning bolts that came, it was pretty impressive. But when stone blocks began falling off, Spike began shooting fireballs at them, causing them to explode.

Meanwhile, on Twilight’s side, she manuvered around the fire and spinning tridents that had permeated the area doing flips, dives, and barrel rolls just to avoid them. Asriel summoned blue spears, and Twilight readied her shield, deflecting them back.

“You still are trying to find a way together? Huh, unlike those traitors, you know, you two must be true friends to the end, huh? Really, I’m not mocking you, honest! But enough about mocking and traitors, it’s time I begin on my work!” Asriel moved his head side to side as he dissapeared into the background once more, and so did the force field.

“Twilight!” Spike said as he jumped towards Twilight. At first, they thought it was over, but they heard the sound of cackling laughter. They both looked to see a giant goat skull begin sucking everything in. “Run! Or fly, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah.” Twilight said as she took flight. The Hyper Goner began sucking everything into its vicinity, and giant asteroids began to go into its direction. “Oh my,” she said as she began flying at speeds she thought were impossible just to dodge asteroids, then planets, then stars and eventually, entire galaxies before everything went white.

In a flash of light, it was back to the rainbow vortex, and Twilight fell down onto the invisble floor, with Spike falling off of her back. Asriel landed onto the ground, looking at them as he strolled towards them. “I have to say, I’m impressed. For someone who showed up right in the vicinity of the final run, you know how to handle this, but don’t get cocky. I’ve been toying with you up until this point.” Asriel began levitating off of the ground. “Let’s see what your newfound DETERMINAION will do against this!”

Suddenly, everything went white again, and the next thing Twilight and Spike knew was that they were standing stiff and couldn’t move, and Asriel has changed into a winged form with no legs, similar to the symbol on his and Toriel’s robes. “Ura ha ha ha! Goodness gracious, the power of eight human SOULs is incredible!” He said while raising his hands, and in one fell swoop, slashed at them, knocking them back. “There’s no saving you NOW!”

Twilight went up in a look of defeat. “Welp, Spike, this is it for us. Guess our suffering really was inevetable.” she said as she began shedding tears. “WHY DID IT HAVE TO END UP LIKE THIS TO BEGIN WITH!”

Spike looked at the Angel of Death, and, from within his chest heart, he saw something glisten against the black and white being. “Twilight! Get a grip! So maybe we can’t save ourselves now! That doesn’t mean we should die in vain!”

“But what is there to die for?” she said as she shed some more tears.

“Don’t give up just yet!” Spike yelled. “All this time, you motivated me to become as productive and helpful as I was, and now, you just give UP! Not me!” Spike darted his eyes straight into Asriel’s as he shot up. Twilight could sense something resonating within her former assistant, and, she began to feel it within her as well. “So what if we cannot save ourselves in this! He absorbed presumably every soul in the Underground, right?”

“Yes…” Twilight said sadly. “What for?”

“Maybe, just maybe, we could save everyone else within him. The souls are probably still dormant in there, they just need a push!”

Twilight looked to Spike, and to the gleaming spot within Asriel. “Spike, let’s give this thing of yours a try, shall we? You really helped me get back up. All this time, we had support to back us up, and not just the rest of the former bearers and Starlight. We have each other to support one another. Where they didn’t help me, YOU did it! You represent the Elements even more than any of us, including me! And seeing that, I’m sure it wouldn’t end to well.”

“Probably with disaster.” Spike joked. “Frisk told us about them. I may not think that it is enough to save them…”

“...but we’re sure that will do.” Twilight said confidently as Spike got firmly onto her back again. "Now, let's save the world and save it together!"