• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,142 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...

Time Out

Before walking into her main room, Rarity took a moment to wipe her hooves with a towel to prevent tracks, then followed the hoof marks made by the colt upstairs to her room. She clenched her teeth behind closed lips and stormed into her room to see him wearing some scrap fabric she had on the floor, held closed with a series of closed pins she used for dressmaking. He was lying on his belly beside the bed looking through her diary.

“Put that down!”

“It is down,” he said without looking up from the open book on the floor. The book was pulled away from him and she looked at the page, sighing when it was a boring entry he’d only had time to glance through. “I can’t read those Wing Dings you unicorns use. Why can’t you just write like us dirt horses do.”

Rarity’s face twisted as anger built inside her. “How dare you use such language! And about your own tribe, it’s deplorable! Why are you so difficult,” she moved her diary to her vanity while looking at the colt.

Obviously I wasn’t set to easy mode when I got here.”

If she had the notion for it, she’d have tugged his ear to the bathroom and given him a bar of soap. She recalled her own experiences and didn’t want to have him repeat them unless he kept being vulgar and disrespectful.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled just as quickly, resuming a calm smile. “Snickers, I understand you have some adjusting to do to your life with me. Since you’re comfortable and wearing... something, I’d like to talk with you for a little while. I have work that should be done, but you’re more important than anything anypony else may need of me at the moment.” She lay facing him from a leg’s length away.

“So, my name is Rarity. I was born and raised here in Ponyville. I aspire to be a world renowned fashion designer. I have a younger sister named Sweetie Belle who stays with me on occasion when my parents are unavailable or they need a break from her antics. Also, something I’ll trust you not to share...” she flicked her ears and looked at the door in the seconds of silence between them. “I read cheesy romance novels from time to time.”

She snickered into her hoof coyly while he looked at her; appraising her, judging her for what her game might be.

“Fine, my name here is Snickers. I don’t have any family, friends, or relatives. The ponies at the hospital watched everything I did and it was really weird, they overreacted to everything I did, even some self exploration in my alone time.” Rarity opened her mouth to comment but he dismissed her with a wave.

“I like peanut butter, reading erotic magazines for the articles and ads, and a few drinks with friends is always a good end to a day.” He snorted and stomped a hoof on the floor. “And, like, you guys have nothing fun, nothing to kill the time, and nothing to make life easier… life’s too boring here.”

Rarity nodded in understanding. “Yes, small towns have that way about them. When I get a chance to visit a metropolis like Manehattan or Canterlot, I make it a point to stay in public areas to feel the life of the city around me. Eating outside can be far more rewarding than hiding in a building behind a menu.”

He mouthed ‘That’s not what I meant.’ while rolling his eyes as she continued unabated. “Now, about something you said; may I ask?”

“Sure, I’m an open book with sticky pages.” He winked at her and her eyebrows twitched.

“Rules should and shall be followed; if you insist that you should continue speaking in such an uncouth manner I’ll be forced to use extreme measures to curb your language. However, right now I’m wondering what you believe constitutes overreaction in medical facilities?”

“I looked under a mare’s tail to see her junk since she had a rockin’ boo-tay!” He grinned at what he said until he saw her disapproving expression. “Anyway, there’s a needle in my neck and when I wake up I’m restrained in a room strapped to a bed. It was kinda fuzzy for a while, but that hot nurse totally kissed me while I was out of it. So hot, like a solid 8, for a pony.

“Later I wake up and then two hours of shrinks trying to get me to talk about my life had me wanting to jump out the window and see if I could grow magic wings.”

Rarity hummed outwardly while inside she was designing a fashionable set of pants he could wear, since he was so insistent on covering his stallion parts.

His following comment tore her thoughts to shreds. “And, so you know I’m not looking to dip my quill in some mares ink pot anytime soon, so no need to worry.”

Rarity huffed through her nose, bordering on an angry nicker. “Well, while that is good to know; your innuendo is quite unnecessary! While you’re in this house and under my care overall I want you to share nothing about your opinions on sexual matters at all. That is especially meant in public, around other foals, or around others in matters that may embarrass me or affect my business. Am I clear about that?”

“Ugh, you’re no fun at all,” he groaned and fell over to his side.

“Parenting is not meant to be fun, it is meant for an adult to keep a foal safe and fed while they learn at school and play with their friends. You should prepare yourself to fall into your role as my sister has.”

