• Published 19th May 2019
  • 2,638 Views, 88 Comments

Hellfire Dash - Centurion Pike-Wall

What would you do for one you were loyal to? That you loved? Rainbow Dash became a Daemon for hers.

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Umbra, as Twilight teleported away, spread her wings and took off in the direction where Pillar and the filly fled. As she got close to the ruins of the old thrones, she saw a small passage behind the dais, leading underground. She didn't recall anything like this the last time she was at the castle, but that would've, at this point, at least eight years at that point. Despite the lack of rubble around the hole, she choked it up to falling debris from the old palace. She didn't really have time to deliberate on it at that time. She landed, drew her knife, and slunk down the stairs.

After a few steps down, the light from the sun faded away, and she was soon shrouded in darkness. That wasn't really a problem, however. Her eyes, glowing red as they were, acted as essentially headlights. She could make out just enough to not trip, but the light wasn't bright enough to really alert anyone. So, hand against the wall to prevent from walking into something despite the light from her eyes, she made her way down the stairway.

As she did so, she recollected the little filly. Who was she? One second, she was walking towards Pillar, and the next, she was a quadrupedal, thing. And then back again. What could do that? She wasn't a unicorn. And even then, the only pony even close to that power was rumors about Cadence and Shining Armors daughter (Fuzzy Heart, or something?), who was an alicorn, for bucks sake. So, just what was she?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she nearly stumbled back after reaching the edge of the wall. She jerked back quickly, hoping she wasn't seen. Reflecting off the wall in front of her, she saw light. Not the constant glow of the sun, but the orange flicker of a fire. Careful not to be seen, she peaked around the corner.

Below her was a large room, whose purpose she couldn't accurately make out. In the center of the room was the fire, around which Pillar and the filly sat. Pillar was bandaging a gash, while the filly was curled up, lightly sobbing. Umbra was once again left wondering about her, before dismissing the thought as currently unimportant. Even injured, Pillar was still the bigger threat.

Looking around the upper part of the room, she noticed large pillars, easily big enough to fit a pair of Big Macs behind comfortably. Using them, she should be able to get behind him and perform a surprise attack. So, careful not to make any loud noises, she shot over to the nearest one. Once again checking over around the corner of the pillar, she slunk around the upper platform, careful not to be seen. As she did so, she listened in on the conversation the two of them were having.

"Are you ok, Mr. Pillar?", the filly asked. Now that she focused on it, something seemed off about her voice. Even with its sad down, it had a weird... effect to it. She couldn't really describe it, but something was definitely off.

Pillar said, "I'm fine. Just a scratch. I've dealt with worse."

"Why'd you hurt that Celestial?", the filly asked. "I thought you said it was just Daemons that were the baddies."

"They are. My brethren and Faust are just... misguided. They think they'll honor the Covenant. Fools. They can't be trusted." He lifted up his hand, grasping hers. "That's why I need your powers. So I can prevent them from harming anyone."

She jerked her hand away. "I, I can't. The voice says not to."

"What is this 'voice' you keep talking about? You've never really been clear."

She averted her gaze from him, focusing instead on the flickering light of the fire. "I can't really explain it. I, I just don't know!"

Pillar leaned forward, once again grasping her hand. "It's ok. But, please. Give it to me. I want to help you."

Umbra had no idea what was going on. Voice? Powers? Just who was this filly? Umbra pushed those thoughts aside as she finally got behind him. With him leaning forward, his sword nest to him, she was in the perfect position. So, after a moment of steeling herself, she bolted around the corner, her wings flapping to give her just that bit more momentum.

Her move wasn't unnoticed. The filly shouted, "Look out!" Pillar reacted in an instant, whipping around and reaching for his sword, however even he wasn't fast enough. She slammed into his chest at high speed, sending him flying into one of the columns behind him. He fell to the ground, a massive dent where he hit and a small rain of pebbles hitting him. Not wanting to take any chances, she jogged up to where he fell, pulling out the cuffs she still had and putting the cuffs around his wrists.

He jerked up immediately, thrashing like a fish out of water. He jerked to the side, still attempting to grab his sword, but Umbra kicked it out of his reach, then him in the chest. He fell back, his head lolling to the side. He then looked up, and said, "Release me, and I swear I shall make your death painless."

"Oh, shut up", she said, kicking him again.

Behind her, the filly said, "Stop it! Stop hurting him, you meanie!"

She turned, looking over the filly again. Almost everything about her was normal and yet wasn't in some way. "Ok. Who are you, and how in Lucifer's name did you turn me into that... that thing?"

She continued to tear up, head down nearly touching her chest. "My, my name i-is Parabellum. A-and I, I don't know."

"Ok then", Umbra said. "Look, this guy isn't a nice guy. So, I'm going to just take this guy in. I'll come back, then I'll take you to the Ponyville Orphanage, and I-"

"NO!", Parabellum shouted, her voice laced with a weird flanging effect. "I don't wanna go back! I don't want to hurt anypony!"

"Please. Just give me your power. I will ensure you do not return to that place", Pillar said.

Umbra looked back at him, preparing to yell at him again when she noticed he started glowing. He snapped the binders like they were made of wet paper, standing up. Familiar looking, swirling purple power coursed up his arms, and he shot her a sadistic grin.

She looked over her shoulder, seeing Parabellum slumped against the wall, shivering. She said, "What is going on!?"

"Simple, Daemon", Pillar said. His sword poofed into existence in his hand, giving it a quick flourish before he rested it at his side. "The filly has given me her power. With it, I shall keep your foul kind from corrupting the surface. Starting, with you." He flipped it around, and exploded into a cloud of... confetti? He appeared in front of her, smacking her in the chest with the pommel. She was sent flying up, smashing through the ceiling and sent flying into the early afternoon air.