• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,907 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 11

In the city of Manehatten there is a massive navel port that allows merchants from across the ocean to come to Equestria, well at least those who don’t have much accessibility to air travel. On a typical day at least twenty to thirty ships pass through these waters. However, for some strange reason there has been no new inbound ships coming into port for at least three days.

Sitting on the edge of one of the many piers was one of the many dock workers, a large brown stallion wearing a blue cap, fishing in the bay. Due to the lack of work over these last couple days the man to do something fill his time. Suddenly the would be fisherman’s line started to tug. Excitedly the stallion started to pull on the line while saying, “Finally, come to papa you!”

It took a couple of tugs before the struggle finally ended and the fisherman finally reeled in his pray. However, his eyes shot open with shock and his mouth hung open in fear. Instead of bagging so massive fish like he had expected, no instead his catch was a heavily wounded white Hippogryph looking creature with a winged egg thing around its neck. In a panic the stallion called out, “Hey, buddy, hold we will get you some help? What in Celestia’s name happened to you?”

The Hippogryph groaned as he slightly opened his eyes to look at his would be savior. With a raspy breath it only said a single thing before falling into unconsciousness, which was, “Leviamon.”

Meanwhile in the Everfree forest Marcus, in his Beelzemon form, was practicing his swordplay. This had become part of his normal routine since coming back from Asta’s dimension a couple weeks ago. Because of the relative inactivity of ponies of the forest made it one of the best places to train. Now he could practice all his different abilities, moves, and most of his forms in peace. The only exception to this training being his new Marchosiasmon form.

Honestly ever since his battle with Asta, in which he lost control after using his resurrection, he has been reasonably hesitant to try it again. With on final swing a blade of energy shot out of the Beelzemon’s sword and severed a tree, which promptly fell to the ground with a thud. With a smirk he threw the sword into the air, leaning to the right slightly so it would land in the sheath on his back before immediately righting himself.

Looking around at the damage his training has caused, the demon lord digimon was pleased. With a nod he let out a whistle, which was meet by the roar of engines as the motorcycle Behemoth speed towards him. The mechanical beast coming to a screeching halt before his rider for his to easily mount, which he happily did. From there it was but a mater of a few minutes before arriving back at Fluttershy’s cottage.

As he parked in front of the cottage he noticed that on the door was slightly open and the sound of clinking metal could be heard. With a scowl he pulled out the left Berenjena and hopped off his bike. Slowly inching his way closer to the door before kicking it open, knocking it off its hinges, and aiming his weapon inside. Now with a clear view of the homes inside he noticed Fluttershy was sitting on her couch with three guards, one pegasus stallion, one unicorn mare, and one earth pony mare, standing across from her. All four of them staring at the demon digimon with shock at his sudden, and violent appearance.

Fluttershy’s gaze quickly turned from shock to slight anger, an unhappy frown plastering itself her face. “Marcus, put that things away this instant. These guards are not here to cause trouble, they just came to pass on a message for you.” The normally quite and shy pegasus mare said in a rather authoritative tone.

With his curiosity peaked Marcus holstered his weapon and asked, “What’s this about a message for me?”

The pegasus stallion stepped forward, and upon closer inspection his guard armor seemed different from his colleagues. Unlike standard gold that adorned the two mares this stallions armor was primarily aquamarine with some gold trim as the metals edges. Offering a salute the stallion said, “Yes, I am Captain Sea Breeze of the Manehatten branch of the royal guard and I have come to ask you for your aid.”

Crossing his arms Marcus asked, “Oh, and what exactly do you need me for?”

Captain Sea Breeze nodded as he said, “Yes I do, though I can understand why you might be a bit hesitant. Before coming here some friends of mine from the Canterlot branch told me of the altercation.”

“Okay but that does raise a rather glaring question, if you know this then why still come here?” Marcus’s mouth moved into a cocky smirk waiting for his potential answers. To him the only reason the guards, no matter the branch, would come to him for help knowing his dust up with them means that they are really up a creak.

With a sigh the guard captain took off his helmet, revealing a mint green mane styled in a mohawk, and said, “In truth, I originally brought this before princess Celestia but she told me to come see you.” Sea Breeze gave the demon digimon a serious look, making the atmosphere tense once again. “You see four days ago a strange hippogryph was caught in a fishing dock workers line. From what the dock worker told use in his statement, before passing out the hippogryph he said the word Leviamon.”

As Marcus listened to the the situation, using his right hands thumb and pointer finger to rub his chin, two questions popped into his head. First, was this hippogryph that Sea Breeze mentioned Hippogryphonmon? The golden egg thing mentioned sounded made him think so. The second ,and arguably more important, was WHAT THE HELL WAS LEVIAMON DOING IN THIS WORLD?! That thing is literally one of the biggest and baddest digimon part of the Seven Demon Lords, let all the rest of digimon kind. Seriously, that monster’s maw is large enough to swallow Whamon whole.

