• Published 10th Jul 2019
  • 838 Views, 13 Comments

Stuck in my own Sequel - AntiBronyBenSwolo

The Friendship Games are coming up, and Sunset Shimmer plans to stop the Dazzlings and a strange omnipotent fanfic author from interfering.

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Adagio and I, after learning about Sonata's Kidnapping, decided it would be best to warn Principal Celestia of the occurring events. As the two of us rushed over, we were frozen in place by a red light. Gosh, darn it! Sentry Bright got in the way. Now I know how Villains feel when their archenemy shows up.

"Halt, author! What deeds are you up to?" Sentry interrogated, pointing her staff at me and Adagio as a handful of students watched on.

"Sentry! What's going on here?" Sunset Shimmer asked, as the rest of the Rainbooms followed, and, to Adagio's surprise, Twilight. This world's Twilight, not Equestria's Twilight.

"What in the--?" Twilight asked in shock as she could not comprehend what's happening. I tilted my head at her. Isn't she supposed to absorb magic or something? And then it hit me. My intervention with Twilight and the Portal ruined the scientific amulet and therefore ruined any chance of her becoming Midnight Twilight. I was originally thinking of some crazy over the top climax with her, but with her out of the way, I realized my mission was complete. I had successfully ruined the Friendship Games.

"We're on our way to warn Principal Celestia of something terrible that has happened," Adagio warned, still frozen in place.

"She's busy with Principal Cinch," Applejack commented. I rolled my eyes at the lame excuse to put her in this story for just a bit of exposition. I totally could do better than that.

"Just what is it you wanted to tell her?" Sunset interrogated, crossing her arms at us.

"If you have your pet here let us go, I can show you, rather than tell you," I offered.

"What are you doing?" Adagio whispered as the Rainbooms all watched.

"Why would you do that?" Twilight asked.

"As an author, it's better to show, not tell. So, I'd rather show you, rather than tell you," I said, as Sunset thought it over. Sentry Bright looked over at her creator waiting for a response. Sunset turned to her little mage and nodded, causing Sentry to free us from her holding spell. Just then, I lend Sunset my notebook.

"Just read the chapter just before this one. You won't believe your eyes," I instructed as Sunset read on ahead, with Twilight reading over her shoulder. Just then, Sunset's eyes filled with shock, as she started tearing up. She closed the book and handed it back to me.

"Just...just go. I just..." Sunset said, before completely tearing up and running off to be by herself.

"What just happened there?" Fluttershy asked as I headed off with Adagio.

"Something Sunset didn't want to see, I guess," Adagio explained as we headed off to meet up with the Principal. Or rather, Principals.

"Principal Celestia, if we may, we have a bit of an emergency," Adagio asked, as Celestia was giving her tour of the school to Principal Cinch. Good thing I didn't need a tour. I got plot armor for that.

"What is it now?" Principal Celestia whispered to us as if it wasn't urgent.

"Sonata's been kidnapped!" Adagio explained, shocking Principal Celestia.

"Oh, I'm...sorry to hear that," Celestia responded, clearly unprepared for this sort of event.

"A kidnapping, you say? My, my, you really need to discipline your students more," Principal Cinch commented as I glared my eyes at her. I didn't dislike her because of her corrupt twisted nature. I disliked her because she's a bland copy of Dolores Umbridge mixed with Emperor Palpatine. Come on! We can have better villains than her!

"Well, do you know who kidnapped her?" Celestia asked, trying to take matters in her hands.

"It's Flash Sentry," I said, as Celestia stroked her chin.

"I'll make sure everyone be on the lookout for them," Celestia said as she headed down to...I forgot we turned it into our base. Anyway, she headed down there ASAP.

Meanwhile, Sonata woke up tied to a metal chair, which was being held down with large stones.

"Look who's finally awake," Flash said as he examined Sonata with an incredible amount of spite.

"Flash? What's going on?" Sonata asked as Flash stroked Sonata's cheek.

"I'll tell you when your fishy friends are here with you," Flash explained, as he followed the stroking with a slap to Sonata's face, causing her to tear up. Suddenly, a voice came up on the intercom.

"Attention all students! Please be on the lookout for Flash Sentry as he has recently kidnapped Sonata Dusk in an unknown location," The intercom blared, as Flash got only angrier.

"I guess you kidnapping me got narrated. AntiBronyBenSwolo's already on your tail," Sonata mocked, as Flash was getting ready to hit her again, but decided not to. Suddenly, a banging was heard on the door, as Flash was prepared to face off against a mob. But fortunately, it was his minion, Wallflower Blush.

"Guess who came crawling to investigate the crime scene?" Wallflower Blush asked as she carried Aria Blaze unconscious, and into their secret room. The two ner do wells worked together to tie Aria up the same way Sonata is tied.

"Well, guess all that's left is your lead singer," Flash said, mocking Sonata as she could only feel worried for her.

Meanwhile, Sunset sat on the front porch of the school, sobbing at this turn of events as Fluttershy comforted her.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what happened with Flash. I didn't think he would--" Fluttershy said, as Sunset snapped.

"Of course nobody thought he would! How would he do something like this? I just--" Sunset said, as she got up and rammed her fist into the wall in rage. She got back down and continued crying. As she cried, Adagio came out of the door to check on the situation.

"Hey, are you OK?" Adagio asked, patting Sunset on the back.

"No! I'm not OK! In fact, how are you OK? Your backup singer is missing!" Sunset yelled, backing Adagio off.

"To be honest, I'm having a hard time dealing with this as well," Adagio said, calming down Sunset by hugging her. Sunset hugged back as the two sat down and waited. Just then, I came out followed by Sentry Bright.

"You find anything?" Adagio asked.

"No. Only more bad news," I explained, as Sentry Bright fiddled with her staff.

"Aria's been captured as well," Sentry Bright said, shocking both Sunset and Adagio.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy muttered to herself as Sunset and Adagio were speechless.

"We have come to the conclusion that Flash is after all of the Dazzlings, so Sentry Bright believes it would be best if she acted as your guardian," I explained to Adagio as I patted her on the back. Adagio let out a sigh.

"I don't think we have any other choice," Adagio said as the five of us headed back inside to process all this hard news. And prepare for another attack.