• Published 19th May 2019
  • 2,638 Views, 88 Comments

Hellfire Dash - Centurion Pike-Wall

What would you do for one you were loyal to? That you loved? Rainbow Dash became a Daemon for hers.

  • ...

Chapter 2-Meeting with the Boss

Umbra awoke to loud knocking on her apartment's door. She groaned and rolled onto her side, hoping they would just go away. When the knocking resumed, much louder, she finally threw off the sheets and marched towards the door. As she did so, she stopped by her jacket, which was hanging loosely over her couch, and grabbed her knife. She opened the door, growling out, "What is it, Infernus?"

On the other side of the door frame stood a navy blue daemon unicorn in a suit jacket, dark red undershirt, khakis, and the same silver pocket watch as she had. His glowing red eyes cocked an eyebrow at her attire, and he sighed, rubbing the base of his scimitar-like red horn. Looking back up at her, he said, "The boss wants to see you. You're late for your most recent contract."

Umbra relaxed, adjusting her grip on her knife. "Oh, ok. Guess I hit the snooze on my alarm. Tell him I'll be along shortly; just gotta get dressed and grab a quick bite."

Infernus snorted but nodded. "He'll know." And with that, he walked down the hall, heading for the door leading out onto the central plaza of the ring.

Umbra shut the door, heading back into her apartment to go get dress. The boss was pretty loose with protocols, but it was still not a good idea to procrastinate as to these matters. So, she headed back into her room in order to grab some of her basic clothes.

Tossing her clothes from yesterday down the laundry shoot, she opened up the dresser to get some new clothes. She slid a white tank top on, followed by a pair of red cargo pants and a belt. Ducking into the bathroom, she brushed her mane back and did it up in a messy ponytail, before taking a sip of water from the cup on the sink. She then went over to her nightstand, opening up the drawer and pulling out a small black box.

Opening up the box, she saw a small necklace on a black cord. She lifted it out of the box, studying the small, star-shaped gem. Besides that picture on her nightstand of herself and her old friends, it was the only thing she had left of her old life. It was given to her by, somepony close to her, as a sign of devotion. She sighed, closed the box, and slid it over her head. Putting the box back in the nightstand, she headed for the door, grabbing and sliding on her leather jacket on the way out.

Entering the hall of the apartment complex, she made her way to the elevator down the end of the hall. As she went, a few other Collectors opened up their doors, getting ready for the day or just going to get something. Due to her standing with the boss, they let her pass, some even saying to her things like 'Morning, Venandi' or 'Oh, hey'. Umbra mostly ignored them, hitting the button for the ground floor. She could fly, but she still wanted a quick bit to fully wake up. As the door opened and shut, she said, "Three. Two. One."

As she finished, like clockwork, the elevator music started up:

"🎵Some, ponies say a stallion's made out of mud,🎵
🎵A poor stallion's made out of muscle and blood.🎵
🎵Muscle and blood, and skin and bone,🎵
🎵A mind that's weak, and a back that's strong.🎵"

"🎵You load sixteen tons, and what do ya get?🎵
🎵Another day older and yer deeper in debt.🎵
🎵Oh, Celestia don't call me, cause I can't go,🎵
🎵I owe my soul to the company store!🎵"

Umbra had been here long enough to the point where she could sing the song by heart. At first, it was annoying, but her boss had a somewhat unusual fascination with these older songs (Frank Sineightra and Ergot Ford and the like), so she just had to tough it out. The song didn't finish, however, as she was on a pretty low floor and soon made her way through the lobby out onto the main plaza of the 1st Ring.

As she exited one of the apartment building for the Collectors, she still couldn't help but marvel at the sight of the Ring. It had been little under six years, yet it was still a sight to behold. Blackened stone formed a cobblestone path around the whole plaza, while dark burgundy bushes grew in patches in between the massive towers of the Daemons apartments. There were seven in total around the edges of the plaza: one for the Overseers, two for the Torturers, two for the Contract-makers, and two for what she was, Collectors. Circling around the very edge of the plaza, to the point of being right on the edge of the apartments, flowed the River Styx, flowing out of Lucifer-knows where and doing this loop before flowing down into the Rings below them. Above them, by contrast, was nothing more than a blood-red storm, complete with crackling lightning and whipping winds. Always made flying an interesting experience while in Hell.

