• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,142 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

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Morning Joe

Rarity sipped her tea while Snickers ate a small balanced equine breakfast. “Snickers?”

“Yeah?” He replied after swallowing some egg he’d eaten.

Rarity sipped her tea. “I was wondering… what was your dream about last night?”

“Oh, uh…” Snickers took another fork of shredded hay to chew over, buying time. “Well, it was just a bad dream. Everyone has them, no biggie.”

Rarity’s tea cup lowered to the saucer with a quiet clink. She inhaled and exhaled, exuding a calm and collective mare’s mindset. “I understand the principal, however you awoke in quite a fright. When I reached you, it was as though you were fighting a creature for all your worth. Would you mind telling me?”

Snickers gulped loudly, meeting her eyes. He shook his head oh so slightly getting a sharp, short exhale from Rarity. “Very well,” Rarity said lifting her teacup to her lips, “if you change your mind, I am always here to listen. On another note, I won’t be working until after lunch today. My sister and her friends typically arrive here at one for snacks before they go have their fun.

“However, with Sweetie indisposed, if you’d be willing, I’d like to take you to see Sweetie around that time and let you spend time with your club mates.” Snickers scooped a bunch of oats into his mouth and chewed loudly, offering a nod. “Well, then that’s lunch through supper set,” she said with a little more cheer in her voice. “I trust you to follow their example as you’re still unfamiliar with the area.

“My only caveat is that you use your better judgement and try to keep them out of danger, mud, muck, and any form of sticky substances such as honey, various syrups, and saps. Can you at least do your best with my little request?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I can do that. Do you know if… um, Fluttershy or Rainbow are gonna be around today?”

Rarity looked out of the nearby window and her features relaxed. “Darling, they’re always here when they’re needed.”


After a rough few minutes of mane and tail brushing, Snickers was ready to head out into the world. He donned his shirt again, making sure it was clean and spiffy while Rarity slipped shoes on her hooves that were nowhere near as nice as the ones she’d given away.

Taking an Apple family treat for each of them to snack on when they got hungry later from the basket gifted to her days prior, Snickers and Rarity left the boutique and stood outside the door taking in the warm morning air. The magic of Harmony’s effect on Snickers was still gaining traction, little by little, but he remembered living in a wasteland with Rarity and Sweetie as a real thing and it was conflicting within him.

Snickers shifted his forelegs in his blue and white shirt, making sure it sat right on his withers.

“Snickers,” Rarity started, “would you like to get that cafe?”

“Sure, sounds good. It’s that way, right?” Snickers pointed down the road.

Rarity tutted him. “A gentlecolt doesn’t point, darling. Look or speak the direction.”

Snickers snorted hot air. “Well, is it to the left?”

“No, dear. It’s actually to the right and then left three blocks from here. Follow along, now.”

Snickers’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you gonna be teaching me to act like some stuffy snob noble from now on? ‘Cause I’m gonna have a problem with that real quick.”

Rarity shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong with having some class, Snickers. Class, not crass; you must learn the difference. A gentle stallion you’ll be someday, and when that happens you’ll actually walk beside me with a slight lead and to the right. Now, since you’re still young, you should stay around my flank and to the left.”

“Why, what’s the big deal with where I walk?” Snickers asked while looking around him from pony to pony and seeing a mare with a hat pulling a cart of apples down a street.

“Well,” Rarity paused to think of how to explain, “in many cities, until about fifty years ago, didn’t have plumbing and would go in buckets in their domiciles.” She shuddered. “Then, they’d dump said buckets from their windows or doors into the back alleys or, Celestia forbid,” she gagged at the thought, “onto the street when upper class ponies walked by to show their distaste.”

Snickers grinned. “Nice, can I try that?”

“Certainly not! Why would you even…” Rarity looked at him and sighed. “You have a disturbing sense of humor, Snickers.”

Snickers hopped over a pothole. “At least I didn’t add a bit to the jar, right? Especially with that set up.”

“Quite,” Rarity nodded to him. “In any case, I’d like to introduce you to one of my closer friends. Applejack, do you have a moment?”

