• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 4,762 Views, 209 Comments

All That We Are - Marezinger Z

All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.

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Chapter 7

Celestia and an escort of guards saw Scorpan and Tirek to the removed quiet of the conference hall. As they took positions around the table, Scorpan lowered his head respectfully.

“Thank you for seeing us, Princess.” He said graciously. “I have little doubt that the two of us showing up at your doorstep is a shock.”

“Recent events are in your favor.” Celestia began. “Given all that has happened, your arrival is far from the most shocking thing imaginable.”

“I suppose you have a point.” He agreed. “Nevertheless, I am here with my brother to speak of the recent steps he has taken towards living a more positive life.”

“I see.” She looked to Tirek. “I take it that this too has to do with Aurelian.

“Yes.” Tirek nodded. “His words struck me deeply and I traveled to see my brother in hopes of making sense of what I was feeling.”

“Chrysalis said much the same.” Celestia informed. “As you saw, she is back with her family at the Changeling hive.

“Yes. That is… good to know.”

“Tirek.” Celestia looked him in the eye. “Had I not already witnessed this with Chrysalis, I would be highly suspect of this meeting. Even more so than her, you have proven to be a stalwart enemy to the world. Have you honestly taken whatever advice you were given to heart?”

“I have.” Tirek answered surely. “Aurelian’s words were a bitter pill to swallow. Power has always meant everything to me; and seeing a creature with power that vastly eclipses my own living in such miserable isolation has shown me that power is not everything.” He looked to Scorpan. “It was then that I thought of my brother; who, in spite of his own power, turned away from the pursuit of it to live what I considered to be an insignificant life. I wanted to see how he could be happy living such a life so I went to investigate for myself, to see if there was something I was missing in my judgement.”

“And what did you find?” She asked.

“I found a creature that is more powerful than any other in the region, yet is looked upon and treated as an equal.” He looked back to her. “I always thought that it was an insult for creatures like us to be seen as equal; because in a way it overlooked our ability and made us seem inferior in many respects. I thought that I needed to be above others so that they would respect and recognize my power. My brother, however, was able to garner that same respect and recognition because of the fact that he allows himself to be seen as one of them in lieu of his great power.”

Celestia nodded slowly. “It is very easy to lord one's power over others. It has always been my opinion that it takes a much stronger creature to refuse the pedestal that such power offers you.”

“My brother has spent the last days at the side of the rowdy but honest sea faring folk of my home.” Scorpan continued. “His steps have been small thus far, but the fact that he has taken them speaks volumes; and I have every intention of staying with him as he continues to adjust.”

“These past days have provided me with more pleasure and comfort than I’ve felt in the last five hundred years.” Tirek sighed. “I am still uncertain about many things, but I can say that my…”

“Perspective has changed.” Celestia finished.

Tirek looked at her with surprise. “Well… yes.”

“That is exactly what Chrysalis said to me.” She smiled. “And it is a good start.”

“Then we have your blessing to continue life in peace?” Scorpan asked.

“Yes, you do.” She said surely. “You of course understand that I will be checking in with you regularly?”

“Of course.” He accepted. “Whatever we must do to maintain trust.”

“If that is so, then we could actually use your help.” Celestia returned her attention to Tirek. “Cozy Glow has not taken Aurelian’s words to heart as you and Chrysalis have. As we speak, she is roaming the countryside in possession of a powerful relic.”

“I wish I could say I was surprised.” Tirek noted. “She was furious that we were even considering Aurelian’s advice.”

“What has she gotten her hooves on?” Scorpan inquired.

“She stole something called the Chimera’s Embrace.” She informed. “It allows its bearer to steal physical traits from other creatures and she has already attained an adult body and bat wings.”

“Something like that is dangerous in her hooves.” Tirek stated.

“Indeed.” Celestia agreed. “We need to find her but even if we do, she will no doubt go to battle with us. However, she may well listen to you and Chrysalis.”

“You want us to track her down and convince her to stop?” He summarized.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “I can, of course, only ask this of you.”

“Will you do this, brother?” Scorpan checked with him.

“I would rather she not wind up getting herself hurt, or worse.” He admitted. “I… will try.”

“Thank you.” She said sincerely.

“I will aid him.” Scorpan promised.

