• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,318 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 19

The Mane 7 where gathered in the Castle of Friendship. Sunset and Twilight asked their friends to arrived which they did. Though, Pinkie seemed more active than usual.

"Good. Now that you're here we can begin." started Sunset.

"Some pony special is coming and we need your help getting ready." added Twilight.

The girls chattered excitedly.

"It's..." began Twilight.

"Shining Armor and Princess Cadence!" declared Twilight and Pinkie in unison.

The others gave Pinkie a confused look.

"Yes, and they're coming..." started Twilight.

"Tomorrow!" declared Twilight and Pinkie in unison.

Pinkie bore an uncomfortable smile.

"Yes, on the..." began Twilight.

"Friendship Express rather than the Crystal Empire train so as not to cause too much of a scene when they skip town to come visit?" asked Pinkie.

"Yes." confirmed Twilight surprised.

Pinkie got right into the face of Twilight.

"And?" asked Pinkie hopeful.

"And that's it." answered Twilight.

"How did you know that?" asked Rainbow suspicious.

Pinkie looked around and chuckled nervously.

"Pinkie Sense." answered Pinkie uneasy.

Pinkie quickly ducked away.

"Okay." said Sunset confused.

"So, you said you need help with something?" asked Rainbow.

"Follow me." requested Twilight.

Twilight led her friends to a room. Rainbow flew up to a poster.

"Sweet posters." said Rainbow, "Is that Smash Fortune?"

"It sure is." answered Sunset.

"When Shining Armor said he wanted to come visit, I started collecting things he liked when he was a colt as a surprise!" answered Twilight excitedly.

Pinkie Pie popped out of a chest wearing a helmet.

"Surprise?!" asked Pinkie worried.

Pinkie began to laugh nervously and turned the helmet around.

"I have no idea what that's like." said Pinkie nervously.

"Okay, that's weird." mused Sunset.

"Aww, look at the cute ant farm." cooed Fluttershy.

And check out all these old comic books!" exclaimed Spike.

"Be careful! They're mint in bag!" cried Twilight.

Spike blew on the comic, but turned it to dust by accident via his fire breath. The baby dragon quickly hid the evidence back in the bag.

"What's this?" asked Pinkie, holding up a doll.

"This is Brutus Force. Shining Armor used to carry him around like his baby." answered Twilight warmly.

Pinkie juggled Brutus Force for a few seconds.

"Yeah! Really cute!" declared Pinkie, laughing nervously.

"It is a bit juvenile for castle decor, but it is very sweet of you." said Rarity.

I'm sure Shining Armor will love it." said Fluttershy.

"Me, too. But there's a few more things I'd like to add before he he gets here, and I could really use a hoof collecting them." replied Twilight.

"Whatever you need sugar cube, we'll help you get it." said Applejack.

The others all agreed with this sentiment.

"Thanks every pony, I just can't wait 'til they walk in and see everything!" declared Twilight.

"Totally understandable. Watching some pony else be surprised with something is almost better than being the one who's getting surprised!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"But...eh...what if the surprise is something so incredibly exciting that a pony can't keep it in any longer, and she just has to tell the pony standing next to her what it is or else she might explode?!" asked Pinkie, crawling over and hugging Fluttershy.

"Oddly specific." mused Sunset.

"I would say...no." answered Fluttershy.

"The pony who ruins a surprise for some pony else has to live with the guilt forever!" declared Rarity.

Pinkie began laughing nervously.

"Gotta bounce!" cried Pinkie.

Pinkie began bouncing around like a pinball before bursting out through a wall.

"So, I know the bar is set pretty high, but does any pony else think Pinkie Pie was acting weirder than usual?" asked Rainbow.

Pinkie Pie raced off to Sugar cube Corner. She hoped to hide, but had to perform a number of Pinkie Promises she made. She made deliveries, preformed at a party and helped Mayor Mare to organize. The entire time, Pinkie Pie struggled not to tell her secret. The fact that babies kept coming up didn't help her.