Applejack looked behind her and smiled at Rarity, then Snickers. “Well, Ah’ll be. Imagine meetin’ ya this early, Rares. Ah thought ya spent yer mornin’s gettin’ prettied up and gettin’ ta work on yer own. And this here must be Snickers? Mah sis, Apple Bloom, had a might good list ‘a things ta say about ya,” Applejack winked at him. “It’s nice ta know colts are in the club now, too.”

Rarity bowed her horn slightly to her friend. “Yes, it’s quite the day already. Snickers is indeed in the CMC, and I have spent time preparing myself for the day, but work will come after a few errands have been run. I just wanted to introduce my colt to you before I began shopping and whatnot.”

Applejack motioned with her head for Snickers to go to her. She held out a hoof and bumped it to his, getting a hiss of pain from the mare. “Ouch. Fer a colt ya sure do pack a punch,” she shook her hoof like he really hurt her.

Despite himself, Snickers grinned proudly and looked at Rarity before he gloated. “See that, I’m as tough as a grown mare and I’m only 6!” He hopped in place and then ran to Rarity’s side, taking his place by her left hip.

Rarity and Applejack shared a nod and Applejack tipped her hat. “Nice meetin’ ya, Snickers. Stop on by before ya head on back and Ah’ll give ya a free apple or two.”

Rarity waved at Applejack and they went their separate ways, Rarity actually followed her friend to the end of the block before turning to the bakery with her charge in the corner of her eye. Snickers still walked proudly with his chest puffed up, something she hadn’t seen from him to date.

She still couldn’t believe it had only been three days and the effect of friends, therapy, and Harmony were changing him so much and so fast. With a quiet sigh, Rarity prepared herself. “Snickers, we have to go to the library again today.”

Snickers looked at her with a glower. “Why? So your little love lizard and lick your hooves?”

Rarity stopped and turned, looming over him. “You shan’t speak of Spike that way, I don’t care about your feelings on the matter as long as you work through them. Spikey-wikey is very important to me, and I him, and I would appreciate it if you’d accept that fact without being difficult.”

Snickers felt a half dozen bits about to enter the swear jar, stopped a second before he did something he’d probably regret by Scootaloo and Apple Bloom approaching him by wagon and scooter. “Hey, I thought they were busy.”

Rarity watched the duo approach at high speed, stopping by Scootaloo angling her scooter and using her rear hoof as a brake. Rarity cast a basic shield spell that was only good enough to keep dust away from her coat. “Girls, why aren’t you at school?” Rarity asked as soon as the street was quiet again.

“Oh, hey Miss Rarity. Scoots and me ‘re headin’ to the hospital ta check on Sweetie. She’s been alone all night and might need her friends there ta keep her from goin’ stir crazy.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, and we haven’t seen her since yesterday when we all split up and she first got hurt. That’s why we’re here,” she looked at Snickers, “hop in, we’ll take you, too.”

Rarity’s horn lit and a small bag of bits left her pocket and floated to Apple Bloom. “Here’s enough bits for snacks and lunch, if any of you need either myself or any other adult, simply find Twilight and she’ll let us know post haste, if you can’t find us otherwise. If there’s an emergency…” she looked at Scootaloo.

“Call the guard or get to the hospital,” Scootaloo said in a drone. “You tell me everytime, I’m not a baby.”

Rarity kept her face neutral. “Who was the foal that insisted that Apple Bloom use double sided tape to stick her mane back on after that manecutter cutie mark attempt?”

Scootaloo looked embarrassed and glanced away, not meeting Rarity’s eyes. “So, uh, Snickers… you comin’?” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom patted a helmet in the wagon beside her. Snickers looked at Rarity, then trotted to the wagon and awkwardly climbed in. With help from Apple Bloom he got the helmet on safely and securely.

“We’ll see ya later, Miss Rarity,” Apple Bloom waved, followed by Snickers who paid the mare no attention. Scootaloo used her hind leg to push her scooter back onto the road and with little warning her wings buzzed.

Rarity giggled into her hoof when she saw, for the briefest moment, Snickers’s terrified face just before he held onto the wagon and screamed in fright at the sudden speed they reached. After seven seconds the wagon was around a corner and the foals were out of her mind. Rarity thought over her mental list of to-do’s, then walked to her next destination.


