• Published 9th Dec 2019
  • 3,452 Views, 48 Comments

The Maid of Chaos - Foal Star

Discord is turned into a maid on a dare by Celestia only for him to have other ideas.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: What happened at Pinkie Pie's Party Castle

As the friendship express rolled down the tracks towards Ponyville. Dustershy explained her entire story with what's transpired so far. Twilight's eyes were wide open hearing Discord told the whole story with how he was turned into a maid, threw a massive party which almost ripped their entire reality apart, and is now trying to sew this one back together. Twilight sat there entirely baffled by what she just heard and whispered, "Wow...that's a lot to take in...so...let me get this straight, first Celestia dares you to turn into a maid."

"Yeah..." Dustershy mumbled under her breath, looking down now, regretting her decision to tell Twilight one of her innermost secrets.

"You only allowed this because you secretly loved her and didn't want her to know." Twilight whispered now a bit bashful learning such a strange secret about her former mentor.

"Uh, huh." Dustershy simply responded as she laid back, hoping they'd arrive in Ponyville soon.

Twilight was also sipping a cup of tea as she continued, "You also messed around with her um...body, then you decided to throw a giant party in the castle only to find out you and Pinkie Pie completely warped reality."

"Yes...it was fun except for the almost tearing a hole into reality part." Dustershy responded with a glowing blush on her face, still not being able to believe she was actually capable of doing that.

"So this mysterious alicorn princess named Lauren Faust decides to help fix this reality up to a point where it's sustainable while she takes you out of it. That's why I didn't even know you ever existed." Twilight responded, still pondering everything Discord said.

"Yep." Dustershy snapped now, getting a bit annoyed having everything said just repeated back to her.

Twilight took the pill bottle on the table between them and continued to study them as she responded, "so these pills you're given are like minor tweaks to our reality as we eat them, our memories return, and we slip back into the true reality."

"Uh, huh." Dustershy replied bluntly, not really paying attention as she went about sipping a cup of tea.

Twilight eyed the maid and snapped, "well, I'll have to admit you're definitely not talking your way out of this one."

Dustershy groaned, sliding in her seat now a bit irritated by this mare's tone and snapped, "you don't have to remind me."

Twilight learning, all of this was quite furious but her anger. However, she saw that Dustershy was looking quite down and seeming to be lost in thought and sighed, "look, I would be furious at you too right now. But considering your making amends, and that nopony was really harmed. I rather we keep cool heads and focus on trying to get my friends back to normal."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't need a lecture, I'll deal with the consequences. For now, I'll fix my mess then banish myself in my dimension forever...depending on how furious Celestia will be." Dustershy responded, now sitting back up as she poured herself another cup of tea.

Twilight crossed her hooves with a smirk on her face as she responded, "you have one friend who may save your sorry rump."

Dustershy, who was sipping her tea, suddenly spat out her tea and coughed as she responded, "You talking about Fluttershy? There's no way she'll save me this time."

Twilight continued with a smile on her face as she thought about her friend and the many times Fluttershy overcame her fears to help her friends. "Don't underestimate Fluttershy, yeah, that mare can be too reserved for her own good, but she'll stick with her friends no matter what."

"Ok, we'll just have to see." Dustershy responded, still unconvinced Fluttershy will be able to do anything to quell Celestia's anger. However, their conversation was cut short as the train slowly pulled into Ponyville's train station, and they started to get off. Many ponies moved out of the way, some even bowed as Dustershy walked passed.

"Ugh, am I really this well known!?" Dustershy exclaimed, feeling a bit unnerved by having ponies act this way around her.

Twilight snickered behind a hoof seeing how nervous and cute Dustershy was being. "If my other memories are correct, you're known as Celestia's right hoof."

"I seriously can't wait for all of this to be over." Dustershy grumbled as they made their way off the station and started to walk along the streets. At least from what the former lord of chaos could see, there wasn't anything much different that was until they then came upon Pinkie Pie's castle. The castle was in the middle of Ponyville with the walls being of bright pink stone, there was a stained glass window centered above the massive doorways which showed Pinkie Pie in her alicorn princess form prancing in the air. The castle had towers overhead bouncing up and down almost as if they were alive while flying huge banners with, "It's time to party!" printed on them. There were even cannons on the ramparts shooting out waves of confetti and streamers out the windows, showering the entire town with the colorful tissue paper.

