• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 4,762 Views, 209 Comments

All That We Are - Marezinger Z

All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.

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Chapter 8

Tirek and Scorpan had traveled to the hive to enlist Chrysalis in their search for Cozy Glow. Scorpan marveled at the lush and vibrant structure as they approached its base.

“I have never seen the Changeling hive before.” Scorpan lowered his claw and danced his fingers along the colorful blooms. “It is truly a natural wonder.”

“A far cry from Chrysalis’ original intent.” Tirek internally chuckled. “I am sure she is thrilled with the beauty.”
Celestia had sent word of their arrival ahead of them and they were welcomed by the Changelings. As they passed through into the tower of tunnels and passages, they were met by Pharynx.

“Scorpan. Tirek.” He eyed them with his typical suspicion.

“Greetings.” Scorpan tipped his head. “You must be Pharynx.”

“If you’re here to see Chrysalis, I’ll lead you to her.” He informed, bypassing any formality. “She’s watching a play at the moment.” He motioned for them to follow.

“A play?” Tirek asked.

“It’s our weekly theater performance.” Pharynx rolled his eyes. “My brother’s idea, not mine.”

“I see.” Scorpan laughed as they followed along. They exited the eastern end of the hive and observed a stage with a host of Changelings both young and old watching the performance. In the back row they found Chrysalis, seated alone and watching the play with dead eyes.

“Well, this is hardly the place I’d expect to find you.” Tirek stood at her back.

“Tirek?” She quickly looked up at him.

“I never pegged you for the theater type.” He laughed.

“I’m not.” She returned her eyes to the stage. “Thorax said he always wanted for me to see him perform so… here I am.” She shrugged.

Up on stage, the background was changed and the actors altered position. Thorax finally made his appearance to the applause of the crowd.

“Mom!” He began wildly waving at her. “Over here!” Chrysalis slowly raised her hoof and waved back as he cleared his throat and went into his scene.

“It must make you happy to know that he thinks so much of you in spite of all that has happened.” Scorpan noted.

“Why are you here?” She asked, avoiding acknowledging his sentiment.

“Celestia wants us to find Cozy Glow.” Tirek said as he watched the play. “She has an artifact that is slowly transforming her into a monster.”

“All those friends and she needs our help?” Chrysalis scoffed, keeping her eyes on Thorax.

“She is focusing on Aurelian.” Tirek explained. “I told her I would try to find her and stop her from doing whatever she is planning.” He breathed a sigh through his nose. “In a way, I am responsible for her.”

“How so, brother?” Scorpan asked.

I was the one who nurtured her budding maliciousness and gave her the tools she needed to enact her plans.” He detailed. “From her letters, I could tell that she was already on the edge of falling onto an evil path and I gave her the push that set her down that road.” He looked down at Chrysalis. “My bother told me that the three of us formed a bond that we refused to acknowledge; well, I am asking you to acknowledge it now and help me find her.”

Chrysalis watched her son on stage, giving a speech about the values of family and friendship obviously written to parallel recent events. She lowered her head with a deep growl and nodded. “Fine, let’s find her before she makes things even worse than they already are.”

“Thank you.” Scorpan said graciously.

After the play.” She added, folding her hooves and returning her attention to Thorax.

The popular beaches surrounding Mt Aris were alive with all manner of vacationing creatures. Lyra and Bon Bon stood on the shore, looking out over the sparkling ocean with contentment as the waves lapped at their hooves.

“This is so amazing.” Lyra smiled. “Great idea coming here.”

“I know.” Bon Bon giggled. “Totally worth the extra hours to save for the trip.” She reached her hoof down and splashed Lyra. “How’s the temperature?”

“You tell me.” Lyra laughed as she splashed her back. Their playing ceased as a winged shadow appeared behind them; the pair slowly turned to see an Alicorn standing at their back.

“Um… hi.” Bon Bon nervously waved as all activity on the beach halted at the creature’s arrival.

“Can we… help you?” Lyra asked meekly.

“Unlikely.” Aurelian began to walk between them, the water parting from the sheer force of his intense magic. The beach stood silent as the ocean itself made way for the intimidating creature; his body soon encased in magic and the water crashed down around him as he vanished below the surface.

Aurelian walked the ocean floor, marine life coming close and bopping his barrier in curiosity. His travel soon led him to Seaquestria, where the sight of an Alicorn methodically walking towards the city caused quite the stir. The patrolling Sea Ponies reported the sighting and given the nature of the situation, Queen Novo herself came to investigate the matter. As the foreign creature neared their home, the Queen and a faction of her guard moved to intercept.

