• Published 9th Dec 2019
  • 3,452 Views, 48 Comments

The Maid of Chaos - Foal Star

Discord is turned into a maid on a dare by Celestia only for him to have other ideas.

  • ...

Chapter three: The Party of chaos!

Princess Celestia was confused, waking up in a spa, she was in a big bath immersed neck-deep in a bath with bubbles forming around her body. The mare slowly woke up from what seemed like quite a long nap to see a soft blue and white tiles all around her with soft relaxing music filling the air. She was giving a deep sigh feeling so relaxed and loving the sensation of the hot steaming water filled with bath salts and thickly covered in a layer of suds. It was quite surreal she had no recollection of ever entering the spa, let alone being soaking in it for some time. While some ponies were going about giving her hooves a manicure while some mares went and did her mane brushing and combing it, she turned her attention to the spa mare working on her hooves and asked, "What are you doing?!"

"Oh, princess! I didn't mean to alarm you!" The spa mare squeaked out, being quite stunned at the princess's reaction.

"D...don't be scared I'm just confused, I feel as if I was drugged or something," Celestia grumbled as she rubbed her forehead with her head feeling foggy and utterly confused.

"W..well, you came in and asked for the finest spa treatment, and you also wanted your hooves and horn manicured along with getting your mane done." The spa mare responded with some sweat coming down her face being quite nervous that she might have done something wrong.

Celestia gave the spa mare a heartwarming smile, trying to reassure the nervous mare and responded, "Hey, it's fine. I do feel quite relaxed."

She rubbed a hoof over her fur and felt how soft it felt now she even looked over her hooves and saw how all the chips were gone and looking glassy smooth. The princess then slowly got out of the spa, and as she got herself out with her mane falling over her, she squeaked as the mare felt her rump bounce up and down, and her face turned a deep shade of red feeling her bulging crotchboobs bouncing beneath her.

"Eep! What's wrong with my body!"

The spa mare shook her head and responded, "no, you came in looking like that?"

"Really!? Wow, I need to hit the royal gym more." Celestia responded with wide-eyed being quite surprised by her new weight.

The spa mare gave her a towel, and as Celestia dried herself, she looked over to see the spa mare giving her a fancy party gown. It was an elegant sparkling yellow, and she blushed and asked, "um... I'm not going to a party as far as I know?"

"Oh? One of your maids came by saying they're hosting a party at your castle in fact from what I heard it's in full swing?"

Celestia blinked, being quite confused at this news and responded, "a party? I don't remember having a party planned at my castle?" The princess's eyes then suddenly lit up as she snapped, "wait, did this maid have strange yellow eyes?"

"Yes..." the mare whispered, and Celestia groaned and stomped a hoof. "This has to be Discord's doing!"

"Discord?" The spa mare shrieked out in surprise. "I had no idea Discord was impersonating as one of your maids!"

Celestia squeaked, saying that out loud and turned around with a sheepish smile and squeaked out. "Don't worry; I'll get things back to normal." She then turned to see a spa mare bring over a bra with her cutie marks on the cups. Celestia shook her head and let out a sigh." Guess I'll have to wear this?"

"Well..if you don't mind those boobs bouncing around." The spa mare's face turned a dark red as she gazed upon Celestia's body in its full glory. "But you do look gorgeous without any clothes at all."

"Oh, stop! You're making me feel more embarrassed!" Celestia cried as she ran out of the spa. She blushed instantly, coming out into the streets and squeaked as her crotch boobs smacked into each other. It made her feel so uncomfortable with dozens of ponies going about their business, and she kept her head down and tried not to draw attention to herself.

While Celestia was slowly walked towards the castle Dustershy was watching as the party has come into full swing there were hundreds of ponies going about the dozens of stands set up in the castle, the pool had dozens of ponies flying about in the pool (with some magically turning into sea ponies), some ponies were talking around the bar, and there she turned to see the bat pony guard with a dark grey coat and violet wings and slitted eyes. Dustershy instantly recognized him as Midnight, the one guard Luna has a crush on and was sitting at the bar looking around with a nervous expression printed on his face. Dustershy's mouth slowly curved to a smirk on her face, and she slowly strutted and asked in a seductive tone, "Hello Midnight, you enjoying yourself?"