However, the main feature of the area was an even bigger, towering spire. It was easily taller than anything built by mortals, towering over the already massive apartments like a stallion over a small foal. Like the floor and the apartments, it was made out of black stone; however, as opposed to the more mortal-like structures of the other buildings, this one looked like something out of one of Twilights mediocre fantasy books. Rough, almost sharp edges, protruding flanges like on a mace, glowing runes carved into the sides, etc. It was an unfortunate office, but it was the office nonetheless. Dozens of Daemons, resembling almost all races knew of and a few she didn't, were coming too and fro from it, and she joined in one of the groups heading for it.

Entering the lobby of this building, she was greeted with a much less intimidating sight. Polished hardwood and blood-red carpet made up the floor, while old paintings decorated the walls. A jukebox sat in one of the corners, also blaring one of those older songs that the boss was so fond of. Off to one side were several elevators, all of which had a number over it, indicating which other Ring of Hell they would be taken to. To the other side was Hell's only café, which, naturally, was packed. Fortunately, the line to the coffee was almost deserted, and so she was able to make her way up to the self serve machines and make herself a cup.

After taking a sip of the somehow really good coffee (as it came from a dispenser), she made her way towards what was straight ahead when one entered the building: another elevator. This one, upon entering, had three large buttons on it. Each one was clearly labeled with what it lead to: 'FL-1: Contract-makers', 'FL-2: Overseers', and 'TFL: Boss'. Rainbow hit the last button, and was again hit with that old music:

"🎵Heartaches by the number, troubles by the score.🎵
🎵Everyday you love me less, each day I love you more.🎵
🎵Yes, I've got heartaches by the number, a love that I can't win,🎵
🎵But the day that I stop counting, that's the day my world would end.🎵"

Like last time, Umbra had gotten used to it by then, so she even lightly sung along to it. Finally, after the song had finished and started up again, the bell sounded and the doors opened. Unlike the lobby, this room's floor was made up of polished black marble, with the paintings being replaced by items of notable figures in glass cases. The crown of King Sombra, the staff of General Firefly, the sash of King Grover, along with a bunch of other stuff belonging to ponies or other creatures Umbra had never really bothered to learn. Near the end of the hall, she was greeted by a Daemon Minotaur sitting behind a comically undersized desk. He said, "Venandi. Good to see you. The Boss is waiting for you."

"Thanks, but I was already told", she told him, finishing off her coffee and slipping the cup into the wastebin behind his desk. She then went up to the massive, brass double doors, lifting up and turning the massive handle as she entered the Bosses office.

The inside was a large, circular, vaulted room, illuminated by a large chandelier holding candles the size of soda pop bottles. A bookshelf wrapped around about a third of the room, packed to bursting with massive amounts of books. Other sections of the wall either contained trophies like the ones in the hallway outside, or old posters of some of the oldies the Boss liked. In the center of the room stood a massive, carved obsidian desk, with a large brass plaque on it, reading:

'Lucifer Morningstar, Lord of Hell'.

The owner of the desk sat on it, hooves propped up onto the desk and his hands resting on the back of his head. For the Lord of Hell, he was certainly not that intimidating. He took the form of an Alicorn stallion with ashen grey fur, a curved, almost khopesh-like horn, and skeletal wings. He was somewhat scrawny looking, accented by his simple tank top and khaki pants held up by suspenders, with a similar hat to her own propped on his head. His face, while not her cup of tea, was certainly handsome in a regal, refined way; somepony Rarity would probably be attracted to. His eyes, however, practically ruined the image. They were massive, swirling pits of fire, ones that could suck in a mortal soul, and they would end up lost in those eyes; she had seen this firsthand.

The stallion next to him, by contrast, was all business. Literally; he was wearing an expensive suit, pants, and his own fedora. He, however, was much smaller than the Boss, and was only a daemon unicorn. A pentagram mark was branded over his eye, telling Umbra who this was specifically. Abaddon, Lucifer's lieutenant, and her default overseer. In the past six years, she had come to despise him with a passion.

"Welcome back, Venandi", Lucifer said, grinning as she stopped in front of his desk.

Abaddon coughed, then said, "Well, yes. Good to see you. Now, do you have the soul?"

"Yep", she said, slipping a hand into her jacket's pocket. Pulling out the still blood-red crystal, she tossed it onto the Boss's desk.

