• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,319 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 16

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna where not having the best day. The two princesses had given up on finding Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine being forced to accept them being captured by Starlight Glimmer. Now, they where in the strategy room being briefed on the latest update by Raven Inkwell on behalf of the military.

"The ratio of abduction has risen by a 15.66%." revealed Raven Inkwell worried.

Raven drew the attention of the royal sisters to a map of Equestria on the wall with red marks on it.

"Each mark indicates the location of an abduction." revealed Raven.

Raven pointed to a large cluster.

"The Dodge Junction/Appaloosa area still has the largest amount." said Raven.

"Have we made any progress in tracking down Starlight Glimmer?" asked Luna.

"I am afraid not." answered Raven.

"At this rate, there will be no ponies left to abduct." sighed Celestia.

"The military is requesting further actions." noted Raven.

"Like what?" asked Raven.

"They've been clashing with the sheriff and his "vigilance committee" over jurisdiction." answered Raven.

"You cannot mean..." began Luna.

"They are requesting martial law." confirmed Raven solemnly.

"So be it." sighed Celestia.

"Sister!" gasped Luna surprised.

"We have to do something. The area around Dodge Junction and Appaloosa will be designated a no - go zone under martial law." stated Celestia.

"The remaining ponies will not like that." noted Luna.

"It will not effect them." said Celestia.

Luna didn't know what her sister meant.

"Evacuate all of the ponies in Dodge Junction and Appaloosa to refugee camps until Starlight is defeated. The buffalo haven't been target, and we want them on our side, so leave them." ordered Celestia.

"You know this will be unpopular." warned Luna.

"So be it. I have to do what I believe is best for my citizens." answered Celestia.

The others where forced to accept it.

"At least Canterlot is safe...for now." said Luna.

"With the recent abduction of Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine, I don't think we can say that." lamented Celestia.

"The elite of Canterlot and the working class who live on the fringe of the city have taken notice." warned Raven.

"The opposite ends of the spectrum." mused Luna.

"The elite are worried about their safety...but more so about their privilege." said Raven dryly.

"Somethings will never change." sighed Celestia flatly.

"While the lower classes, are taking a positive interest." said Raven worried.

"How?!" asked Luna alarmed.

"Her talk of equality sounds really good to ponies at the bottom of the social hierarchy." answered Celestia stoic.

"The attacks on Canterlot ponies is also viewed by some with glee. Like these are revenge on the upper crust of society." added Raven.

"But, Starlight and Equalists have attacked innocent ponies at Dodge Junction and Appaloosa." noted Luna dumbfounded.

"That is holding some back..." began Raven.

Luna let out a sigh of relief.

"But, some are trying to justify these attacks as necessary to advance the cause." said Raven.

"Unbelievable!" declared Luna.

"I wish I could be as surprised." said Celestia mournfully.

"What do you mean?" asked Luna confused.

"Equestria might be seen as an oasis of friendship, but the reality is not the same. Poverty, inequality, oppression are all alive and well. I tries my best to remedy the situation, but my actions weren't enough." explained Celestia guilty.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door and it opened.

"Excuse me, your majesties." began Spearhead.

"Yes?" asked Celestia.

"Day court will be starting shortly." answered Spearhead.

"Raven..." began Celestia.

"There is nothing else to discuss." said Raven.

"Then let us go." said Celestia.

"I must go back to sleep." yawned Luna.

Meanwhile, it was another sunny day in Ponyville. The citizens of Ponyville where out and about enjoying the beautiful weather the pegasus ponies brought. The fact there hadn't been anything crazy happen since the Tantabus and they where enjoying this calm. Twilight and Sunset had stepped out to enjoy the day to. Hoping to get their mind's off Starlight, they where taking in a calm and relaxing day.

"This is such a gorgeous day!" declared Sunset jubilant.

"Yeah. We'll have to thank Rainbow Dash." agreed Twilight.

"So her ego will get even bigger." replied Sunset.

Twilight was going to respond she spotted Derpy up ahead.

"Wonder who she's delivering too." mused Sunset.