The stallion was caught off guard and stammered, "Yes..yes! But I came to see princess Luna hopefully."

Dustershy snickered, knowing full well he has a crush on the princess. She walked around him and cooed, "Oh? You have a crush on her, or is it something else?"

"What!? No! Of course, I don't have a crush!" The stallion shouted as beads of sweat began to form on his brow as this maid had somehow figured out his secret.

Dustershy rolled her eyes and scoffed, "so why do you care if she's around then? you have something to tell princess Luna?"

The guard looked around, hoping nobody would overhear then bent down to the mare's ear and whispered, "ok, I do have a crush on her I was hoping maybe I can talk to her here, but I'm worried she'll reject me."

Dustershy whispered back. "Well, you'll never know if you don't try, but if you're so scared, you might as well at least see if she's interested in you."

"But how do I do that!?" The stallion shouted as he rubbed a hoof down his face and he started to pace back and forth as he continued. "Should I just go up and say hello, princess Luna, I have feelings for you? Oh, Luna, you look beautiful as the stars!? Ugh, that's too cheesy!"

The maid then suddenly shoved some chocolate into the guard's unsuspecting mouth, and the stallion chewed on it wide-eyed, and his body then slowly morphed into a mare's. His thick muscular body slimmed as his mane grew out, the stallion's face went from a squarish shape to something more round as his wings shortened in length. The newly formed mare squeaked out in horror. "What did you do to me!"

"You're a mare now so you can pretend to be your stallion self's relative or something. Talk about him with Luna and see if she has feelings for you. That way, if she doesn't, then it won't be awkward between you two."

"Uh. I guess that makes sense." she sighed and snapped, "Fine! But how did you turn me into a mare? your just an earth pony, right?"

"That's not important now, this is a party, and you can't be caught in that silly suit." Dustershy scoffed as she ripped the tuxedo on the newly transformed mare's body. The bat pony squeaked, shoving her hooves over her new body feeling quite embarrassed for some reason. The maid took a beautiful blue nightgown and dressed it over the bat pony.

"D..do I have to wear this seriously!?"

"Of course! You want to look good, don't you?" Dustershy scoffed with a wave of a hoof. She then produced a makeup kit and snapped, "Now hold still, I need to do your makeup."

"Makeup!" The bat pony wanted to protest, but the maid was insistent as she went about applying a dark black eyeliner over her eyes, a dark blue lipstick was smeared on the lips and light blush to her cheeks.

Dustershy stepped back and looked over the mare like an artist over a masterpiece and feeling satisfied with her work she proclaimed," there you look stunning!"

The bat pony bent her head down with bashful expression and whispered in a meek tone. "You think so?"

"Oh, yes! Now Luna is over there at the bar, so why don't you stop being such a bashful little mare and go talk to the princess it might be your only chance!" Dustershy insisted by throwing her into a bar stool. The bat pony squeaked seeing Luna drinking coffee on the barstool on the left of her trying to wake up. The princess looked over at the odd bat pony sweating next to her and asked," uh...do I know you you look familiar to Midnight?"

"I..um..uh his cousin Evening Star and I...um...came to this party to uh see you…" She stammered and princess Luna gave the mare a sweet but tired smile and responded in a calm manner. "There's no reason to be nervous; he's one of the best guards; in fact, he got promoted to captain of the night guard."

"I heard, and I'm so happy being he- I mean his cousin!" The bat pony squeaked out as she almost blew her cover.

"That's fine, do you wish for something to drink? I'm only having coffee right now I'm just waking up."

"Oh, uh...can I have a pineapple?" the zebra rolled her eyes and slammed a pineapple next to the bat pony with a straw somehow shoved through it. "Enjoy my dear; I already placed a straw through the fruit right here." The zebra explained, putting a hoof on the straw.

"Uh...thanks?" Evening Star responded with a shrug, not knowing what else to say to the zebra. She then placed her mouth around the straw and began to suck out the juice slowly.

As Luna and the former stallion guard got acquainted with each other. Celestia finally arrived as she slammed the doors of her castle wide open seething with anger. However she softened up seeing the party wasn't too crazy with her citizens enjoying themselves, she rolled her eyes and wondered about the party until a white-coated guard with a small crop of orange and yellow mane came trotting over.