Twilight jaw just dropped seeing the massive structure. "Pinkie...what is this!?"

"It's just Pinkie being Pinkie clearly she doesn't know when a party has gone on for too long." Dustershy grumbled as all the confetti and streamers around her were itching a nerve to start sweeping it all up.

"Alright, come on, I'm sure the rest of my friends must be inside." Twilight snapped now quite angry that this massive castle was disturbing the lives of so many ponies in Ponyville.

The two slowly came through the front doors to see a massive dance floor with hundreds of ponies having a blast partying non-stop. Vinyl was hovering over them with a giant spin table as two massive speakers were towering over them. Rainbow Dash was spiking volleyballs against a host of ponies nearby seeming to be destroying them all by herself, while Rarity was in a pool gossiping with a bunch of other mares while still swimming about as a seapony. Applejack, who was still a zebra bartender, was serving drinks while Fluttershy waved around serving ponies in her sexy bunny costume. While Pinkie Pie was dancing on her throne, shooting out streamers from her horn. "Woohoo! It's been officially a hundred days since this party started. Let's keep going, this party will never stop!"

The ponies cheered and continued to dance, drink, or play volleyball. Twilight groaned as she slammed a hoof to her face and sighed," We better stop this who knows what responsibilities aren't being done because of this party.""

She took a couple pills and explained, "alright, I'll go fix up Fluttershy and Applejack, you should handle Rarity and Rainbow Dash."

"Fine? Guess we should fix up Pinkie Pie last, considering she'll probably be the hardest to trick swallowing one." Dustershy asked with a smirk somewhat impressed with how chaotic Pinkie Pie was.

"Yeah! Now, remember you're still Celestia's right hoof and use that to your advantage. I'll still act like Tidy Sparkle to not raise attention." Twilight added with a determined look now agitated and furious one of her friends was causing this chaos.

Dustershy looked over Twilight, and her unkempt maid's outfit the apron was all lopsided along with her bow being a mess. It caused something to stir inside her as she came over and began to go about and adjusted Twilight's maid uniform making sure the apron around her waist was tied tight as she also adjusted the bow in her colleague's mane. "Fine, but you seriously need to keep this outfit in good shape!"

"Uh..thanks…" Twilight whispered with a blush, not really sure if she should thank or scold Dustershy.

The former chaos lord blushed, being a bit embarrassed for his maid like tendencies, got the better of him and stepped back. "Well, I just had to make sure you all were good to go. Now come on, let's do our last service as maids."

Twilight blushed, actually liking how the dress felt around her body and whispered, "this outfit is nice...though I would rather not have to clean a toilet again." She then ran off as Dustershy snickered behind a hoof. "At least you never had to clean Celestia's toilet."

Twilight left to go help Applejack and Fluttershy, while Dustershy paused to adjust her uniform a bit then went off to help Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

Twilight was a bit unsure of what to do, slowly coming up to her friends, seeing them in such a way. Applejack was a zebra who merely mixed alcoholic drinks and handled the bar. But Fluttershy was utterly different now sporting a sexy black leotard with a big poofy white tail on her rump and those floppy white bunny ears on her head. This was almost something out of some fever dream as Twilight muttered angrily to herself. "Seriously, what was Discord thinking when he did this!?"

She grumbled, coming over and asked, "oh zo um...zo...uh...martini iz that right?"

The zebra looked up and crossed her hooves. "Yes, that is my name? Do you wish to drink my dame?"

"What. .uh no, I uh came to help with serving ponies if that's alright...I am a maid, after all." Twilight replied with a sheepish smile with a burning hatred for Discord beginning to smolder again.

The angry alicorn went over to the tables and began to assist Fluttershy with a platter of drinks she went from customer to customer trying her best not to stumble. She came over to the pegasus and asked, "So...um...how are you doing?"

"Oh, Tidy, I'm having a lot of fun doing this awesome part-time job!" She took out Angel who was now wearing a tuxedo. The little bunny looked quite angry with his tiny paws crossed over his chest while Fluttershy cooed, "Isn't he just adorable! I was able to sew this for him."

"Oh, wow, he looks so cute in a zee outfit." Twilight responded with a cheesy smile with the anger for Discord rising a few notches.

