• Published 9th Dec 2019
  • 3,452 Views, 48 Comments

The Maid of Chaos - Foal Star

Discord is turned into a maid on a dare by Celestia only for him to have other ideas.

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Chapter Two: Castle of Chaos

Celestia slowly walked out of the bathroom, rubbing her head still quite daze unable to recall what just happened and why she felt like she was coming over a hangover. The mare had her white coat back, and her mane was a light rainbow color again, but the mare was in a daze looking around seeing the odd maids going about cleaning the castle sweeping, mopping, and dusting. The princess looked around with a confused look on her face trying to get her bearings and to figure out who these new maids were as she rubbed her head and asked, "who are all of you? What's going on here?"

The maids simply all performed their curtsies and responded in an almost robotic tone. "Good morning, Princess Celestia were your loyal royal maids."

"Huh? I don't know any of you!?" Celestia shouted, knowing the faces of all her staff and being quite confused, seeing these odd mares. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a piece of chocolate-covered cake was suddenly shoved into her mouth. It was quite flavourful, having a buttery smooth texture with a rich chocolate taste going down her throat.

"Oh, don't worry about that!" Dustershy chirped out with a smile on her face and took a napkin wiping the princess's muzzle. She then continued to explain in a sweet tone, "Their just new maids I hired to help around the castle."

Celestia looked around and saw that the halls and kitchen were rather clean and looked well kept. However, the princess's mind was still a bit hazy as she responded in a groggy tone. "Well, the palace does look nice, but I still feel as if something is amiss.

"Oh, thank you! I just hope you like the cake I baked you!" The maid exclaimed with her big wide eyes.

"Oh, it's so delicious!" Celestia moaned as she took another bite and squeaked as she suddenly felt the back of her rump bloating up behind her.

"My butt, it's so much bigger? Did you do this!" She exclaimed, looking behind her back with wide eyes seeing her tush looked a lot fatter than normal being quite round and bulging outward.

Dustershy slowly walked around the princess, admiring the mare's new thick rump giving it a small pat and snickered watching the fat ripple and responded in a nonchalant tone. "Oh, don't be so worried your rump looks amazing as always."

"Are you sure Dustershy, I swear it's bigger?" Celestia responded as she continued to eat some cake and blushed as some crumbs tumbled over her with the mare's tush bloating outwards even more.

"Stop being so self-conscious of your weight, princess. How long have we known each other?" Dustershy cooed casually, waving a hoof.

"Uh...I...I think it's been a few years?"

"Yes, princess, it's been five years since we meet, and have I ever lied to you?" Dustershy asked in an over innocent tone flashing her eyelashes once again.

Celestia seemed to trust this mare as the pegasus was her head maid and had been loyal to her for five years…" ye...yes I'm sorry, Dustershy, my mind is fuzzy; must be a lack of sleep."

Dustershy came over and nuzzled Celestia as she cooed, "oh, don't be embarrassed. Your working too hard is all."

"W...well we better get going, I have a lot to get done today." Celestia stammered as she continued to walk off as Dustershy trotted behind, continuing to eye the princess's rump watching the rolls of fat bounce up and down.

The head maid seemed unable to keep her eyes of the princess's rump and snickered, "No, I think it looks as big as it always has been. Now come on, let's get you on your throne." The maid led Celestia to her throne, helping her sit down and placing a nice cup filled with a steaming tea with a slice of lemon placed over the cup.

The princess continued to hold court despite her rump being so big sipping her tea and listening to the nobles. The stallions that came by kept blushing and squirming about clearly being attracted to her new body. At the same time, the mares also became quite bashful, even becoming secretly jealous of Celestia's body.

Celestia tried to ignore their obvious expressions of both lust and jealousy; she continued to sip her tea. The princess then suddenly noticed as she stared down at her socked hoof. The fabric was quite cute, being yellow and white striped coming up to her ankle. She looked at her other hooves seeing everyone being dressed in one of the cute socks.

"Dusters Why? Did I wear these socks before?" Celestia asked with a blush growing on her face.

"Yes, princess, those are your Royal comfy socks you've always worn them to court?"

Celestia blinked, looking at them with confusion, but her mind was so fussy it was hard for her to concentrate as she shrugged and stammered, "I...I guess I have?"

The princess went on holding court, But every time the mare's mind drifted, she saw some odd things, the maids that were cleaning up having the same features as her royal guards. Looking around she wondered why there were no royal guards in the grand hall? But her thoughts were cut short just as another piece of chocolate cake was placed beside her. Celestia looked around saw Dustershy pouring cream in a giant porcelain cup. The head maid placed the cup near Celestia as well who blushed seeing it was a latte with the cream forming a bulging shape of a sun. "Oh, I didn't know you can do latte art?"

