• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,905 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 9

The roar of Behemoth’s engines could be heard all through Ponyville as it and Marcus sped through the town. Ponies screamed and dived out of the way to avoid getting run down. As they raced through the town Rainbow Dash flew up next to him, matching his speed perfectly. “What in Celestia’s name are you doing, why did you bolt out of Twi’s castle?” She asked in both a frantic and angry tone.

Without even looking towards the cyan Pegasus Marcus said,” I am going to get some answers from these Princess of yours.”

Rainbow Dash was dumbfounded by his words and with a snarl yelled,” We could have just sent them a letter asking for some information. The Princess is reasonable, I am sure they would be happy to send a letter explaining everything.”

“The written word is easy to fake” his tone gets darker, beardly loud enough to be heard over Behemoth’s engine roar. Quickly pulled back on the accelerator, rocketing him and Behemoth forward and leaving Rainbow coughing from the dust cloud he made. “I want answers to face to face, to make sure they are telling the truth,” he said in a tone loud enough for only him to hear.

Rainbow Dash and Marcus seemed to race one another throughout the town, Rainbow constantly trying to get him to stop. However, with each attempt came another failure. This little dance between the two continued until finally, the cyan Pegasus cut him off in an alleyway near the edge of Ponyville, forcing him to pull on the brakes hard. With a screech of Behemoth's wheels, he stopped inches away from her.

With gritted teeth, Marcus shouted,” Why do you insist on standing in my way!” Casting his gaze downwards before saying,” You told me that you and the others would be willing to help me find out why I was brought to this world, well this is how I am doing it.” Swiftly reaching his right hand to his right leg and pulled out one of his Berenjena and shot the ground in front of her. With a dark gleam in his eye said,” Now either step out of the way, or the next shot won't miss.”

Rainbow’s eyes shot open as she looked at the smoldering crater where he shot before looking back at the demonic biker Digimon. As she looked at him she could notice the slight shaking of his gun. It was clear to her that he didn’t want to aim his weapon at her and that it was taking everything he had to look tough. With a sigh, the cyan Pegasus said,” Alright, you win. I will get out of your way.” Taking to the air just enough for him to pass she smirked while saying,” Just make sure not to do anything too stupid, I don’t wanna be the one to deal with Fluttershy if something were to happen to you.”

As Rainbow Dash moved out of Marcus’s way a small smile made its way across his face. Holstering his gun back to his leg he quietly said,” Thanks Skittles, you are a good friend.” Quickly he pealed out before the rainbow-maned pegasus could get onto him for calling her Skittles. Quickly he speed off towards the railroad tracks on the edge of town and started driving alongside the tracks. As he rode along the tracks he kept an eye on the castle that sat on the top of the mountain he was speeding towards by the second.

As Marcus drove towards Canterlot a voice calm feminine voice suddenly sounded behind him saying,” Are you sure this is the wisest course of action to take?” Turning his head enough to see who this newfound passenger he groaned seeing Renamon sitting sidesaddle with one leg crossed over the other on the back of Behemoth.

With a scoff, Marcus turned his attention back to driving while saying,” I don’t know if this is or not, but then again don’t care. Anyways, what does my trying to get answers to matter to you?” He knew that Renamon was working for someone, heck she said so herself, but he could not for the life of him figure out why they would care about what he is doing. The most probable theory he could come up with is that they needed him for something.

“My mistress has a vested interest in you, a storm is brewing and she thinks that you will be able to quell it. So that is why I care” Renamon said in a calm yet firm tone. Swiftly she stood on the back and leaned over Marcus, saying,” What you are planning could doom both yourself and your newly found home.”

Marcus didn’t say anything at first before saying,” First off, get out of my field of vision while I am driving. Second off, go back to your boss and tell them that I don’t care about their storms and crap 'cause I am getting what I want and no one will stop me.”

With a sigh, Renamon got out of his line of sight and said,” I can see that no matter what I say you shall continue with this crusade then I offer you my best wishes. However, I honestly do hope that for your sake and everyone else's that these answers are worth it.” After she said that a flurry of leaves suddenly flew in front of Marcus’s view. Once the leaves finally got out of his vision he just let out a sigh and continued to drive, only now with his mind echoing Renamon’s words.

After a could hours of driving at top speed he managed to see the canterlot train station, or at least what he assumed it was. As he drew ever closer he could see what looked like several lines of both the typical royal guards and white Pawnchessmon, all in basic battle formation. However, he took special notice of a white Unicorn male with purple armor and a large Knightmon with a large banner embroidered with a golden sun banner protruding from his back, and a massive sword to his side, in front of the rest.

Marcus slammed on the brakes, turning Behemoth to the side before he could slam into the two. The three just stared at each other for a moment before the Unicorn spoke,” I am Shinning Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, state your business here!” As he spoke the Knightmon grabbed onto his giant sword.

Crossing his arms over his chest he said,” My business is just that, mine.” With a quick nod towards the Knightmon, he asked,” The more important question is why this Knightmon and the White Pawnchessmon seem to be backing you?” This had to have been one of the few times he has seen both Digimon and Pony working together, well aside from him of course. However, the sight did help confirm that the royal house had something to do with why the Digimon were in this world.

