• Published 19th May 2019
  • 2,638 Views, 88 Comments

Hellfire Dash - Centurion Pike-Wall

What would you do for one you were loyal to? That you loved? Rainbow Dash became a Daemon for hers.

  • ...


Rainbow leaned back on the train seat, arms crossed and head bowed. Over in the next booth, her friends were playing a card game or something; she didn't ask. Over the past couple of stops, almost all of the other ponies had left the car, so she could've sat anywhere. However, she didn't want to seem too distant or anything. So, she just sat in the next booth over, and didn't say anything.

Recently, some weird table in Twilights new castle had reveal itself to be some sort of friendship map thing. Almost immediately, they had been whisked away on some adventure to work out some sort of, thing. She didn't know exactly what to call it.

On the way up, Rainbow had at first sat with her friends. But, they didn't bother her when she had gone over into the next booth of the train car, away from the others. She said she wanted to take a nap, but was still wide awake, thinking. Or, more rather, beating herself over the head for her stupidity.

By Celestia, why did she kiss Twilight? She just got out of a coma, for bucks sake. And she didn't know if she reciprocated her feelings, or even if she was into mares or not. And here she might've just bucked up her relationship with her. She leaned back, rubbing her temples. When she looked back down, she saw Twilight standing in front of her.

"Hey, Rainbow", she said. "Can, I sit down?"

Rainbow overcame her surprise, and nodded. "Oh, yeah. Sure", she said.

Twilight sat in the booth, hands folded in her lap and head faced downwards a bit. Rainbow was now very concerned about this, especially when she saw Twilights horn light up. While it did so, she said, "Can I talk to you about something?"

She said, "About w-what, Twi?"

She knew what it was likely about, but still somewhat dreaded it and hoped it wasn't the case. Sure enough, she said, "About, what you did at the hospital. You know, after I woke up."

"Ah, buck", she muttered under her breath. She knew that it would come up, but hoped beyond hope that it would.

Before she could reply, Twilight said, "Don't worry, Rainbow. I put up a sound-muffling spell. Nopony can hear a thing. And, if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to."

"No no. It's fine. What, what do you want to know?", Rainbow asked, a lump forming in her throat.

"What's wrong, Rainbow? You're, unusually nervous.", Twilight said.

"What're YOU talking about, Twi?", she said nervously. "The Rainbow Dash doesn't do nervous."

"Evidentially, you do." She placed a hand on Rainbows shoulder, and asked, "Please. Just, tell me. Why?"

"I, I got carried away, ok? I was so happy to see you woke up, and I-", she said, before just lowering her head and muttering into silence.

Twilight said, "The others told me that you barely left my room for the time I was in the coma. And don't think I didn't notice some of the looks you've given me. Just, tell me the truth."

Rainbow was now officially panicking. "What are you talking about!? I, I'm not in love with you! I'm too awesome for that!"

"I, never said love you were in love with me", Twilight said.

Rainbow opened her mouth to say something, only to realize her mistake. She lowered her head again, mane falling over her face. She said, "Huh. Right, I didn't. My bad."

"Rainbow. Just, tell me."

"Fine", she said, eyes still focused intently on the floor. She had hoped to confess at some point, and would do it smoothly. But, now that she was actually doing it, she was freaking out. She sighed, before getting on with it. "I, I do, love you. You're awesome, you're smart, you're beautiful; I mean, being around you just, feels awesome. I like being around you." She stole a look at her, almost seeing the gears whirring in her head. "And, now I've bucked up our friendship, and you're going to avoid me, and I-"

She was cut off by Twilight grabbing her chin, lifting up her head so she was staring her right in the eye. A second later, she pulled her in close, kissing her. Rainbows eyes widened in shock, before closing shut in bliss. Something she had dreamed about for a while then, and it was happening.

As she pulled her away, Twilight said, "I, can't say the feeling isn't mutual. I mean, we seem to get along well, and, we just do things well together. And, well-"

It was Rainbows turn to cut her off by kissing her back, this time putting her arms and wings around her. The two of them leaned against the edge of the seat, their lip-lock growing more sloppy. Finally, the two pulled apart, breathing hard and smiling at each other.

Rainbow, past her panting, said, "So, a date when we get back from whatever we're doing out here?"

"I know a good place, up in Canterlot", she said, smiling. "Due to my new status, I think I can get us a reservation."

"Sounds good. Hey, I, I got us something. You know, just in case. I was gonna give it to you on our first date, but I suppose it would be appropriate now", Rainbow said, reaching into her jacket.

Inside, she pulled out a rectangular black box, which she opened and showed to Twilight. Inside were two small necklaces, held on silver chains. On the end of each chain was a small, intricately carved jewel, one shaped like each of their cutie marks. She handed the one shaped like hers to Twilight, who turned it over in her hand, smiling.

"I love it. Thanks, Rainbow."

"Yeah, I know. Consider it a 'starting to date' gift."

Twilight asked, giggling a bit, "Is that even a thing?"

"Hey, Pinkie's given gifts and thrown parties for less. I think I can get away with it."

In the distance, the trains whistle sounded, the shrill sound piecing though the track. The conductor peeked his head in and told the group of mares, "This is the end of the line. You gotta get off, less you want to backtrack."

Twilight peeked her head over the booth, taking down the sound muffling spell and told him, "Thank you. Yes, we'll be getting off." After he shut the door, Twilight told the others, "Alright, lets go."

As they did so when the train stopped, Fluttershy asked Rainbow, "What did you and Twilight talk about? If, you don't mind me asking."

Not wanting it to be exactly public yet, she said, "Not much."

"Whatever it was", she replied. "It must've cheered you up. I don't think I've seen you so happy since before the incident with Tirek."

Rainbow didn't reply. She just followed her friends, and new marefriend, a beaming smile on her face. Things were looking up!

Author's Note:

I suck at writing Romance. Still, give feedback; don't hold back. Any criticism helps.