• Published 10th Jul 2019
  • 837 Views, 13 Comments

Stuck in my own Sequel - AntiBronyBenSwolo

The Friendship Games are coming up, and Sunset Shimmer plans to stop the Dazzlings and a strange omnipotent fanfic author from interfering.

  • ...

Electric Boogalo

Previously, on Stuck in my own Fanfic...

The Dazzling's have been humiliated by the Rainbooms in the Battle of the Bands, resulting in the destruction of their siren gems. This caused the Sirens to run off into hiding until Hasbro shoehorns them in for some dumb redemption arc I'm pretty sure nobody really asked for. But there was one guy who stepped in and made the Dazzlings lives better, The author of this fanfiction; AntiBronyBenSwolo (that's me, I'm pretty sure. Hey there by the way). However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows. Because it'd be pretty boring if it was. Sunset Shimmer, shocked about my actions and potential, plans to put an end to this mad author's power before he takes over the world...or something.

"Did you really just have to read that out loud like an anime narrator?" Adagio asked as she played some video games with Sonata.

"What? I'm just trying to bring the readers up to speed," I said, jotting this down.

"But...you're still using the same notebook," Aria noted, as she quietly spectated the game.

"Hush, Aria child. We're in a sequel now," I said, placing my finger on Aria's lips. Sonata and Adagio mashed the buttons on their controller with vigorous intensity, until Sonata let out a tremendous cheer. She had won...whatever game she and Adagio were playing (idk, I don't keep track of what's relevant here).

"So, what are we gonna do now that we're in a sequel?" Adagio explained as Sonata danced around our ship. I pondered my options for where I could take this one.

"Well, I was thinking we could get some cover art or something," I said, stroking my chin.

"I think she was referring to Sunset Shimmer," Aria explained, as Adagio handed her controller over. Sonata sat back down and reclaimed her controller.

"Oh, right. Well, I hope you girls don't mind if I investigate that as we speak," I say, as I head on the deck of our ship.

"Good luck out there," Adagio waved as I saluted at the girls. I headed out of our secret cave and headed over to Canterlot High School, where I noticed everything was decorated. Was it the Friendship Games already? Well, considering I put that in the description, I shouldn't be surprised if that was the case. As I sneaked closeby, I saw a shy teenage girl hiding in a hoodie as she scanned the large mirror in front of the school. I also saw Sunset Shimmer writing in her own notebook, barely noticing the girl in the hoodie. However, I knew exactly who she was and where this was going.

"Hello there," I said, startling the girl, and causing her to break her device.

"What did you do?" The girl asked as she swept all the pieces together.

"I'm sorry. Also, I would have liked 'General Kenobi' as a response," I said, as the girl cradled the tech together like a broken LEGO set.

"What is going on here?" Sunset asked, noticing what's happening.

"Oh, n-nothing," The girl lied, keeping her hood closed.

"Wait, TWILIGHT!?" Sunset asked, shocking the girl. The girl unhooded herself to be the Twilight Sparkle of this universe.

"How do you know who I am?" Twilight asked, overwhelmed with this misfortune.

"Well, if I may, you have a counterpart from an alternate dimension who visited this school a couple of times," I explained to Twilight, who was having a hard time processing all of this.

"And might I ask what YOU'RE doing here?" Sunset asked, pointing at me like I was at a crime scene.

"Honestly, I came here to check up on you. It's been a while since I learned about your original character and--"

"Wait, how do you know about my original character?" Sunset asked, as she cut me off.

"...Can I go now?" Twilight asked, as if it no longer involved her.

"Yeah, sure," I said noncalantley as she headed back onto her bus and left. Sunset got even more furious at me. She had so many questions for Twilight's doppleganger. She couldn't help but punch me in my face. However, as I narrated this story, I saw that move coming and just caught it like a paper wad.

"I'm really starting to hate you, you know that?" Sunset yelled, trying to scare me.

"You know, hate is such a strong word. Especially for a pony like you," I said. I examined the mirror in curiosity.

"Well, now that you know about our new 'character', you know we plan to bring her here and become a thorn in your side," Sunset explained, as I continued my examinations.

"I know what you're doing. Unfortunatley, you can't do it without my help though, so I was thinking of bringing this character of yours here. You OK with that?" I explained, stunning Sunset.

"What's the catch here?" Sunset asked, crossing her arms.

"Oh, there's no catch. I just need the character sheet and the booklet you made for her," I said, stretching my hand out. Sunset reluctantly handed over the drawing, which was much improved on the last time I narrated it, and read the booklet for myself. I was thinking maybe I'd transfer it over into the next chapter.

"OK, here goes nothing," I said, as I placed the booklet and drawing on a large blank slab, which was meant to hold Sunset's magic book so she could go back to Equestria. But I found a new use for it. The mirror spiraled bright rainbow colors as a body stretched out of the colorful portal, and Sunset and I got to view her character for ourselves.

She had forest/lime green skin, long blue hair, and wore an ordinary white T-shirt with red jeans and large purple boots. Her outfit was relatively simple, with the exception of her large white flowing robe. And it doesn't help she held a long white staff with a red crystal on top. Sheesh, you'd mistaken her for Gandalf as a teenage girl or something.

"Behold, I am Sentry Light! Defender of the good and pure-hearted!" The colorful mage bellowed as Sunset was in shock.

"Well, thank you for bringing her here, I guess," Sunset explained as I examined her character.

"You're welcome. I just thought to speed up the process a bit and bring her here myself, as opposed to having you steal my book from me and writing a chapter yourself," I explained.

"Begone, foul being! My creator and I have much to discuss!" Sentry Light said.

"OK, fine. I'm going. Good luck on the Friendship Games by the way," I said, as I headed out and back home.

"Well, any luck?" Adagio asked, lying on the couch bored. Aria and Sonata were just as, if not even more bored.

"Sunset's new original character is here," I informed the Dazzlings, who jumped out of their trance.

"What? We gotta prepare some defenses. We can't let whoever it is here! We gotta--" Sonata said, panicking about this event, before fainting on her bed.

"Well, do you have a plan as to how to stop her?" Aria asked as I held up Sunset's booklet.

"Maybe this oughta help," I said, as I opened the first page.