With a flick of the wrist Knightmon maneuvered the massive sword to point at Marcus while saying,” Hold thy tongue naive, you speak to the head of the Royal Digimon core. We are her majesty Celestia and Luna’s vanguard unit, now dismount thy strange chariot and surrender thyself for questioning.”

Marcus looked at the sword and Knightmon a couple of times before bursting out into a fit of laughter. “Holly crap I know you are supposed to be a knight, but seriously do you have to talk like you just left the local Renaissance fair,” he said while clutching his side, and making the Knightmon dip his sword slightly out of surprise. Once he managed to get his laughter under control his gaze turned stern as he said,” Yeah not gonna happen this or any century pale, now get out of my way or I will send you back to the dark ages.” As he said that he reached his left arm down and grabbed the Berenjena on the same side's leg holster and pointed it at the Chivalrous Digimon.

The two stared each other down before Shinning Armor stepped in between them and said,” Okay that is enough, you two need to lower your weapons.” Looking then strictly at Marcus and saying,” Look, we would rather not fight you if we don’t need to. Just tell us why you are here.”

Marcus just looked at Shinning Armor before growling and screaming,” LIKE I TOLD YOUR FRIEND WITH THE GIANT SWORD, MY BUSINESS IS MY OWN SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Quickly he turned his shotgun towards Shining Armor and growled like a beast.

Shinning Armor stared at the weapon seemingly unnerved and was about to say something, but was stopped when Knightmon said,” Sir Shinning Armor, please hold your breath. It is clear that this devil has no intention of backing down.” Shinning Armor turned to look at Knightmon before sighing and backing away from between the two and ordered the royal guard and Pawnchessemon to stay back. Knightmon gave a grateful nod to his equine friend and turned his attention back to Marcus, saying,” Now seeing as you refuse to yield, I formally challenge you to one on one combat.”

“You want a duel?” Marcus asked with a smug voice holstering his guns. With a smirk he snapped his fingers causing his grimoire to suddenly rocket in front of him, having flown from its resting place in Ponyville. He had learned this trick a few weeks back and was chomping at the bits to use. Moving his hand over the book with a fly he forced it to open wide, blasting a white light from the book encompassing him. Quickly the light turned black until being dissipated to reveal the form he used to battle Barbamon, Beelzemon Mystic mode. With his newly formed six black wings, he started to rise into the air, his black robes and crimson shawl bellowing in the air, and said,” Then I will more than happy to oblige.”

Knightmon grasped the handle of his sword with both hands as he raised it into the air, it started to glow before yelling out,” Have at the vile demon, Berserker Sword!” Bringing the sword down a blade of energy launched from the sword. As the energy blade flew it started to grow and grow, until reaching a height large enough to hit Marcus.

Marcus did not seem to move an inch, just hovering in pace as the massive energy slash came ever closer. Right before the attack struck him he raised his hand, his grimoire’s pages rapidly turning, and a large magic circle appeared blocking the slash. With an evil smirk, he said, “My turn, Impaling darkness!” As he said this the pages of his grimoire stopped turning as ten black tendrils launched out of the magic circle at Knightmon.

The knight Digimon swung his sword as each of the tendrils neared him defending quite well, even managing to cut six of the tendrils until only four remained. However, those four tendrils were able to pierce their target in both the arms and shoulders making them crackle with digital distortion. Letting out a pain-filled howl Knightmon was raised into the air and Marcus floated close to him.

“So do you yield or are gonna keep annoying me until you have nothing but data, cause at this point I am willing to go either way,” Marcus said in a cocky tone voice.

All Knightmon could do is groan before saying,” I will never wield, I would rather perish a thousand times than cast out my honor in running away from a demon like you.” His right arm started to twitch before the knight finally forced his arm to swing the flat of his sword at Marcus. However, the hunk of metal was stopped dead in its tracks by Marcus pointing two fingers of his left hand to intercept it.

With a sigh, Marcus said,” Well, I can officially say that I am over this.” He snapped his finger on his right hand, forcing the tendril into Knightmon’s left shoulder, and positioned it to target his head. The tendril reeled back but before it could launch forward a spinning metal object came and cut all of the tendrils, dropping Knightmon onto the ground.

Shocked Marcus looked in the direction that the object came from to see what had freed his target. After a second his eyes finally landed on a polearm weapon with crest blades sticking out of the ground. Something about the weapon seemed familiar to him but could not tell why. Suddenly, he could feel a growing heat emanating from above him and when he looked up he was greeted by a fist covered in fire that launched him downwards at blistering speeds.

Upon impact, a Beelzemon crater formed with a stunned Marcus at its center. A pained groan escaped his throat as his eyes slowly opened to try and see what in the world just hit him. At the edge of the crater, he could make out the blurry image of two humanoid beings. The being on the right is a mix of orange, gold, and red like fire. While the one on the left, holding that polearm weapon from earlier, was a mixture of silver and blue. As his vision slowly started to right itself the being on the left started to shin and he could hear it say, “ Goodnight Moon.” Upon hearing those words he found himself growing more and more sleepy until finally falling unconscious.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I have been busy with college and life in general so yeah. Anyways hope y'all enjoy the chapter and will see ya later.