• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,318 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 9

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Celestia's sun shone brightly and ponies happily went about their day. However, Twilight Sparkle was not among them. She chose to spend this day in her bed. Sunset opened the door and entered with Spike.

"Hey Twilight..." began Sunset softly.

Twilight didn't answer.

"You gotta get up sleepy head." said Sunset.

Sunset opened the curtains with her magic.

"Please go." said Twilight.

"It's a beautiful day!" declared Spike.

Spike hopped onto the bed.

"I don't care." replied Twilight flatly.

"What's wrong?" asked Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer walked over.

"Fluffy Clouds." answered Twilight.

Sunset had to think for a moment.

"Oh yeah. He was a delegate at the Friendship Summit." recalled Sunset.

"Now he's missing." revealed Twilight.

Sunset recoiled at this.

"That Starlight works fast." mused Spike.

"Over a dozen of the delegates have gone missing since the friendship summit ended." said Twilight.

Twilight punched her pillow.

"We can't stop her!" cried Twilight.

Sunset and Spike shared a worried glance.

"Just leave." requested Twilight sadly.

Sunset and Spike exited the room.

"Well this is just great." said Spike sarcastically.

"Spike, we can't do this alone!" declared Sunset.

"What are we going to do?" asked Spike.

"Get by with a little help from our friends." answered Sunset.

The two departed and headed to Ponyville. Sunset got Rainbow and Rarity (despite Spike's protest) while the baby dragon got Fluttershy and Applejack. The two groups met at Sugar Cube Corner where they found Pinkie. Sunset and Spike filled the others in on the situation trying not to let any other ponies hear for fear of a panic. Finally, Spike and Sunset Shimmer came to the end of their tale.

"That's so sad." said Fluttershy dejected.

"We have got to do something!" declared Rainbow.

"But what?" asked Applejack.

"Cheering her up is good." answered Spike.

"I'll whip up a batch of delicious cupcakes!" declared Pinkie.

"Not to offend, darling. But, I am afraid it won't be that easy." said Rarity.

"And how would you know?" asked Rainbow.

"My business ventures have not always been success at first or at all. I've stared the vile foe know as depression in the face." admitted Rarity.

"I had no idea." said Sunset surprised.

Spike quickly grabbed Rarity.

"You're the best designer ever!" declared Spike worried.

"I am doing much better know Spikey Wikey." replied Rarity.

Reassured, Spike let go of his crush.

"I know how ya feel. Life sure can buck good. Like...losing your parents for example." said Applejack solemnly.

"Darling..." began Rarity worried.

"It was so hard after they...ya know. Even know, thinking about them just puts me in a funk." confessed Applejack.

"Applejack.." began Fluttershy worried.

"Don't worry. I can handle it." said Applejack.

"Sometimes, when I'm picked on when I struggle to fly, I feel pretty bad." confessed Fluttershy.

The others gave her a worried look.

"But I would never do anything to put myself in danger!" declared Fluttershy.

"I ain't me, but sometimes I do worry about Scootaloo a bit. Not being able to fly is the worst thing for pegasus." said Rainbow.

"Some pegasus would rather die than not be able to fly." added Fluttershy.

"Sometimes...I...um...feel like I'm taken for granted." confessed Spike.

"Oh Spike. We are truly sorry if we ever made you feel that way." said Rarity.

The others girls agreed with this.

"I feel blue when I know my friends are feeling blue." said Pinkie Pie.

"I guess we've all got problems." mused Rainbow.

"At least we can relate to what Twilight is going through." said Applejack.

"We need to be careful with our wording." warned Sunset.

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Rarity.

"Depression is a mental illness and must be handled carefully." answered Sunset.

The others shared worried glances.

"We need a plan." stated Sunset.

"You helped me when Tank went into hibernation. This can't be too different." said Rainbow.

"Losing your pet and helping to enslave your homeland are two different things." replied Sunset.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head.

"I know my family where vital to me getting through the darkest times." quipped Applejack.

"Her parents are in Canterlot." noted Spike.

"But, Shining Armor and cadence are in the Crystal Empire." said Fluttershy.

"We'll can always wright them." said Pinkie.

"We could, but it occurs to me that we are just as much family to Twilight as her biological family." said Rarity.

"Right now I think the best thing to do is to reassure Twilight we';; always be there for her no matter what." said Sunset.

The others agreed with this.

"Let's get going!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"There go my eardrums." groaned Rarity.

The girls began heading off, but Spike held Sunset back.

"You really think this will work?" asked Spike.

Sunset Shimmer sighed.

"It's our best bet." answered Sunset.

The group made their way to the castle. As they walked, the ponies and dragon talked about who would go first and what they would say. However, they tried to be discrete as to not worry the other ponies of Ponyville. They arrived and found Twilight still in her bed. Sunset and Spike went in first. Then the others followed. Applejack was first followed by Rainbow, followed by Rarity, followed by Pinkie and finally Fluttershy.

"Sunset..." began Twilight.

"You "We're Here Because We Care" Party is underway!" declared Pinkie.

"Keep it under control." whispered Sunset.

"Sorry." replied Pinkie.

Applejack stepped forward.

"Twi, I remember when when my folks...ya know." began Applejack.

The farmer got choked up.

"It was hard." said Applejack.

The Element of Honesty took a few deep breaths.

"But, I also remember everything that's happened since we met. Like that time I wouldn't return from Dodge Junction until you girls told me how important I am to ya." continued Applejack.

"Having you back was more important." stated Twilight.

"I can be honest to a fault. Heck, I recently ruined a sale because I was so convinced Apple Bloom couldn't take care of herself." revealed Applejack.

