• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,143 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...


The sun shined into Rarity’s eyes, waking her unhappily. She reached a hoof and felt her sleep mask askew on her head covering one of her ears. “I must have slept quite rough last night. Oh,” she pouted, “if only I had Mister Ed to help me go to sleep. Where did I send that naughty toy?” she puffed her cheeks and rolled to sit up then slid onto the floor. She made her bed passively, took care of her mane, then went into the bathroom.

An hour or so later the door opened billowing steam around her hooves and the hall expienced its daily fogging, smelling of rose petals and a berry perfume. “And the day can begin. Now, to see my darling sister and give Snickers the outfit I’d made. Let’s see, it’s… Sweet Celestia, it’s ten? Again with that number and again I’m late! Why did I sleep so long?” she hurried down the stairs and grabbed a gift box from one side of the room and the outfit from its perch.

She started to close the box when it hissed and a paw bearing sharpened claws that begged for pony blood swiped at her. “Oh, Opalescence, this is no time to play silly games,” Rarity lowered the cat and grabbed the outfit and boxing it. She pet her cat once and ran out of the shop, closing the door behind her.

Opal, for her part, went to one of Rarity’s horseshoes and moved it under the couch. Because she could.

Rarity burst back into the shop and went to her shoes, slipping one on each hoof until her left hind hoof was left. “What, where’s my… shit!” she covered her mouth and looked around quickly. “That darn colt’s bringing out the worst in me, it seems,” she groused and her horn lit while she looked for her shoe. A tink sounded from across the room as a bit entered a nearly empty jar joining three of its brethren.

Finally, Rarity conceded defeat and opened a dresser she was by and took out a pair of polished platinum shoes. She looked at the doorway and the rough ground outside, she thought of her hooves and how they’d be abused on the graveled streets, then whined to herself as she stomped her hooves one at a time at the specific angle to remove shoes.

She placed the fancy ones under her hooves one at a time and noticed they balanced her much better than her daily ones, but that was the point of not wearing high fashion on daily tasks. She paced herself quickly to the doorway with her usual shoes in tow, then switched them for the box on the floor and left again.

The ground wasn’t even noticable. It felt like walking on a grassy plain in her custom shoes. She’d had them custom made to compress with each hoof fall and practically conform to the street she was on. It was delightful to trot through town and she gave friendly, yet short, greetings all the way to the hospital.

She bounced through the doorway and giggled to herself, landing with a secondary bounce. I’ve never had such a nice walk in this town. My legs actually feel lighter, perhaps I should wear these more often? They’ll certainly help me feel better after running chores.

She reached the intake and first asked about a shower she could run a colt through, after she had her answer she prepared to go around the desk, but was redirected by the nurse smiling and pointing a foreleg.

Rarity followed the direction and while she felt elation, she was also annoyed to see both ponies still asleep pretty close to where she’d left them the night before. She marched over to them and pulled the blanket off, then pulled Snickers from under Rainbow, and laying him on the next pillow; waking him in a groggy stupor.

“What the Tartarus? Who’s shakin’ my bed? Rabble, if that’s you I’ll shove a Tesla coil so far up your ass,” he turned over and curled up. “Okay, Rabble, that’s it. I’m gonna do it,” he snapped turning over and looking up at the frowning mare over him. “Oh, uh, Miss Rarity. So nice to make your acquaintance,” he looked around her sides and at her horn. “You don’t have any soap hiding, do you?”

She shook her head and moved beside him on the bench. “Snickers, I’m very sorry about yesterday. I was out of line and was completely monstrous to you. You have every right to be upset with me, and I won’t try to defend myself of your ire. I won’t tolerate profanity, but you can be upset with me, nonetheless.”

He relaxed and looked at her horn. “What’re you hiding, then? It’s not some kind of bridle so you can keep me close, is it?”

She dismissed his notion with a noise. “Psh, no. You’re far to old and much too unruly to be held by something for disobedient foals. We’re not going to entertain that notion until you’re mature and are experimenting with what sexual desires you have, understand?”

He rolled his eyes. “Been there, I know what gets me going and wearing isn’t as fun as holding the leash.”

“Snickers, I’d once again like to remind you that you needn’t refer to such matters, especially in public. Now, I’ve made you the most wonderful outfit.”

“Wait, clothes?” he asked with hopeful surprise sitting up. He looked down at himself and realized that not only was he filthy with dried mud, grass, sticks, and leaves, but he was also naked and at a single thought ready to expose himself. He covered his sheath with his hooves and blushed.

“Yes, and I’m sure I can use one of the showers here to clean you up, then you can show you new clothes to Sweetie Belle. She’ll love to see you and you are wearing them rather than that rag you were before. Perhaps it’ll be the start of a trend; colts in clothes,” she moved her hooves to indicate signage, “the next step in fashion.”