“You are no ordinary visitor.” Novo halted him. “You stand before Queen Novo of Seaquestria, you must be Aurelian.”

He looked up at her with interest. “You know my name?”

“Princess Celestia is searching for you.” She informed. “We were asked to report your location should you be discovered.”

“That is not my concern at the moment.” He retorted. “I seek a trench, known to be the deepest part of this ocean.”

“The maw of the sea?” She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. “That is a place of legend and peril.”

“I suppose it would be.” He nodded. “Where is it located?”

The proud Novo was warned of Aurelian’s power and in spite of being far from pleased with his demeanor, she knew better than to show him aggression. “Countless generations have told stories of that place. Legends say that the maw of the sea is no mere trench, but a literally mouth that swallows all life that dares tread the darkness of its interior. The Sea Ponies have kept their distance and yet have also watched over that sacred place to keep it safe from interference. Why do you seek it?”

Aurelian shook his head with an amused laugh. “Your generations are far from countless and your legends are foolish folktale.” He began. “The trench is a prison for Brayok; a creature once known as the warden of the deep.”

“What?” Novo’s air of regality faded. “There is truly something alive within that void?”

“Yes.” Aurelian confirmed. “He was imprisoned nearly forty-two hundred years ago for allying himself with me before my final defeat.”

“You would release such a creature?” She asked.

“He has more than served his sentence.” Aurelian sighed. “I have come to see him free and returned to my side. Now, where is the trench?” He asked again with more insistence.

Novo struggled to answer, knowing what would happen should he complete his mission and also knowing what would happen should she refuse. “It… is southwest of Seaquestria.” She finally responded. “But I ask that you not do this; disrupting that place could compromise the ocean floor.”

“I understand the risk.” Having gotten his answer he proceeded southwest. “I apologize now for any ill that befalls your home as a result.”

Novo quickly motioned to her guard as Aurelian went on his way. “Have my sister send word to Celestia immediately.” She laid her fin to one of the guard. “The rest of you warn and prepare the city for whatever may come. I will follow him to learn what I can.”

“At once, your majesty.” The guards rushed back into the city while Novo swam off after Aurelian.

Within the hour, Aurelian arrived at the pit that lay on the ocean floor. Without fear, he levitated his bubble down into the blackness, the only light available being that from his horn. A rhythmic thump became audible within the dark which he knew to be the beating heart of his long lost ally.

“Brayok, it has been… far too long.” He moved his bubble over an immense frame, landing on a spiky shell. “The cold of the deep has trapped you in this sleep.” Closing his eyes, he began to radiate magic from his protective barrier. The light he produced expanded and the water began to bubble as the temperature rapidly increased. The radius of his magic expanded until the entirety of the pit was brought to a boil like a pot on a stove. Aurelian held this extreme exertion for nearly twenty minutes until the form beneath him finally stirred. A gurgling roar filled the trench and made its way back up to the entrance where it sent a horrified chill through Novo who watched as massive bubbles rose from the depths.

Brayok’s dull, yellow eyes opened and his senses slowly returned. The light from Aurelian’s body drew his attention and he looked back at the orb that rested atop him. “Aurelian?”

“Yes.” He nodded as he moved himself to a safe distance. “Do you know where you are?”

“I… do.” A mass of tentacles writhed from the bottom of Brayok’s shell as he raised his finned forelegs, finding his wrists chained to the ground. “Bound.” He balled his claws, a low growl flowing through the gills along his neck. Rearing back, he found his torso also held by a giant manacle as well as more links directly connected to the back of his shell.

“Your bonds, while great, date back over four thousand years.” Aurelian informed. “I trust you can handle the rest?”

“Just get somewhere out of the way.” Brayok rolled his shoulders as he prepared to free himself.

“I will await you above.” Aurelian quickly rose back to the entrance, finding Novo looking down into the abyss with stricken eyes.

The ocean floor began to quake as Brayok ripped his binds from the floors and walls of the trench. His roar boomed from the mouth of the trench and steam geysers began to open up all around them in a radius that could not be measured. The ruptures in the sea floor began to appear within Seaquestria as well, hot steam blasting all around the Sea Ponies as the royal guard continued their efforts to move them to safety. Novo swam backwards as Brayok’s claws gripped the edge of the trench; a head, not far removed from a snapping turtle, followed them as his eyes beheld light for the first time in several thousand years. The rim of the entrance began to crumble as he forced his thick shell through; a dozen barbed tentacles propelling him along.

“Finally!” Brayok inhaled the fresh, warm water through his gills.

“I see your strength has not waned.” Aurelian smiled.

