• Published 10th Jul 2019
  • 837 Views, 13 Comments

Stuck in my own Sequel - AntiBronyBenSwolo

The Friendship Games are coming up, and Sunset Shimmer plans to stop the Dazzlings and a strange omnipotent fanfic author from interfering.

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It's Showtime

I headed into the auditorium, which was incredibly darker the last time I entered it. Sunset and Sentry did the honorable thing and stayed behind, just to make sure nothing bad happened. I could barely see anything or anyone in here. However, as I wrote that little detail, three large spotlights blasted in my face, blinding me for a good 5 seconds. The spotlights slowly changed direction from me to the stage, where the Dazzlings were suspended in the air by rope.

"I take it this is part of your plan?" Adagio yelled as I rubbed the light out of my eyes, so I could continue writing.

"The plan was just to find everyone, not necessarily how to deal with this," I shrugged sheepishly, as a cloud of black smoke apparated, and out from the cloud appeared Flash Sentry wielding Sentry Bright's staff. However, the staff's appearance changed. Instead of the staff being white with a red crystal, it changed to black with a blue crystal. I think this must have been this "Dark Magic" Sunset was referring to.

"Then you must be a really poor planner if you actually took my note's suggestion, Ben," Flash mocked, pointing the corrupted staff at me.

"Are you really gonna call me Ben?" I asked, almost offended.

"Well, you call yourself AntiBronyBenSwolo, right? So...your name must be Ben, right?" Flash said. That was some terrible logic. And this is coming from a guy who pulled oranges out of Adagio's hair!

"Well, it's not!" I yelled, as Flash facepalmed.

"Then why do you call yourself that?" Flash yelled as he rubbed his temple.

"I did it for the meme!" I said, pouting at his assumption, as Flash finished rubbing his temple.

"Anyway, what do you want with me?" I asked Flash, as he was slightly upset I didn't stand down immediately.

"Well, it's not really what I want from you. It's what I want from the Dazzlings," Flash explained, piquing the Dazzling's interest.

"Well, what is it you want from us then?" Sonata asked as Flash stroked Sonata's chin with the tip of his staff. He continued circling the Dazzlings, intimidating the three girls

"You were the one who hypnotized the whole school. You were the one who made me mad at my girlfriend. Therefore, you are the one responsible for making me break up with her!" Flash declared as lightning shot up out of the crystal.

"So, this is your typical revenge story?" I asked as Flash redirected his anger from the Dazzlings back at me.

"I've seen the way they act around you. You're their knight in shining armor. Their protector. Protecting them from the justice they deserve," Flash said, raising his voice at me.

"Did you not just hear me? I just said this is revenge," I asked, chuckling a little. I don't recall Flash ever getting this corny in the original "Friendship Games".

"So...what are you going to do, now that you have the four of us here?" Aria asked as Flash aimed the crystal end of the staff at me.

"You took what I loved, and now I'm gonna take what you love," Flash declared, firing a blue blast of magic at me. I ducked and rolled out of the way, preparing to dodge again. The Dazzlings couldn't stand and watch the fight, though they had no choice but to do so. Flash fired another blue blast, this time, knocking me off balance.

"Woah, hey. Watch the magic there," I said nonchalantly, infuriating Flash...again. Seriously, this guy needs to take a chill pill.

"Either fight back or sit still so I can hit you!" Flash yelled, charging up a large blast of magic. I stood confidently, readying my pen.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that the pen is mightier than the sword?" I asked, holding my pen out. Flash released his large blast of magic, as I stood still. I aimed my pen back at him and fired a gold stream of energy, catching the blue beam, and pushed the magical clash in between the two of us. Flash pushed hard, as did I, but we were too equally matched. Well, realistically speaking, I can manipulate the outcome, therefore I'm the stronger one, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

As we pushed each others beams back at one another, a few gold sparks flew out of my pen and past Flash, though he was too angry to notice. The gold sparks headed toward the ropes suspending the Dazzlings, and cut them down, freeing them.

"Alright, we're back in the game!" Aria said as Adagio continued to spectate the fight, without being caught by Flash.

"Well, what do we do now?" Sonata asked, shielding her eyes from the crazy laser show going on. As the girls thought of a plan, they were confronted by Wallflower Blush, who I kinda forgot should be in this scene. I didn't really think of what to do with her other than this. I think she was the one controlling the spotlights.

"Hey, what are you--?" Wallflower confronted the Dazzlings until Sonata and Aria stood behind Adagio, making Wallflower realize she was outnumbered. And outmatched.

"You really gonna try this out with us?" Adagio asked, starting to crack her knuckled. Wallflower gulped and nervously tapped her fingers.

"I'm just gonna leave now," Wallflower said, as he slowly walked out of the school without anyone noticing.

"Yeah, you go do that," Sonata said. As Wallflower left, the girls jumped off the auditorium and decided to join the fight. Though I wish they didn't.

"Hey Flash!" Adagio called out. Flash turned around, halting his beam. This caused my golden beam to ram right into him, knocking him back. I stood back in shock. I didn't mean for my beam to be that strong. Taking the time, the girls all ran up to me and group hugged me.

"Oh, it's so good to see you! I thought we would never see you again!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all said at once. Well, not exactly. They were all talking at once, and I couldn't understand all of it. My point is, what they were saying was along the lines of...well...those lines.

"Enough!" Flash declared, his eyes glowing blue like the crystal, using his magic to levitate himself up high. I couldn't tell if all the magic had gone to his head, if he's just trying to make himself look scary, or if I'm running out of ideas. He pointed his staff at me and prepared to fire.

"What's the plan?" Sonata asked as the girls braced for some sort of impact. I looked out and saw the door, brimming with outside light.

"Spread out!" I yelled, as the four of us split direction and scattered. Sonata headed out the back door, Aria headed out another door, and Adagio followed me out the gym door. Flash blasted the door down with magic and levitated himself around to follow us. Adagio and I ran outside and headed toward the mirror!

"OK, what now?" Adagio asked as Flash levitated over to us. The most I could do is hold him off.

Sonata ran out to where the Friendship Games were supposed to be and noticed Flash wasn't following her. As safe as she was, for the time being, she couldn't shake the feeling something needed to be done. As she pondered step two of this plan I told them nothing about, she heard footsteps coming up to her.

"Sonata! There you are!" Aria exclaimed, with Sunset and Sentry Bright following closeby.

"Aria! Sunset! Whatever your name is!" Sonata said, coming out of her hiding spot, and embracing Aria with a hug.

"You know what the plan is?" Aria asked as Sonata was flustered with confusion.

"I thought you knew what the plan was," Sonata replied.

"To be honest, I thought you both knew what the plan was," Sentry Bright responded. Sunset scratched behind her head in embarrassment.

"I think I got a plan if BenSwolo didn't tell you what it is," Sunset offered, as Aria and Sonata turned their attention to Sunset.

"And that would be?" Aria asked as Sunset pulled out her notebook. The one she uses to contact Equestria. The one she used to warn Twilight of the Dazzlings.

"This book was used to summon Princess Twilight from Equestria. If I can put this on the mirror, then I can summon Twilight and she can help stop Flash," Sunset explained as Sentry looked back at Sonata and Aria.

"Are you sure that'll work?" Sonata asked, concerned for Adagio and me.

"I have no idea," Sunset said, as Sentry sighed.

"Well, it's better than nothing," Sentry Bright said, as the four girls headed out to the statue. I just gotta buy them enough time for everything to fall into place.