• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,142 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...


Snickers gagged, coughed, hacked, and struggled. Bubbles formed from his nostrils and stung all the way to the back of his throat. Tears slowly dribbled from his eyes. All the while Rarity used her magic to hold his ear tips in the air while alternating between bars of soap. One would be under a slow stream of water while the other brushed along his tongue from front to back.

She removed the soap from his mouth and he spit at her hooves. “Once again, are you going to speak vulgary around others?”

“When you go to sleep, I’m gonna stick Mister Ed so far in your a-” he started and then the struggle resumed, started by his muffled word interrupted by bar soap. At least it was fruit flavored, he thought.

“Honestly, it’s been three mintues! How are you so defiant in the face of such a punishment?!”

She removed the soap bar and he spat soap on her foreleg, less forcefully this time with his eyes closed tightly. “I have to see you, nothing’s much worse than that,” he said in a softer voice.

“Why, you insufferable…” she tugged his right ear getting a yelp from him, once his mouth was open she stuck the freshly wettened bar of soap in his mouth and brushed his tongue again, scraping extra bits on his teeth with her renewed pressure.

“Cease your vulgarity and soap will never again touch your tongue!” She spent several more seconds with her ministrations before he finally mumbled loudly and waved a foreleg. Taking it out again, she listened. “What have you to say?”

He coughed phlegm and his breath reeked of wildberry. “I’m sorry! Alright? Shit,” he looked at her with eyes ready to spill tears and, in a sharp motion, he closed his mouth, using the same foreleg he waved to cover his lips. “I’m sorry, Miss Rarity! Please, no more. I can’t...” he said from behind his hoof. He shook his head as tears finally began to run down his cheeks.

She hummed and squinted her eyes, looking at the expression on his face. Her magic faded and he slumped over, coughing roughly. “Very well then. You now what will happen if you speak of horrid things, such as being forced into sexual acts by ponies, it’s not a joke to use those words so callously and flippantly.

“Now, would you like some water to clean your mouth of that foul taste?”

He nodded and when he looked up he saw she’d already prepared some water for him. He took the drink between his hooves and sipped, but before he could swish his mouth he gagged. Rushing at Rarity, who moved aside just in time, he reached the toilet as his body vacated the soap from his belly.

Now she felt terrible. She thought his attitude to be his personality, a well crafted ego built from years of abuse. Now she looked at a young colt acting age; crying, honestly apologetic, and genuinely miserable.

She’d never gotten the mouth scrubbing he had received, she didn’t know the extent of soap he must have swallowed. She held his mane along his neck with her magic and rubbed his back with her hoof. “I’m so sorry, Snickers. I never meant to make you vomit, but you’ll be okay. This’ll pass and I pray we never have to repeat it.”

Tears smeared her mascara for the second time that day as she comforted the colt until he was done. She carefully cleaned his teeth of soap with water, toothpicks, and cotton balls, then helped him rinse the soap from his mouth a final time.

"There we are, my parents never once helped me clean the taste of soap from my mouth, so you know."

He signed. "Yeah, whatever…"

They sat on the floor of the bathroom, his body trembled from something not related to the soap, but she didn’t know what exactly. “Snickers, I really am sorry for how long that lasted. I don't know if I could have handled your punishment in a different way… also, I don’t expect you to understand, just that someday you’ll accept my apology.”

He snorted and whimpered, looking up at her with the saddest eyes she’d seen in months on any creature. Her heart ached for him and she leaned in to hug him. He stiffened at the contact for a couple of seconds before melting into her hug and letting go of his emotional stress. He cried in her embrace, hugging her back for a few seconds before just letting his forehead balance him on her.

The whole time she felt horrible for what she’d done; even though it was necessary and may show better results than a stern talking to.

Minutes passed before he calmed enough to move back from her. He snorted in good humor when he saw her coat, covered with sudsy snot and tears along her underbelly from her collarbone to her teats. “I’m sorry about what I said...” he admitted quietly while avoiding her eyes, favoring his own hooves, “it’s just been a really sh-” he looked up at her and reworded his thought, “I mean it’s been a really weird week for me.”

She handed him a white plastic cup half full of water. “Would you like to talk about it, really talk about it this time?”

He hesitated then shook his head. “Maybe later, but not now.” He wiped his eyes with his forelegs and looked at is leg, then at her, then back to his leg. “Your eyelashes are on my leg,” he said flatly.