Snickers tumbled from the wagon when Scootaloo stopped outside the hospital landing on his chest. He got to his hooves and sat down, fumbling with the helmet strap to get it off. “C’mon, stupid thing. Why won’t you just come off?!”

“Woah there, Snickers. Ya can’t just poke and tug, ya gotta learn how ta do it or ask fer help.” Apple Bloom advised and reached under his muzzle. A quiet click came two seconds later and she lifted the helmet off his head. He shook his head and tossed his mane, his ears wiggled and he felt better once he was free.

Scootaloo parked her scooter and the attached wagon off the walking path. “C’mon, I need to make sure Sweetie’s alright. She might be hurt more, or be scared because she’s about to get a shot!”

Apple Bloom tossed the helmets into the wagon. “All right, hold yer horses; we’re comin’. Ya know, it’s not as bad as you think it is, right?” Apple Bloom patted Scootaloo on the back as they walked in with Snickers leading since he knew the way.

“Fillies,” Snickers said once they went inside. “Let’s focus on getting there, then you can make crazy assumptions and freak out, okay?”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom nodded and agreed, following Snickers deeper into the hospital to find the missing Crusader. It took Snickers practically no time to reach Sweetie’s hospital room once they checked in with the nurses at the front desk. Snickers, looking sullen, knocked on the door and pushed it open when Sweetie asked who it was.

“Sweetie, it’s us,” Snickers said weakly.

Scootaloo rushed past him and slid on the floor into the wall with a thud. She laughed and shook herself. “Hey, Sweetie. Ouch, that looks like it hurts… did they have to get you a new tail with lasers and a grappling tether like in Batmare, so you can ‘pa-shwunk’, swing between buildings and fight crime in Manehattan?”

Sweetie kicked her legs in a well practiced way, turning to see them and breaking into a huge grin. “Scootaloo, that’s silly… awesome, but silly. Is there a doctor I can ask about that?” She pointed asked Snickers, who shrugged her off. “Well, the doctors told me that because I’m not hurt as bad as they thought, I can be out of here tonight in time for supper! Isn’t that great?!”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom squealed in glee and hopped around one another while Snickers had moved by the wall and sat down, just enjoying the moment and the news. Snickers spoke up when the girls calmed down a bit. He cleared his throat and scuffed the floor awkwardly. “Sweetie… can we take another bath together?” he asked her hopefully, glancing at her friends.

Their friends.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gave Sweetie a sly look that she stuck her tongue out in reply to. “Sure, but why?” Sweetie asked.

“Because, I wanna make it up to you and not get you hurt or into the hospital because I’m not a total fu-, er, screw up,” he looked between his friends and they smiled at him, proud he didn’t swear.

Apple Bloom puffed her chest up and stepped toward him, standing as tall as he did so she could look him in his eyes. “Only one one condition are we okay with it.”

Snickers met Apple Bloom’s eyes, then wilted. “What’s that?”

She shoved him and smiled. “We get ta join in, Ah haven’t taken a bath with a colt and Ah wanna see what ya got.”

Scootaloo cheered and Sweetie laughed. “Apple Bloom, he’s really fun! As long as he isn’t slapping you.”

Snickers looked at Sweetie’s smug look with abject horror. “I didn’t… it wasn’t…”

“Hey,” Scootaloo shouted and was in his face an instant later, “you slapped her?”

Snickers’s tail curled around his side and he lowered himself to the floor, looking up at Scootaloo and then to Apple Bloom, his ears fell and he glanced back to Sweetie just in time to see her roll her eyes. “Girls, I was joking. He didn’t actually slap me, he just bumped me with his leg and I was joking around.”

The two relaxed and smiled down at Snickers. “Well, if that’s what happened, why didn’t ya just say so?” Apple Bloom scooped a foreleg under his neck and hefted him to his hooves.

Sweetie giggled and every eye was on her. “His fifth leg.”

All the filly’s eyes moved to his and in that moment he could hear his stomach gurgle in the silence. Scootaloo moved closer to him and snorted in his face just when he was breathing in, followed by Apple Bloom. Both fillies looked at him then stepped back and looked at Sweetie, hanging above them.

Scootaloo broke the silence. “How was it?”

