• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 4,762 Views, 209 Comments

All That We Are - Marezinger Z

All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.

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Chapter 6

Celestia rushed back to the castle, startling her sister as she abruptly teleported into the throne room.

“Sister?” Luna quickly stood. “What is the matter?”

“Aurelian is gone.” She informed.

“What?” Luna followed after her into the throne room’s antechamber. “Did something happen?”

“We were discussing the idea of him having friends to help his transition into the world and he suddenly left, saying that he was going to find the friends of his past.” She explained, rapidly collecting scrolls and a quill.

“Wait… he has friends that still live?” Luna again followed her out. “How is that possible?”

“I do not know.” Celestia shook her head. “But whatever the case, he is out in the world on his own. I don’t believe he intends to attack any creature, but some may attack him out of fear or confusion. If that happens…”

“I can imagine the rest, sister.” Luna shuddered. “What do we do?”

“I am going to send communications out to the heads of the other nations.” She began diligently writing with her magic. “I need to find him and return to his side as soon as possible.” Her eyes grew upset. “If anything should happen as a result of my bringing him back, I will not be able to forgive myself.”

“Be at ease, sister.” Luna attempted to calm her. “We cannot jump to conclusions.”

“I know.” Celestia sent the first letter out, immediately beginning the second. “I will not allow my fears to get ahead of me; would you inform Starswirl, Fluttershy and Discord? They can return to Ponyville and warn Twilight.”

“Of course.” Luna hurried from the room as Celestia frantically continued spreading the word.

Aurelian used his memory of the land formations to guide himself eastward and into the Dragonlands. He observed the volcanic landscape and touched down on a peak overlooking the area. The local dragons took immediate notice of the imposing stranger; landing around him in a semi-circle.

“Check it out.” One of them pointed to his wings. “An Alicorn.”

“Haven’t seen that one before.” Another noted.

“Hey, new guy!” Garble stepped up. “You must be lost.”

“Hardly.” Aurelian answered shortly. “I have no interest in you, Dragon. If you value your existence then do not impede my path.” He released a quick burst of magic that sent them flying backwards; shaken at the display, they fled the scene and went to inform their Dragon Lord of the situation. Aurelian leapt in to the air again and flew down from the cliff side; he landed and began exploring the area on hoof.

“Hey!” Ember’s voice called from the sky. She swooped down and fearlessly landed before him.

Aurelian noticed the staff in her claw and hummed in curiosity. “The stave of the Dragon Lord.”

“That's right.” She raised it before him. “I’m Dragon Lord Ember; and I don’t take kindly to other creatures showing up and pushing my kin around.”

“It was they who sought to approach me with such intent.” He said, walking by her and continuing on.

“Hold on.” She flustered as his dismissal and chased after him. “Just who are you and what do you want in the Dragonlands?”

“I am Aurelian.” He introduced. “And I have come to see an old friend.”

“A friend?” She asked. “A Dragon I take it?”


“Well all you had to do was ask.” She matched pace with him. “I know every Dragon here, who are you looking for?”

“You do not know this Dragon.” Aurelian assured.

“Then he isn’t here.” She retorted.

“You walk upon his back, girl.”

“Wh… what?” She stopped. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Aurelian halted and turned to face her. “Very well, as Dragon Lord I suppose you have the right to know.” His mind traveled far back to the past. “Nearly eight thousand years ago, one of the mightiest Dragons to ever live ruled over your kind. His strength was unparalleled and his fire could melt the crust of the world. While not a particularly kind creature, his methods were just and fair; he was one of the few creatures I considered my equal.” His eyes grew harsh. “But as is typically the case, the strong are feared by the weak no matter how they conduct themselves; the other nations eventually decided that he was too powerful to leave as ruler of the Dragons. By vote of committee by the Alliance, it was decided that he would be given the ultimatum to abdicate the seat of Lord or be removed by force. As I am sure you know, a Dragon would never bow to others and he chose to stand against them. A legion of sorcerers cast a spell that sent him into an eternal state of hibernation and over the centuries his still body was claimed by the earth.” He opened his wing, gesturing around them. “These so called Dragonlands were established atop his sleeping frame, and I have come to wake him.”

