• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,319 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 5

It was almost here. The Grand Galloping Gala was the biggest gala in Equestria and it was close. As a princess, Twilight was of course going as where her friends. This included an excited Sunset Shimmer who couldn't contain herself.

"Somepony is excited." noted Twilight amused.

"I've never been to the Grand Galloping Gala before!" exclaimed Sunset jubilant.

"This is my second time..." began Twilight.

"Lucky." interrupted Sunset.

"Since I know what it's like, I know you'll love it." said Twilight.

"Yeah." agreed Sunset.

Twilight looked at the clock.

"We still have twenty minutes before we have to leave for the train." noted Twilight.

"I can't believe that Princess Celestia is letting us help set up." admitted Sunset.

"Especially after all that's happened." muttered Twilight solemnly.

"Twilight..." began Sunset.

"That reminds me, we have to bring those books I found in the castle." said Twilight.

Sunset knew what Twilight was doing, but decided to go along.

"Did you warn her about the dark magic books?" asked Sunset.

"Yes and she assures me they'll be locked away in the forbidden section of the archives." answered Twilight.

"So..." began Sunset.

"I'm not ready to talk about it yet." stated Twilight.

"I understand." said Sunset flatly.

Twilight left the room as Spike entered with the newspaper.

"Didn't the Crusaders say something about helping a pony named Trouble Shoes lately?" asked Spike.

"Yeah." answered Sunset.

"Apparently, he's gone missing." revealed Spike.

Sunset read over the article with worry.

"We cannot show this to Twilight." stated Sunset firmly.

The girls left for Canterlot with Spike. They arrived in the Equestrian capital and made their way to the palace. As expected, the palace was busy with ponies preparing for the Grand Galloping Gala. They bumped into Raven Inkwell who led them to Celestia. Celestia was in the throne room discussing decorations with Kibitz. Celestia welcomed the trio and filled them in on plans. Luckily, Twilight jumped into action with Spike. Raven and Kibitz where at her disposal too. They departed leaving Sunset and Celestia alone.

"Aren't you going to join Twilight?" asked Celestia curiously.

"Later. There's something we need to talk about first." answered Sunset.

"What would that be?" asked Celestia.

"The paper reported a pony named Trouble Shoes went missing lately..." began Sunset.

"And you think Starlight Glimmer is behind this." deduced Celestia.

"Exactly." confirmed Sunset.

"Alas, there is no way to know right now. No clues have been found." revealed Celestia.

"Has there been any sighting of Starlight or her Equalists?" asked Sunset concerned.

"I am afraid not." answered Celestia.

Celestia shook her head.

"We have looked all over Equestria and offered a bounty. Five hundred Bits for any Equalists, one thousand Bits for this Double Diamond and ten thousand Bits for Starlight Glimmer. Yet, no tips have come forward." explained Celestia.

"Damn." sighed Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer quickly covered her mouth.

"I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Sunset.

Celestia merely chuckled.

"It's quiet alright. You should know I'm not a prude." said Celestia.

Celestia got off her throne and walked over to Sunset.

"Sunset Shimmer, do you want my advice?" asked Celestia.

"Yes." answered Sunset enthusiastic.

"Forget about Starlight for one evening and have fun at the Gala." said Celestia.

"That will be kind of hard." noted Sunset.

"You cannot obsess on Starlight or it will have a negative effect on your well being. That is why you haven't told Twilight." explained Celestia.

"I will. Thank you." agree Sunset.

Time passed and soon it was time for the Gala. Twilight and Sunset stood on the sides of Celestia as the guests began to enter. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow brought the Cutie Mark Crusaders as the plus ones. The Crusaders where at their first Gala and where thrilled. Pinkie brought her sister Maud as her plus one while Fluttershy brought her friend Tree Hugger. Things where peachy, until Discord arrived with his plus one: The Smooze. Twilight flew over to him.

"What are you doing here with...that?" asked Twilight.

"Now, now, now. The Smooze maybe an "it", but it's an it with a heart of, well blob." said Discord.

The Smooze slithered off chasing ponies.

"This is a very important night, Discord." began Twilight.

Twilight turned to Celestia and Sunset. She waved and smiled.

"Keep it under control." ordered Twilight.

Discord agreed and departed with The Smooze. Twilight returned to Celestia and Sunset.

"So, what was that about?" asked Sunset.

"Discord is here with The Smooze thing." answered Twilight annoyed.

"Why?" asked Sunset surprised.

"It's Discord so who knows." answered Twilight flatly.

"Don't let him get to you." said Sunset.

Twilight took a deep breath.

"You're right. I can't let Discord ruin my night." agreed Twilight.

Hoity Toity came up.

"Good evening your majesties and Miss Shimmer." said Hoity Toity.

"Nice to see you Mr. Toity." replied Celestia.

"Princess, I must ask if you have any information on Mr. Trouble Shoes." requested Hoity Toity.

"Why?" asked Twilight anxious.

"He has vanished." answered Hoity Toity.

Twilight felt her heart skip a beat.

"Are the Equalists responsible?" asked Twilight worried.

"There is no answer." answered Hoity Toity.

Twilight began to hyperventilate.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." said Hoity Toity guilty.

"It's okay." said Sunset.

"Hoity!" called Photo Finish.

"One moment!" called Hoity.

"It's not your fault Mr. Toity. I know it was not intentional. Go and have a wonderful evening." said Celestia.

"Thank you, merciful Princess." replied Hoity Toity grateful.

With that, Hoity Toity took his leave with his marefriend Photo Finish.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" asked Twilight nervously.

"We knew you'd freak out." answered Sunset.