"Those yummy, Pinkie! Let me help you!" declared Twilight.

Twilight took the platters Pinkie was carrying with her magic.

"But we better cover them up so they don't get spoiled." added Twilight.

"Why would they get spoiled?" asked Pinkie confused, "We're gonna eat them all super soon!"

"Oh, didn't any pony tell ya? Shining Armor and Cadence are held up. They might not arrive 'till Saturday." answered Applejack.

"What?!" cried Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie began to freak out.

"You...mean...I have...to wait...another whole day?! I don't think I can!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie, do you have something to say?" asked Twilight.

"We can tell you're hiding something." added Sunset.

Pinkie Pie yelled gibberish.

"We're here to listen." said Fluttershy.

"Well, go on, sugar cube." said Applejack.

"We're not going to judge you, darling." said Rarity.

"You'll feel so much better once you get it off your chest!" declared Spike.

"Come on. Whatever it is you can tell us! We're your best friends!" exclaimed Rainbow.

Pinkie Pie couldn't do it anymore.

"Okay, okay, okay! You win!" cried pinkie.

Pinkie Pie took an inhale.

"Shining Armor and Cadence are going to have-" began Pinkie.

"An awesome weekend with the best little sister in all of Equestria!" declared Shining Armor.

Luckily for Pinkie, Shining Armor and Cadence had perfect timing. Also, luckily they weren't needed in Maretonia until the next week. Shining Armor got close to Pinkie.

"Lucky we can when we did, huh? I'm guessing you saw the scroll we sent Mr. and Mrs. Cake?" asked Shining Armor.

Pinkie blushed and nodded her head.

"Hey, I'm impressed." said Shining.

"So you're going to tell Twilight now?" asked Pinkie hopeful.

"You're going to have to wait just a little bit longer. We have something special planned. It'll be worth it, I promise." answered Shining.

"It'd better be." answered Pinkie.

The girl embarked on their scavenger hunt going all across Ponyville. Sunset managed to piece it together while Pinkie nearly fell apart. Finally, the reveal came at Sugar Cube Corner: Twilight was going to be an aunt much to her joy. The celebration party lasted for several hours with Twilight beaming that she was going to be an aunt. Once the party ended; Twilight, Shining Armor, Cadence, Sunset and Spike returned to the castle with Twilight still going on about how excited she was. Twilight was going on and on about how excited she was to be an aunt the entire way. Once back home, the four ponies gathered around the throne while Spike went off to his room.

"We have to get down to business." began Sunset.

Twilight's joyous mood soon died down.

"Oh yeah." sighed Twilight.

"This is about Starlight, isn't it?" asked Cadence.

"We need help. Equestria cannot do this alone." answered Sunset.

"Of course, Cadence, you shouldn't fight considering you're with foal." added Twilight.

"A foal who would have no future under Starlight." stated Sunset firmly.

Cadence winced at this.

"Sunset!" exclaimed Twilight alarmed.

"We have to be brutally honest." replied Sunset firmly.

"It's not that we don't want to help." sighed Shining Armor.

"But, the Crystal Empire recently recovered and a war would not be a popular decision." concluded Cadence.

"And what if Equestria falls?" asked Sunset.

"We'd gladly open our kingdom to any refugees." answered Cadence.

"That's it?!" cried Sunset angrily.

Sunset stamped her right hoof angrily.

Twilight squirmed clearly uncomfortable.

"We're at risk of being slaves and that's all you can do!" cried Sunset.

"I want to help..." began Cadence.

"Give me one good reason you can't!" spat Sunset.

"Our kingdom has just recovered. A war is the last thing we need." said Shining Armor.

"So you'll let us out to dry because you won't fight a war far away from your own kingdom!" declared Sunset.

"Please calm down." requested Twilight.

Sunset saw the hurt in Twilight's eyes and took a deep breath.

