• Published 9th Dec 2019
  • 3,459 Views, 48 Comments

The Maid of Chaos - Foal Star

Discord is turned into a maid on a dare by Celestia only for him to have other ideas.

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Chapter eight: Rewards and Punishments

Dustershy was now in Celestia's bedroom as she stood there, bowing her head with a scared look in her eyes as Princess Celestia stood over her. The princess was however quite furious looking down at her former head maid. She had told her everything that had transpired, and it made Celestia feel heartbroken and betrayed as she shouted, "so! You brainwashed me, my sister and the harmony six, transformed my guards into maids, and on top of all that, you almost destroyed our entire reality!?"

"It...it wasn't intentional...but yes, I did everything you said just banish me and get it over with", Dustershy responded in a blunt tone as she closed her eyes bracing for the worst.

Celestia lowered her gaze as her anger smoldered. She also confessed, "I was considering banishment, however...this is almost my fault...I should've realized that turning you into a maid and messing with you would have consequences...besides why did you throw that insane party? Yes, you love chaos, but what was the intention?"

Dustershy sighed as she ground her hoof as she was uncertain about how this conversation was going to go and whispered. "I threw that party...be...because... I wanted to see if you loved me?"

Celestia blinked and stared at the maid for quite some time. "I...I had no idea...are you serious?"

"Yes...yes... I've loved you for some time, and I only agreed to be your maid so I could get close to you. Yes, I did prank you a few times, and the chaos party did get out of control...but it was all just so I can see if you had feelings for me…" Dustershy turned her head, too embarrassed to see the expression on Celestia's face.

"You idiot!" Celestia slapped the maid across the face and shouted, "seriously!? You did all this just to see I have feelings for you when it's obvious I've had them for a long time!"

Dustershy blinked, stepping back. "I...I assumed that's why you even suggested turning me into a maid in the first place? But I wasn't for sure..."

Celestia wasn't finished as she continued in her overly emotional tone. "I had a feeling you would pull some pranks and stuff, but I was hoping you could just ease up if you got to know me more personally. Every time I wanted to mention my feelings, you seemed to be in your own mood, and I assumed you would just shrug it off, deflect my feelings with jokes or leave if I tried to even try talking about our relationship."

Dustershy looked down, knowing full well he probably would've done any of those three options beforehand and agreed. "Yeah, most likely…"

Celestia sat down on the bed and gave a long exhausted sigh, and Dustershy looked onward as the princess continued to explain. "I thought this would be a perfect time with twilight finally becoming who's she meant to be I thought maybe it would be a good time to see if I can focus on other personal things...but...it seems maybe were going to need more time to know each other before we can see if this relationship is even a good idea,,,"

Dusterhsy's cheeks grew red as she continued, "well, to be honest, I wouldn't mind being your maid for a bit longer,...when you tell your subjects about what happened just say this is my punishment?"

Celestia chuckled at the thought of Dustershy remaining a maid forever but shook her head and responded bluntly. "Well, for that to work, you're going to have less power; to be honest, I'll have to demote you to a trainee and have you watched by another head maid."

Dustershy smirked and replied, "oh, I can deal with being ordered around, and maybe once we...I don't know..maybe establish a set time on when you can turn me back to normal…"

Celestia eyed her with her eyes blinking and exclaimed, "wait!? Why do you want to stay a maid and be truthful."

"Now that we know where we stand, I thought it just might be fun...I kind of like it." Dustershy squeaked and as she hid her face behind her little brown coated hooves. Celestia dawwed and cooed," to be fair, you are rather cute." She then gave the idea a bit more thought and nodded as she replied, "very well, you can resume being my maid. But expect a lot more work, and if I catch anything off, I'm going to actually banish you understand?"

Dustershy performed a curtsy and whispered, "yes, princess Celestia."

"Fine now, stop being adorable, go grab a quill and parchment." The princess ordered with a smirk on her face as if she knew a private joke that Discord didn't know.

The maid did as the princess requested, having a long parchment and a quill suddenly appear from thin air and blinked as a realization suddenly came to her. "Wait, did you make “adorable” some kind of trigger word?"

Celestia now had an evil grin on her face as she snickered," oh, finally caught on? It was a fail-safe to make you obey me without realizing it. I tested it out a few times just to make sure it worked, and it seems it still does." She then got up and began walking around the room as she continued, "Now hush, I'm going to tell you to write down exactly how I want a speech to go? Understand?"

"Yes, princess," Dustershy growled under her breath as she wrote down Celestia's speech to her citizens about what has transpired for the past three months.

