• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,905 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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chapter 3

How long had long have they been driven, and how much farther until they get out of the forest? These questions were some of the farthest things from his mind as he sped through the forest with Behemoth and Fluttershy. To him this was honestly the only good thing to happen to him all day, so he honestly didn’t want it to end.

But unluckily for him the entrance to the forest finally came into view. This caused Marcus to hit the brakes and with a smirk say,” Well looks like we are here.” He then turned to look at Fluttershy, and was unsurprised to see that she was hunched over and green in the face. He then chuckled and asked,” Didn’t enjoy the ride that much did ya?”

Fluttershy whimpered as she looked up at him and shook her head no. This caused Marcus to rub the back of his neck and say,” Oh sorry about that, guess I got carried away again.” He then jumped off of Behemoth and with a smile said,” Why don’t you just relax on Behemoth while I push us the rest of the way?”

Fluttershy looked at Marcus and worriedly said,” Oh no you don’t need to do that, I will be fine.”

Marcus shook his head and said,” Calm down, it is not that big of a deal.” He then grabbed Behemoths handlebars and push it forward while saying,” Besides I am the one who made you feel bad so it is the least I can do.”

Fluttershy wanted to protest, but didn’t want to upset Marcus since he felt so strongly about it. She then relaxed as Marcus pushed Behemoth to the forest entrance and stopped. Marcus then looked at Fluttershy and said,” Well I guess this is where we go are separate ways.”

Fluttershy looked up at Marcus in shook and said,” Oh no you can’t leave yet, I haven’t had a chance to thank you for your help.”

Marcus shook his head and said,” You have no reason to thank me, all I did was tame Behemoth.” He then looked at the forest entrance and thought to himself,” Besides I still don’t know who I can really trust in this world.’

Fluttershy then put her huff on Marcus’s arm and said,” Oh but you have, because of you my animals friends can return to their homes in the forest without fear.” She then looked Marcus dead in the eyes with a heartbreaking stare and asked,” Please at least let me take you to Sugarcube Corner for a nice treat to say thank you.”

Marcus groaned as he covered his face with his hand and under his breath said,” I can’t believe I am about to say this.” He then crossed his arms and said,” Fine, but after that then me and you go are separate ways.” Internally as he said this Marcus just cursed himself for being so weak when it comes to cure things.

Fluttershy smiled warmly and said,” Oh thank you, I promise you will love my good friend Pinkie Pies baking.” She then dismounted Behemoth while saying,” They really are very good.”

Marcus shrugged as he said,” If you say so, I never really had much of a sweet tooth.” He then put his hands back on Behemoths handlebars and said,” Well let's get this over with.” He then started to walk out of the forest, while pushing Behemoth, and was a bit surprised at what he saw.

He wasn't surprised at all the ponies that he saw, most of which were mares straggly to him. However, he was surprised on how the architecture looked a bit like what he could find back on his world. This shocked him, mostly because he honestly thought these ponies lived free range like most wild horses, but here they were living in homes in a town.

Fluttershy smiled as she walked next to him and said,” Weclome to Ponyville Marcus.” She then started to walk ahead of him, just expecting him to follow close behind.

Marcus looked at Fluttershy as she walked towards the town and slowly started to follow after her. As the couple walked towards the town Marcus began to tense up slightly. Marcus had no way of telling if any of these ponies were related to the ones back at that lab, so he just wanted to be ready for anything.

As they made their way into the town, Marcus noticed how the ponies acted like normal people back home. However when a normal pony working at a nearby flower shop noticed she screamed in terror while saying,” Monster!” This caused all the other ponies to look at Marcus and run away and hide while also screaming about he is there to destroy the town, and other nonsense like that.

Marcus groaned as he looked at Fluttershy and asked,” They aren’t the most welcoming bunch, are they?”

Fluttershy whimpered while saying,” Oh dear, I really hoped this wouldn’t happen.” She then looked up at Marcus and said,” I am very sorry about them, the ponies of this town are a bit jumpy when it comes to creatures like..” She then started rubbing her right front hoof with her left nervously.

Marcus sighed thinking he knew what she was going to more than likely say. However, honestly he could understand seeing him as he is now and thinking he is a monster. He did look like a demon straight out of the pits of hell themselves.

Marcus then raised his hand to stop Fluttershy and said,” It is alright, honestly they are not to far off by calling me a monster.”

Fluttershy blinked a couple times before giving him a stern glare while saying,” You are not a monster Marcus, so don’t you ever say that.” She then walked over to him and set a comforting hoof on his leg while saying,” I can tell you are truly a kind creature.”

Marcus looked down at Fluttershy for a moment before letting out a snicker. He then said,” Thank you for saying that Fluttershy, but that is not what I mean.” He then pointed his thumb to his chest and said,” I told you I am a Digimon, which is short for Digital Monster.” He then smirked as he moved his hand away from his chest and said,” But thank you, it is nice to know you don’t see me as a monster.”