"I am sorry for going over the edge." said Sunset calmly.

"It's quite alright." said Cadence.

"You realize, your kingdom would be upset by an influx of refugees." noted Sunset.

"Not to mention it would tax your resources." added Twilight.

"Right now, that is what we're more equipped to handle." replied Shining Armor.

"So...I guess there's no way to change your mind." sighed Sunset.

Shining and Cadence shook their head no.

"We both grew up in Canterlot and would love to help." began Shining.

"But, we can't find a logical way to at the moment." finished Cadence.

"If worse comes to worse, we can start sending ponies your way." said Twilight.

"Just let me know in advance and I'll have guards ton the boarder. I doubt the Equalists would want to involve the Crystal Empire before they secure control across Equestria." said Shining.

"That will give us time to prepare." said Cadence.

"I guess the situation could be worse." admitted Sunset.

"We could have no pony helping." noted Twilight.

"Have you tried asking for help again?" asked Cadence.

"Once again, the letter the went sent to the Griffin Kingdom was vandalized. I won't repeat the horrible profanity used." answered Twilight.

"The letter we sent to the Dragon Kingdom was burned to ash." sighed Sunset.

"Oh dear." sighed Cadence.

"We even tried reaching out the kirin." revealed Sunset.

"Oh wow." gasped Cadence surprised.

"None of them would talk to us." shrugged Sunset.

"Did you run into Nirik?" asked Shining concerned.

"We didn't go, but the pegasus who went didn't report any." answered Twilight.

"That's a relief." sighed Shining.

"I have a question." said Sunset.

"What is it?" asked Cadence.

"Do either of you know what happened to the hippogriffs?" asked Sunset.

"Not really." answered Cadence.

"We don't really have a strong connection with that part of Equestria." noted Shining Armor.

Cadence recalled something.

"I do remember hearing something about a storm. Must be bad weather." revealed Cadence.

Cadence then let out a yawn.

"I gotta get to bed. This little one needs her sleep." said Cadence.

"So, have you thought of a name?" asked Twilight.

"Skyla is a name." answered Cadence.

"I'm sure a flurry of names are coming to you." said Sunset.

"I'd think you of all ponies would follow whatever your heart said." added Twilight.

"You're right." agreed Cadence.

Cadence let out another yawn.

"Let's get you two to bed." said Shining Armor.

Shining began leading Cadence away.

"Wait!" cried Twilight.

A surprised Shining Armor and Cadence turned back to Twilight.

"Please considering helping us." requested Twilight.

"We will." agreed Shining.

"Flurry Heart." muttered Cadence sleepily.

Cadence and Shining Armor went off to their room to sleep while Sunset and Twilight crawled into their bed. However, Twilight wasn't having an easy time sleeping.

"Sunset..." began Twilight.

"What is it?" asked Sunset, half asleep.

"Do you think they'll really help?" asked Twilight worried.

Sunset sat up now fully awake.

"I am sure they will. There is nothing to worry about." answered Sunset calmly.

"But, if they don';t we'll be all alone!" cried Twilight.

"We have the yaks." noted Sunset.

"That is true and they will be very helpful." said Twilight.

Twilight let out a somber sigh.

"I do wish we had more allies." confessed Twilight.

"That would be nice." agreed Sunset.

Twilight let out a concerned murmur.

"But, we'll make do with what we have." replied Sunset.

"Thank you. Goodnight." said Twilight.

"Goodnight." said Sunset.

Author's Note:

A/N: that's where we'll end things for now. So, Flurry Heart is coming into the world and Cadence and Shining Armor are still unable to fully commit to military aid against the Equalists. This was a hard chapter trying to balance the episode and the events of here. I will do one more chapter based on an episode then it's fully original content focused the Equalists. That need to take priority. Next time; we see how paranoia is plaguing Ponyville, update on the situation and visit the Equalists. Please continue.