He examined the small glowing gemstone, turning it around and examining it in the various lights of the chandelier. After a few minutes, he smiled at her and opened up a drawer in his desk. Following a brief glowing light, he dropped it into, wherever he kept those things. "Excellent work, Venandi. As always."

"Yes", Abaddon said with a snort. "Better late than never, I suppose."

Before Umbra could say something, the Boss said, "I've told you before, Abaddon. Cut her some slack. She gets results; more than you do, anyway."

Abaddon now looked a bit panicked. Bowing his head, he said, "Apologies, my lord. I overstep."

It was Umbra's turn to snort, before turning back to the Boss as he pulled out a massive clipboard. Crossing off a name on it, he set it down and turned back to her. "Once again, excellent work. Now, I have another set of contracts for you, if you want them."

"Eh, got nothing better to do", She said, shrugging. "Who and where?"

"I'm handling the details", Abaddon said, stepping forward. "You'll see when I take you to the location. However, I suggest you pack up a duffle bag. It'll take a bit of time."

"You do know this isn't protocol, right? You're ok with this, Boss?"

He shrugged, once again reclining in his seat. "I trust he is capable of handling these matters. Besides, I'm going to be busy for a bit. I have a meeting, I need to attend."

"Anything I need to concern myself with, Boss?", she said, slightly curious as to what meeting was so important he was delegating tasks to Abaddon.

"No, no. While I appreciate your concern and your loyalty, it is something I can take care of. Now, go on. Have a pleasant hunt!"

Umbra nodded and headed for one of the room's windows. Seeing it was open, she just flared her wings slightly and took off, flying out the window. She had to dodge one of the bolts of lightning from the storm that was much closer than lower down but avoided it with a quick dive out of the maelstrom. Pulling up before impacting the dark stone street, swooping back up towards her apartment. She circled around the side of the building, stopping to hover in front of the window of her apartment.

When she entered, she startled the cleaning imp, who stumbled back in surprise. The small, slouching, red carapaced creature began bowing and scraping, muttering out apologies and begging for forgiveness. She just said, "Just go clean the bathroom or something. Give me a minute." It bowed again and scampered off, heading into the indicated room as she called out, "And if I find anything on the shower racks moved again, I'll have a word with your overseer!"

After it scampered off, Umbra went into her closet to look for a bag. She grabbed out the duffle bag she had in there and went over to the dresser to pack. She stuffed in several tank tops, a few pairs of cargo pants, and a pair of socks. She then went over to the desk, sliding out a decent size bag full of equestrian bits. She zipped up the bag, grabbed her hat which hid her horns, and headed back for the window. Before she hopped back out the window, she yelled to the Imp, "Oi! You can take care of it now!"

She spun around in the air, flying back over towards the tower. Not wanting to take her chances with the storm on the way back up, she headed for the second floor, intending to fly up the stairwell. Finding an open window, she flew inside, startling one of the overseers and sending a pile of papers flying. The papers went flying further and over a larger area when Umbra took off at full speed, zipping past several others and kicking open the door. Amid the protests of the Overseers, she cried out, "Just boss around the Imps to do it! All you suits are good for!"

A quick burst of speed up the spiral staircase, and she arrived back at the office. When she reentered, the Boss was gone, while Abaddon was still waiting for her. "Well, ok then. Let's go." He gestured to the pentagram floor décor, onto which he stepped. She followed suit, and he said, "Sit inter duos pontes, et ignis et carni, forma.*" A flash of fiery, blood-red light flickered around the circle, and the two of them vanished in a flash of the fire.


Umbra cracked her neck once the flames faded, and began to take in her surroundings. She and Abaddon stood on a hill of green grass and a few flowers, while a small cluster of trees stood off to the side. She turned around, towards the rising sun, and her blood froze solid. She made out a familiar skyline and town structure to somewhere she hadn't seen in a long time. A small cluster of buildings: A shed, a barn, and a farmhouse. A tent-looking structure. A bunch of thatch, two-story buildings. A building that looked like a bakery spread. And, of course, a tall, crystalline tower, topped with a castle and a massive, six-pointed star.

For the first time in almost six years, she looked upon her old home, of Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Dun, dun, DUNNNNN!

Also, *-Let a bridge between two worlds, one of fire and one of flesh, form.