Derpy landed in front of a waiting Berry Punch.

"I got your letter!" declared Derpy.

Derpy handed the letter to Berry.

"Oh thank Celestia!" declared Berry.

Berry Punch ripped the envelope open and began reading quickly.

"Wow. I've never seen someone so happy to get mail." noted Derpy.

"It's from a cousin of mine. I wrote asking if they could take after Ruby Pinch and Pina Colada." explained Berry.

"You going somewhere?" asked Derpy.

"No. It's just...with all this Equalist madness. I want them to be safe." answered Berry.

Unknown to them, Twilight and Sunset had heard their conversation.

"Everypony is suffering because we can't stop Starlight." said Twilight.

"You know Berry. She's probably drunk." shrugged Sunset,

Twilight gave her marefriend a surprised look.

"Hey. I've got to try and cheer you up somehow." said Sunset defensive.

The two kept walking when they passed Vinyl and Octavia at a table. Neither saw Twilight or Sunset.

"i know my head isn't in the game. I'll get better." said Vinyl.

"Is Starlight Glimmer worrying you?" asked Octavia.

"Yeah." answered Vinyl flatly.

"She worries me as well." confessed Octavia.

Twilight was shaking.

"It'll be okay." whispered Sunset.

The two unicorns began walking.

"Twilight!" cried a familiar voice.

Lyra raced over to them Bon Bon behind her.

'Please...slow...down..." panted Bon Bon, catching up.

"Twilight, please tell me you found lemon hearts and Twinkleshine." begged Lyra desperate.

Twilight sadly hung her head.

"I'm afraid not."answered Sunset.

Lyra began getting choked up.

"It's okay. It'll all be okay." whispered Bon Bon.

"Twilight has had a hard time of it too." noted Sunset.

Lyra jumped onto Twilight bringing the princess in for a big hug.

"I know it's hard Lyra." whispered Twilight.

"Do you have any leads at least?" asked Bon Bon hopeful.

"Nothing." answered Sunset mournfully.

"First my old agency contacts and now them. It's true that no pony can find Starlight." thought Bon Bon troubled.

Lyra broke the hug.

"I can only shutter to think what Starlight is doing to them." mused Lyra sadly.

"Starlight isn't hurting them." said Sunset.

"Physically." whispered Bon Bon worried.

"But, she's ripping off their cutie marks and making them her mind controlled slaves!" cried Lyra.

Sunset noticed a crowd gathering.

"There really is no pony in Equestria that hasn't been effected." mused Sunset.

Suddenly, an idea hit Sunset Shimmer.

"I think we need a town hall forum to so we can come together and discuss the situation at hoof." said Sunset.

The others agreed.

"That's a great idea!" declared Twilight.

Sunset nodded.

"Spread the word and we'll clear things with the mayor." said Sunset.

The ponies jumped into action. Word spread and every pony gathered at town hall. Cranky, Matilda and Zecora also attended despite not being ponies. Sunset and Twilight went to Mayor Mare who loved the idea. Twilight and Sunset took the stage to see the town hall jammed packed with ponies. Cheerilee was also here as Zecora offered to watch the class outside while the meeting took place.

"Hello every pony. Now that you are here, we can begin." said Twilight.

"Is it true the Equalists have attacked ponies in Canterlot?!" asked Davenport worried.

"I am afraid so." answered Twilight solemnly.

This caused a panic.

"Please calm down! This only makes matters worse!" declared Sunset.

The crowd slowly died down.

"We know this is a scary time for everyone. That is why we are here." said Sunset.

"What can we do exactly?" asked Matilda.

"The Equalists aren't attacking non - ponies." stated Aloe.

"I don't even know why you showed up." added Lotus.

"Unless they're spies!" cried Roseluck horrified.

More yelling and fighting enveloped the room until Sunset silenced every pony with her magic.

"They are not spies! You where at their wedding not to long ago!" declared Sunset annoyed.

Twilight took a deep breath.

"Sunset and I have made the difficult decision to seal off the Everfree Forest to keep out any possible Equalists." revealed Twilight.