Ember was not prepared for such a story and stood in idle shock as she watched Aurelian rise into the air. “Wait!” She shook herself free of her state and flew up to him. “If that’s true, and you do this… the Dragonlands will be destroyed.”

“Unfortunately, yes.” He nodded. “I am sorry; but if you wish to save your kind then I suggest you ask them to flee.” His horn lit up and eyes went white as his body was consumed in magical energy.

“Stop!” Ember was thrown far back by the force of his magic.

“Aestus!” He called, the ground beginning to quake. “You have slept long enough, old friend! It is time for you to walk the world once more!” His horn loosed a powerful beam of magic that plowed deep into the earth.

Ember looked around and saw her Dragons in a panic at the massive tremor. She quickly flew about and rounded up a group of them to aid her. “Listen!” She barked. “Get all the Dragons you can and save the dormant eggs from the hatching ground. Get them as far from here as you can and find a place to convene, spread the word and evacuate the area!”

“Yes, Dragon Lord Ember.” They nodded in unison and dispersed to see her will done.

Ember’s attention was suddenly taken by the sound a roar so deep it shook her bones. Her eyes panned over her home, watching the volcanos begin to spew lava and the ground crack open like an egg. A carmine claw of incomprehensible size burst from the jagged terrain and planted itself on the surface. She quickly looked back at the sound of another explosion of rock, witnessing a mile long tail slither into the sky. Another roar thundered as Aestus’ massive head rose, adorned with opal horns that branched like tree limbs. The gargantuan dragon worked himself free from his grave and stood tall once again.

Aestus swung his neck around until his eyes fell upon the Alicorn. “Aurelian?” Due to his sheer size, his deep voice was almost overwhelming to Ember’s ear.

“Yes.” He nodded.

Aestus looked around in confusion. “What has happened? The last thing I remember is the Alliance’s forces moving against me.”

“You lost that battle.” Aurelian informed. “You were sent into a sleep that was meant to be eternal. I have undone their work and returned you to the world.”

He brought his head closer to Aurelian, his eyes angry. “You allowed them to do such a thing?”

“I did all I could to sway them from their decision.” Aurelian answered calmly. “I was in no position to interfere at that time; although, I will say that what they did to you led me to reevaluate my position on many things. I became a different creature after the day you fell.”

Aestus pulled his head back and sighed. “How long have I been here?”

“That battle was nearly sixty-five hundred years ago.” He relayed.

Aestus’ eyes hardened at the new knowledge. “Blast those short-sighted weaklings.” He growled. “What of the Dragons?”

“Well.” Aurelian looked over at Ember. “This one here claims to be the current Dragon Lord.”

The great Dragon’s eyes zeroed in on Ember. “What? Surely this is some kind of joke.” A searing hot breath left his nose and engulfed her. "Is this true?" Ember’s body was frozen in a fear that she had never known and she failed to respond. “Speak, tiny one.” He commanded.

“I… I am.” She finally managed.

Aestus looked around, seeing some of the Dragons in the air as they fled the area. “They are all so… small.” He noted judgingly. “Is this your doing?” He looked back to Aurelian. “Some kind of revenge?”

Aurelian laughed and shook his head. “What you see before you was crafted by the hands of time. I myself have just returned to the surface.”

“Ha.” Aestus laughed. “Some creature finally put you in your place?”

“Yes… myself.”

“Eh?” He eyed Aurelian curiously.

“Much has happened in my life since we last saw one another; and I will tell you the story once I am finished. There are two more that I must wake; in the meantime, I ask that you head to Elder Island.”

“Heh, does it still exist?”

“I have no doubt that it does.” Aurelian confirmed. “It is far removed from where any creature would settle. Do you recall the way?”