After a second he took his hand away from his chin and pointed at the front door. In a threatening tone he said, “Leave now, and never come back.”

The statement shocked all the ponies in the room, especially Fluttershy. “S-sir, I am afraid I do not understand,” Sea Breeze stammered out. “We need your help in figuring out what is going on. Why do you want us to leave so suddenly?” he asked with a mixture of fear and anger.

“Cause I don’t want anything to do with Leviamon. Now, if you had just come here because you found some random Hippogryphonmon then I wouldn’t mind helping. But no, I refuse to mess around with anything with that thing.” Marcus’s gaze hardened as he then said, “Now get out, I wont say it a third time.”

Sea Breeze looked at Marcus and tried to figure out something to get the digimon to change his mind. However, he couldn’t think of anything. With a sigh of defeat he said, “Alright, I am sorry for disrupting your day.” Motioning to the other two guards to follow the three quickly exited the cabin.

With a sigh Marcus lowered his arm and turned his gaze to a not pleased looking Fluttershy. The cream mare crossed her hooves and asked, “Want to tell me why you treated those ponies so rudely, especially when they came here to ask for your help?”

Marcus sighed as he dedigivolved into Impmon and sat on the ground. “Trust me Fluttershy, it is best to forget about those ponies. If Leviamon is involved they are as good a dead anyways.” As he spoke his voice showing a mixture of sadness and regret for what just happened.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in fear and asked, “What do you mean, who is this Leviamon? GIven its name I can assume that it is another Digimon like yourself, but you sound like he is something else.” She watched as Marcus pulled his knees to his chest and shut his mouth tight. “Marcus your scaring me, I need you to tell me what is going on,” she pleaded. However, the only response she got was the little imp shutting his eyes. It was clear that whatever this digimon Marcus was uncomfortable talking about it, scared even. Sighing she hopped off her couch and walked over to Marcus. She set her hoof gently on his back in attempts to comfort him before saying, “I can see this hard for you to talk about, but if somepony is in danger then I need you to tell me what is going on.”

A slight growl escaped Marcus’s throat before violently moving away from Fluttershy’s hoof, causing the pegasus to yelp slightly. “Look I am sorry, I really am, but there isn’t anything you or I could do to help them. The demon lord Leviamon is one of the most dangerous Digimon in existence, whose jaws alone are capable of tearing apart the whole of the digital world. Even us other members of the Seven Demon Lords are scared of that thing, cause to fight against him is just asking for death. So do you get it now, that is why I said its best to forget about them!” By the end of his tears started forming in his eyes. With a slight hitch in his throat he asked, “I want to help them, but what am I supposed to do?”

I killed him inside that he couldn’t help, heck that is part of why he went through all of this training with Asta and them. But what was he supposed to do against Leviamon? Honestly the only chance he figured he had would be if he turned into Marchosiasmon, but that would more than likely just add to the problem.

Fluttershy could see how much this was weighing on Marcus’s mind. Wrapping a comforting wing around his current tiny form she said, “I am sorry, I had no idea that this digimon was such a problem. But if he is dangerous as you say then we have to do something, there just has to be something that could be done.”

Resting his head on Fluttershy’s barrel Marcus and with a sigh he said, “Okay, maybe I could go and talk to this Hippogryphonmon and see what the full Leviamon situation is. Though I will need someone who knows the area to help me get around, preferably not a guard though.” If he remembered right then Rarity had a shop in Manehatten, so maybe he could ask her. With a groan the Impmon broke away from the cream pegasus and started walking towards the door, midway digivolving back to Beelzemon. “Alright I better get going, time might not be on my side,” he said as he opened the door and started walking through. However, when he was halfway out the door he suddenly stopped and said, “Listen incase this ends badly, thanks for being such an awesome friend. Honestly, I have no idea what I would have do if it weren’t for you.”

For a brief moment no one said anything, until the comforting voice of Fluttershy said, “Be safe, I will be waiting for you to come home.”

A confident smirk plastered itself on Marcus’s face as he left the cottage. It was like all the fear that had once plagued him had just suddenly disappeared into thin air. With a renewed confidence he hopped back onto Behemoth and revved the engine, and performing a wheelie. Once the front wheels were back on the ground he sped off towards Rarity’s Boutique to try and convince her to come with him. If worst came to worst, and this little mission did not mean his brutal end, he would just act as her mannequin for a few weeks.

Author's Note:

Sup, one last update for the year. Hope y'all enjoy.

Comments ( 5 )

Oof Leviamon huh. Thats gonna be a massive pain in the ass to deal with.

This shows promise.

It will continue. I am just busy with my last semester of undergrad.

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