• Published 19th May 2019
  • 2,638 Views, 88 Comments

Hellfire Dash - Centurion Pike-Wall

What would you do for one you were loyal to? That you loved? Rainbow Dash became a Daemon for hers.

  • ...


Rainbow sat almost completely still, watching the rising and falling of Twilights chest. She adjusted her head on her hand, before lifting up her other hand to provide support to the cumbersome mass. Outside of the room, she heard the hustle and bustle of the hospital personnel, but paid it little to no mind. Her gaze remained firmly on the coma-induced mare.

She didn't even notice the other ponies enter the room until she felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She looked up, and saw Rarity and Fluttershy, both of them having somewhat concerned faces. Rainbow snorted and said, "I already told you, I'm not leaving until she wakes up."

"Darling", Rarity said carefully. "I know you and Twilight were close, but you need to get out of this room."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "Rarity's right. You've been in here for, what, five days now? I'm sure Twilight will be fine. I mean, how much have you slept? If, you don't, mind me asking."

Rainbow considered what Fluttershy had said. It was true. Ever since she had flown Twilight to the Ponyville Hospital, she had only left her room a few times, and only for her to go to the bathroom. And even then, she had only been gone for a few minutes at a time. Maybe they were right; maybe some fresh air would do her some good. However, her primary concern refocused, and she shook her head.

"No. I want to be here when she wakes up", Rainbow said firmly.

Rarity said, "I understand, Rainbow dear. I know you care for her; I do too! But, for Celestias sake, even the Princesses said she should be ok. Just come with us for a Spa day, and you'll-"

"I'll what", Rainbow snapped. "Potenetially miss something important? Loose her forever? No. You go do what you want, but I'll stay with her."

Rarity looked like she wanted to protest, but merely looked down as Rainbow crossed her hands. "Very well, darling. Still, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find us." She then turned and left, while Fluttershy still stood in the door.

Rainbow slumped back into her seat, arms still crossed. She said, "I'm not leaving, Flutters."

"I know, Rainbow", she said. "But Rarity is right. You should just get out. Since Discord-"

"I get it, Flutters. I know you're upset about Discord. But it isn't the same. She's still alive, and she should wake up. I just want to be around when she wakes up." Rainbow further slumped back in her seat, before turning back to her old friend. "Just, please." Fluttershy just nodded, and walked off, leaving Rainbow alone with Twilight yet again.

Rainbow returned her gaze to Twilight. Her eyes felt heavy, but she refused to let herself fall into sleep. Her sleepiness was what probably prevented her from noticing the blinds being slid shut. She did notice, however, when the door slammed shut. That caused her to stand up, suddenly wide awake.

"Well, now isn't this interesting", a strange, dark voice said, as a figure emerged from the shadows by the heartbeat monitor. He was a tall unicorn, wearing an expensive black suit, dress pants, and a pair of sunglasses. What drew her attention, however, was the large, blood-red, saber-like horn. "The great Twilight Sparkle, confined to bed and comma, awaiting death. An unfitting end, agreed?"

Rainbow managed to shake her shock out of her head, and was on her hooves in a fighting stance in an instant. "Sombra! What are you doing?"

The unicorn laughed; a harsh, almost scratchy noise. "That traitor? No, no. However, that is part of the reason I am here.

Rainbow was now very confused. "W-wait. What the Tartarus are you talking about? Who are you?"

"My name is, unimportant. Not literally; I just don't wish to tell you. However, what I am talking about is, my employer has a proposition for you."

Rainbow, still ready to start a fight, said, "Again, what are you talking about?"

The unicorn stepped up to the side of Twilights bed, pressing a hand against of the frame of the bed. He said, "You know, you're right to be distrustful of your mortal doctors."

Now Rainbow was officially very confused, and her anger was fading way to this confusion. Knowing what one of the words he said meant, she said, "Wait, MORTAL? What does that mean? That you aren't mortal?"

He ignored her question, and said as if he was talking to himself, "She's suffering from a very minute type of dark-magic poisoning. It's faint; so faint, that it's somewhat understandable that the mortal magic wouldn't detect it." He then turned to her, flashing her a grin and revealing pearly white, shark-like teeth. "She'll be dead within the day, and your doctors can't do a thing, if they even detect it."

Rainbow had abandoned her confusion for alarm. "What!?" She ran to Twilights side, knelt down and grabbed her hand. When she squeezed it, she did indeed detect a bit of a fainter pulse than when she had first brought Twilight to the hospital. She looked up at the unicorn, and choked out, "I-is there anything that can be d-done to hel-help her? Please. I'll do anything."

"Anything, you say?", he inquired.

Rainbow wasn't one to bare her soul, especially to a complete, and very creepy, stranger. But, if he could help Twilight, she'd do it, and that's what she did. So, she stood up, eyes once again narrowed in anger. "Listen bud. Twilight means everything to me. I don't give a damn what you, or I, have to do. Tartarus, I'd do anything for her. She's, she's-"

"Ah, I see", the stallion interrupted. "She's your, squeeze. That is the term, correct?"

Rainbow didn't respond; she just looked down at the peaceful, sleeping face of Twilight. As weird as all of this was, the stallion was right. She was really close to Twilight, but she was 'close' to all her friends. Twilight; she was something very, very different. She sighed, and looked up at the stallion, who was still flashing her his razor sharp fangs. "What do I have to do?"

"Perfect. And, I'll be taking your silence as a yes, by the by." A fiery red aura surrounded his horn, as a spiral of flames appeared in front of her. Rainbow stepped back in alarm, only for it to die away and she saw a... parchment? He handed it to her, and said, "Read."

"Wait. You aren't just gonna do it?", Rainbow asked.

"No", he said. "I merely give you the offer. If you accept, then that is your decision."

Rainbow grumbled, but did as he told her to do:

This contract, which you are currently reading, has been supplied by the Hell Contracting Committee.

The receiver of this contract has made the deal with the contractor to save a loved one. Relation is not of concern, and will not affect the contract nor the deal in anyway. In addition, the ailment of the loved one can range to any degree, from a terminal illness such as magic poisoning, cancer, severe allergic reactions to various substances, severe diseases, etc., to serious physical wounds including yet not limited to amputation, infections, disembowelment, and internal bleeding. In exchange for the loved one saved, the signer of the contract will turn over their blood, and all that entails, to the contractor, and such, the Lord of the Hells. The contract will be repayed to the signer whenever it is deemed to be necessary, however with no less than one year between then and the signing of the contract. If this is fully within what you are willing to do, please sign below, and return to the contractor who gave you this contract.

Rainbow looked up, and into the pure black orbs of the stallions sunglasses. 'Repayed' was a term she didn't particularly like the sound of. However, it was just blood. How bad could it be? And, if it was to save Twilight, than it should be worth it. She said, "You got a pen?"

He just smiled, and lit his horn again. A quill, already dabbed in ink, appeared in front of her, and she quickly grabbed it and signed it. "Pleasure doing business with you, Element of Loyalty." He stepped back into the shadows, still grinning, and seemed to fade into them. As he did, the room seemed to get lighter, the blinds opened, and the door was unbolted and swung open.

Scarcely had he had vanished and the door had opened, had she heard a gasp from the bed below her. She looked down, and saw Twilights eyes open, and her breathing heavily. Rainbow also began breathing heavily, but in her case, in happiness. "S-she's awake! She's awake!" As soon as she had finished, she lowered her head, and kissed her squarely on her friends muzzle.

She pulled away, looking once again into her eyes. Upon the almost confused look in Twilights eyes, Rainbow stepped away, as several doctors and nurses ran into the room, practically pushing her away from Twilight.