Fluttershy smiled at this and said,” Don’t mention it Marcus, as long as you know just be called a monster doesn’t mean you are one.” She then stepped back while saying,” Now we might want to hurry and get to Sugarcube Corner before it closes.”

Marcus smiled as he said,” Then what are we waiting for, let’s go.” Fluttershy and him then continued to walk through the town. All the while Marcus took notice of the frittered ponies looking through their windows while cowering in their homes.

After a couple of minutes walking Sugarcube Corner finally came into view. Marcus whistled in amazement at the sight of the litteral candy building before him. Under his breath he then asked,” I wonder if there is a witch inside like in the story?”

Fluttershy looked up at Marcus with a raised eyebrow and asked, ”Did you say something Marcus?”

Marcus’s blue cheeks turned a little pink as he nervously said, ”N-no, I didn’t say anything.” He then rubbed the back of his neck while asking, ”So is this the place Fluttershy?’

Fluttershy smiled warmly as she said, ”Yes it is, this is Sugarcube Corner.” She then chuckled while saying, ”And no it is not made of sweets, it just looks like it is.”

Marcus gave a small nod and with a chuckle said,” Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it was after the day I have had today.” He then pushed Behemoth up towards the building before setting it outside the entrance. Once Behemoth was parked he looked back at Fluttershy and said,” Okay now remember after we are done here then me and you go are separate ways.”

Fluttershy gave a small nod while saying,” I understand Marcus.” The two then walked up to the front door. However, before Marcus could even attempt to open the door a rainbow streak shot out, tackling him to the ground.

Marcus groaned in pain as he slowly sat up and asked,” Okay what the heck was that?” Just then he was forcefully pinned to the ground by the same rainbow streak, but now he could more clearly tell what the streak was. It was a light blue Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail, and boy she did not look happy.

The Pegasus then angrily asked,” What are you doing here monster, and why are you following Fluttershy!?”

Marcus blinked a couple of times before scowling and saying,” Look skittles I have no idea what you are talking about, she invited me here.” He then flexed his right hand to where it was in a spear like shape and kept it at his side just in case he needed to attack. Marcus then growled while saying,” Now I would suggest you get off me before I make you.”

The Pegasus pushed harder on Marcus’s chest, causing him to wince a little, and said,” Don’t you lie to me, there is no way Fluttershy would do what your saying willingly!” She then leaned in said,” You must have threatened her or something, admit it!”

Marcus couldn’t believe what he was hearing, without even getting a chance to know him just assumed he threatened Fluttershy. He then angrily grit his teeth and said,” Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He then shot his hand forward in a piercing motion while calling out,” Darkness Claw!”

The Pegasus didn’t have any time to react to the attack and was knocked off of Marcus and onto the ground. As soon as he was free of the weight Marcus jumped onto his feet and pulled out his Berenjena. He then pointed their barrels at the downed Pegasus and said,” If your smart then stay down.”

The Rainbow Pegasus then slowly started to raise herself to her whooves while saying,” No, not until you let Fluttershy go you monster.”

Marcus angrily growled and said,” Okay you are really starting to piss me off, with this whole thinking I am holding Fluttershy hostage thing.” He then walked closer to the Pegasus and aimed his guns right at her face while saying,” Now I don’t want this to get messy, but you are really pushing my patience tie dye.”

The two then glared at each other, as if they were each daring the other to make a move. However, their staring contest was suddenly interrupted by Fluttershy running in between the two, forcing them apart.

Fluttershy then glared at the two of them and sternly said,” That is quite enough you two!”

Marcus looked at Fluttershy with shook in his voice, he really wasn’t used to stern Fluttershy. He then holstered his Berenjena and angrily looked away from the rainbow mane Pegasus while saying,” Hey she was the one who started it.”

The Pegasus wings flared out in anger and said,” You jerk, don’t act like you are innocent, you mon…” However, before she could finish what she was staying Fluttershy gave her a stern glare, causing her wings to fold to her side in fear.

Fluttershy shook her head before fully turning to face the Pegasus and saying,” Rainbow Dash, I understand you wanting to make sure I am safe, but you shouldn’t just attack somepony like that.”

Fluttershy then turned to Marcus and said,” As for you Marcus, I understand being mad when somepony attacks you, but you shouldn’t attack them back.” She looked at the pair and said,” Now I want both of you two apoligize to each other.”

Marcus and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a second before both of them turned there heads away in anger. Which caused Fluttershy to let out a stern,” Ahem!”

Marcus groaned as he looked back at Rainbow Dash and say,” Fine, sorry for retaliating when you attacked me out of the blue.”

This caused Rainbow to groan as well as she battery said,” Sorry I attacked you without getting to know you first.”

Fluttershy smiled and said,” Good, now why don’t you both shake on it and put this ordeal behind us.” Both Marcus and Rainbow growled a little bit at each other as they shock each others appendages.

Fluttershy gave a small nod in approval and said,” Thank you, now come on I still owe you a thank you treat Marcus.” She then turned from Marcus and Rainbow and walked into the bakery.

