• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,905 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 4

Marcus’s mind was racing a mile a minute as he saw the Megakabuterimon inch closer by the second. He racked his brain trying to think of how it could have possibly gotten to this world. Then a click went off in his mind, it had to have been the ones who brought him to this world.

Just then a loud roar could be heard from the approaching digimon, pulling Marcus out of his thought. Then with a growl of his own he said,” Fluttershy I need you and your friend to get out of here, this is about to get ugly!”

Rainbow glared at Marcus and flew in front of him while asking,” Hey I don’t know who you think you are, but we don’t need your help!.”

Marcus growled once more as he said,” Oh we don't have time for this.” Then in a swift motion he marked her upside the head with his Berenjena, knocking her out. He then looked at Fluttershy and said,” You take skittles out of here, because right now I can’t focus on taking Bug face up there and protecting you two.”

Fluttershy looked at Marcus with a look of shock and asked,” What are you going to do to that creature Marcus?”

Marcus looked back to Megakabuterimon and with a small smirk said,” I am going to take this dumb bug down a peg or two.” He then looked back to Fluttershy and ordered,” Now get out of here, he is almost on top of us.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth as if to rebuttal, but quickly closed it and complied with what Marcus said. She quickly managed to get the unconscious Rainbow Dash on her back and began to leave, but stopped a couple feet before turning back and saying,” Please be careful Marcus.” She then began to run away as fast as she could.

Marcus let out a small chuckle and under his breath said,” Don’t worry tots.” He then smirked wickedly as he yelled,” NO OVER GLORIFIED BUG IS GONNA TAKE THE MAIN MAN DOWN!!”

The Megakabuterimon then let out an enraged roar and picked up its pace, rocketing towards him.

As Megakabuterimon was about to slam in Marcus he managed to jump back, causing the large digimon to create a crater from the impact. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity Marcus aimed his guns at the scarlet insect and yelled,” Double Impact!” As he said this he began to rapidly pull the triggers of his Berenjena, sending a flurry of blasts at his downed opponent.

Marcus continued his assault on the downed digimon until suddenly shot up and let out a roar pushing him back. After steading himself again he looked up at Megakabuterimon, now covered with bruises and cuts. He then smirked as he called out,” ya runnin scared already horn head!”

This just caused the large digimon to growl and his horn to begin to ignite with electricity before it called,” HORN BUSTER!!” As it yelled this a large blast of electricity shot off his horn right at Marcus.

Marcus’s eyes shot open as the blast came flying towards him and jumped to the side. However, as he jumped out of the way the blast managed to nick his leg, causing massive amounts of electricity coursing through his body. Once his feet were sturdidle on the ground he looked down with his leg and winced in pain as he said,” Okay that is smarts.”

Marcus then turned his attention back to the giant red scarab beetle and called out,” That the best you got ugly cause I can still go!!” He then aimed his guns at the massive digimon and began to rapidly fire, causing the Megakabuterimon to swerve around to try and avoid the attacks.

For a couple of minutes this little dance continued, much to Marcus’s annoyance, until finally the Megakabuterimon turned and flew directly at him. However, when Marcus went to try and dodge his leg that was hit with that last attack, seized up. This single moment of paralysis was just enough time for the Megakabuterimon to slam into him, causing another creator to form with Marcus as the center.

After a second the insect digimon flew out of the crater and landed on its edge. Then in what seemed to be an act of gloating it let out a hardy roar.

Meanwhile at the bottom of the crater Marcus was staring at the sky above. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, how could he be losing like this. Megakabuterimon for goodness sake, he was a mega level. He should be winning this fight no problem, but here he was laying on the ground in pain.

As he laid there the world seemed to fade as a flood of thoughts started going through his mind. The most prominent of which being to just give up. However, he was quickly dragged back to reality when he heard a familiar voice yell,” That is enough!”

Marcus slowly guided his eyes to the source of the voice, hoping it wasn’t who he thought it was. But all his hopes were dashed when he saw an angry Fluttershy hovering at eye level in front of the Megakabuterimon.

Fluttershy glared at the massive digimon and said,” You have gone far enough mister!” She then pointed one of her hooves at the insect and said,” You should feel ashamed of yourself.” She then pointed at the downed Marcus and said,” He did nothing to deserve you attacking him, or us.” She then crossed her hooves as she said,” Now I think you should go and think about what you have done.”

The Megakabuterimon did nothing for a moment, as if it was actually thinking about what she said. However, that thought was quickly dispelled, as it raised one of its right arms and smacked her away, sending her careening into a nearby building.

Marcus was dumbstruck and enraged, this bug dare hurt the only pony who has been truly kind to him. This rage was enough for him to forget about his pain and stand tall. He then glared at the Megakabuterimon with hate filled eyes and yelled,” You bastard, how dare you hurt Fluttershy!!”

Just then a bright light began to emanate from his back pocket that grew brighter and brighter until finally enveloping him. After a minute the light dissipated by a pair of large black wings revailing Marcus in Beelzemon Blast mode.

Marcus looked at his new appendages, his arm which was now a gun and a pair of black wings, before looking up at Megakabuterimon and glared. As he glared at the larger digimon he felt his new wings start to spread wide before launching upwards, stopping as soon as he reached eye level with it.

Marcus then raised his new gun arm, pointing it at the Ultimate Level digimons head. As soon as his arm was stable the the mouth of the blaster opened and slowly started gathering a purple energy. The energy continued gather until a ball of purple energy formed, once fully gathered he yelled,” EAT THIS YOU BUG, CORONA BLASTER!!” As soon as he said this the ball of energy was fired, hitting the Megakabuterimon in the chest sending him flying back into the side of a building.

The Megakabuterimon groaned in pain as it fell to the gound, its chest smoking from the blast. After a moment the large digimon began to shakily stand up continuing to groan, both in pain and fear. The large insect then spread its wings before taking off into the air in attempts to run away.

Marcus watched Megakauterimon tried to flee and under his breath said,” Oh you don’t think I would let you get away that easy did you?” He took his gun arm and started to draw a pentagram in the air. Once the pentagram was fully drawn he positioned his arm in the center of it, causing the mouth of of the gun to open up and once again gather energy. Then with a demonic roar he said,” CHARONA DESTROYER!!”

As soon as Marcus said this the energy that Marcus had gathered launched as a beam from his gun hitting the pentagram, expanding to three times it size. The large beam quickly caught up with the Megakabuterimon and overtook it, causing it to screech in pain as it was turned to ash.

Marcus smirked wickedly as he watched as the ashes of the defeated digimon started flying towards him. As they drew close to him his body tensed up as he absorbed the remains of the Megakauterimon, filling him with power. However, this rush he got didn’t last long before he felt himself fall down towards the ground, passing out right before hitting the ground.

Author's Note:

Hello people hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay tuned for a special chapter coming up.