Fluttershy placed him back on a table with the angry bunny hopping off as the yellow pegasus turned her attention again to Twilight. "So...you're the new girl, right?"

Twilight was starting to feel a bit flustered as she threw a hoof. "Oh, yez! I zee new maid to help serve partiez at zee party."

"Well, come on, then I'll show you the ropes, heck I'll even show you how to earn some tips." Fluttershy cooed seductively, looking Twilight over admiring her cute maid's uniform.

"Oh, zats not necessary I have more zen enough bits the-eep!" Twilight exclaimed as she was dragged by Fluttershy's hoof, who snickered. "Oh, you talk too much, come on. I'll show you how to be a true maid."

Twilight ripped her hoof from her friend's and, in an irritated tone, snapped, "thanks, I appreciate zee offer, but I can take care of myzelf; thank you very much!"

Fluttershy gave the maid a smirk and chimed, "very well, then just follow me." The pegasus slowly and seductively walked to a table full of stallions shaking her rump and with a seductive smile. "Hello, boys want a drink?"

The stallions all seated faces flushed red as they nodded as Fluttershy placed the platter down and explained which drink is her favorite while shaking her rump at the other table nearby.

Twilight rolled her eyes, unable to believe that Fluttershy of all ponies would be acting so premusicialy. Twilight instead trotted over to another table with a platter full of drinks and slammed it down, making the stallions squeak as it shook. "Here what is zat you wish to drink!" she snapped.

The ponies blinked, giving Twilight surprised looks before merely getting up and moving to another table. The maid was now furious as she stomped a hoof and shouted, "Hey! What did I do wrong!?"

"Oh, honey, let me teach you the ropes." Fluttershy snickered as she walked around Twilight, admiring her friend's maid's outfit again and cooed in a seductive tone. "However, I feel as if this outfit is way too formal!"

Twilight stepped back with sweat pouring from her forehead. "Wait! I…"

Before she could do anything, Fluttershy took a pair of scissors and some needles and in a flash cut the skirt making it shorter, threw on some cute silk sock on each of Twilight's hooves, fixed her makeup and curled her mane up with a curling iron making the alicorn's mane wavy and bouncy. Fluttershy with a smile on her face as she stepped back. "They're all finished."

Twilight squealed now, looking about as many stallions started to stare at her as the mare's cheeks flushed red, and she stomped her hoof down with the hatred of Discord now exploding within her as she roared. "I'm going to kill Discord!"

As Twilight raged about how much she hated Discord. The former lord of chaos was on the other side of the castle heading to the pool first to see Rarity in her seapony form gossiping amongst a bunch of other mares. The fashionista saw the maid and waved a hoof, shouting. "Aww, Dustershy, you finally decided to join the party! Come now, darling, take a swim with me!"

The maid squeaked as many of the other ponies gasped, hearing the name Dustershy they whispered amongst each other, some even bowing again! The maid just stomped over and grumbled, "guess I don't have any choice might as well get undressed." She slowly took off her dress and revealed her decent-sized crotchboobs hidden but a fluffy white and black bra. Many of the stallions around grew red in the face as they watched her sway them about with a smirk. "If only they knew I was a guy." She snickered, just imagining their expressions if she suddenly turned into her draquinous form in front of them. She then jumped into the pool with a loud splash. The water felt so lovely as she broke through the surface and swayed her mane about. "Oh my, this water sure feels nice!"

She then took her time swimming over to Rarity." It has been quite some time since we swam together."

"Yes, it has...seems you've been making a lot of new friends," Dustershy responded in a meek tone looking around the giant crowded pool like her friend Fluttershy; she wasn't a fan of large crowds.

"Oh, yes! I have, in fact, you should go and mingle some more darling! I'm sure some of these nobles would surely pay highly for your services if Celestia isn't keeping you too busy." Rarity responded while flashing her long eyelids with a cute smile.

"Oh, there's no need for that, I get paid quite fine," Dustershy responded, blushing, hoping her bra would stay on as much as most ponies usually walking around naked she wasn't fond of ponies gazing at her breasts.

She pondered on how she was going to get Rarity to take a pill and asked the fashionista. "This may sound silly to ask but are you thirsty?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, darling! Fluttershy comes by often to make sure we're taken care of." Rarity whisked about splashing around, seeming to be engrossed in her new seapony body.