He smiled awkwardly and looked at Rainbow when the cyan mare snorted and rolled over. He looked back at Rarity and motioned to her. “What about her?” He asked and yawned, stretching his forelegs.

“Oh, I’m certain the staff will take care of her now that she isn’t needed to keep you company.”

He slipped to the floor and his hooves clattered as he balanced himself. He nodded to the nurses that passed him, one with a blue spray bottle and the other with a long thin tube. “Are they gonna put a catheter in her?” he asked when they had turned a corner.

Rarity chuckled. “I haven’t a clue, nor a care. No mare should sleep the day away,” she looked down on him pointedly, “or colt, for that matter.”

He looked around, getting his bearings and tried to rush ahead. “What? I’m gonna see Sweetie! She could be in big trouble, what if she wakes up and wants to blame me? What if she forgives me?” There was a shout of anger and disgruntled yelling from the waiting room that distracted him enough for Rarity to interject herself into his moment of self deprivation.

“First, you need a bath. Shower, in this case, as a bath would be like stewing you in your own fluids, bleh. Now, you stop looking at me that way right now, Snickers,” she lifted him in her magic so they were at eye level. He was holding back giggles. “You know full well I didn’t mean anything of the sort.

“I simply meant to say that you shan’t bathe before you’ve showered the muck from yourself. Now, the nurse said there was a shower in the locker room, so we’ll detour there and dress you up like a prince going to save a damsel in distress.”

She placed him down and he followed. “Miss Rarity?”

Oh, my. He is so respectful suddenly? Whatever the girls did to him, please keep it up. “Yes, Snickers?”

“Don’t knights that rescue damsels usually have kids with them?”

Rarity looked aside and down at him in surprise. “W-well…”

“So, does that mean you want me and Sweetie to have sex?”

“Wha- I most certainly--”

“And doesn’t that mean that if you’re my mom, and she’s my aunt, that you’re encouraging incest?” Rarity sputtered and stopped in shock at the mere accusations he was leveling. “Why, Rarity, you’re such a naughty mistress. We’ll talk later,” he winked and walked under, pushed open a door, and left the mare in the hallway fuming at the past fifteen seconds and how impressed and angry she was.

Angry because he’s said what he’d said. Impressed he’d used her description in such a way, and upset that she’d been made the butt of another of his jokes. She looked at the room he’d entered and noted it was the staff changing room, then glared at the door. She opened it and walked in, wondering if the colt had planned their conversation to go as it had and end where it did.

The shower started and he yelped from the cold, but the rigidity of the floors prevented slipping, so she didn’t have to worry about that happening again. Her heart ached at the thought of her sister the evening before. Everything was finally going great, he’d been playing with her in a foalish way. She took a seat by a mirror and looked at her reflection, reflecting on the recent events.

Sweetie was treating him like one of her best friends. Then she slipped and everything went wrong so suddenly. I remember hearing a shriek of pain, then a blur of motion, a crack from Sweetie’s dock… then Snickers was shouting at her to run. To get her help.

She thought about the events and the only one who kept their head through it all was the colt that had the least reason to be upset with himself. She stood and smiled at herself, turned, then stopped. Her tail was as luxorious as always, bouncy and full of life. She looked at the shower area that her colt was, then back at the mirror.

Her eyes traveled along her tail and then darted to her flanks, it was the first time she’d ever noticed being reluctant to see her own mareparts. She glanced where her tail barely covered the entrance to her sacred temple and she blushed, looking away. It wasn’t anything new, she’d seen thousands of other mares’ parts.

She’s helped hundreds accent them for various dates or events. There were entire jewelry lines, some items of which she herself owned, dedicated to bring attention to that which lies beneath a mares tail… but she couldn’t recall actually looking at her own in years. She looked at the showers and then back at the mirror, at what she realized he must have felt when she’d teased him.

She shook her head but the stabbing thought stayed in her mind. She placed the box against the mirror along with a small bit of ribbon that bore her cutie mark on it, and went to shower again.

“Gyah?! Rarity, I can take care of this myself, okay?”

“No, I’m not here for you. Well, perhaps I am,” Rarity turned her rump away from him and she started the shower. “I realized that I am indescent around you, and as such I intend to make amends.” she turned her tail until it was under the water and she washed half an hour of work away.

The soaps and starches she used were gone with a couple passes of her brush and, with Snickers watching, she stepped out of the shower and walked away from him. “Is this better, darling?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Is what better? What’re you talking about?”

She smiled and turned to him and walked past. “Then that’s a yes. Don’t take too long, I have to see a stylist today and I hope we’ll be able to spent time with one another, finally.”