As the maid continued to write things down, she had something come across her mind regarding the strange alicorn princess she asked, "um princess...d...do you know who Lauren Faust is?"

"I have heard of that name before, but I don't' know why?"' The princess mumbled under her breath as she tapped a hoof to her chin. Dustershy also paused to ponder then shrugged, "it's nothing princess; maybe I was seeing things, now let's keep going, right?"

She continued to write when the room suddenly lit up with a giant blinding flash of light illuminated the entire room. Both Dusterhsy Celestia fell backwards as the castle shook about as if it was shaking like an earthquake. The blinding light seemed to be twisting and warping the world around Dustershy as she watched the princess’s body morph in front of her eyes, her long legs becoming bulky and stocky, her body bulking up with muscles as her mane and tail shortened. It was all too much for the former lord of chaos gritting her teeth as the storm of magic swirled around her. The maid closed her eyes and curled into a ball and waited for the tempest to be over.

Dustershy groaned as she rubbed her head, the mare looked around as she was blinking and "Wh...where am I?"

She turned to see a stallion standing next to her; he had a thick white coat being quite muscular built as a plowhorse with a nice looking tuxedo. The stallion had a short but nicely cut bubble gum pink mane along with a tail that flailed around his rump, his horn was now short and stubby seeming to be only able to use magic for menial tasks, but he also had bright velvet eyes. A silver platter with a sun emblazoned on the metal. Dustershy pondered on who this stallion could be and slowly but surely came to the realization that it was Celestia and cried out, "Princess!?"

"She's not a princess anymore!" They both turned to see a Celestia clone standing before the two a furious scowl on her face. She turned to the stallion and snapped, "I can't describe how angry I am at you Celestia you brainwashed and messed with Discord just because you were scared he would abandon you if you showed your true feelings."

The stallion slowly bowed before this strange Celestia feeling an aura of power she never felt before. "Yes...yes...I apologize for my behavior."

The Celestia clone standing before them then turned her attention to Discord. "and I already spoke to you earlier. You seem to at least finally see that you were also wrong, but I don't think that staying as a maid is a fitting punishment! I set time all the way back to when Celestia first made that stupid contract! You two will be a couple and learn how to engage with each other."

The unicorn stallion version of Celestia stood up and whispered," uh...so...um...how long will we be like this?"

The princess rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh, "as long as you two need. I rather you two finally just stop beating around the bush and date each other, if it works out great! If not, break up and find new relationships! But for the love of my little pony! Don't ever do something this stupid and convoluted again!"

"Yes, princess!" they both bowed quivering as this mysterious Celestia gave a deep breath and calmed down a little. She then turned to face the former Celestia and continued to explain, "To be honest, I wasn't feeling very creative and decided to just design you with the body of Big Mac with his same demeanour...so for a name, how about...Sunny-Side Up?

"Ey'yup." The stallion responded subconsciously, and his face blushed a little at how much she now sounded like Applejack's brother.

"Good, now come with me. I'll show you your new daily routines while you're in MY castle!" The princess snapped then started to walk off grumbling irritably as Celestia and Discord meekly followed behind. As the clone, Celestia continued to explain how she likes her breakfast and their new duties. Sunny Side slowly bent his head down towards Dustershy with a blush on his face and whispered, "so...um...I guess later we can try going out to dinner later?"

Dustershy smiled meekly as she stammered, "s...sue..that sounds nice…"

"Hey, are you two paying attention!? The clone of Celestia shouted and the two servants snapped to attention. "Sorry, princess."

"Ugh!? You'll have plenty of time to talk later! Now come on, I'm going to show you how I like my breakfast!" The irritated princess shouted and mumbled something about Celestia really is eating too much cake. All the while, "Sunny Side Up" took Dustershy's hoof as they walked off together to perform their duties as servants.

Comments ( 11 )

Never piss off the Fausticorn

Clone?... INDIRECT SELF PUNISHMENT!..... This is the best ending ever!

So what now?

I might make a sequel but theres a few other projects im gonna take care of first.

The princess of chaos for one lol. My Moby Dick that needs to be hunted down. Then there's this silly clown story that I want to finish its not really popular but I want to finish it anyways. Then there's a another cute maid story im collabing with a friend. But updates will be chruning out faster but I wont rush myself.

So can you tell me on what this another cute maid story is about anyway?

"Fine now, stop being adorable, go grab a quill and parchment." The princess ordered with a smirk on her face as if she knew a private joke that Discord didn't know.

lol ssundee meme! pen and paper!

This story has a lucid dream feel to it. I loved it for what it was.

I wrote this during a time where I was getting little sleep and dealing with alot...it really was a special story I enjoyed writing. Thank you for reading

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