Snickers couldn’t tell what was more embarrassing or mortifying; he wished he could just faint and wake when this conversation was over. He contemplated running from the room but Apple Bloom was fast while Scootaloo was more aerodynamic. He figured he’d kiss the linoleum in eight seconds.

His only option was to accept the moment by lying down and covering his ears while the girls talked.

“Meh, it wasn’t like in that magazine we borrowed from the spa. It was just like a normal leg bumping into me, only without any fur. Aw, he’s blushing and hiding,” Sweetie cooed and the others giggled.

“If Ah know my colors, he’s red as a brick that’s seen a year or two. Ah wonder if he can hear us?”

Scootaloo said his name twice and didn’t get a response, grinning at him then she poked Apple Bloom to get her attention. “So, I call him!”

“What, Ah don’t think so. Ah shared a breath with him, he’s mine.”

“Psh, a few seconds after we did. It’s official, I staked my claim.”

Sweetie cut in at that moment, “Thousand sorrows, girls, remember? We can’t claim a stallion until he at least shows interest in us, or we’re breaking the law and it’s unmoral.”

“Immoral,” a voice came from the hallway before Twilight turned the corner. “I expected you to all be here,” she giggled, “but I didn’t think I’d hear you having a discussion and argument over this topic. How’re you feeling, Sweetie?”

The girls moved aside and Apple Bloom poked Snickers to let him know something was happening. Snickers sat up and then stood once he saw the purple unicorn. “Hey, that lizard isn’t here, is he?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Why does everyone say that? He’s a dragon, and no. I have him grounded at the library for what happened between you two; he admitted he went too far, but that you started it by throwing a book at him, is that true?” Twilight asked standing in front of him, towering over him like Rarity had.

He felt himself fall submissive under her and nodded.

Twilight took a step back. “Well, I’ll have a talk with Rarity, but I really think you two should at least apologize to one another. You seemed to get along so well when you’d met, then you’re both trying to harm one another a minute after we left you alone,” she shook her head. “Can you please tell me why you needed to throw a book at him to trip him up? It was only a silly game, not a contest.”

Snickers stood up and glared at Twilight. “Did he say I started it for nothing? That dumb reptile, I’ll cut off his tail and when it grow back I’ll do it again,” he grumbled. Magic grabbed his lower jaw and brought it up so he could look into her angry eyes.

Twilight spoke sternly. “No, you won’t. Got it?”

Snickers nodded. When Twilight let him go he rubbed his jaw and looked away. “Look,” Snickers started, “I don’t totally get along with mom, er, Rarity. It’s really confusing because of that vision I got… but Spike was droning on about how Rarity is better than Celestia and I got tired of hearing it.

“Rarity is the best at everything, nopony can compare, she deserves a palace showing how lovely she is,” Snickers mocked Spike’s voice and sat down, crossing his forelegs over his barrel, “and I’d been asking him to stop insulting Princess Celestia and stop talking about Rarity so much, so when he started talking about how Rarity saved a drowning foal from a well I threw a book at him to get him to shut up.

“I didn’t want to start a fight, honest, I just couldn’t stand to hear him talk like that anymore. Then he told me to ‘never insult Rarity’ and spat a flaming spitball at me.”

Twilight listened with rapt attention and nodded while the CMC showed different levels of interest and awe. Twilight posed another question, “Okay, and what about pranking Rarity?”

Snickers rolled his eyes to the largest extent he could. “That’s what started the whole thing, I said I was gonna prank her and he could help. Then he told me not to because, blah, blah, blah.”

Twilight nodded. “Sounds reasonable, but now I have two stories that conflict in a lot of ways. I won’t cast any honesty spells on you or Spike, but when you two meet later I expect you two to work out your differences. Rarity and I will be in the same room and if either of you start to cross the line, we’ll be there to stop it. Understand?” Twilight said, finalizing it with a stomp of her forehoof.

Twilight turned her attention to Sweetie right afterwards. “And Sweetie, I’m sorry I took so long getting here. I talked with the staff and I’m here to fix you up a little faster. Doctor Mend will be in and will help align your tail, then I’ll heal the bones into a fixed position. You’ll need a couple days to recover, but it’s better than the month they projected.”

“A month?” Sweetie squeaked. “They said a week, tops.”