"H..hh..hello, princess Celestia do you require an escort?" The young stallion asked with a worried look on his face.

The princess sighed, seeing this guard and heard the rumor that this royal guard Sunbeam had feelings for her and simply asked, "Yes, Sunbeam?"

"M..may we hang out and play some games...if you wish?" He squeaked Celestia sighed. She didn't want to be rude to him, but she wasn't attracted to him either. She might as well humor him a little then tell him that she really had no feelings for him. "Sure...I don't mind...um...can you stop staring at my crocthboobs, please."

The stallion's face went up and squeaked out. "I apologize, princess! It won't happen again!"

Celestia rolled her eyes as they then went about the stalls and started to play the many fair games and having some fun. Meanwhile, Dustershy began to tail them and was slowly getting jealous that Celestia was spending so much time with this stallion and snapped in a jealous rage, "no way is some random guard is going to steal the princess's heart!"

Dustershy turned her head and spotted a bowl full of candy and secretly tiptoed over tossing the candy in the bowl out and placed some enchanted peppermints in. She snickered rushing behind a tent and spied the two as the stallion took one of the candies and ate it. He tried to offer one to the princess, but Dustershy smirked knowing full well that Celestia hates peppermint...somehow.

"Sorry, not a fan of those, but thanks, though." Celestia cooed sweetly and then continued onward they came to a game of throwing balls at a target game. The stallion smirked seeing a way to show off his strength and to impress the princess. "Princess Celestia, may I win a stuffed animal for you?"

Celestia rolled her eyes, seeing the obvious tactic of trying to impress her and shrugged, "sure whatever."

Sunbeam trotted over to the stand, but he didn't realize his body was slowly shrinking bit by bit until he came to the position being barely able to peek over it. "Huh? What happened to my body!"

"Hello, little one wish to give it a shot!" A stallion in a top hat asked with a smile. Sunbeam's face, however, turned into that of horror as he realized that he had somehow regressed into a colt.

"What I am not ze colt you speak of, I am an adult!" The stallion snapped, not realizing his voice was higher pitched and sounded foreign to boot.

Celestia came overlooking around with a confused look on her face. "Huh, where did that guard go?"

"I'm right here princezz!" The little colt shouted both the stallion at the stand and Celestia laughed. The princess dawwed and ruffled the colt's mane. "Oh, you can be one day? But where are your parents I'm sure they wouldn't want you wandering about by yourself?"

"There you are!" Celestia turned her head and saw it was Twilight that shouted who stomped over wearing an odd maid's uniform. She then took the colt by a hoof and bowed before Celestia. "I apologize for my zon'z behavior; I do hope he didn't cauze any trouble.."

"Twilight is that you!" Celestia exclaimed her eyes wide with disbelief seeing her former student in that ridiculous maid's outfit. The mare scoffed, "I don't know if this Twilight you speak of, but I'm Tidy Zparkle."

Celestia wanted to ask if this is true, but her mind slowly became foggy and smiled, "oh...uh...yeah, I remember hiring some more maids to help keep things tidy…"

"Ztop all of thiz iz crazy zhe iz, not my mom and I'm an adult!" the colt cried out, trying to convince Celestia that something odd was going on.

Twilight grabbed the colt by the ear, making him kick and whine and snapped, "Ha! An adult zo funny, you're barely five, and I need to register you into kindergarten later. Now come you need some real food than a bath!"

The colt whined and kicked but was unable to get out of Twilight's grasp as Celestia looked over with a sheepish smile. "Oh dear, I feel sorry for that colt."

"Oh, don't feel bad Tidy she is a very studious mother," Dustershy explained, coming over with a snicker.

Celestia sighed relief as she saw her newly appointed head maid Dustershy. However, she had some questions for the maid as she came over and asked. "So, you set all of this up without my permission?"

The maid gave her an innocent confused look and continued, "I didn't, though? You're the one who ordered all of this?"

"No, I didn't. I would've distinctly remembered hosting such a pa-" Dustershy then showed the princess a long scroll with her signature indicating she Princess Celestia indeed sanctioned this party.

"I don't remember signing any such thing! I would like it if we can tell all these guests to leave as politely as possible."

"But so many of your subjects are here having a good time. I feel it would give off a bad impression if we told everypony to leave," Dustershy explained with her eyes seeming to become like puppy dog eyes.