Dustershy chuckled but sighed, wondering how she will be able to slip a pill into this stubborn pony's mouth?

"Hmm, hey, Rarity bet you can't swim faster than me!" Dustershy shouted, hoping she" ll take the bait.

"Muahahaha!" Rarity laughed out loud as did other ponies, "darling, you must be joking even if you were the greatest swimmer in Equestria. As a seapony, you don't stand a chance darling."

Dustershy smirked, "oh yeah!? What if we swam across the pool and the back and the victor had to buy drinks for the other pony all night."

"Oh yeah!? You're so on, darling!" Rarity exclaimed, swimming off to the far end of the pool. Dustershy followed her slowly, swimming across the pool. She struggled a little paddling along like a dog trying to keep her head above the water. The maid then fixed herself at the end as did Rarity, who looked over with a smirk on her face. "Like you said, darling first one there and back wins. Are you sure about this? Looked like you were struggling just getting over here.""

"Just shut it, and let's do this!" The mare snapped the two, then both dove off from the end and started to swim across the pool. Rarity ducked and dove through the water gracefully, unlike anything Dustershy has seen before. All the while, she was floundering about like a foal learning how to swim still paddling about struggling. It was quite embarrassing with many ponies snickering as they watched the two races. By the time she made it to the end of the pool, Rarity was overlapping her.

She growled and continued to struggle swimming back, breathing heavily. "Ugh! Curse you Celestia and your cake making skills!"

The maid eventually made it to the other end with Rarity sitting on the side of the pool, manicuring her hooves with a smirk on her face. "Hmm, took you long enough, darling."

Many ponies snickered as Dusterhsy was panting as she wheezed, "yeah...well might as well get some drinks now...I...need one."

"While you're at it, get me a gin and tonic darling." Rarity cooed, "also...I don't know if you notice but your um…"

Dustershy blinked, then her face turned red as she looked down to see her bra was gone with her giant crotchboobs! She slowly got out of the water as the snickering stallions soon stomped with their eyes now locked on to her bouncing boobs.

"Ugh, would you please stop staring!" Dustershy snapped as she slowly stepped out of the pool, then quickly snagging a towel and wrapping it around her body. The mare dried herself off and sighed, "Well, at least I exhausted Rarity a bit. I'll just slip a pill in her drink, and she'll be back to normal soon...hopefully, Twilight is making progress on her end."

Twilight was, however, quite bashful as she swayed her hips about serving the ponies around her. It was quite the task to keep herself from trying to act on her raw emotions to splash drinks into some of the stallion's faces. But she kept her calm. She wanted to wait until Fluttershy called for a break, then she'll slip a pill into Fluttershy's and Applejack's drinks. Then she saw Dustershy at the bar talking to Matini, the bartending zebra, and taking two cups on a platter. The alicorn was still furious as she stomped over and gave the maid a big slap across the face and snapped, "Hey, you pervert! Did you make Fluttershy into some slutty waitress!?"

"It's not my fault! The enchanted pastries I had you and your friends eat have different effects! I didn't know Fluttershy would end up like this!" Dustershy cried out, rubbing her reddened cheek.

The princess gritted her teeth and grumbled, "Buck, if we weren't undercover, you would so get an earful." She raised her head up, now being a bit cool. She wanted to see how the mission was going and asked, "Right now, how's your progress with Rarity and Rainbow Dash?"

"I got Rarity tucked out from a race. I'll give her a drink then do the same with Rainbow, what about you? It seems you're taking this undercover thing a bit too far." He responded with a smirk admiring Twilight's altered maid's outfit.

She had about enough of Discord's cheekiness and slapped Dustershy across the face again and snapped, "oh, haha, I got things under control here, just do your job!"

Twilight stomped off as Dusterhsy rubbed a hoof over her sore cheek and snickered, "Hmmm, I think I should fear Twilight's wrath more than Celestia's."

The maid took her drinks and walked off dogging ponies and trying not to spill, but she was so graceful as if she's been doing this for some time. It didn't take long for her to find Rarity. She quickly threw the pill into Rarity's drink and hoofed it over. "There you go!"

"Oh, thank you, darling." Rarity chirped with a kind smile taking her drink and taking a few sips.