“Of course.” Aestus snorted. “Just because I was asleep for so long doesn’t make me senile.” He began to walk, his footsteps causing localized tremors as he proceeded. Aurelian flew off without further word, leaving Ember shaken and disoriented as she looked over the decimated Dragonlands.

Thorax galloped into the hive’s nursery at full speed, a scroll cinched between his antlers. “Mom!” He skidded to a halt.

“Keep it down.” Chrysalis harshly whispered. “The hatchlings are asleep.”

“Oh, sorry.” He whispered. “I’ve got urgent news.”

“If this is about that vase you made for me in your little craft class then I already know.” She stepped out to join him. “It’s… adequate.”

“Aw, thanks.” He smiled. “But that’s not it.” He tilted his head and offered her the scroll. “I just received word from Princess Celestia. Aurelian is out wandering the world again.”

“What?” Chrysalis quickly took the scroll and began to read. “She actually convinced him to return?” She growled. “That fool, what was she thinking? No creature in Equestria can control Aurelian.”

“Didn’t you try to convince him to come back?” Thorax asked.

“I…” She flustered. “I failed, so that is a moot point now.”

“I’m leaving Pharynx in charge to watch over the region here.” Thorax explained. “I’m going to Canterlot to see if I can help on their end. You should come too.”

“Why would I?” She poked the scroll onto the tip of his antler. “This is Celestia’s doing, she can fix it on her own.” She started back into the nursery.

“You have more experience with him than any creature.” Thorax noted. “There is no telling how this is going to play out and seeing as he knows you on some level, it would be a good idea to have you there in case we need to talk him down or something. Besides, if worse comes to worse, the hive is going to be in just as much danger as the rest of the world.”

Chrysalis stopped and sighed, looking over the sleeping hatchlings. “Fine.” She turned back and flew past him. “But I’m only doing this to ensure the safety of the hive.”

“That works for me.” Thorax smiled and flew after her.

The familial duo arrived in Canterlot in the late afternoon; the unnatural sight of the former Changeling Queen approaching the home of the royal sisters was something for the citizens to behold as they made their way to the castle. Receiving entry into the throne room, they found the three Princesses in discussion about the current situation.

“Princess Celestia.” Thorax greeted.

“Thorax.” She halted their talk. “Chrysalis, you came as well?”

“It was Thorax’s idea more than mine.” She shrugged.

“Is there any update?” Thorax asked.

“No.” Celestia shook her head. “So far, we have no idea where he might be.”

“Chrysalis.” Twilight went to them. “Did Aurelian say anything about these friends he mentioned?”

“No, he didn't.” Chrysalis answered. “I would have imagined any creature he was familiar with to be long dead by now.”

“As would we.” Luna agreed. “The only reasonable answer to this is that as he himself was, they are either trapped or dormant in some long forgotten location.”

“What kind of friends would a creature like Aurelian have anyway?” Thorax queried.

“I would rather not imagine.” Celestia admitted.

The doors parted again and the guards aided a spent Ember into the throne room. “Your highness, Dragon Lord Ember brings word.”

“Ember!” Thorax ran to her and took her from the guards. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine, I just flew here full bore so I'm pretty wiped.” Ember assured. “But the Dragonlands...” She lowered her head with heavy eyes.

“What of the Dragonlands?” Celestia asked, already knowing the answer deep in her heart.

“Some weird Alicorn showed up like he owned the place.” She began. “He didn’t attack us or anything, but he told me this creepy story about a Dragon that he used to know and how the Dragonlands were literally built on top of him.” She stepped from Thorax’s side and stood on her own.

“An ancient Dragon sleeping within the earth.” Luna summarized.

“It’s not just any Dragon.” Ember added. “It’s a mountain range with a tail. I’ve never seen anything so enormous in my life; he makes my dad look like Spike.” Her voice was still trembling with the shock of the experience. “He came out of the ground and left the Dragonlands in shambles. I managed to gather some Dragons and had them save the eggs; they’re currently holed up someplace safe and establishing a temporary hatchery to keep them warm.” She looked across the Princesses. “I didn’t know where else to go for help, so I came here.”