As soon as Fluttershy was inside, and out of sight, Marcus glared at Rainbow and said,” Okay listen up Skittles, I can understand wanting to protect your friend.” He then tensed his right hand as if he was going to attack while saying,” However, if you ever attack me without a legitimate reason then I will make sure you regret it.” He then untensed his hand and walked into the bakery, leaving a stunned Rainbow Dash behind.

As Marcus walked into Sugarcube Corner his senses were immediately overrun with all the sugary treats he saw. Then with a whistle he said,” Holy crap, I think I can feel all the calories.” He then walked up to Fluttershy, who was standing at the front counter, and asked,” So what is good here?”

Fluttershy smiled up at Marcus and said, ”Well I very much enjoy their cupcakes, but then again I enjoy most of what they serve here.” She then took her hoof and tapped on a tiny bell to get the attention of an attendant.

Soon after she did this a a slightly chubby blue pony with pink hair, that almost looked like icing walked out of a near by room while saying, ”Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, how might I help..” She then stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed Marcus and gasped in shook.

Marcus sighed and said,” Okay listen before you scream, I am not here to harm anyone.” He then pointed at Fluttershy while saying,” She was the one who wanted to bring me here.”

The plump pony looked at Fluttershy in shock and asked,” Is that really true Fluttershy, you brought him here?”

Fluttershy smiled and said,” Yes Mrs. Cake, he helped me out in the Everfree forest so I decided to take him here as a way of thanking him.”

Mrs.Cake let out a small sigh of relief and said,” Oh thank goodness, I was worried there for a moment.” She then looked up at Marcus and said,” I am sorry for acting so rude, it is just I have never seen a creature like you before.” She then smiled warmly and asked,” How about this, to make up for my rudeness anything you want is on the house?”

Marcus smirked and said,” Shoot I think I will take you up on that offer ma’am.” He then looked over all the confections before saying,” I guess I will take a slice of that red velvet cake.”

Mrs. Cake gave a quick nod before turning her attention to Fluttershy and asked,” As for you dear, what will you have?”

Fluttershy smiled as she asked,” Might I please have one of your vanilla cupcakes if you don’t mind?”

Mrs. Cake gave a quick nod before grabbing the pairs order and gave it to them. Now with their order filled the walked over to one of the few tables and sat down.

Marcus looked down at the slice of cake and with a chuckle said,” Well it looks like a normal piece of cake, hopefully it tastes like one too.” He then picked up the piece of cake and took a large bite. As soon as he did this his eyes shoot open causing him to basically inhale the rest of his slice of cake.

Once the slice of cake was completely gone he looked over to see a shocked Fluttershy. A light blush then appeared on his cheeks as he said,” Sorry about that Fluttershy, I just couldn’t help my self.” He then averted his gaze and said,” I have never tasted something so delicious in my whole life.”

Fluttershy blinked a couple times before letting out a little giggle before covering her mouth with her wing. Once she composed herself again she said,” Don’t worry about Marcus, I fully understand.” She then turned her attention to her cupcake and happily ate it.

After Fluttershy finished her cupcake she stood up from her seat and said,” Well, it would seem that are time is up.”

Marcus frowned a little bit as he stood up and said,” I guess you are right.” He then smiled lightly as he walked up to her and said,” I must admit I was hesitant about this at first, but all in all this was pretty nice.” He then offered his hand while saying,” Thanks, this was really nice.”

Fluttershy smiled as she placed her hoof in his hand and shook it while saying,” No need to thank me, I was happy to.”

Just then the front door was thrown open wide and a frantic Rainbow Dash came barreling. She looked around before spotting Marcus and Fluttershy. Then with a glare she fly in between the two and with venom asked,” You, you brought that thing here didn’t you!?”

Marcus glared back at Rainbow and asked,” What are you talking about?” He then pointed at Fluttershy while saying,” The only creature that I brought into this town was her.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and said,” Yeah right, then come outside and say that.” She then zoomed back out the building, leaving the two just looked at each other before following.

As they walked out of the building Marcus looked at a hoovering Rainbow Dash and asked,” So were is this “thing” you are so certain I brought here?”

Rainbow growled as she yelled,” Oh you want to see it, then look right there you jerk!” She then turned around and used her hoof to point out a what looked like a red dot growing ever bigger.

Marcus glared at the dot for a moment, trying he hardest to see if he could make out what it was. As the dot got closer Marcus’s eyes shot open at what he say. It was a red large insect with four arms and one long horn. Marcus then gritted his teeth as he angrily said,” Oh, you have got to be kidding me!”

Fluttershy looked up at Marcus and asked,” What, what is it Marcus?”

Marcus gulped a little bit as he looked down at Fluttershy and said,” That thing that is coming at us, I know it.” He then looked back up at the large ever nearing insect as he grabbed his Berenjena and said,” It’s Megakabuterimon, a digimon like me and it doesn’t look to friendly.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted a new chapter for this fic in a while. Life is evil some times. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter, and feel free to tell me what other digimon you would like to see. Thank you all for the support.