“Maybe, but I’ve definitely felt better.” He wound his tentacles together and stood on the platform they created. Novo looked up at the towering monstrosity in disbelief, her fins shaking as she floated in its presence. Brayok took notice of her and snarled menacingly. “A Sea Pony?” His eyes narrowed. “You’re the ones that chained me in that accursed hole!” One of his tentacles lashed out with amazing speed, aimed at her head. Novo screamed but the appendage halted a mere foot from its target, held still by magic.

“This one is not your enemy.” Aurelian stated. “The Sea Ponies who imprisoned you are long dead.”

Brayok withdrew his tentacle and eyed Aurelian. “My strength may not have waned… but you seemed to have.”

“If you wish to test that theory, you are welcome to attack me.” Aurelian offered fearlessly.

Brayok laughed shortly. “That wouldn’t be much of a thanks for releasing me. Besides, I’m too stiff right now to risk a round with you.”

“Then let us be off.” Aurelian began to rise.

“Where to, exactly?” Brayok asked as he followed.

“Elder Island. Aestus and Faye await us there; now that we are reunited we can speak freely about how to best deal with this foreign world.”

Novo watched them off, Aurelian’s words leaving a gnawing upset in her stomach. She quickly doubled back and returned to Sequestria to check on the safety of the Sea Ponies.

Once the play had ended, Chrysalis joined Tirek and Scorpan near the stage while they waited for Thorax. The proud lead actor galloped from the stage and to her side.

“So, did you like the play?” He asked with shimmering eyes.

“It… was pleasant.” She praised as best she could. “Certainly the finest play I’ve seen.”

“It’s the only play you’ve seen.” Tirek pointed out.

“Quiet!” She glared back at him with a hiss.

“Thanks, mom.” Thorax beamed. “What’s going on?”

“I must leave with Tirek and Scorpan.” She informed.

“I’ll go with you.” He offered.

“That isn’t necessary.” She braced her hoof on his chest as he tried to approach.

“Actually it is.” Thorax nodded surely. “Celestia said that if you left the hive you needed to be supervised.” He smiled.

“She what!?” Chrysalis barked.

“Well, the more the merrier.” Scorpan added.

“Fine!” She turned and stormed past them. “Let’s just go!”

Thorax eyed the brothers with a lopsided grin. “She’s… still adjusting.”

“Is that what that was?” Tirek chuckled as he and Scorpan followed.

Checking out with Pharynx, Thorax led them from the hive and they began their trek across the region. Guided by the knowledge of Cozy Glow’s last know location, they progressed westward along the open roads. Not expecting action anytime soon, it came as shock to Scorpan as he noticed an unnatural form in the sky above them.

“Brother.” He halted them and pointed upwards.

“I see her.” Tirek let out a hard breath.

There you are!” Cozy Glow landed before them.

“We found her already?” Thorax asked. “Wow, we’re good at this.”

“Cozy Glow?” Chrysalis looked over the unrecognizable Pony. “What have you done to yourself?”

“Like it?” Cozy Glow asked, showing off her new body. “Not so little anymore, am I?” Her smug smile quickly faded into an angry stare. “Now, want to tell me about this silly news I heard about you returning to the hive?” She looked to Tirek. “And you, who is this?” She pointed her hoof at the unknown creature at his side.

“This is my brother, Scorpan.” Tirek introduced. “And yes, Chrysalis has decided to return to her hive with the rest of the Changelings.”

“Geez.” Cozy Glow stamped her hoof. “I didn’t want to believe you’d do something so stupid.”

“Seeking the comfort of family is not foolishness, child.” Scorpan stepped forward.

“You stay out of this!” She scowled at him. “I’m not talking to you!”

“Cozy, that’s enough.” Tirek said sternly. “I know it may not be what you want to hear, but the battle is over; I don’t know what you’re trying to do but you need to stop before you get hurt.”

“Hurt?” She laughed. “I’m getting stronger every time I use this thing.” She brandished the bracelet. “I’m getting stronger to show you that the battle isn’t over. I can become powerful enough to beat anybody with enough time, just come with me and…”

“No.” Chrysalis said bluntly. “We’re done living in the shadows and scraping by in life.”

“We’re making peace as best we can.” Tirek continued. “It isn’t easy, but it’s better than constantly fighting against the world. We have both rediscovered our family.”

“Family!?” Cozy Glow's face twisted in rage. “La de da! Family doesn’t mean anything!”

“Of course it does.” Thorax took over. “Family is the bond that lets you know you always have a place in the world. I’m sure if you tried, you could rediscover that bond too.”