“Wait, what? You seriously think--”

Rarity got to her hooves and moved to the door. “Follow me, Snickers, and I’ll show you your room. I have hours of work to make up and in three hours your new sister will be here. You can introduce yourself and,” she looked behind herself to see him blushing and looking away again. “What’s wrong, are you feeling unwell?” she turned and touched his forehead with her fetlock.

He flinched back. “It’s not that… I’m kinda seeing a part of you I didn’t expect to see for a while.”

Her brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“W-well... you have a really curly tail and…”

Rarity looked at him, surprised at how embarrassed he was as she realized he was noticing her choice of tail style and what she chose to keep exposed. She repressed a smirk. “Yes, it takes me quite a while to get it in such grand curls, but it’s worth it, wouldn’t you agree?” she turned and waved her tail while she strutted a couple paces.

She noticed him glance up to her tail and he averted his gaze. A final motion of her tail and she covered herself from his view as though it were a natural motion. “Well, in any case; If you want your tail done the same, all you need to do is ask, darling. Come, come, we mustn’t dawdle as there’s a lot to do.

“If you grow bored in your room there are books available in the waiting area downstairs. In the evening, baths are taken after supper and once taken going outside is all but forbidden. I won’t have any more little hoof prints across my carpet, young colt.”

She looked back and he was looking at her when she was talking, showing interest in what she was talking about. He was completely focused on her and what she was saying. Thinking of how cute he was when he blushed she swayed her tail and felt a laugh in her throat when his eyes left hers and darted to her rump, then to the floor as quickly as anypony could blink.

All males are the same. I love the attention, but I shouldn’t tease him. He doesn’t even have a cutie mark yet, what could...

Sweet Celestia, I’m teasing him! What is wrong with you, Rarity?! He’s not only a young colt, but he’s showing signs of sexual abuse and deviance far outside what is normal for foals twice his age because of his past; and here you are, flashing him like you’re trying to get him to notice you for romantic reasons.

Well, he clearly has noticed you, and it's clearly embarrassing him. It’s not the way he should be looking at a parental figure and it’s no way for me to behave. Gah, how could I forget he has a nudity taboo, that’s why he’s wearing that yard of cloth. Celestia’s left nipple, if I kept going as I was... exacerbating his issues is not going to help him adjust to society any faster than if I throw him in a kitchen alone with Pinkie, frosting, icing, and his illicit sense of humor.

Think before you act, Rarity! Do what’s actually right as a parent, for his sake.

Shaking her thoughts away she came back to the moment and realized she had led him to his room, so she opened the door.

“Well...” she cleared her throat and turned sideways, “here’s your room. It’s basically furnished with a bed, a bookshelf that we can fill with books starting tomorrow, a dresser for the clothes I’ll be making you, and the closet. Go in and read one of the encyclopedias or take a nap if it feels you must. Do you need anything before I leave you to your own devices? Very well then, I have to work on my commissions. If you need me, I’ll be just downstairs working.

“That is... after I clean up the kitchen area,” she clearly hinted.

Snickers was looking around the room. “Heh, you were really wet,” he quipped.

Rarity glared at the colt as he looked under his bed and she resisted the urge to make a retaliatory comment to the new addition to her family. “Yes,” she said forcing politeness, “if you’d be willing, I’d appreciate it if you could help me clean all that mess up.”

His head came out from under the bed and he looked at her, restraining a grin. “Uh, no. You can clean up from getting all wet and dripping on the floor. Kinda nasty to ask a kid to help with that.”

A quiet growl escaped Rarity as her face heated in embarrassment and frustration as she left his room. Her magic gripped the door handle and pulled, closing the door loudly as he started to laugh at her. She moved swiftly down the stairs and into the kitchen to clean up the mess they had made. “I swear, that colt is a test to every bit of self control I have. It’s alright, Rarity. Just learn with him and we’ll both be fine in the long run… and buy lots of bar soap”

Finishing the cleaning, Rarity put the laundry in the hamper and got to work. Time flew by so quickly she didn’t notice the time until Sweetie Belle called to her from the foyer. She set her fabric down, put her design plans in a neat pile, made sure her sewing machine was secure, and placed her glasses down all at the same time.

She made it out in time to give her sister a hug and ushered her into the kitchen before the filly could complain. “Sweetie! It’s so nice to see you, how was school? Fun and exciting, I hope? Care for some hot chocolate after such a long day away?”

“Uh, yeah... why’re you acting weird, Rarity?”

“What? Me? Nervous? Can’t I show my sister affection for little to no reason?”

Sweetie thought on that. “Yeah, but usually you just tell me to go play with my friends.”