Rarity let a little humor into her voice. “Well, I did buy them from a traveling salesmare.”

He slowly looked at her eyelashless eye, then he snickered. She did the same and then they fell into a giggle fit, ending shortly after when there was a loud knock on the front door. “Ah, that would be Sweetie Belle. She must have found Fluttershy faster than I’d expected. Would you like to walk with me to the door? Miss Fluttershy’s a very nice mare and she’d be very happy to meet you before I have a private talk with her.”

He shook his head. “No, I… I just wanna bath, if that’s okay?”

She hummed in thought and debated with herself on the matter. “Can you go a few more hours without one? I only ask because you can share a bath with Sweetie tonight to save time, and you can also go outside to play as opposed to having to wait possible hours if you change your schedule right now.”

Unsure of how to take the idea of sharing a bath with a female, he put it aside and sighed in defeat. “I’ll be in my room then, I have a lot to think about and maybe I’ll meditate on stuff.”

She smiled, gesturing for him to leave the bathroom first. “That sounds wonderful, I’ll have Sweetie go play with her friends and I’m certain you’ll see the trio of them within two hours. I only ask,” she said as they reached the point in their walk where they’d have to split up, “that you stay inside my boutique or just around the exterior.

“There are a lot of distractions you don’t need on your first day here; one of them is running around town when you don’t know anything about it or those who live within.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I get it. Don’t worry, I really need time alone right now. I swear I won’t run away or hurt myself.”

“I certainly hope not, and if you have such inclinations you may speak with anypony about them,” she said with kindness and hope in her voice and eyes.

They split, him climbing the stairs and her going to the door while checking back at him with worry and concern. Why would he be so specific on what he wouldn’t do? Oh, I hope Fluttershy is available and skilled enough to help him.

She nearly reached the door when it swung open just missing her muzzle by an inch. “Rarity, I’m back with Fluttershy and I had a question!”

“Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about shoving doors open? You nearly took my head off with that little action,” she scolded the filly. “What’s your question, Sweetie?”

“Can I take a bath with Mister Ed tonight? He might make a good bath toy.”

Rarity grimaced and felt Fluttershy looking at her, through her eyes and into her very soul in an action that was nearly the Stare. “Rarity… why are you showing Mister Ed to your little sister?”

Rarity shook her head at Fluttershy and took a step back from the typically timid mare. “I didn’t, honest! It was a joke in poor taste by Snickers, but I fixed the issue and that’s just one of the reasons I wanted to speak with you. Sweetie, you may go play with your other Crusaders,” she said urgently, “now!”

“Ugh, but Rarity! I wanna show Mister Ed to my friends, can’t I take him with me?”

No!” both mares said loudly and in near perfect synchronization. Sweetie stomped her hind hoof on the floor and stormed away for several steps before turning into a happy trot with her tail swaying and ears perked up as though nothing had happened.

“Fluttershy, please come in. I’m desperately in need of your help.”

Fluttershy looked past Rarity and then walked in cautiously. She lay on one of Rarity’s guest lounges and got comfortable as Rarity did the same across from her. “How can I help you, Rarity? I was surprised to run into your sister while I was going outside town to check on a family of birds that might be traveling though, if the rumors are correct.”

“Yes, while I feel for your concerns about the birds, I have an addition to my household that needs your attention as a therapist.”

Fluttershy’s ears attention were now focused on Rarity. “Oh, my. I wasn’t aware you knew.”

“I didn’t, not until a couple hours ago. I’ve taken a foster foal and he is in need of emotional guidance, here’s his file from the Ministry. Please, read it over and go help him. I haven’t the patience at the moment with the way my day has gone so far.”

Fluttershy took the file between her forelegs but didn’t open it. “Um, there’s a lot more to working with a pony than it seems. It’s a long process that may take years and isn’t ever a quick fix for a problem.”

“I don’t see a problem with that, as long as you can curb his more unsavory actions. As per the Ministry’s guidelines, he’s to be enrolled in the school by week’s end and begin thereafter. He has a vulgar streak since walking into my home longer than my tail and he’s acting out in the worst ways…

“Then, just a few minutes ago he cried into my,” she looked down and sighed at her unkempt coat, “once glorious coat. I’ll need a grooming for this soon.” she patted her chest and smoothed out the parts he nuzzled into.

“It sounds like he’s confused and very stressed, and probably acting out in frustration rather than anger. Can you give me an example of how he’s been?”