He stepped back into the water, still confused. The hot water was relaxing, it cleaned him better than any rains back home ever could have. He turned and faced the shower head, letting the water wash his face and tickle the skin beneath his fur. It was heavenly, and being a hospital he knew it wouldn’t ever run out.

He thought of Sweetie, though, and stepped on the petal to turn it off. He shook like a dog to moderate effect, then bit a towel from a stack when he passed them. Rarity surprised him with at least three towels rubbing across his coat and then pulling and tugging his mane. “Ow, gah, wai- that’s my ear. Don’t… eep!”

She finally let him go and looked at the frizzy colt with a bit of envy, then she pulled five brushes from the nearby shelves. He knew what was going to happen, and he actually looked forward to it. No pony hates a good grooming, and the brushes across his body were like magic fingers scratching every itch he didn’t know he had.

He shuddered and Rarity smiled, knowing he was enjoying it. She focused on a couple spots and when his ears drooped, his tail swayed, and his eyes fluttered, she knew she’d found the one spot on his back he couldn’t reach. The spot every creature has that is benign until bothered, then it spreads out letting that creature know it must be attended to.

She carefully stopped most of the other brushes while focusing two on the spot near his withers, she watched as he went still and his lips twitched slowly into a smile. He started to tilt and she stopped, knowing that if she didn’t he’d fall over and the magic would be lost. “There, all groomed. How do you feel?”

He noticed he was a little dizzy, a little giddy, a little confused, but he felt very content. “Uh… good? Yeah, I feel really good. Wow, that was amazing. Are those magic brushes?” he asked running up to her and looking at one.

“No, just years of practice. Now, stay still while I dress you. Only this once, this outfit is made so you can put it on yourself in no time at all.”

He giggled and bounced happily, taking a step back so she could hold the box between them. She opened the lid and they both gasped.

“R...rarity,” he said quietly. She shook her head, not wanting to hear him unhappy again after a good moment. He reached in and tossed it on the ground. She winced and looked away, preparing for the verbal lashing that he was going to give her. There was some scuffling, then silence.

“It’s amazing…”

She looked at him and the outfit on the floor. The turquoise was intact, but the legs were torn and the gold was missing. “Y-you like it? But, my cat, Opal…” she watched him from behind silently when he smoothed the shirt out and them, with surprising skill flipped it over to see the other side.

“It’s…” his voice cracked and she moved to stand beside him. “It’s the first time I’ve ever been given clothes. Nice, real clothes,” he sniffled and leapt up, hugging her neck and pressing his head under her chin. “Thank you,” he said quietly and let her go. “How do I put’m on?” he hopped over them and sat down, ready to learn.

Rarity moved by practiced motions, the shock of his affection still slowing her higher brain functions. She had gotten him dressed and, while she realized he did look good in it, and he was thrilled to the point he may have never been so happy, the outfit was still something she’d make for a gothic halloween party rather than casual wear.

He was too happy to notice her, though. He looked at his legs, one at a time, then his tail as it swished. He looked under himself and noticed a well concealed spot for him to use when he had to pee and when he took a couple steps it felt like a second coat across his body. “Rarity, thanks again,” he said giving her another hug.

“Think nothing of it. House rules and all,” she tittered and placed the ribbon back in her mane while the box she left on the counter for somepony else to use.

“No, you don’t get it,” he said stepping into the empty hall and turning towards Sweetie’s room, “this is the first new outfit I’ve ever had. It hasn’t been sitting in a locker for a hundred years. No one died in it, no one got drunk in it,” he smiled and watched his forelegs as he walked. “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”

Rarity stayed silent, the thought that this outfit she’d rather give away was something so meaningful both troubled her greatly and inspired her to do more for him. As it happened, though, their thinking ended up leading them to her room where she was complaining loud enough to be heard outside the door.

They opened the door and walked in. “Rarity! Can you tell this nurse I don’t need my temperature checked?!”

A mare wearing a classic uniform held a thermometer in her lips and had a forehoof on Sweetie’s rump. “Ah, well… Sweetie, you should just let her do her job. The sooner it’s started the sooner it’s over, right?”

“Ugh, you’re on her side! Fine, whatever, just get it over with,” she grumbled and Snickers noticed she was being held up with a lattice net to keep her rump high, effectively leaving her like a top. “Gah, cold… Rarity, if you f-f-find Snickers, can you tell him I wanna talk with him? I wanna tell him it’s not his fault, because I don’t want him thinking it was.”

Rarity opened her mouth, but the nurse spoke first. “And, there we go. 100.2 degrees Farenheit. Perfect for a growing filly your age.”

“Great, can you let my rump go now? Rarity, I gotta get down. I can’t let Snickers see me like this,” she tried to reach for Rarity and began to spin with her motion. When her head crossed the bed at certain amount she stopped breathing and her eyes widened. Slowly a silvery mane and brown ears entered her view.