“Well, yes,” Twilight said walking to the support and looking it over, “under normal healing circumstances. Medical magic cuts the healing time by four, my spell is a little more potent since my special talent is magic; so you’ll be out tonight because of that. Otherwise, you’d be here for three more days. Unless,” Twilight smirked, “you want to be here for that long?”

Twilight gave a gentle nudge to the support system and caused Sweetie to spin slightly. Sweetie swung her legs. “No, no, I wanna go home!”

That was when the doctor and two nurses walked into the room. “Well, it’s good to know our hospitality is so well received,” Doctor Mend chuckled. “Children, you’ll have to leave and if you’d like, you can wait in the waiting room and we’ll be along to get you when we’re done. Otherwise, Sweetie will be ready to leave at six tonight.”

After a short deliberation the CMC chose to spend their time having fun and planning new adventures. Saying their farewells, Sweetie waved her friends off and the door closed, cutting the group off. Snickers was between Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, not noticing the looks they gave one another.

Snickers did notice the pressure they were giving him by pressing into his sides. Once outside he stopped and the fillies, not noticing took a few paces past him then fell over one another when their support wasn’t there. Snickers moved up to them and looked down. “What’s going on with you two?” Snickers asked.

“Nothin’ ya need ta worry about, Snickers. Scootaloo’s just actin’ a bit bird brained over somethin’.”

Scootaloo bared her teeth. “I am not, you’re just confused with all the rocks in your head.”

Apple Bloom leapt at Scootaloo and they started to tumble around and wrestle. “Preener.”

Scootaloo growled loudly. “Mud lover.”

Snickers had had enough and stomped the ground in frustration. “Stop it, both of you,” he scolded them and they tumbled apart, lying on the ground and looking at him. “You’re supposed to be friends and this is how you act and treat each other? If this is what it means to be in your club then I don’t wanna be in it,” he said and trotted past them.

There were a few seconds of scrambling bodies and hooves following him. “No, we’re not like this, honest.”

Apple Bloom agreed. “Me ‘n Scoots’re best friends, we just don’t always get along, right Scoots?”

Scootaloo ran beside Snickers. “Yeah, don’t leave, please. I wanna get to know you better.”

“Not as much as me,” Apple Bloom said a bit louder. A few more words were exchanged between the fillies and Snickers didn’t even look back when they started wrestling again. Once again, just when Snickers had reached the next corner and was about to turn they caught up again.

“Hey, we’re sorry! We mean it, no more fighting over you,” Scootaloo said breathing a bit heavier than before.

“Yeah, we can share ya!” Apple Bloom said proudly. Snickers stopped so suddenly he almost fell onto his chin. “Would ya like to be in a herd with us?”

Snickers looked back and turned around, looking between his fellow crusaders. He quietly, nervously, chuckled. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, colt teasers?” He asked taking a step back from the grinning fillies.

Scootaloo blinked curiously. “Nope, we’re serious. Are you in, or out?”

Snickers shook his head. “I’m out, I’m not looking for a relationship or… herding. I’m too young for that stuff.”

Apple Bloom looked at her close friend and they scrunched their eyebrows. “Scoots, what’s he talkin’ about? Too young?”

Attention back on Snickers, Scootaloo asked the next question. “Foals start herding at age two, it’s just like being a close family. It’s not like adults where we,” she and Apple Bloom shuddered, “mate, or anything. How didn’t you know that?”

Snickers exhaled a breath in relief, not sure if he could handle being in a mated herd with two fillies, that probably would include Sweetie Belle; which would make it even more awkward. “Because… I’m not from around here.”

“Hold it, let’s go back to the clubhouse and talk about this. Last thing we need is Diamond Tiara to get on our cases over a rumor she heard. Not to mention how she might look or act after you beat her up yesterday.”

Snickers shrugged. “She deserved it. Worst case, nothing changes and I go to juvie, best case she’s cool from now on.”

Snickers started walking and passed his friends, stopping when Apple Bloom cleared her throat. She pointed in the direction they were facing and Snickers arced quickly and, almost instinctively, walked between the fillies. He stopped and waited for a few seconds, during which time Scootaloo and Apple Bloom grinned manically happily. They touched their sides to his and started back to the farm and clubhouse while Snickers relaxed between them as a feeling of safety and security took him over.