“That is appreciated.” Celestia smiled. “If you make any headway, please inform us immediately. In the meantime, I will continue to focus on the matter at hoof.”

“Has Aurelian become a threat?” Tirek asked.

“That is a complicated question.” She admitted. “I don’t believe that to be the case. Still, his actions have already caused severe damage. Not to mention the fact that the motivations and desires of these creatures he is reviving are completely unknown.” She stood from the table. “For now, simply focus on Cozy Glow; her intent is more than clear.”

“We shall.” Tirek and Scorpan followed her from the room. Celestia bid them well as they left the castle and she swiftly returned to her efforts to locate Aurelian.

The following day saw Aurelian soaring over the warm, southern ocean towards a far removed island chain. The land formation, known as the Constellation Isles, were a set of seven islands whose positioning mirrored a well-known star formation used by sailors for navigation. Aurelian spied a clearing in the jungle that was dotted with huts and landed at its center. Native ponies ceased their activity as they beheld the bizarre creature that had touched down in their midst.

Aurelian eyed them, noting that they were speaking in some unknown tongue. “This place has grown primitive.” He said with a disappointed sigh. “It seems the once glorious Parataiso Inferna has been consumed by nature.” He began walking into the thick jungle, using his magic to blast away massive portions of the greenery in his way. Tracing familiar steps, he neared the base of the island’s central mountain and found remnants of marble columns. He fired once more, knocking out a section of the face and revealing a passage that led down into the heart of the mountain. The temperature rose considerably as he progressed further and further down until he found what he was looking for; a massive, dual handled urn that was covered in ancient inscriptions. Levitating it alongside him, Aurelian returned to the surface and flew from the main island to the volcanic peak of one of the smaller land masses. Staring down into the bubbling interior, he used his magic to remove the urn’s lid and cast it into the volcano. After several minutes, he heard a heavy rumble followed by a pillar of flame bursting from the opening.

“Ooooh, hoo hooo!” A jubilant voice sounded as the flame began to reform into a grand Phoenix. The great bird spread its wings, a beautiful tapestry of reds, yellows and oranges and twirled in the sky. “Nothing like a little reincarnation to make a lady feel like new.” She immediately noticed Aurelian hovering before her. “Well hello, love; aren’t you a sight for reborn eyes.” She smiled. “Get out early on good behavior?”

“Not precisely, Faye.”

“Oh, a jail break then?” Faye eyed him keenly. “Couldn’t wait to see me all young and perfect again, huh?” She drifted closer. “Can't very well blame you, love. How about we head…”

“Faye, there is something you must see.” He moved aside and gestured over the islands.

“Hold on now.” She flew past him with a gasp. “Where is the temple? Where are the eternal pyres?” She quickly looked back to him.

“Based on my estimates from what I learned, your last death was nearly five thousand years ago.”

“What now?” Her eyes grew heavy with the weight of the news.

“Stories suggest that an ambush was set up to take advantage of your death.” He began. “The moment you returned to ash, Parataiso Inferna was attacked and the creatures that celebrated you were slaughtered. The treasures of the island were stolen and your remains were sealed within an enchanted urn, one that prevented your fire from reigniting.” He could see the hurt build in her eyes as he spoke.

Faye slowly descended to the beach, digging her talons into the sand and looking out longingly over the ocean. “Five thousand years, huh?” She shook her head. “Felt like only five minutes.”

Aurelian landed behind her and slowly approached. “I am sorry, Faye. Were I not locked away at the time, I would have tracked down those who did this to you and wiped their lands from existence.”

“It’s that kind of thinking that got you locked up in the first place, love.” She turned. “I missed you, you know.”

“Forgive me for not being here to protect you.” He apologized. “It is one of many regrets I carry.”

Faye dramatically fell onto her side, tilting her head back and laying her wing to her forehead. “I suppose I’ll be alright.” She said in dramatic fashion. “There must be some comfort to be found in this strange new world.” She risked an eye and noticed Aurelian still idling. “Come on now, love. This is the part where you wrap me in your wings and tell me everything will be okay.” She sighed. “Nearly six thousand years and you still haven’t learned how to treat a lady.”

Aurelian laughed, actually allowing himself to fully smile. “It is good to see that time has not robbed you of your ardor, Faye.” He held his wing to his chest. “However, I am far from the Aurelian you remember.”

