• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,426 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

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Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Great Fusion!

Chapter 1: The Great Fusion!

Twilight was walking down the hall and saw at the other side a draconian boy her trusted assistant and little brother-figure Spike he spiky green hair and slit eyes of the same color, a purple dragon tail with green spines on it, purple hoodie on top of a lime green shirt, blue shorts and purple sneakers. Along side him with was a Unicorn girl named Sunset Shimmer her former enemy turned friend, Princess Celestia adoptive daughter and her sister-figure she had red and yellow striped hair and matching tail and and honey yellow horn on her head, greenish cyan eyes, black leather jacket on top a purple shirt with red and yellow sun emblem, a orange skirt with a yellow and pink stripe on the left side and black high rise boots with magenta flame printing from the toes to the shins.

"Hey Took your time eh 'Sparky'." Sunset said with a smirk and Spike just snickered from the remark. Twilight just rolled her eyes ever since the two of them became friends Sunset kept calling her Sparky but Twilight didn't mind too much and replied with a smirk of her own.

"Well sorry 'Sunny' but I was just getting into my common clothes." She said and held arms and spun around to emphasis her point.

Rarity had tried and tried to convince Twilight to wear her princess clothing but Twilight didn't really like wearing regal dresses or princess regalia, (at least not on normal days) so she stuck to her blue shirt, pink bow tie, purple skirt, black boots with purple covers and (just for today) her crown too."So Where are the girls?" she asked.

"Just outside waiting for us in the Foyer, Discord, Flash and CMC (Cutie Mark Crusader) are here too." Spike replied as they started to walk towards the foyer.

"Looking forward to see your 'Sweetie' Again Spike".Sunset teased as Twilight giggled.

"Uh...well...um maybe? What's it to you?!" Stammered Spike blushing furiously about his relationship with Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister. While Twilight did feel happy for Spike, Sunset and the others that they had found their soulmates she couldn't help but wished she had one as well and looked away in dismissal, Sunset sensed this and gestured to Spike to go on ahead. Once he was out of sight Sunset place a counselling hand on her sister figure's shoulder.

"Hey Twilight you okay?"

"Huh?" Twilight snapped out her dismiss and looked at Sunset's concerned face. "Oh yeah I'm fine." the princess lied but Sunset was not having it.

"Come on Twi, I know that look, something obviously bugging you, just tell me okay? I'll listen." Twilight smiled even though Sunset had a teasing nature she did have a compassionate side. So she took a deep breath and looked at her friend and explained her love life problems and how they've been bothering for the last few days. Sunset listened attentively like the sister she was like to the blue haired girl. once she was finished Twilight looked down somberly. "So that what's been bothering you huh?"

"don't say anything about this Sunset! if word gets out that I'm looking for somebody-" Twilight's panic attack was cut off when Sunset placed two fingers on her lips and spoke to her friend,"Relax Twilight! I know you want a guy who likes you for you not because of your crown."

"Really?" Twilight asked Sunset nodded and continued

"Yeah and I know that your thinking that being a princess is the only thing that's lovable about you but it's not, your brave, smart, natural gifted, kind and pretty beautiful to boot." Twilight blushed at the compliments as Sunset went on. "Point is there's more to love about you than just the crown & wings and you prove that when you gave me a second chance when everyone else thought otherwise even me, so I know that there's a guy for my little sis out there who want her for her and if not than I'm coming after him as hot the sun!" Sunset announced and she wrapped her right arm around Twilight's waist and pumped her left arm up as the princess giggled at the fiery haired girl's sisterly protective mode and gave her a warm hug.

"Thanks Sunset I really needed to hear that. Maybe your right that there's the right guy for me out there, I'll just have to wait and see." Sunset smiled at the gratitude but winced when Twilight playful elbowed her and smirked. "But since when am I your 'little' sister?" she retorted as Sunset smirked back.

"Maybe because I am older than you and I'm the only one other than Shining Armor who can do this!" Sunset than trapped Twilight in a headlock and gave her a noggie like any older sibling gives to there younger to make her point.

"AH! Hey! No! Stop! Not the noggie! You know I hate the noggie! Sunset stop it!" Twilight shouted as she tried to break free.

"Not until you say the secret word!" Sunset retorted.

"Noooo! Not that! I'll never say it!! NEVER!!!"

"is that so your highness?" Sunset said as she started to noggie Twilight even harder. Twilight Finally conceding said the word, unaware that two others figures were approaching.

"OKAY! OKAY! Uncle! I give! I give! your my BSBFF Sunny!"

"Which means what Sparky"? Sunset said in a sing-song voice.

"Big Sister Best Friend Forever! BIG SISTER BEST FRIEND FOREVER!!! OK! there I said! now let me go!" Twilight exclaimed and Sunset finally did and gave a satisfied smirk while Twilight glared at her.

" Are you sure your not still evil Mrs. Sunset Shimmer?" she asked grumpily.

"Maybe or maybe not Princess Twilight Sparkle but you might want to ask our friends here what they think of our little show..." Sunset said as she pointed toward two girls in front of them, both who witnessed the noggieing and Twilight calling Sunset her BSBFF. the first girl was Rainbow Dash the element of Loyalty who had a rainbow colored tail and hair as her namesake and magenta eyes. She was wearing a blue jacket with a gold badge on the left side atop a white shirt with a cloud with rainbow lightning bolt symbol on it, a white and magenta striped skirt, black shorts and blue knee-high running shoes and red, blue and yellow socks and wristbands. she also had a pair of cyan wings a bit smaller than Twilight's. Next to her was Applejack the element of Honesty and had green eyes and freakles and blonde hair and a tail both tied at the end. she was wearing a brown stepson cowboy hat, a green and white work shirt, a brown belt with an apple for a buckle, a blue jean skirt and brown tall cowgirl boots with three apples on each. since she was a Terran (yes that what I'm calling the earth pony characters in this story) she didn't have any specials features like her three friends.