"I have many hidden talents," Dustershy responded with a smirk and watched as the princess blew the steam and sipped the latte.

Celestia continued to listen to the nobles coming up to her and asking for assistance. The princess shrugged, being a bit more calm down and then saw her crotchboobs were bulging out as if she were expecting mother luckily she had a cute yellow bra with her cutie mark printed on each cup of fabric strapped around them. She blushed, feeling so relaxed, continuing to sip her tea, talking more casually to the nobles who came by with the stallions constantly crossing their forelegs being quite aroused.

"Well, I think it's about time I get some lunch...though I'm not feeling that hungry," Celestia responded, seeing things were getting a little out of control with a blush growing on her face slowly getting up seeing her butt and crotchboobs bouncing up and down.

"Eep! Something wrong is definitely going on here!"

"Of course, not princess, you always were a busty mare," Dustershy responded casually again as she shoved another piece of cake into Celestia's mouth.

The mare munched on the cake, getting crumbs all over herself as she responded, "No, I haven't! I know my uh...ya know my…"

"Your royal milk bags, princess?" Dustershy responded calmly, fluttering her elongated eyelashes with a cute puzzled look on her face as she went about wiping the princess's mouth.

"Yes, my royal mil- oh, you know what I mean!" Celestia squeaked out and her face turned a bright pink for saying that aloud then continued. "I swear they are bigger than normal you have to believe me!"

Dustershy gave the big boobs a poke and giggled, seeing them bounce around smacking into each other. "Oh, stop, you've always been a busty mare."

The maid peered up at the princess and snickered, seeing Celestia's face now a bright red and continued in a reassuring tone. "Come on, Celestia, there's no need to be all flustered on the day of the summer sun celebration."

Celestia slammed a hoof to her face and cried out, realizing she completely forgot. "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about that! I've been busy with trying to get things settled after last night it slipped my mind that I was supposed to go to Ponyville this morning!"

Dustershy tried to reassure the princess, rubbing her shoulders with her hooves, and whispered, "Princess, princess calm yourself, remember what Mayor mare said? After last night the celebrations were pushed back to later today, I already made preparations to hold a party here! Pinkie Pie will be the one planning most of it I'll be here to make sure things don't get too chaotic knowing that mare."

"Mmmph yes I agree, that feels so good you know how to do massages!?" Celestia moaned out, feeling all the stress leaving her muscles as Dustershy continued to rub her hooves over them slowly and methodically, trying to smooth out the knots in the princess's shoulders.

Celestia's new head maid continued her massage moving her hooves down the mare's back. "Yes, your quite tense from all the stress of being captured yesterday; you need some time for yourself."

Celestia moaned some more, feeling Dustershy removing a lot of the tenseness in her muscles. The princess was, in fact, very stressed out for the past few weeks and whispered, "yes, you're absolutely right. I haven't been to the Canterlot day spa in ages I...I really need some time to relax."

After finishing her massage, the maid slowly lead Celestia outside to a chariot and assisted with her inside, helping to adjust her new teats and continued, "why don't you go to the royal Canterlot spa and freshen up I can take care of preparing for the party."

Celestia feeling a bit guilty about leaving her head maid with so much to do. She looked down and asked, "Are you sure?" I feel awful leaving you behind to do so much work."

"I'll be fine now, go and relax, trust me. I'll have everything ready by the time you get back." Dustershy cooed and waved a hoof with a mischievous grin as the two guards whose faces were a bright red from seeing the princess in her new sexy body quickly trotted off down the street.

Dustershy rubbed her hooves together with an evil grin having so many ideas go through her head on how to make this party as chaotic as it can be. However, another chariot came rolling up, and Pinkie Pie came bouncing out and slamming into the maid giving her a big hug and shouting, "Hello! I was told I'm here to plan out the biggest coolest party ever!"

"Ah, yes, Pinkie! I'm so glad you're here! I was wondering when you'll show up! "Dustershy squealed in delight and hugged the pink coat party pony in her hooves now she can get the chaos party going.

"So...from what Mayor Mare told me this is gonna be one giant crazy party!" Pinkie exclaimed, being a bit confused on the exact details but still being quite excited.

"We need to decorate this entire castle for the party did you bring everything Mayor Mare came to you with?" Dustershy asked, looking to see a giant wagon cart attached to the carriage completely filled with party supplies.