Applejack laughed a bit.

"I gotta remember she's a growin' filly." admitted Applejack.

Rainbow Dash was next.

Twilight, I never would have gotten into Daring Do if it wasn't for you." said Rainbow.

"It's a book series." replied Twilight flatly.

"It's more than just a..." began Rainbow defensive.

Rainbow Dash needed a moment to calm down.

"I love Daring Do and I never would have found it if it wasn't for you." said Rainbow.

Rarity stepped forward.

"Twilight, I have adored our time together. Same with Spike." said Rarity.

The baby dragon blushed.

"Focus." whispered Sunset.

Spike quickly refocused himself.

"I recall you girls forgave me after I kept ducking out of your birthday to attend a garden party." said Rarity.

Pinkie stepped forward.

"Twilight, you've been such a wonderful friend." began Pinkie.

The party planner had a deflated mane and was unusually solemn.

"You always bring a smile to my face." said Pinkie.

Pinkie found herself overcome by emotion.

"It's okay Pinkie." whispered Sunset.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and stepped up.

"Twilight, you and the others have helped me so much. I know I am still shy, but I have come so far and I never would have if it wasn't for you." said Fluttershy.

Spike hoped onto the bed.

"You hatched me so I literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." noted Spike.

"You've had a positive effect on the lives of all these girls and dragon." said Sunset.

Twilight sat up looking tired.

"Thank you for your concern." said Twilight.

"Please don't do anything drastic!" cried Pinkie.

Pinkie tightly hugged Twilight.

"Oh my. We would never be able to recover if you took your life." said Fluttershy worried.

Twilight forced Pinkie off her.

"I am not suicidal!" declared Twilight.

"I never mentioned suicide." said Sunset.

"What about self harm?" asked Rarity.

The others turned their heads to the fashionista.

"It is possible. I am not self - harming myself." said Rarity.

Spike wiped his forehead in relief.

"I won't hurt myself either. I feel crappy and it won't be easy getting over this. But, knowing I have great friends there to support me is a big help." said Twilight.

A group hugged followed.

"I love you all." said Twilight.

Hours passed and soon it was time for the changing of the celestial bodies. Princess Luna awoke and headed to the throne room to relieve Celestia of her duties. The groggy Luna opened the doors and entered the throne room. Celestia was on her throne talking with her aide - de - camp Raven Inkwell. As Luna made her way to the throne, it became clear her sister was clearly vexed.

"I see you are troubled, dear sister." mused Luna.

"I am afraid we might be on our own." sighed Celestia.

"What do you mean?" asked Luna.

"Saddle Arabia can't commit to helping us in the case of an Equalist Uprising." answered Raven.

"What?! How dare they?!" asked Luna outraged.

"it boils down to they want to help and might, but they need to take care of their own interests." answered Celestia flatly.

"And after we treated their delegates so kindly! This is a slap in the face!" exclaimed Luna.

"I don't like it either. However, we cannot change things." said Celestia.

Luna took a second to calm down.

"There must be some nation willing to aid us." said Luna.

"I have asked many nations with help, but with no results." sighed

"Our letter to Griffonstone was returned with profane comments." said Raven.

"I should have figured. Since the demise of King Guto, the griffons have lacked a central government." said Celestia.

"And their culture hasn't changed." mused Luna.

"Dragon Lord Torch wanted to help us, but the others dragons refused and he feared a full out revolt should he help ponies." continued Celestia bitterly.

"His daughter Ember stepped up to try and convince the other dragons to help us, but is seems a dragon named Garble led the resistance." added Raven.

"At he wants to help us." groaned Luna.

Celestia tapped her chin with her hoof.

"I sent a letter to Queen Novo, but didn't get a reply." said Celestia curious.

"Are you certain she got it?" asked Luna.

"I had the Wonderbolts deliver them to make sure. captain Spitfire went to the Dragon Lands and Soarin' went to Griffonstone. Misty Fly went to Mount Aris, but found Hippogriffia as a ghost town." answered Celestia confused.

"That is queer." mused Luna.

"Um your highness, that word has a different meaning than it did a thousand moons ago." whispered Raven.

"I am so desperate that I almost asked Queen Chrysalis for help." admitted Celestia.

"She has been silent since betraying Sombra." noted Luna uneasy.

"There is no sign she is involved." said Celestia relieved.

"Well, at least we do have the Crystal Empire." said Luna.

"I am not so sure." sighed Celestia.

"Why do you mean?" asked Luna.

"Fleetfoot revealed that Cadence and Shining Armor cannot commit helping us." answered Luna.

"Why?!" asked Luna surprised.

"The Crystal Empire has just recovered from the return of Sombra." answered Celestia flatly.

"They hosted the Equestria Games!" exclaimed Luna.

"They won the honor before Sombra returned and wanted to have a sense of normalcy. There is a difference between a sporting event and a war." explained Celestia.

"If only we could send Starlight Glimmer to the Frozen North." muttered Luna.

Celestia's eyes shot open.

"Sister! You are a genius!" declared Celestia.

Celestia quickly wrote a letter and handed it to Raven.

"Have the Wonderbolts send this letter urgently. I believe Fire Streak is available." said Celestia hopeful.

"Where are we sending it?" asked Raven.

"Yakyakistan." answered Celestia.

Author's Note:

A/N: That is where this chapter ends. So, the girls managed to get through to Twilight a bit. It's not much, but it is something. Also, it seems that Equestria is trouble. But, there is one hope. Next time, Prince Rutherford arrives and the events of Party Pooped" happen with more at steak here. Please review.