“Well.” Chrysalis laughed. “You came to the right place, seeing as Celestia is responsible for that Alicorn you came across.”

“Mom.” Thorax eyed her.

“What?” Ember glared at Celestia.

“It… is true.” She lowered her head. “I am sorry, Ember.”

“Sorry!?” She snarled. “My entire home is a wasteland and my Dragons are crammed together in a few caves.”

“Ember.” Celestia returned her eyes to her. “I take full responsibility for this and you have my word that all of Canterlot will be at your disposal to help repair the damage to the Dragonlands.”

“I’ll help to.” Thorax promised.

Ember took a long, calming breath and collected herself. “Well, you might have more to worry about than just the Dragonlands.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.” Twilight noted.

“Whoever this guy is, he said he had two more old buddies to wake up.” Ember continued. “He didn’t say who or where they were, he just took off.”

“Two more?” Luna looked to her sister.

“Did he say anything else of note, Ember?” Celestia asked.

“He did tell that giant Dragon to head to place called Elder Island.” She recalled.

“Does that ring a bell to any pony?” Twilight asked.

“No, but he refers to things as they were known in his own time.” Celestia heard him do much the same on their tour of the city. “We may know it, just not by that name.”

“How shall we go about…” Luna was cut off by the sound of the door opening once again.

“Your Highness?” The guard appeared, his voice far more unsure. “You have another guest.

Celestia gasped as Scorpan and Tirek entered her throne room. “Tirek!”

“Please, Princess.” Scorpan held his hands up. “We came to speak with you in peace…” He looked around the crowded room. “But I see we may have come at an inopportune time.”

“Tirek.” Chrysalis immediately went to him. “Where have you been?”

“With my brother.” He gestured to Scorpan.

“It would have been nice to know that instead of you just leaving us in that cave.” Her eyes narrowed.

“I couldn’t risk jeopardizing his location.” Tirek explained. “What are you doing here?”

“About that.” She looked back to the confused room. “Celestia managed to bring Aurelian back to the surface and now he’s running around the world, waking up creatures just as old and powerful as himself.”

“Oh dear.” Scorpan made a silent gasp. “That is distressing.”

“That’s putting it mildly.” Chrysalis scoffed.

Luna watched the scene with exasperation. “This day is proving to be a bit much.”

“Is it always this crazy around here?” Ember asked.

“Every creature, please.” Celestia called the room’s attention. “Twilight, learn what you can about this Elder Island.”

“Leave it to me.” Twilight nodded.

“Luna, see to Ember.” She looked to her sister. “Begin preparations to provide her with whatever provisions and supplies she needs to ensure the well-being of her kin.”

“Yes, sister.” Luna nodded in kind.

“Thorax?” She turned her attention to him. “The Changelings are great in number, I would ask that you have your hive fan out and investigate as many areas as they can; we need to locate Aurelian.”

“We can handle that, right mom?” He checked with Chrysalis.

“Given that you insist on saying 'we' all the time, I suppose I have little choice.” She grumbled.

“Scorpan.” Celestia stepped over to the long reformed villain. “If you and Tirek wish to speak, we shall.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Scorpan bowed.

“Have fun with that.” Chrysalis patted Tirek’s forearm.

Thorax went back over to Ember and caught her before she headed off with Luna. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

She smiled up at him and patted his cheek. “I said I’m fine, you big softy. The Dragons will be fine too, no one was injured and that’s the important part.” She looked over at Chrysalis. “Seems like you have your hooves full too.”

“Yeah.” He laughed. “It’s been great having her back though, even if she’s still on the fence about a lot of things.”

“Thorax!” Chrysalis called as she headed for the door. “Stop fawning over that Dragon and let’s return to the hive!”

Thorax's face went red as Ember began snickering. “I… I’m not fawning!” Thorax insisted as he ran after her.