Celestia paused as she considered what to do the princess did look around and saw hundreds of her citizens having a good time with many even bringing their foals and relented. "Fine, the party may continue."

The princess then turned her attention to the volleyball game going on watching Rainbow Dash destroying six other contestants at the same time and scoffed," nobody here knows how to play volleyball."

"Why don't we show them!" Dustershy exclaimed, tearing her maid uniform off and having nothing but a frilly black and white bra underneath holding a set of big crotchboobs.

Celestia blushed, looking at Dustershy's cute naked body and exclaimed," yeah, this is going to be quite fun!" The princess ran over to the volleyball net with her most trusted maid and

Dustershy stomped over, pointing a hoof at Rainbow Dash and snapped, "ok, it's Celestia and me versus Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, you two are so on!" Rainbow Dash snapped she picked up the volleyball and spiked it over the net and Dustershy dove for the ball smacking it back but it ended up hitting the net making Rainbow Dash laughed. "Ha! Nice save keep playing like that, and this will be another flawless victory."

Celestia's eyes narrowed and snapped, "oh, you're so on!" She took the ball and spiked it back, slamming it into the sand, and Rainbow was quite surprised at Celestia's skills.

"Ugh, fine! It looks like I need to stop going easy on you guys!" Rainbow snaps and takes the volleyball and spikes it back, but Celestia uses her thick butt to send it flying again, slamming it over Rainbow, scoring another point.

"Ugh! Dang it, I'm not going to lose!" Rainbow shouts grabbing the volleyball and throwing it in the air and this time going for a curved shot aiming at Dustershy who squeaks as the ball sailed through the air. Dustershy tried to dive for it but misses as Rainbow smirked seeing if she kept aiming the ball more towards the maid she had a chance. Celestia whispered something into Dustershy's ear, making Rainbow Dash sweat a little wondering what the princess was up to. Rainbow shook her head, readying herself as Celestia served the wonder bolt was able to position herself and slam the ball back at them. Dustershy then suddenly ducked just Celestia flew behind her maid kicking a hoof at the ball and sending it flying as Rainbow Dash could only watch the volleyball sail over the net.

The former pegasus was wide-eyed at how good Celestia was and stammered, "N...no way!"

Celestia smirked slowly, getting up and brushing the sand from her coat." I caught onto you Rainbow. You're not winning this one."

A crowd of ponies surrounding the sandpit started to cheer and began chanting, "Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia!"

The princess's face turned pink and waved a hoof at her chanting subjects while Dustershy stood there admiring Celestia's sweaty but quite gorgeous form. "Pr...princess, your breathtaking."

Celestia peered down at Dustershy and blushed, seeing that the mare's bra fell off and giggled, "oh wow, you're breathtaking."

The maid was a bit confused at first, then she slowly got up, and her face turned a bright red, seeing her breasts were bulging from under her belly now in full view of everypony. The embarrassed Dustershy wanted desperately to put her bra back on, but she was hoisted up by Celestia.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she thought that her breasts were much more impressive as she spiked the ball. The game continued for some time as Celestia blocked it with a hoof and hit back the volleyball again and again. It was a never-ending cascade of points for the princess with Rainbow finally conceding defeat. "Ok, you two won. It's like a hundred to two. I stopped counting a while ago."

"It's one hundred fifty to two silly." Dustershy jeered as the crowd cheered around them. Celestia was heaving being quite exhausted as her maid turned to the princess and suggested, "Why don't we go and relax? I'm sure we both can use a drink."

The princess nodded her head and wheezed. "Yeah that's a good idea, I could use a drink after that."
Two mares walked off, shaking the sand from their coats (along with their busty breasts) and as they sat at the bar. Celestia heard her sister Luna laughing as she was sitting across from them, came over with her new bat pony companion, and congratulated her sister. "Good job, dear sister, that was quite a game I never knew you were so good at volleyball!"
Celestia was feeling a bit bashful now and waved a hoof. "Please, I had an unfair advantage as I did help invent the game. Also, it's not played often. We don't have a lot of beaches here in Equestria. Though it's gained some popularity in Manehattan."

"Don't be so modest. You completely destroyed Rainbow Dash." Luna snapped as she rolled her eyes, annoyed with her sister being overly modest.