“No I can’t, you dumb bug!” She shouted. “I’ve heard all that junk about family always loving you and being there for you and it’s a lie! I was ditched on a doorstep by the only two ponies in the world who were supposed to love me!”

“Oh my.” Scorpan held his claw to his mouth.

“Cozy…” Tirek struggled with what to say at the news.

“What?” She eyed him. “You feel sorry for me? Well don’t, I got by just fine without them.”

“Did you?” Thorax asked. “It doesn’t look like it.”

“Shut up you pastel pansy!” She growled.

“I suggest you stop insulting my son.” Chrysalis started to approach her.

“Enough.” Tirek grabbed her shoulder. “Cozy, I’m sorry about your past and… I shouldn’t have urged you to take my selfish route in life. You listened to me once, so do so again. Chrysalis and I have chosen to move on in life and you need to do the same. You’re just a Pony, you don’t share our lifespan; is this really how you want to spend it?” He sighed. “No conquest, even Equestria itself, is worth all this misery.”

“This isn’t just about Equestria!” Cozy Glow's eyes began to water. “We promised to stick together… you’re supposed to be my friends! And you just left me in a cave like… like I didn’t even matter.” Her tense body began to sulk.

“You’re right.” Tirek nodded. “And we’re sorry.”

“If you truly see us a friends, then listen to us and stand down.” Chrysalis added.

Cozy Glow’s head lowered and she wiped her eyes. “Fine.”

Tirek and Chrysalis went to her side and sat before her. “Listen Cozy.” Tirek began. “Canterlot is working to find Aurelian, he’s back on the surface and reviving creatures from his time. We don’t know much, only that he’s headed someplace called Elder Island and we could use all the help we can with this.”

“Good to know.” Cozy lashed out and punctured the two of them with her bracelet. They instantly collapsed at her hooves, Tirek reverting to his frail and elderly form.

“Brother!” Scorpan flew in to protect them.

“Mom!” Thorax galloped after him.

Cozy Glow leapt back as they closed in and began to shake as the bracelet’s effects started to alter her form once more. She began to grow even larger; her neck and shoulders extending into a torso and arms budding from her new sides, giving her a Centaur’s body. Her skin hardened into a Changeling carapace and sharp teeth filled her mouth. A subset of insectoid wings extended downward below her exiting ones and her arms, legs and chest bulged with new muscle.

“This isn’t good.” Scorpan stood from Tirek’s side. “We must stop her.”

“I’m with you.” Thorax changed into a Bug Bear and beat his chest.

“Wanna fight?” Cozy Glow asked as she cracked her new knuckles. “Bring it on.” Thorax charged her and threw all his weight into his paw, she easily caught the punch with a delighted laugh and backhanded him in the face with her opposite. As he fell, Scorpan conjured a barrage of fireballs and sent them at her; the magical flames dissipated as they came into contact with the tough exoskeleton. “Ha ha ha!” She galloped at him and rammed her shoulder into his chest, sending him flying back along the road. “This is awesome!” She looked down at Tirek and Chrysalis. “I told you I would turn us into the perfect team.” Her face saddened as she watched them struggle to stand. “Don’t worry, I know how to fix this. You’re only doing this because of that stupid Alicorn; I’m going to beat him and show you that his power is nothing to fear or respect. After that, we can take over Equestria and be friends again.” She opened her four wings and slowly lifted into the sky, disappearing in the rolling clouds.

Scorpan got his feet and staggered over to Thorax who had reflexively changed back to his natural state. “Are you okay, my boy?” He helped him up.

“Yeah.” Thorax held his throbbing head. “Changelings are pretty durable.”

“I noticed.” He patted his back and went to Tirek. “Brother, absorb my magic to restore yourself.” Tirek slowly nodded and drained a portion of his brother’s power; his body returned to its healthy state and he wearily stood on his own.

“You too, mom.” Thorax knelt beside her. “Feed off of me.”

Chrysalis opened her mouth and fed on his love; her strength returned, she rose to her hooves and immediately severed the connection. “Thorax.” She pulled him up. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, mom.” He smiled. “Just lightheaded.”

“No more than usual.” She smiled back. “Thank you.”

“Well, that went about as poorly as it could have.” Tirek looked up into the sky. “Not only is she even stronger now, but she intends to battle Aurelian.”

“If she angers him, there is no telling what he’ll do.” Chrysalis stood at his side.

“We need to return to Canterlot and update them on the situation.” Scorpan suggested. “She is too powerful for us to contend with now.”

Tirek and Chrysalis looked at each other grimly before returning their gaze to the clouds above.