• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 2,402 Views, 29 Comments

UnderTwi - Cipher800

Nearing the end of the True Pacifist Run, Frisk finds Twilight and Spike, who were exiled for something the former never did.

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New Home: Asriel Dreemurr

Asriel just looked at Twilight as she and Spike ran towards him. “Wait, what in blazes are they doing now!?” He then looked towards the glowing spot in the SOUL. “NO! They’re after the lost souls! I will not give my power up so soon, or ever, for that matter!” He then raised his arms and readied his energies, causing powerful rainbow fireballs to disperse and hurl towards them.

Twilight didn’t stop, and continued galloping. Even as the fireballs hit, some strange force had protected both of them. He couldn’t believe it. He was practically five-dimensional in his current state of being, yet they just kept on coming, dodging nearly every fireball that he threw at them, and what little hit were blocked by a shield.

Their combined DETERMINATION kept them going, and sooner than later, they attempted to grab the shining light within the SOUL, and in a flash of light, things have changed.

Asriel was gone, and in his place in the void, Frisk stood, facing their back towards them in an eerie manner. “Frisk?” Spike asked, looking at the human child. Twilight slowly walked to touch them, but then, Frisk moved at lightning speed and attempted to stab them. Both saw that their face was blurred by white blocks.

The Lost Soul then spoke. “I have no friends…” the said as they attempted to stab them again.

“What’s wrong with them?” Spike asked.

“They are under Flowey’s/Asriel’s thrall.” Twilight said as Spike dodged another blow from the knife. “Frisk? Don’t you remember us? It’s me, Twilight, and right here is Spike.”

“I am just another useless orphan…” Twilight blocked another attack, just in time as the lost child was about to slice her.

“Frisk, you had helped us when we needed it the most. See!” Spike unveiled his shirt to reveal the bandages wrapped around his torso. “You had taken care of my wounds when I could not fly anymore.”

“And you had fed me that pie of yours.” Twilight said as she and Spike ducked the next strike before going back. The Lost Soul grew static, as if they were trying to remember something from the past. “And you DO have friends, and not just Spike and I. You must have spent centuries reliving the past, trying to figure out something to save everyone.”

The Lost Soul tried to attack, but something was blocking it. The dagger and the white blur were slowly fading. Slowly, the Frisk they knew resurfaced, smiling at them before hugging the pony and the dragon. “Thanks, guys. I never thought it was in you.” Frisk said.

“You’re welcome, Frisk.” Spike said as he and Twilight hugged back.

“But that still leaves millions of you to save, but how?” Twilight asked. “And there’s the fact that we barely know one another. And-” Frisk put a finger over her muzzle.

“I barely knew them, too.” Frisk said. “Even after all these RESETS and LOADS, it feels as if it was the first time I fell into the Underground. Why? I do not know? How? I do not know that either.” Frisk then pat a hand over their heart. “ In this state, I cannot do a thing about the crisis going on outside, but, I’ll let you in on something.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t listen to your head in situations where you have to save people that barely know you just by memories, but instead listen to your heart.” Frisk said. “Asriel may be infinitely powerful in this state, but what he can’t stop is the saving of Lost Souls. It is kind of like a chain reaction and-” Just then, the background began to distort as Twilight and Spike began to glow white. “Hurry! He’s kicking you out! You just need to save four pairs!”

“What about us, what about you?” Spike asked.

“I’ll be fine. You go help the others out. And then, save-” They didn’t get to finish that sentence as Asriel threw them out. Asriel looked at them angrily, but the pony and dragon got up and dashed into the SOUL once again.

Meanwhile, Frisk looked out at the two, smiling. Within the depths of the SOUL, something was resonating. Frisk then sat down as they watched Twilight and Spike resurface along with a group of Lost Souls, that being Napstablook and Mettaton. At first, they were a little bit sloppy with trying to save them, but they remembered what Frisk told them, and began to try and make them remember.

“Um, thanks, I suppose… Hooray…” Napstablook said.

