• Published 10th Jul 2019
  • 838 Views, 13 Comments

Stuck in my own Sequel - AntiBronyBenSwolo

The Friendship Games are coming up, and Sunset Shimmer plans to stop the Dazzlings and a strange omnipotent fanfic author from interfering.

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Flash glared the two of us down as he fired a powerful blue beam at Adagio and I. I was able to delay the blast by drawing a magical bubble to protect the two of us, though it wasn't quite enough as the bubble started to crack. Seeing as we didn't have enough time, I pulled out my book and re-read the previous chapter. Specifically, the part where Aria, Sonata, Sunset, and Sentry devise a plan to stop Flash. Speaking of plans...

"You said you have a plan?" Adagio asked as the bubble cracked more and more by the passing seconds.

"Technically, I do, but I allowed the others to devise it. Here, read this," I explained, as I passed my book onto her so she could read the plan. Telling by the shock on her face, Adagio wasn't quite sure how to feel about this plan.

"So, we just have to stall Flash until Sunset gets here?" Adagio checked again, bringing my attention to the crack in the giant bubble growing bigger and bigger, even splintering some of the hard light.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," I said as I drew a turret into existence outside of the bubble to distract Flash's mad rampage. The turret fired blasts of colored energy, breaking Flash's concentration.

"You think this is gonna stop me?" Flash asked as he encased himself in a stronger bubble and fired a beam, destroying the turret in one fell swoop. With the turret out of the way, Flash turned his attention back to me only to find the bubble fully repaired, and encased in a larger magic bubble.

"No, but you are gonna have to start all over on this," I sarcastically shrugged, as Adagio snickered at Flash's infuriated face. Enraged, Flash fired a similar beam to the previous one, though unable to see both bubbles being able to buy us, and more specifically, Sunset, more time to get here.

Sunset, Sentry, Aria, and Sonata crept alongside the side of the school building, able to witness Flash firing his beam at the magic bubble, encasing Adagio and me.

"Great! How are we gonna sneak past Flash to summon Twilight?" Sonata whispered as Sunset was writing in her book to contact Twilight.

"I just made contact with Twilight. She'll meet us at the portal and wait for us to summon her," Sunset explained as Sentry Bright surveyed the scene.

"We still need to get past this carnage," Sentry pointed out, as Flash's beam was breaking down the bubble more. Aria and Sonata examined the scene for themselves as they noted that I was jotting furiously in my notebook to keep the bubble stable. As I wrote, a dawning thought suddenly hit Sonata.

"Plot Armor," Sonata whispered as Aria looked at Sonata funny.

"Sonata, what are you--" Sunset asked, as Sentry turned her attention to Sonata.

"That's just it! Plot Armor! Aria, remember on our first day back to school, and everyone barely recognized us?" Sonata asked, shaking Aria violently.

"Err...yes?" Aria said, trying to figure out where her fellow siren was going with this.

"Swolo explained to us that he put some sort of plot armor on us that made it so we weren't immediately humiliated!" Sonata screamed like a spastic manic, as the dawning thought finally his Aria in the same way.

"Wait, so you're saying all we need to do is walk past him?" Sunset asked as Sentry Bright pondered this thought.

"And more importantly, how durable is this armor?" Sentry asked, thinking it might be actual armor. Aria turned to Sonata with the same thought.

"As durable as it needs to be," Aria grinned as they began to take Sunset's book to the portal.

The beam hailed fire on the golden bubble, breaking through the first one and starting to break through the second one. I pondered furiously about how to hold him off just a little bit longer.

"It's no use. Just give up this little fight you put up!" Flash bellowed as he prepared to make his beam stronger.

"Gonna need some help here. I think I might be running out of ideas here," I suggested to Adagio as she looked at me in shock.

"What do you mean? You can't be out of ideas like that!" Adagio panicked as she examined the beam breaking through. I tried summoning another larger bubble, but the intensity of the beam was too much to finish it up, leaving us with our current bubble breaking down.

"I do have one, and I just wrote it down, but I'm gonna need more if we're to hold him off," I confessed as I tried to think up of something to hold him off.

"Well, I think I have one," Adagio said, as she got close to me.

"What are you talking--" I asked before she pressed her lips up against mine and HOLY COW she is kissing me right on the lips and I am starting to lose track of everything and the world might just implode because I got kissed and this never happens to me and--

Adagio pressed her lips up against mine as I had no choice but to accept my fate and let this happen. I held Adagio in a final embrace if this were the end. Just me and Adagio together. Granted, this kiss was uncalled for, and I most likely should have waited a little longer for this to happen in order to form stronger relationships and whatnot.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked, disgusted by the kiss that he just witnessed. The shields were broken down, but the beam stopped firing, so I suppose this bought us more time. I looked back at him ready to fight, but Adagio looked back with that "I beat you before you realized it" face.

"Distracting you, dummy," Adagio answered, pointing off to the side with her thumb. Flash and I looked off to the mirror, where Sonata and Aria looked out waving at Flash mockingly, while Sunset and Sentry applied the book to the portal.