The princess of the sun then turned her attention to the gorgeous bat pony sitting next to Luna and asked, "So who is this young bat pony?"

"Oh, I'm nopony I just came to enjoy the party." Evening Star quickly responded, trying not to bring attention to herself.

Celestia waved a hoof. "Oh, don't be shy, it's great to see my sister making friends."

"W..well...if you insist, my name is Evening Star."

Dustershy waved a hoof with a mischievous grin on her face and cooed, "Oh, what a beautiful name are you related to one of the royal guards?"

"Yes... I'm Midnight's cousin." The bat pony whispered under her breath, eyeing the maid knowing full well she knew the truth.

Celestia looked the mare over with intense scrutiny and added. "I'm not as acquainted with the night guard as my sister, but you do look very similar. If anything, I would say you look like the mare version of him."

Luna turned to her sister and exclaimed, "yes, I said that earlier! They even have the same birthmark on their face!"

Evening Star was starting to get nervous and turned over to the pool and shouted, "oh, why don't we hang out there and become sea ponies!"

Before anypony could say anything, the bat pony flew over and dove right into the water coming out with a big beautiful dark blue scaled fishtail.

"Oh, wow!? That does look like fun." Luna giggled, flying over and splashing into the water and coming with a midnight blue fishtail with little silver scales sparkling like that of a night sky.

"This is wonderful! Come on sis; this is so amazing!"

Celestia was quite unsure as it did look like fun but was confused about what was transforming ponies into sea ponies Dustershy saw the princess being reluctant. "Oh, come on. It's not every day you can get a chance like this."

"Yes...but this does raise some questions on who cast the enchantment on the wat-"

The princess squeaked as the hoof dragged her by Dustershy, who snapped, "oh, come on! Stop being such a foal and relax!" she then pushed Celestia into the water. She suddenly felt her body slowly transform as her half back end turned into a giant thick orange and yellow colored scaled fishtail looking like that of a sunset. "Oh my, what kind of magic is this?"

"Who cares this is awesome!" Dustershy is bursting out of the water in her new fishtail, with it being a mix of beautiful black and white spirals.

"I do believe this water is enchanted," Luna responded with a smile swimming over to greet her sister.

Celestia was still unsure of her new seapony body, swishing her long elegant fishtail as she asked, "yes, I can see that, but the question should be who enchanted the pool?"

"Oh, don't worry about that darlings come over here and let me fix those manes." Rarity cooed as she swam over with her slim and lovely purple scaled fishtail. She took the two by a hoof, and the princesses both reluctantly swam over with Rarity, and they all sat around and chatted as they let the fashionista comb and work on their manes.

Applejack looked over, seeing the princesses and their friend she turned to Fluttershy, flirting with some stallions at the bar shaking her rump about seductively. "Hey Fluttershy, go serve the princesses please, I rather not have them go without something to put them at ease."

"Ugh, fine, Margarita!" Fluttershy scoffed, taking up a tray of margaritas for the princess and their friends and strutted over to the pool.

"Here are some drinks on the house, as Margarita would say." She hoofed the drinks out to sea ponies as the sea ponies took their cute little drinks and sipped them through straws.

Celestia turned her attention to Dustershy and asked, "so...did, you enchant this pool?"

"Why would you ask me I'm just a simple earth pony." Dustershy cooed, fluttering her eyes with that overly innocent look on her face.

"Because of all the ponies here your the only one who seems to be acting normal, there's clearly some mind alteration spells going on here as Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Twilight are all acting as if this is all normal."

Dustershy squeaked, seeing that Celestia has been pretending to be under her enchantments the entire time and stammered, "m..maybe you should..um...drink your margarita and relax you're probably stressed out."

Celestia placed the drink on the side of the pool and continued, "in fact, all the food and drink here has been spiked with magic I can sense it. Now for some reason, I have forgotten who you were since coming back into my castle, but I have an odd feeling that you're actually Discord."

"Oh, that's so silly! I mean why would the lord of chaos reduce himself to a maid!? It doesn't make any sense!" Dustershy squeaked out, now feeling some sweat starting to form on her brow.

"That's what's been bugging me for a while; why would you do this? This is chaotic in a sense ...but I feel there's an actual method to the madness as the saying goes."