“It’s your time to shine in the finale, darling.” Mettaton cheered.

Strange. That was shorter than they anticipated, but soon, they began to ponder back into why it was them that Flowey chose. Frisk knew it was their last run, but they then looked back to them. Flowey gave them a bit of an explanation, but Frisk thought that it was only the tip of the iceberg. Maybe it was because it was the final run, and Flowey knew that with them out of the picture, there would be no stopping him from whatever goal he is wanting.

“Well, some humans are okay, I guess, and you are, too.” Undyne said.

“No, that’s not true! My friends like me, and I like you, too.” Alphys said.

As they began reaching in for the Lost Souls, Frisk began to wonder how they did it so easily and why it was. Maybe, they were giving it a try. They smiled at that. True to what they had told them, it was like a chain reaction. Slowly, they were going through the four duos that had shown up when Flowey showed up. They couldn’t do a thing about it, but, they knew that something was resonating within the two.

“No, wait!! You’re my friends! I can never capture you!” Papyrus yelped.

“Nah, I’m rooting for you two. Knock ‘em dead, friends.” Sans praised.

Slowly, more and more Lost Souls began resonating within Asriel’s SOUL, and it was slowly coming into shape. Frisk then thought about it, and maybe she was the Princess of Friendship for a reason, and not just some cheesy title. Maybe there was something that not even their former friends knew about them? It puzzled Frisk as to why they were able to save everyone so easily, but, they shrugged, and kept on watching as it all happened. Will they forget what the two did? Probably, probably not. But they would know they did it either way.

“Your fate is up to you, now go!” Toriel cheered.

“You are our future!” Asgore said.

Meanwhile, they just got thrown out again. Twilight and Spike looked to see that everyone was saved in a spontaneous chain reaction, just as Frisk told them. But, there was one person left that needed to be saved. But who.



“Huh? What?” Asriel said before a couple images came flashing in their heads. Asriel immediately knew what was going on. It was his memories of helping Chara get back onto his/her feet, and the SOULs trapped within his SOUL began resonating. “No, NO! This cannot be happening! IT CANNOT!”

Asriel attempted to strike them, but he got a strange feeling within him. “I DO NOT NEED ANYBODY, DO YOU HEAR ME!? I’LL TEAR YOUR HEADS AND LIMBS OUT!” That was just an empty threat, and even he knew it. Tears began flowing through his eyes. “DON’T YOU KNOW ANYTHING IN YOUR MINDS… about… about anything!”

“We just did what came to our hearts.” Twilight stated. “You need to know that, too.”

“Grrr… why I keep fighting you… is special… it’s, it’s, IT’S NOT THAT!” Asriel’s fire attacks began avoiding them for some reason. “It’s just that, it’s just… GAH! Now you’ve got me mixed up, RAUGH!” Asriel attempted to swipe at them with his claws, but they managed to dodge on the last second. “I’m not ready for everything to end. I do not want to become that flower again! I do not want to leave.”

He went for an even harder blow, but again, they dodged and saved once more. “So just stop doing this and just LET ME WIN!!!” He readied a massive beam of energy, wanting with all his heart that it will be over. “JUST STOP! STOP! I SAID STOP THIS! Just… stop…” Asriel then collapsed to the floor as his wings shattered. “Just… please… stop…”

In a flash of light, Asriel was back into his form as a child, crying on the floor. “Just please stop, I’m sorry.” The other two beings looked at him before Spike went off of Twilight’s back and they both began to pull Asriel up, and then he sniffled as he looked at them. “I was always a crybaby, wasn’t I?” Asriel asked himself before drawing his attention to Twilight and Spike as he sighed before putting a hand over his heart. “I haven’t felt an emotion such as caring and empathy for over four hundred years, chronologically, that is.”

“What, were those?” Spike asked before Asriel put a hand in front of him.