"Yeserie, I did! Also, it's a good thing I brought my friends to help!" Pinkie exclaimed with a big smile on her face as the rest of the elements of harmony slowly came out. Twilight walked over with looking at Dustershy with an odd look. "Yes, my friends and I came because I'm quite concerned, as much as I would like a party after last night I think Celestia is spending a bit too much on it, and from what I heard she would never agree to such an insane party."

"Oh, stop worrying Twilight, you need to relax a little." Dustershy chirped shoving a croissant into Twilight's mouth her body began to morph as she chewed on the buttery pastry as her mane was tied up in a big black bow. A long elegant black dress came over her body with big poofy black sleeves, as a white frilly white apron was then tied around her midriff with long white socks coming over each hoof.

"Oh my? Wh...why was I so flustered before?" Twilight whispered rubbing her head as her mind slowly became foggy, and she was trying to figure out what was going on she looked over herself seeing the black maid's outfit and saw her cutie mark was now a Prance royal symbol with a mop and broom crossing through the middle.

"Oh, you're the new royal maid Twilight, and that's such a cute maid's outfit much more elegant and divine then what we normally wearing. You immigrated here from Prance, correct?" Dustershy asked with a glow in her eyes

Twilight rubbed her horn, trying to making the princess wanting to trust this maid and slowly mumbled, "y...yez I have come here to work for zee princezzez of Equeztria." She eeped at her new voice, sounding entirely foreign with her broken Equtrianish.

"I am zorry I ztill not zpeak your language quite well," Twilight responded, meekly hiding her face behind a hoof, being quite embarrassed about how she sounded.

Rainbow Dash watched what transpired and shouted, "What the buck!? Twilight you were never from Prance! That maid is bra-"

"Oh, hush, don't be so rude, Rainbow Dash." The odd maid shoved a big white sugary powdered donut hole that was shoved into Rainbow Dash's mouth. The pegasus squeaked out as her crotchboobs bloated from under her. But she sighed seeing that they were covered with a yellow and blue striped bikini tied around her rump. The mare hen felt her body thin out and her wings folded into her body and disappeared. The mare's mane was tied up in a single braid. Rainbow Dash turned to look at her rump seeing her cutie mark was now a rainbow-colored volleyball. The mare's mind was quite foggy as she rubbed her head, trying and whispered, "uh..wh..wha...who am I, and what am I doing here?"

"Your Rainbow Dash the greatest volleyball player in Equestria?" Dustershy scoffed as if it was common knowledge while she went about and shoved candy and pastries in the mouths of Twilight's other friends before they could say or do anything.

"Yeah...I..I...I am! Sorry, I must have forgot for a second." The mare then took a volleyball and spiked sending it flying with a squeak. "Dang! That was awesome!"

Rarity whined, trying to shout, as she munched on saltwater taffy and swallowed it, but she found herself now in a tank of some sort she looked down to see a long purple scaled fishtail coming out of her backend. Rarity rubbed her head with a hoof being quite confused with what happened to her as she asked in an unsure tone. "Oh...am I a seapony?"

"Yes, your seapony from a...uh…" Dustershy tapped a hoof to her chin, thinking of a backstory, then an idea came to her head and exclaimed, "oh, from the kingdom of Seaquestria! You're here to take pictures and teach ponies how to swim!

"Oh, right! Of course, I would love to teach you land ponies how to swim." Rarity casually responded as she took a brush and went about scrubbing her tail seeming to be more preoccupied with grooming.

Applejack swallowed down a piece of zebra cake, and her coat slowly changed from orange to black and white, black stripes. Her cutie mane and tail were next shortening and going from a straw yellow to black and white stripes as well.

"Oh my Celestia! Am I a zebra!" Applejack gasped at her new voice, being a deeper accent and sounding like Zecora.

"Well, we need a bartender, and instead of mastering potions, you're a Zebra from..u...um...Zebracornia, who has mastered the art of making a killer margarita!" Dustershy exclaimed, lifting her head up in pride at her impromptu rhyme.

"That is right, as I shall tend the bar until the night." Applejack responded in an uncertain tone, still feeling weird, and looking down her rump seeing her cutie mark was now three martini glasses with olives in them. Still, it wasn't her mark, making her feel embarrassed seeing how every other pony around her was wearing clothes and continued, "However, I must confess, I do feel a bit underdressed."

"Oh, this party is super informal; besides, you look wonderful being all-natural." Dustershy snickered with a casual wave of a hoof.

"Yes I do think what you say is true, I don't need clothes to hide my body from view." Applejack whispered as she stuck out her rump and swayed it around.