Dustershy stood there, not sure what to say, and responded, "I...I don't think I know what you're talking about, princess." She sipped her drink, looking away, not wanting to give herself away.

Luna, on the other hoof, was now getting quite drunk as she looked over at the half-bat pony sea pony mare before her and asked," so...I have to ask, is your cousin single?"

"Oh uh...y..yes he is...he broke up with a mare a few years ago though." Evening Star squeaked, quite surprised by the sudden question.

Luna gasped at this knowledge and asked, "oh really! so ...d...does he talk about me?"

"Well...yes...but I do think he has...well...feelings for you." the bat pony stammered out with sweat now pouring from her brow, and her heart was racing with anxiety.

Luna blushed as she twirled her straw in her glass. "Well...would it be too much to ask if maybe you can relay to Midnight that I like him."

"Oh, yes! I totally would!"

The princess of the night eyes went wide and squeaked," really, you would!"

"Uh-huh! I'll tell him first thing. Maybe we can set a date up!" Evening star exclaimed, being both still anxious and excited at the same time.

"Oh yes!...oh well, there's a bar that is only open at night called the fruit stand," Luna responded with her face lighting up to the idea of finally having a date with her crush.

"Oh, I know the one!" The mare squeaked "don't worry, I'll tell him as soon as I can.

Celestia listened to her sister's conversation, and being quite bashful, she turned her attention to the maid and asked, "I have to say...you remind me of a crush I have."

"Oh, really!?" Dustershy exclaimed out loud, being quite surprised at Celestia's sudden gesture and was still unsure if the princess still thought she was Discord.

"Yes...but I'm too embarrassed to say it out loud…"

"Oh don't worry, princess I can keep a secret you can tell me anything?" Dusterhsy asked with a worried and anxious expression on her face.

Celestia stood there thinking about it then was about to say something, but then all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie, the alicorn flew over everypony and exclaimed. "What's going on here!? Everypony is just drinking and talking and this is supposed to be a party! Let's get the party ramped up!"

Her horn lit up, and suddenly the pool disappeared, and the seaponfied ponies were all suddenly turned into animals along with every other guest that was still there. Celestia grew out as her soft coat became leathery skin; her nose grew out, turning into one long thick trunk. At the same time, her fishtail bubbled up and turned into a thick rump with her legs growing as thick as tree trunks, and her entire body bloated up as Celestia was transformed into a giant white elephant. Luna bulged out with her coat became a thick dark blue fur her hooves turned into claws as her face rounded as now an Ursa Minor. Discord grew thinner as her neck grew out with her face lengthening out as big brown spots appeared on her body becoming a giraffe. The bat pony squeaked as she shrank, and her fur turned to feathers all over her. The mare's slanted eyes grew closer together as her mouth shrank, turning into a beak becoming an owl. The ground below them lit up as the tiles were now glowing with all kinds of different colors and a giant disco ball slowly came down from the ceiling. The music continued pounding with Vinyl who was now a bat pony with a pair of white leathery bat wings, her teeth now sharpened and her ears perked as she kept spinning the tracks. With the party in full swing with every patron now a wild animal of some kind dancing wildly to the beats of Vinyl's music. Discord pranced about but his new body was quite hard to control with his neck swaying about. But he couldn't keep his gaze off of Celestia, who was struggling with her new thick leathery body stumbling about and seeming to be on the verge of toppling over. The lord of chaos chuckled being quite amused and he also saw this seeing a chance to talk to Celestia. Discord bent his long neck down and whispered," tell me who do you have a crush on?"

As they danced, the white elephant's leathery body slowly turned bright pink from sheer embarrassment as she stood there, twisting her trunk. After a few moments of silence, she took her trunk and curled around Dustershy's neck and brought his head down close to her mouth and whispered, "I have a crush on you, Discord."

She then came in and kissed him on the mouth. The former lord of chaos held the embrace for some time, and he nuzzled into her as the music played. They continued to dance together with Applejack's drinks still being hoofed about by Fluttershy that seem to have dampened their senses completely, and the ponies danced throughout the night. It all became a blur to Discord as he danced to the rhythmic dubstep music with the giant pink elephant stumbling about, and Celestia's beautiful clumsy dance was the last thing he remembered before blacking out.