“Yes, my memories.” Asriel said as he got up. “I was not always that flower. The form you see before you is my true form. As a flower, I lacked a SOUL, I lacked the emotions needed to care about others, or so I thought.” Asriel said as he looked down on himself to see a dark red human SOUL in his hands that was slowly becoming brighter.

“Whose is that?”

“Chara’s.” Asriel said. “I never really had any friends as a child, but that day changed when my adoptive sibling, Chara, fell down. They were a colonist from England, arivving in the region the mountain was in around 1650 AD on the Gregorian Calendar. Chara’s birth parents were deeply religious, and they never really agreed to their beliefs, and were harshly treated because of that, and eventually abandoned.”

“Hey, just because someone is different doesn't mean that they should be treated differently from the rest of everyone!” Twilight spoke up.

“That, I agree with, but back to the story. My family, well, Mom, Dad, and I were at our private retreat in the Ruins, when all of the sudden, Chara fell down. Of course, we would never kill a child, and we adopted them into the family.”

“Well, that still doesn’t explain why you were a flower all of the sudden.” Spike said.

“I’m getting to that. Chara wasn’t very good with everything, the only person they really trusted was me, which came to their plan. They have never seen plumbing or electrical appliances before they fell, and they obviously never had baked a pie before, and they mistook the butter and cups part for buttercups.”

“Yikes, that had to hurt!” Twilight yelped as she leapt back in surprise.

“Believe me, buttercup poisoning is not a pretty picture. You would vomit and grow boils that would literally explode before you die! But to them, it was worth it. They said that I would collect six other SOULs, when in reality, they just wanted to get back at the colony that was just established. Due to how they were abused, Chara was unable to feel empathy towards others, and, it carried on within me.” Asriel began shedding tears. “We fought over control over the body, and I fled back to the mountain. The last thing I remembered before being turned into a flower was my dust flying everywhere.”

“That’s flat-out TERRIBLE! You didn’t deserve it!” Twilight spoke out.

“But, what happens when you release everyone? Will you become a flower again?” Spike replied, a bit worried about Asriel.

“I don’t know. At first, I thought I would turn into a flower again, but with Chara’s SOUL still in my body, I think I still might have a chance, but I’m not really sure. Now, their SOUL can now give off compassion, and not only do I have my compassion back, but I can feel the emotions of every human and monster SOUL inside me. They really like you, even if it was just a few seconds before I, well…”

Asriel thought for a second before opening his eyes. “Us monsters are weird. Even though we barely know why you are, we all love you like a family member. I wish it could’ve been the same with what happened back in Equestria.” Asriel said. “With an immense power that is equal to eight human SOULs, I can see into different worlds.”

“Well, what’s happening at Equestria?” Twilight asked. She did not want to go back there anymore, but she was curious about how everything’s turning out.

“Well, I can show it to you, it’s really sad.” Asriel said as he materialized a giant rectangle that began to show what was happening. Twilight and Spike gasped as Ponyville was set ablaze as its inhabitants were starting to fight and KILL one another. “Without you to fend off this great threat, Grogar and Sombra have struck at the same time, and they have just killed your former friends and are fighting each other to the death.”

He then closed the window. “I guess it really is too dangerous for us now.” Twilight said as she thought about it. “You don’t want us to go, do you?”

“None of us do. You don’t wanna go, I don’t want you two to go. I cannot keep them inside me for much longer, and nine human SOULs can really help you see a lot. Now, with the power of the six fallen SOULs, Frisk’s SOUL, and every monster SOUL within me, it is time to break the barrier. Are you ready?”

“As ready as we’ll ever be…” Spike said.

“Okay then, it is finally time for monsters to be free!” Asriel then levitated up into the air as seven rainbow-colored hearts came out, followed by millions of white shapes that flew out like a cyclone, and soon, everything went white. The last thing that Twilight and Spike saw before passing out was a crack going up and splitting the white in two, revealing a dark black area with some white text.

The barrier is destroyed.

Author's Note:

Heh, today, the first episode of My Little Pony's final season has arrived.