“You do seem less… you.” Faye noted with a laugh as she hopped back to her talons. “But, the important thing is that you’re here now.” She went to him, lowering her head and nuzzling his cheek. “Thanks for rescuing me, love.”

“Unfortunately, your paradise is beyond such revival. There are creatures here, but they are mere island ponies with no concept of who or what we are.”

“A right shame.” With a light sigh she looked around in thought. “Looks like I’m homeless then. What do we do now?” She grinned down at him. “I have ideas if you don’t.”

“I have little doubt you do.” He flew into the sky and she followed after him. “We will not be alone for long. Head to Elder Island; I have roused Aestus as well and he is already on route.”

“Aestus?” She chuckled. “There’s a name I didn’t think I’d hear again; how’s old broadside doing?”

“Like you, understandably disoriented." He answered simply.

“Okay, I’ll go keep the scaly grump company.” She coasted past him. “Where are you off to?”

“To revive the last of us.” He informed. “We will join you soon.”

“Don’t keep me waiting too long now.” With a wink and a heavy beat of her wings, Faye sent herself high into the sky. “Ooooh, hoo hooo!” Her trademark laugh ringing out, Faye’s body engulfed in fire and she headed off at top speed.

Cozy Glow raised her hoof and ran it across her brand new horns with a giddy laugh.

“Not bad.” She looked down at her victim. “Thanks a bunch, I’m glad I found one of your ads.”

“Ohhh… Iron Will doesn’t feel so… good.” The Minotaur struggled to crawl along as his loyal goats galloped about him in a panic.

“Oh you’ll be fine.” She set her hoof to her chin. “I think… I’m not exactly sure what happens to you after this.” She shrugged with little concern. “Still, you talk a lot less now so that’s an improvement.” She flew into the air and left the grounds where his latest business venture was set up. “Ugh!” She groaned as she rose above the clouds. “How the heck am I supposed to find Tirek and Chrysalis? Those two could have wandered anywhere by now.” Thinking of them sent her mind back to what the old stallion in the cabin had said to her; she shook the irritating distraction from her mind and pressed onward. Coming to the next town, she landed on the main road and headed within its limits. No longer able to hide the abnormalities of her form, she found herself the victim of many stares. Her eyes shifted from pony to pony until she finally snapped. “What!?” She glared at a pair of passing mares. “Never seen a Pegasus with horns before!?”

“Uh…. no?” One of them answered timidly as they hurried along.

“Well it isn’t weird!” She looked over her gawkers. “I’m exotic!” Flipping her mane, she turned up her nose and continued along.

“Excuse me?” A high pitched voice halted her as a Changeling approached.

“What is it!?” She cast her eyes on him, making him cower.

“I… just wanted to know if you had seen this creature?” He extended a poster with a crude drawing of an Alicorn. “His name is Aurelian and we’re trying very hard to tack him down.”

“Aurelian?” Cozy Glow snatched the poster and looked it over. “He’s here on the surface?”

“That’s right.” The Changeling perked at her recognition. “Do you know him?”

“Unfortunately.” She said sourly. “Stupid know-it-all.”

“Do you know where he is?” The Changeling asked eagerly.

“No idea.” She tossed the poster back at him. “And I don’t care to.”

“Aw.” He sighed in disappointment. “Thorax and Chrysalis are really counting on us to find him as soon as we can.”

“Chrysalis?” She looked to him sharply. “Chrysalis is with Thorax?”

“Yeah.” He nodded with a smile. “She came back and is staying with us again.”

“What!?” Cozy Glow snarled. “She actually went crawling back to your wussy, tree hugging hive?” She leapt into the air, leaving the Changeling in a cloud of dust. “Unbelievable! I knew Tirek was getting all introspective but I expected better from her! I can’t leave those two alone at all!” Altering her course, she set herself on a path straight for the Changeling hive.

Author's Note:

I spent two days deciding how to portray Faye. I knew what she was and what type of personality I wanted her to have, but couldn't decide on a voice. I wrote her dialogue straight and is just didn't feel right and every time I read her words in my head I just hear her with kind of a cockney accent. If it seems off or out of place to anyone, I get it; but I went with my gut on this one. Her personality and past are detailed further down the line, I didn't want to have any unnatural expositing between two creatures that already know each other very well.