Dustershy then watched nervously. Rarity drank her drink, and her body morphed back into an ordinary unicorn with the fishtail slowly forming back into two legs. At the same time, her fins slowly turned into her long waving purple mane. The fashionista rubbed her head, groaning, "oh my!? What happened? Wh...where am I! Why am I in a pool."

She cried out as Dustershy assisted in helping Rarity out of the water and wrapped a towel around her. As Rarity sat on a nearby bench, she looked up to the maid and asked, "Please, Dustershy! Explain what's going on here!"

"Look right now; you need to stop freaking out and listen." Dustershy snapped. Rarity calmed down, waiting patiently as the maid continued to explain, "right now I need to concentrate on getting Rainbow Dash back to normal. After that I'll explain to you and everypony what's going on alright?"

"Okay, I trust you, darling." Rarity sighed and took her drink and started sipping at it, shivering a little, but she was more irritated about her mane groaning, "Oh, all that chlorine is going to ruin my mane!"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, just drink your tonic, and I'll be back after a game of volleyball." Dustershy began to walk off.

Rarity paused, going through her memories and remembered Rainbow Dash beating every athletic pony in Equestria in volleyball. She snickered a little and commented, "Darling,.. you're going to lose."

"Yeah, but in the end, I'll still win." She gave the fashionista winked and strutted off as Rarity watched her strut off with a smirk," After this, I must treat her to a spa date, Celestia knows she needs one."

Dustershy was now watching a game of six athletic-looking ponies versing Rainbow Dash, who was still beating them flying across the sandpit spiking volleys, blocking and slamming the ball back at her opponents the attack was relentless and brutal.

"Fifty to zero come on, at least try to wn!" Rainbow jeered at the six other players standing tall in her cute yellow and blue striped wonderbolt styled bra over her crotchboobs. The other ponies were panting and clearly too exhausted as they slowly walked off the sandpit. Dustershy walked forward onto the sandpit and ripped her maid's uniform off her as she revealed her naked body without any fear with a new cute frilly white and black bra. "I think it's my turn to show her my moves!"

"Ah, yes, the famous Dustershy!" Rainbow exclaimed getting excited as she tossed her the volleyball. "It's about time I had a real opponent come on one and one just you and me!"

"Alrighty, then you asked for it!" Dusterhsy caught the ball and threw it up in the air and slammed it with the hoof sending the ball right at Rainbow Dash, who barely was able to hit it back with her hoof sending it back over the net.

The two spiked and smacked the ball back and forth. It was a match like no other; the ponies around gathered and watched the smacking it back and forth with nopony scoring.

Rainbow Dash was panting as she saw that Dustershy wasn't giving an inch. "See you and Celestia have been practicing guessing the rumors were true." Right then she bucked the ball with her back hooves sending it back over the net as Dustershy jumped in the air and kicked the ball back as she wiped the sweat from her brow the maid responded. "Right, Rainbow Dash, and you're about to get your rump kicked!!" The pegasus turned earth pony was able to set the ball sailing as Dustershy positioned herself near the end of the back of her side and was able to buck the volleyball up in the air having it fly up hitting a chandelier causing a bunch of balloons and streamers to explode as the ball came back towards Rainbow Dash! The earth pony tried to figure out where the ball would land, but it was too late seeing it fall behind her. She decided to dive for it, but the ball landed within the white lines, and Dustershy scored the goal.

Rainbow stomped a hoof and cried out, "dang it!"

She walked over towards Dusterhsy, who was heaving heavily with her body dripping with sweat. The pegasus gave her a smirk." guess you won, but you need to lay off the cake."

"I'll keep that in mind." Dustershy picked up two sports drinks "here, let's celebrate my victory!"

They both clinked their bottles together and gulped down their drinks. Rainbow Dash began to get all woozy as she stumbled about then her wings started to grow back and as they fully sprouted out. The earth pony started to blink. "huh!? What's going on!?"

She squeaked, looking down at her bra. "What the buck am I wearing!?"

She took it with a mouth and kicked it away as she shouted, "Did Pinkie do this! I'm so gonna get her!"

"No! She didn't." Dustershy mumbled as she chugged down the rest of her sports drink.

Rainbow turned around with a suspicious look. "How do you know, Dustershy? Unless you know what's going on?"