“Easily, he threw hot chocolate powder at me and doused me with hot water from the sink, then commented on how wet he’d gotten me.”

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hoof in surprise. “Oh my, that’s not how a colt should act at all.”

“Of that I’m certain.”

Fluttershy inhaled deeply and smiled. “I was wondering why you smelled like chocolate, though. And now I know why,” she giggled when Rarity smiled. “I’ll read this quickly and let you know how I can help him. If that’s okay with you, that is.”

“Fluttershy, how many times must we tell you?” The folder opened and Rarity figuratively bit her tongue. She read a magazine she’d skimmed several times that month while Fluttershy worked, finishing with a thoughtful hum. “Well?”

Fluttershy closed the folder and pushed it closer to Rarity. “I’ve seen these kinds of reports before, most in my training or during refresher classes. I know to take these with several grains of salt,” she scowled at the file. “While under supervision, everything is scrutinized and exaggerated when written down so the future helpers know what to look for, more than what actually happened.

“Except for the part where he,” she averted her gaze, “pleasured himself over time, and kissed the nurse, there isn’t really anything in this that says he’s really a problem child any more than a foal his age should be.”

“But, Fluttershy, he got me wet with chocolate and spoke in the most vulgar way to me. He went through my things and kicked my lovely Mister Ed across my house and I,” she furrowed her brows, “don’t actually know where I sent it. I hope it didn’t go far, or else I’ll have to really take care of him… Celestia forbid, replace him.”

“Rarity,” Fluttershy said with a little more confidence than Rarity was expecting, “we’re talking about something more important right now. I know he may be acting out, but he’s adapting to his new environment. There’s bound to be some stress on you both while he learns about you and your own rules and limits.”

“That… makes a lot of sense, actually. Would you like to meet him, or…”

“I’d love to meet him,” Fluttershy replied quickly, “if this is a good time for you, that is.”

“Of course, darling. Come, I believe he’s in his room. I just finished giving him the treatment for foul language, but he may still harbor such inclinations. Just, be prepared for language most unbecome a child his age.”

“I understand. Angel bunny has quite foul language when frustrated, so I don’t see how much worse it can be.”

“So he must only speak in foul language, then?” Rarity quipped. Fluttershy blushed and looked away. “Oh my, I do apologize. I hadn’t meant to bring to light such an issue you have to deal with. On a change of topic, the colt seems to wear clothes, but only across his rear half. Currently he’s covered with some scrap cloth. He has a habit of looking intently at a mare’s lady bits, but when I make eye contact he averts his gaze.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy looked behind her and made sure her tail was covering herself, “do you think I’ll be safely covered by my tail, or should I puppy it?”

“Puppy… ah, no, you’ll be fine. If you’re worried just keep facing him and he won’t have the opportunity. In my case, I believe I’ll have to devise something to cover myself until he becomes acclimated to our nudity. It truly is taboo to him, it seems, and my choice of unique style and grandeur is too much for him.

“I’ve thought of turning my curls more tightly or trimming my tail to more of a floof, maybe a short braid… but none match my artistic flair that I’m known for. I’d need to change my mane style as well to match or accent my tail as curls don’t mesh well with a pompom style. Then, I wonder… Fluttershy, do you think a scarf, neckerchief, or perhaps an ascot matching my mane color would work?

“Oh! My eyes, the scarf could match my eyes. Heh, perhaps a collar with a ring to show my lovely adventurous side, rather than my current flirtatious and daring nature to challenge the norm. Ah, here we are, Fluttershy. Just a moment and it’ll be the two of you.”

Rarity looked back to make eye contact with Fluttershy, who was looking at the file held in her wings. “Uh-hum.”

“Fluttershy! Have you heard a word I’ve said?”

“Uh-hum.” Rarity swished her tail near the file and startled her friend into dropping it and scattering its loose pages. “I’m sorry, Rarity, I’m just focusing on Snickers. I’ll listen this time if you want to tell me again.”

“No, that’s fine. I was just talking about reformations to my entire style and wardrobe, possibly the ramifications they’ll have on my clothing lines. Nothing important I’d share at the moment again, but the next time we’re at the spa I expect your input on my concerns.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll help you then. I won’t let you down.”

Rarity knocked on the door and listened. There was a clambering and she took that as a reason to open the door. “Snickers, there’s somepony I’d love for you to-- Gyah! What the Tartarus are you four doing?!”