"But, what about our home?!" asked Matilda stunned.

"You two and Zecora will stay at Hay and Stay Inn." answered Twilight.

"What about you two?" asked Cranky.

"We are both very powerful and can handle an attack. We will be staying at the caste." answered Sunset.

"This a total double standard!" accused Cranky angrily.

More arguing followed until Sunset again used her magic to quiet every pony.

"I am sorry you feel that way. But, it's just a safety measure." said Sunset.

"Like Roseluck said, we haven't been targeted!" exclaimed Cranky bitterly.

"Please calm down." requested Matilda.

"Um, how are we gonna protect Ponyville?" asked Hayseed Turnip Truck.

"We are putting together a volunteer watch made up of all of you." answered Twilight.

"Let's do this!" cried Bulk Biceps excited.

Sunset and Twilight giggled.

"We're happy for the support." said Twilight.

"I'll do it too. Anything to protect my little brother." said Thunderlane.

Flithy Rich stood up.

"Speaking of, I speak for all the parents here when I ask how are we going to protect our young ones?" asked Filthy.

"As you know, education is important so we tried to find a good balance..." began Twilight.

"Thus, we will have a guard posted at the school during sessions." concluded Sunset.

This seemed to mollify the parents.

"Back to our volunteer guard, you will have badges to wear that identify you and you may question any pony you are not familiar with. I hate to make Ponyville so harsh to visitors, but right now we need to." explained Twilight.

"Princess Twilight and I will be in command so report to us. Do not try and take action into your own hooves." said Sunset.

"This is for your safety as much as anything." added Twilight.

"You will not be able to search ponies without probable or detain ponies. We need to keep things from getting out of control." noted Sunset.

"Report anything suspicious. If you see something, say something." said Sunset.

"Right." agreed Twilight, "Now..."

As the meeting continued, the fillies listened in from outside.

"Oh man, this Equalist thing is really serious." said Snips worried.

"Yeah. I've never seen the grown - ups so upset." agreed Snails.

Worry was present among all the children.

'Cutie Mark Crusaders, you have to help us." begged Pip Squeak.

"There's nothing we can do." noted Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah. This Starlight has is really strong." said Scootaloo worried.

"There you children are. I knew you could not have gotten far." said Zecora, walking over to them.

"Zecora, is everything going to be okay?" asked Apple Bloom worried.

"I do not know. Right now, we must hope so." answered Zecora.

The meeting lasted a bit longer before it adjourned for the day. Zecora watched the fillies leave and then headed back to her hut. The Zebra brewed potions and packed for her departure from her home. However, a noise outside caught her attention. Living in the Everfree Forest, Zecora was used to the creatures that lived there. However, this sound was getting closer and closer to her hut. Zecora popped her head out the door.

"is some pony out there?" asked Zecora, "If so then let me be aware."

There was nothing.

"I know those sounds I heard. Perhaps, it was only a bird." mused Zecora.

Zecora heard more rustling.

"I know some pony is here! I have no fear!" declared Zecora.

The noise suddenly ended.

"It seems they have fled. In that case, it is time that I go to bed." shrugged Zecora.

Zecora turned only to be bucked right in the face. The zebra hit the ground out cold.

"That was too easy." whispered Double Diamond.

Double Diamond entered the hut and began looking around.

"It has to be here somewhere." said Double Diamond.

Double Diamond ripped open a box and found what he was looking for.

"Bingo." said Double Diamond please.

Double Diamond too the prize and walked passed Zecora.

"Thank you for giving me this. Comrade Glimmer will be most pleased." said Double Diamond.

Double Diamond departed carrying the Alicorn Amulet with him.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end things for now. So, Celestia feels drastic measure needs to be taken. Any with my talk of martial law and camps, I eagerly await Alex Jones ranting about me on his garbage website. Also, I hope liked the town hall. And of course, now Starlight has the Alicorn Amulet in her clutches. Next time, the princesses face a backlash while twilight and Sunset investigate what happened to Zecora. And the Cutie Mark Crusaders get butt tattoos or something. Please review.