She sighed and explained, "Yeah, I do, but I don't have time to explain I need to go help Twilight fix Applejack and Fluttershy, then I need to go change Pinkie back to normal!" Dustershy pointed at the pink party pony alicorn, seeming to be throwing cakes at ponies faces now.

Even Rainbow Dash was astounded at how crazy Pinkie was being and relented, "Fine whatever! But you better explain everything when you get Pinkie to stop being so Pinkie!!"

She flew off grumbling about wearing a stupid bra as Dusterhsy sighed, "ok now to help Twilight with the others." She then slowly walked off the sandpit and headed through the party, going straight to the bar.

Dustershy was relieved to come to the bar and saw that both Applejack and Fluttershy had their break drinking little martinis with an olive in them. Applejack was no longer a zebra and back to her normal earth pony self groaning, looking around the crazy looking castle and grumbling, "where am I? Did I die?"

Fluttershy eeped, seeing the provocative outfit she was wearing and exclaimed, "what the buck is this!?"

Dustershy quickly ran over to Fluttershy. "Hey, let me help you out of that." she slowly stripped the outfit off of the yellow pegasus as Twilight explained things to Applejack and Fluttershy. "Look, right now, all you two gotta know is that you've been put under a strange spell that changed your behavior and for Applejack her species. "

"Yeah...for three months, I was a Zebra..." Applejack blushed as she whispered to herself. "I...I even hung out with Zecora!? We..were going on dates!?"

Fluttershy gulped as her eyes lit up as she exclaimed," I...I have like three colts friends! seriously!"

Dustershy had to put a hoof over her mouth as her cheeks bloated up, holding back laughing and responded, "Seriously, just dump them now you two go to the pool. I promise once we finish getting Pinkie Pie back to normal, this will all be explained." Dustershy responded as they slowly walked off. Twilight turned around to face her fellow maid and added, "ok, now we mustn't try to raise too many suspicions with Pinkie as she'll definitely not want this party to end."

"Right! Let's take this crazy princess down!" the head maid exclaimed as the two maids slowly squeezed themselves through the dance floor. It was jammed pack full of ponies dancing non-stop. Twilight was irritated, but she kept calm, but Dustershy squirmed about being naked now and having her crotchboobs always waving about; she kept adjusting her bra, not wanting it to fall off again. They eventually made it to the foot of Pinkie's throne, and the alicorn princess squealed as she took both Twilight and Dustershy into her hooves. "Yay! It's about time you two made it to my super forever party!"

"Please stop! You're crushing my ribs!" Dustershy wheezed out, smacking a hoof against Pinkie's side. The pink princess alicorn placed them down and ruffled their manes. "Sorry! I'm Just so happy to see you two are here!"

Dustershy sighed as she adjusted her bra again, then responded nervously. "Yeah, we're happy to see you, But...um….a...are you thirsty?"

"Oh, I'm fine! I had a big ice cream float thirty minutes ago! Like they say, an ice cream float every hour keeps you parting even longer! Besides, what are you doing here? Came to help with the party?" Pinkie asked in her overexcited tone.

Twilight groaned as Dustershy dug her hoof into the ground. "Oh...well...um...we um came to serve you as did Twilight for a few days."

"Ye...yeah! Celestia wanted us to uh lighten up, you zee!" Twilight added also going back into her Prench accent.

Pinkie squealed and clapped her hooves together. "Oh, really!? You'll be the first maids I ever had!" She then looked over the two mares and tapped a hoof to her chin. "Let's see where we need you two too to have new outfits!"

She zapped the two, dressing the two into new uniforms! Their skirts became frilly pink tutu's; they now had frilly polka-dotted dresses with their manes and tails frazzled. They poofed out, white clown makeup covered their faces, along with big rubber noses covering their muzzles, while also sporting big pink clown shoes on their back hooves while wearing pink polka-dotted socks on their front hooves.

They both gawked at their goofy outfits as they also now had platters in one hoof filled with all kinds of cake and ice cream floats.

"Now go and serve the ponies partying! They must be quite exhausted!" Pinkie exclaimed as the two waddled off with their clown shoes making them have an awkward gait. The two maids went about the dance floor, hoofing the pastries and ice cream floats. Many ponies dawwed or snickered at their silly outfits, some even annoyingly honked their noses.