Fluttershy swallowed some carrot cake down her throat and squeaked as her body was now in a sexy black leotard suddenly appeared on her body, her long silky pink tail shrank down until it became a big pink and poofy cottontail, Fluttershy's ears then flopped over her face. The mare's cheeks were a bright pink crossing her forelegs over and feeling entirely exposed wearing such a provocative costume.

"Oh, stop being so bashful Fluttershy, you're our sexy little minx to keep our guests entertained." Dustershy squeaked with a pink blush growing on her cheeks as well, seeing how sexy Fluttershy looked.

"O...okay Dustershy," Fluttershy whispered, blushing looking her new suit over and shaking her tush, seeing it was a lot bigger than normal with her new cutie mark being a big pink bunny tail.

"There that takes care of Twilight's annoying friends; they can't stop my chaos party now!" Dustershy laughed maniacally.

"Hey, ya, forgot about me!" Pinkie Pie chirped out, waving a hoof with an innocent smile on her face.

The maid squeaked out with sweat coming down her forehead as she slowly turned around to face Pinkie Pie. The maid of chaos slowly held out a silver platter filled with pastries and gulped. "Uh...want a pastry?"

"Heck yeah!!" Pinkie then went about shoving all the pastries into her mouth and chomped down them all in only a few bites.

"Are you crazy!" Dustershy cried out knowing full well that this mare should know those pastries were enchanted. It was too late as Pinkie swallowed them all down in one gulp and a bright light enveloped Pinkie Pie as her body grew longer and thinner like Celestia or Luna's, her cutie mark morphed into one giant purple balloon with a crown printed on it, her poofy mane and tail became long and wavy flowing over her body, along elegant horn grew out from her forehead, and to finish the transformation two majestic wings grew out from both sides of Pinkie's body. The princess alicorn who stood up over her friend all bowing down and cowering. Pinkie looked over them with her eyes aglow with power, and she then raised her wings in the air and shouted in her new royal Canterlot voice, "I, the princess of parties has come after a thousand years! For today I shall bring forth to Equestria, a party that shall last forever!"

"What have I done!" Dustershy gulped and was shaking, thinking she just unleashed a new villain who will try to conquer Equestria!"

"Now come on, let's get this party started!" Pinkie exclaimed out suddenly in her normal voice with her eyes going back to their normal blue as she lit her horn teleported them all in a poof of confetti.

Everypony was now inside the castle all abit in a daze as Pinkie started shooting streamers, confetti balloons out of her horn decorating the entire throne room making it look like a party cannon exploded. Twilight slowly walked over went over to the other maids who were all chatting, seeing they didn't have anything else to do at the moment.

"Uh hi, I'm zee new Maid I came form Prance." Twilight performed a curtsey as she introduced herself.

"Hello Twilight were new maids too!" the other maids all chimed in their robotic tone bowing as well.

"Oh good, well az I zee it we have a party to set up we zhall go and cook some dishez for zee party and zereve zee guestz zat come! Now letz go chop chop!" Twilight clapped her hooves and lead the maids to the kitchen to start preparing dishes.

Dustershy looked around the decorated throne room and tapped a hoof to her chin and whispered, "Now this is where the main party shall be held; however, I think there's a few things missing."

"Oh, got ya covered!" Pinkie shot magic beams from horn out and turned the thrones into a bar filled with stools and tons of different kinds of liquor in the back. Applejack was already there sorting the drinks and seeing what was stocked while Fluttershy came over, taking a margarita and started to sip it while gossiping with the former farm mare. Pinkie shot another beam of magic in the middle of the room as a massive circular pool appeared with the waters being a crystal blue with the Equestrian symbol printed on the tiles below the water. Pinkie then zapped it again as a giant swirling water slide appeared out of the ground along with a few diving boards.

"Finally, more room to swim around!" Rarity exclaimed instantly, jumping out of her tank and into the pool, she dove through and breaching up and waving her mane around. Pinkie snickered as she then smacked her ears, and a bunch of sand came out as she created a massive sandpit near the entrance of the castle with a volleyball net somehow appearing out of her ears as well.

"Buck, yeah! Gotta get some practice in before the party starts!" Rainbow Dash shouted running over to go practice spiking volleyballs, sending them everywhere smashing the stained glass windows without care.

Dustershy looked around the transformed grand hall with her evil grin seeing more ponies pouring in setting up circus tents, stages for bands, and stands full of carnival fair food.

"This is going to be a party Celestia will never forget...I hope." Dustershy snickered behind a hoof.