“Well, speaking of friends, I have a bit of news that will certainly excite you! You have a new friend to play with.”

“Really?!” Sweetie hopped around Rarity in the kitchen. “Is she my age, does she have a cutie mark?! Does she like carrot sprinkle cupcakes? Will I like her mane? Can she sleep over? Is she going to stop by soon, or is she going to get here on the train-” she gasped, “is it Babs? Did Applejack tell you it’s Babs?”

“No, no, no,” Rarity interjected, smiled, then sighed, “it’s much more complicated than any of that. Can you take a seat, this is going to be a lot to talk about and I don’t know how much time we--”

“Hey Rarity, does this whole thing fit? I mean it’s as long as I am!”

Sweetie looked at the speaker, wondering if it was the new filly given the voice. Her mouth fell open at what she saw. Rarity noticed her sister’s reaction and turned to see Snickers. Her mind raced and the world seemed to slow to a crawl as she saw what he had kicked to the carpeted threshold.

Her horn lit suddenly with barely a thought from her, then with a bright flash the object of her private plebeian personal pleasures she at times used in place of a Prince Consort related to a close friend of hers vanished.

He balked at the spot her long friend once was and nearly leapt in excitement. “Wow, that was awesome! I didn’t know you could teleport stuff, can you get me a sammich?” Snickers grinned at her having gotten the reaction he wanted. Then he noticed the filly at the table, staring at him in shock. “Oh, hey, I guess you’re Sugar Belle?”

“Rarity,” Sweetie said as her sister covered her face with her forelegs and whimpered in embarrassment, “who’s that colt... and is that the ‘Mister Ed’ you yell at sometimes?”

Rarity growled as she turned a darker shade of pink from her withers to her muzzle. “Not another word on the matter, Sweetie Belle!” She snapped while glaring at the colt. Snickers looked at the carpet under his hooves and mouthed Sweetie’s name, committing it to memory.

“But, Rarity, who’s that colt? Is he the new friend you were talking about?”

“Hi, I’m Snickers. I’m honored to meet you and hope to be a good nephew to you.”

“What?! Rarity? You had a foal and didn’t tell me?! When did you have time for that? Do mom and dad know?” Sweetie hesitated between thoughts. “Where do foals come from?” she asked with one ear perked, showing curious interest that Rarity didn’t need right now.

Rarity looked at her sweet innocent sister, then he had to chime in. “I bet her parents wanna know about Mister Ed.”

My sweet innocent sister is going to be corrupted by this colt if I don’t snip this strand before the whole ensemble falls apart!

Sweetie and her nephew shared a giggle and bumped hooves while Rarity frowned and cleared her throat. “That is enough from the both of you! Snickers, what did I tell you about going into my room?”

“You left the door open and I was bored.”

“So you had to go through my personal things?!” She barely restrained herself from screaming at him, but got close.

“Hey, in my defense; I was following your open door policy,” he motioned making a tally mark, “and it was in a frilly box under your bed just begging to be looked at.” He paused and she could see his face twisting as he restained another cocky grin. “Do you give him a bath before snuggles or after?”

Sweetie snorted and started giggling into her hooves. “Why would she give Mr. Ed a bath?”

“Young colt, your behavior is unacceptable!”

“What?! I’m following your rules and I just asked a question. You’re the one freaking out over something a wittle cowt my age is asking about things I don’t know anything about that make you uncomfowtabow?”

Rarity glared at him while he stood and looked at her smugly. “Sweetie Belle?” She asked sharply without taking her eyes off him.

“Yeah, sis?” Sweetie responded with another question on her mind.

Rarity spoke in the most serious voice she could muster. “I need you to go get Fluttershy for me as I have need of her time and skills in a private matter. Don’t rush, I have to take care of something while you’re out.”

Taking the cue, Sweetie trotted past Snickers and gave him a sad, knowing look that he didn’t comprehend. “See ya in a bit.”

Snickers winked at Sweetie and started again. “Hurry up, if I call for help and no one else is around no pony can stop her from trying to ra--” Rarity closed his mouth with her magic to silence him.

“Lock the door when you leave,” Rarity commanded lastly. She watched as Sweetie galloped from the room and when the door opened she released his mouth. Before he could comment again she gripped his ear and dragged him to the downstairs bathroom.

He yelped and tried to resist only to learn his ears were far more sensitive than he thought they were. Nothing he did or said stopped her as she pulled him into the bathroom behind her and she admitted to herself that she felt somewhat giddy for what was about to be done to him.