The two were unsure of what to do or how they were going to get a pill into Pinkie's mouth. It almost seemed as if she already knew they were going to try and was a step ahead of them. Twilight whispered, "hey Dustershy? You're probably going to have to use some chaos magic."

"Right...I think that I have an idea…" the maid threw the platter aside and exclaimed in an overly dramatic fashion. "Ugh, who wants these boring treats!?" She then suddenly produced a new platter with new ice cream floats she threw one to Caramel who suckled in it as it suddenly made him turn into a cute mare with a bright yellow fairy tale style princess dress with bubble sleeves. Caramel cheeks turned rosy as she covered her face with her hooves. "Oh my."

Dustershy threw the platter above her head and exclaimed one more, getting into her act. "Anything can happen if you drink my specialty ice cream floats; the effects only last an hour!"

Many ponies clamored to overtake them, turning various animals, some into princesses or some even into school foals,

Filthy Rich took a bite from butter roll and squeaked as he bloated up, becoming a baker's mare with a giant frilly pink apron tied around her waist.

Cheerilee snacked on a piece of cheesecake and turned into a sexy looking stallion wearing a snazzy tuxedo.

Even Dr whooves and Derpy both took a muffin, and they squeaked as they both suddenly transformed with the doctor turning into a cute little filly with a frilly party dress and Derpy into a little colt in a cute little suit with both foals wearing adorable muffin hats on their heads.

The party continued getting wilder as it did before with more and more ponies eating a pastry or drinking an ice cream float, wondering what fun transformation they'll get just like before reality was almost ripped apart. But this time, Dustershy kept the effects to a limited time of an hour, and they had no mind-altering effects. The strange transformations caught the eye of Pinkie Pie to who was now intrigued as she walked over and asked the maid." Oh, can I try one of your pastries?"

Dustershy smirked as she placed a pill inside one of the ice cream floats. "Here, it's all yours!"

Pinkie squealed, chewing on some peanut butter cookies and turning into a giant pink elephant. She slurped up some ice cream float and turned into a giant fluffy pink polar bear, then snacked on some brownies and turned into a pink and black striped zebra, then she finally slurped up the ice cream float with the reality forming pill.

Pinkie pie took one long sip sucking the entire ice cream down as bright light shown around her, and her eyes lit up as a massive blast of magic erupted. Soon the castle and everything around her suddenly disappeared as the castle evaporated, and everypony was now laying on the dirt. They all looked up to see a shining light coming down, and with a sudden explosion, Pinkie Pie popped out as she was now mostly back to normal. She was back to her normal size, but she still had a horn and wings, but she simply exclaimed, "looks like almost everything is back to normal!?" she flicked a horn and flapped her wings.

"Pinkie, you need another pill!" She took out one more pill and a glass of water. "My last act as a maid, "' The former lord of chaos hoofed them over, and Pinkie Pie swallowed the pills, the horns and wings poofed with a puff of smoke. Pinkie sighed missing them already. "Well, being a princess was fun as it lasted."

Dustershy just gave a sigh of relief, but the mare turned her head among the ponies with a confused look. She had a stand appear before everypony and exclaimed, "Listen! I know you're all confused right now, but I promise Celestia will hold a meeting where everyone will understand what's happened the past three months."

She then got off and slowly walked off as most ponies were still grumbling but went off. Fluttershy flew over and exclaimed, "Discord!"

The maid turned her head to see Fluttershy fly down. "You don't need to do this alone! Let me come with you!"

"No...it's fine; you don't need to see this." The former lord of chaos grumbled knowing full well if celestia decided to banish her Fluttershy would be heartbroken.

Fluttershy smiled and whispered meekly. "Hey, you're not going to be banished...yeah, what you did was pretty bad none of it was intentional...trust me, Celestia is forgiving."

"I think you accidentally stealing her phoenix and me almost tearing a hole, in reality, are two different things." Dustershy snapped; being a bit agitated, he turned to Fluttershy looking down at the ground feeling a bit scared and nervous and sighed, not wanting to make her feel bad and replied in a more upbeat tone. But thanks, I know you're trying to help."

She then walked off to face her consequences as Fluttershy stood there and whispered, "I hope you come back soon…"