"Twilight, please try and remain calm. There is no proof Trouble Shoes was abducted and we should not cause a panic among the guests." said Celestia.

"Just try and relax. You can't obsess over this." added Sunset concerned.

"I can try and stay calm." said Twilight worried.

Suddenly, the three noticed The Smooze causing a ruckus.

"I'll handle this." said Sunset.

Sunset quickly galloped over to Discord.

"Discord, this is an important night and Twilight is already anxious. Keep that thing under control." demanded Sunset.

"He has a name." replied Discord.

"If anything goes wrong because of that, then you'll deal with me." said Sunset.

"And if I happen to lose control?" asked Discord curiously.

Sunset chuckled.

"In the other universe, a writer named Jack Kerouac wrote a book called On The Road which was a best seller." began Sunset.

"I fail to see the relevance." said Discord.

"If The Smooze causes any trouble, then you'll read a book that my hoof wrote. It's called On The Road to In Your Ass." said Sunset firmly.

Discord nervously agreed, but couldn't contain his jealous. Meanwhile, Sunset spotted an elderly white Earth Pony stallion in a tux alone and looking confused. Sunset decided to make sure he was okay.

"Hi." said Sunset softly.

The old stallion noticed Sunset.

"Hello there youngin'." said the stallion warmly.

"My name if Sunset Shimmer." said Sunset.

"Nice to meet you." replied the stallion.

"I wanted to make sure you where okay." stated Sunset concerned.

"I'm fine as a fiddle!" declared the stallion.

"it's just you're all alone." said Sunset.

The stallion sighed.

"My wife and I used to come to the Gala every year. Then she passed away the year before Nightmare Moon returned." revealed the stallion sadly.

"I'm so sorry." said Sunset sympathetic.

"It's alright. It was her time." replied the stallion.

The stallion took a moment as he regained himself.

"I stopped coming after she passed, but I decided to come and honor here this year." said the stallion.

"That's so sweet." cooed Sunset.

"Is that all?" asked the stallion.

"Well, I did notice you where looking around a lot." answered Sunset.

"I've never been in the palace before so it's awe inspiring." said the stallion.

"Wait, you just said you came here with your wife." noted Sunset suspicious.

The stallion took a moment and chuckled.

"My old mind ain't what it used to be. My kids have talked about putting me in a home." explained the stallion.

"I heard from the ponies back in Ponyville that The Silver Stable Retirement Community is good." mused Sunset.

"I don't want to go to a home. My wife and I lived in that house all our lives and I want to end my days there." said the stallion.

Sunset began to tear up.

"That's so sweet." said Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer took a second to regain her composure.

"Hey, I never got your name." noted Sunset.

Before he could answer, Discord began preforming stand-up comedy, but he bombed.

"This is the the most basic of jokes!" cried Discord.

Discord smashed a watermelon with a hammer sending watermelon everywhere.

"You're the most basic of jokes." said Maud.

'Good one Maud!" laughed Sunset.

Twilight heard an odd noise and turned around.

"What is that?!" asked Twilight horrified.

The Smooze erupted out of the closet covering the entire ballroom covering everything in site with ooze. Twilight fired volleys of magic at The Smooze to no effect.

"None of my magic seems to be working!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I'm coated so I can't help." sighed Sunset.

Twilight turned to Celestia.

"Can you do anything?" asked Twilight worried.

Celestia tried, but Smooze covered her horn.

"I'm afraid not!" said Celestia worried.

Discord came along.

"Discord! Once I get out of this I'm kicking your ass down one side of the street and up the other!" declared Sunset furious.

"Well, it seems that is a good reason to let you remain stuck." replied Discord tauntingly.

Discord left and began speaking to Fluttershy, but Tree Hugger managed to calm The Smooze with "auditory vibrations" to the surprise of everypony.

"I'll be damned." said Sunset surprised.

Everypony would congratulate Tree Hugger, but a jealous Discord attempted to sent her into another dimension.

"Discord! No!" cried Fluttershy.

"Don't worry Fluttershy! We'll stop him!" declared Twilight.

"Finally." said Sunset eagerly.

Alas, Discord tossed a disco ball across the floor. The Smooze went after it trapping the girls.

"Son of a bitch!" cried Sunset frustrated.

Luckily, Fluttershy managed to make Discord see the error of his way and freed Tree Hugger. He also stopped The Smooze and freed the Mane 7. He would then apologize for his actions. The rest of the night went off without a hitch and soon the gala ended. Princess Celestia kept Sunset from punishing Discord. The stallion that Sunset had been talking too slipped away in the crowd and headed outside of Canterlot. That is where he rejoined the others.

"Excellent to see you back Lieutenant. I trust everything went well." said Starlight.

"Yes Comrade Glimmer. The spell and back story you gave worked perfectly." replied Double Diamond.

Starlight reversed the age spell returning Double Diamond to normal.

"That damned Sunset Shimmer started talking to me and never realized who I was." added Double Diamond.

Starlight laughed.

"Great work. That is why you are my Lieutenant." said Starlight.

Double Diamond beamed with pride.

"How much of the palace where you able to map out?" asked Starlight.

"Only the areas that I was allowed into. But, I was able to memorize them to the smallest detail." answered Double Diamond proudly.

"Oh, I must introduce you to our newest friend." said Starlight.

Trouble Shoes stepped forward now bearing an equal sign cutie mark and the same eerie smile as the other Equalists.

"It so nice to met you!" declared Trouble Shoes, in an uncanny manor.

Author's Note:

A/N: That is where we'll end things for now. so, there was the Gala and Double Diamond scouting things out. Also, the "hoof in ass" line was a quote of my favorite Red Forman "foot in ass" line. Next time, we have a totally original chapter. Please review.