She blinked hard, hoping she didn’t just get her temperature taken rectally while whining about it in front of a colt. “Uh, hi Sweetie,” he said nervously, “glad you’re temp’s okay.”

She let out another shriek, but this time it was out of embarrassment. She flailed her legs, trying to spin so she couldn’t see him, like that’d make the last minute go away. She reached down with her magic and forelegs for the blanket and tried to cover her rump with it. After the first try she let it fall and lay relaxed like she’d been plucked from the tub as a filly by her tail. “Okay, go ahead and tease me.”

He leaned back and looked at Rarity, she was shaking her head and holding her forehoof to her eye. “What? Why would I tease you? Because you got your temp tested?”

Sweetie nodded as she reached an apex in her rotation and slowly rotated back so in several seconds she’d face him again. The nurse picked up the blanket and draped it over Sweetie so she now looked like a tortoise.

“No way, as an equine the best way to take a temp is rectally. Orally is inacurate because our mouths vary in temperature based on where the probe is set. Some have even tried armpits or ears, but no two ponies are the same size so the temperature from one to the next can vary so much that results will be inconclusive.”

There was a squeak from above Sweetie as the winch system rested her onto the bed again. The room was silent and all eyes were on him. The nurse let the rope go and spoke to him condescending. “Well, he certainly knows a lot for a colt, doesn’t he? Did you read a book a big mare had? I hope it didn’t have scary pictures for you.”

He looked up at her and scuffed his hoof on the floor. Rarity and Sweetie’s ears lowered, knowing what was about to come.

“Why would pictures in a book scare me when looking at you makes stallions run away crying?”

“Huh?! Why you naughty little brat! My brother told me how to take care of--” she had grabbed him and in a motion earth ponies had expertly mastered, was sitting with him across her legs. Her forehoof was raised and stopped halfway before it could come down.

The nurse was picked up in a blue aura and brought muzzle to muzzle with Rarity. “What’re you doing to my son?”

“Teaching him a lesson! He has no right to speak to adults-” she went silent when Rarity spun her around and lay her over the bed. “What’re you-” *Thwak* “Augh!” Rarity moved the mare to the now open door and tossed her out. The door slammed behind the mare and both foals looked at Rarity with awe.

Rarity looked at her hoof and grimaced. I really should have taken the shoe off before I did that.

“Wow, sis! That was so cool!”

“You were like ‘yank’ and then ‘spank’ and then ‘get outta here’!” He fell silent, his hopping slowing until he stood still. Sweetie had shuffled around her tether so she could see her nephew and sister, they were both staring at one another.

“Snickers… if you feel I went too far,” Rarity started and he held up a hoof to stall her. Several seconds passed where Rarity and Sweetie watched him, and he thought.



“You like me, don’t you?”

Rarity looked at Sweetie, who motioned with her head quickly. “Yes, of course. What a silly question.”

“I…” he snorted and looked at the floor, his eyes darting from side to side, “I’m so confused. I,” he sat down. “I’m here, but I shouldn’t feel like this. I should feel scared or angry, I was supposed to be mad and… I thought I’d have to fight for everything.” He looked at her and then to Sweetie. “Why’re you so… I don’t know the words.”

Sweetie smiled at Rarity, “I think you’re thinking of being kind and generous?”

Rarity smiled and nodded. “Not to mention loyal? Sweetie, did you happen to meet a certain pony yesterday?” Rarity asked.

“Oh yeah, she made sure he had a lot of happiness and laughter, too. And I'm honestly happy you're family now. And an official CMC, too!"

Rarity chuckled and tapped her hoof to her chin. “Well, that only leaves one, then doesn’t it? However, I believe that one is inside you, and all you have to do is let it out.”

He sniffled and looked at her, eyes welling with tears at the feelings he was holding inside himself. Feelings he'd resisted and fought against for his whole life.

She touched his chest. “The last thing is magic inside you, let yourself feel however you want to feel and be yourself, be free.”

He grabbed her hoof and cried, warmth growing where her hoof touched him and it quickly spread throughout his body.

“Rarity?” Sweetie asked, “What’s happening?!”

“I… I don’t know,” she replied as he began to glow with a dull light. The tears landing on her leg evaporated as soon as they touched her and speckles of light began to spread between then. “Sweetie, stay back! Hold on, Snickers, I’ll get you some help.”

She tried to pull away, but he was rooted to the spot and his hold was not only physical. She felt her magic pull her towards him when she moved. Lost and unsure, she watched the light accelerate along her arm and as it covered her body just as it covered his, she leaned over him in a hug and pressed her lips to his forehead. “Let it out.”