"Here's Twily!!!" Sunset called out, as the portal glowed, and a figure stepped through. The figure of Twilight Sparkle. Everyone peered back at Flash victoriously, with the exception of Twilight, who was shocked, disgusted, enraged, and saddened by Flash's descent into Dark Magic.

"Twilight! It's so glad to--" Flash tried to say, embracing Twilight in a hug, though Twilight backed out in fear.

"Flash? What's happened to you?" Twilight asked as if she never knew Flash. Flash looked back at the staff he stole and realized his downfall.

"Twilight, I can explain," Flash tried to say before Twilight ran off into the school building in a sob.

"Twilight, NO!!!" Flash yelled as he realized it was too late. He stole the staff. He plotted revenge. He bribed a student. He was no better than either the Dazzlings or even how Sunset once was. Sunset looked on at Twilight's despair and looked on at me.

"I'll take care of her," Sunset explained to me as she ran off to take care of her friend. Flash looked on at the fearful Twilight and felt more rage than ever, and he was directing it at me.

"YOU! YOU did this to me! You turned me evil! And I will never stop until--" Flash bellowed on, pointing the staff at me before Sentry reclaimed the staff for herself, her pure essence changing the crystal from the evil blue to the bright red it's intention was and aimed the staff at Flash Sentry.

"I do not think so. And now you shall pay for your crimes," Sentry bellowed, casting a spell at Flash and encasing him in a scarlet field of magic, making him unable to move.

"This should hold you until the proper authorities arrive," Sentry explained as Adagio and I looked on at Sentry.

"Nice catch there, Hero. You mind if I call you that?" Adagio asked, as Sentry proudly held her staff like a flag.

"I do not mind. And I believe I owe you and the Dazzlings and apology for my mistrust of you, and my thanks for your assistance in besting this vile boy," Sentry proclaimed as I chuckled a little to myself.

"Well, I must say, it has been an honor working with you," I expressed with a bow, as Sentry bowed at me back. She headed off to the school building to meet up with Sunset, only for Sunset to come back out and explain the whole situation with both Twilights. After looking at those three, I realized I probably was rushing way too fast with this ending.

"...And this is what all the trouble was about," Sunset explained as Equestria's Twilight stopped crying while the Human Twilight comforted her.

"It is nice to meet you Princess Twilight. It's nice to see you again other Twilight," I said, Adagio just following along like an RPG companion.

"Hey there," Human Twilight responded, as Princess Twilight examined me.

"So, you can control reality by writing stuff down. Are you by any chance related to Discord?" Twilight asked as I chuckled to myself.

"No, I'm just a fanfiction writer just doing my thing," I explained as Twilight examined me a little more.

"Just one thing. You said you'd ruin the Friendship Games, and you ended up saving the school. Why did you say that?" Sunset asked as I reread the previous chapters to make sure I'm up to speed on my own story.

"None of this was supposed to happen, honestly. Human Twilight was supposed to go evil, not Flash. No offense meant, of course," I explained.

"None taken, I guess," Human Twilight uttered as she brushed her hair off sheepishly. And with that, Sunset turned back to me no longer with the face of a rival.

"One more thing. I'm sorry I conspired against you, So, I guess we're friends now?" Sunset said, holding her hand out for a shake. I reluctantly shook her hand in agreement, as she really no longer proved to be a threat. And with that, Sunset, Sentry, and both Twilights headed back into the school to discuss whatever. And all that's left to wrap this story is for me to talk to my main cast. How could I forget to tie up the loose ends with the Dazzlings like that if they're meant to be that important of characters to the story?

"Hey, I guess that's a wrap, huh?" Adagio asked, leaning her elbow on my shoulder. Aria walked over victorious while Sonata hoisted me up and spun me around like a doll.

"WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" Sonata sang as she danced around like a child.

"Sonata, please stop. We don't want to kill the guy, after all," Aria commented, as Sonata promptly let go of me. And I thought Aria had strong muscles.

"But I'm so excited to get this over with! And excited about that epic kiss!!!" Sonata squealed in a fangirlish manner, while I blushed behind my book. I forgot that Aria and Sonata must have seen that. And I was just trying to forget that kiss ever happened.

"Does that make us a thing now?" Adagio prompted as Aria and Sonata were awaiting my answer. Quite honestly, I forgot about how fair the Dazzlings were when it came to this relationship business, so they wouldn't have minded if I said yes. But it was still a tough decision to make, making me blush harder and harder.

"I'd take that blushing into consideration if I were you," Aria winked at me as Adagio and Sonata giggled to themselves.

"So, What do we do now?" Sonata asked as I continued jotting in my notebook. I still had many story ideas I needed to tell.

"I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, let's just go home," I proposed as Sonata cheered as the three Dazzlings followed me home to our beloved pirate ship.

"Can we stop for Tacos on the way?" Sonata asked as we began our trek. I merely chuckled at the request.

"Sure thing," I said, as I finally finished this sequel.


Author's Note:

This took me way too long to write. I am so sorry for the wait.

Comments ( 1 )

Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.

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