Rainbow Dash was on the ground laughing her head off at Twilight for Sunset's noggie attack and the BSBFF statement while Applejack just smirked and crossed her arms snickering now and than. "Oh my God! that has got to be the most hilarious thing I've ever seen you do Egghead! Oh my sides!!!" Rainbow said in between her howling laughes and Twilight flushed with embarrassment groaned and covered her face with her hands not daring look up while Sunset place a hand on the poor princess.

Applejack than walked up a gave her a pat on the back to cheer her up."Now come on sugarcube ya gotta admit that was pretty funny but from one sister to another it's not all that bad." she said while remember the times she gave a noggie to her little sister Applebloom or gotten one from her brother Big Macintosh. "Anyhoo, we just came to getcha cause the other are getting mighty antsy Discord especially." Applejack said trying to move away from the Alicorn girl's embarrassment as said girl finally moved her hands away from her face and looked at her three friends.

"But if your too busy with your 'BSBFF' right now we can just leave." Rainbow joked as she, Applejack and Sunset started gigging again. Twilight than huffed, blushed a little, straighten up and walked forward at a fast pace as her three friends following close behind still snickering at her embarrassment.

As they walked down the hall Twilight smiled the stain glass windows displaying the victory of she and her friends, from their victory over Nightmare Moon to her ascension to a princess and everything else in between. 'we've all come so far haven't we?' she thought of how she and her friends accomplished so much, but was snapped back to reality when she and the other heard screams of terror from down the hall.

"What in Tarnation?!" AppleJack Exclaimed as three girls came in screaming their heads off in fright. the first girl was Pinkie Pie the Element of Laughter, she was an Terran like Applejack she had a dark pink puffy tail and hair, light cyan eyes, a cool blue jacket on top of a white shirt with pink heart on her chest, a hot pink skirt with three balloons one yellow and two blue on the left side with purple bow tied to her waist, blue knee high boots and blue bracelets. The second girl was Rarity the Element of Generosity like Sunset she was Unicorn with a white horn, purple curly hair and tail with triple diamond hair pin, she had baby blue blue blouse, a dark purple belt with a two crescent moon belt buckle, a lighter purple skirt with a triple diamond symbol on the left side, dark purple boots with lavender socks and diamonds attached to them and she wore gold bangles on her wrists. The third girl was Fluttershy The Element of Kindness a Pegasus like Rainbow dash with light yellow wings on her back, light pink hair and tail with white butterfly barrette, she wore a simple white tank top, a lime green skirt with pink frills on the end, three butterflies on the right side one light pink, one dark pink and one white, lime green knee high boots with white souls and pink socks with white polka dots. The three girls were running and screaming like they just saw a ghost until Pinkie shouted from the top of her lungs.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Then the seven girls crashed together creating a huge pile all moaning and groaning in pain. "Ugh for goodness's sake girls! What are you running from and where are Spike and the others?!" Sunset Asked, Pinkie was breathing in and out very quickly, Fluttershy was whimpering and rocking back and forth trying to calm down and Rarity always being dramatic grabbed Rainbow and rambled on about 'big hole in the sky' and 'huge unnatural storm' as she shook her violently causing the Wonderbolt's eyes to roll in multiple directions.

"Fluttershy? Sugarcube what wrong?" Applejack asked as she held the whimpering Pegasus girl while everyone finally got untangled and up on their feet. Twilight turned her timid friend's head towards than said "It's okay Fluttershy we're all here, just tell what's wrong." finally composing herself Fluttershy with tears in her eyes spoke.

"T-Twilight w-we just saw a...a.."

But before she could finished the stain glass windows shattered and scattered across the ground! reacting quickly Twilight cast a force field around herself and the girls protecting them from the shards of glass. When she looked up again she gasped and saw a huge storm producing huge lightning bolts of unknown magic and at center was the same vortex she saw early only it's was a whole lot bigger. "The Portal! so I did see it!" she shouted as friends backed away from the huge tear in the sky but before anyone could anything about what was happening there was a massive white light from the storm/portal flashed and engulfed the entire realm.

Twilight soon thought to herself 'something tells everything is not going to fine.' before the lighted blinded her and all she could do was hope nothing too terrible had happened. How both wrong and right she was.

Back in Ninjago Lloyd was flying towards Borg Tower on his Elemental dragon after Kai the Master of Fire had called him for an urgent meeting. along the way Lloyd was beginning to wonder what could be happening, Was a villain back for revenge?, Did Master Wu discover an ancient secret?, Had Cole finally found love(:rainbowlaugh:)?! Lloyd mentally laughed at the last one, unlike him Cole seemed to be okay with being a bachelor but it was still fun tease him about it(as long as they kept Nya out of it to avoid flying rocks and lightning bolts after the 'perfect match incident' was finally put to rest). His train of thought was lost when he saw a tall high-tech sky scraper with a blue energy symbol in a hole at the top of the of it up ahead.

"Alright, time to find out what all the fuss is about." He then saw the other Ninja's vehicles indicating he was the last to arrive. He landed next Kai's fire cycle, hopped off his dragon as it disappeared and walked into the building and saw said Master of Fire was waiting. Kai had brown fiery like hair and red eyes with a scar across his right eye and a bandage above his left, he wore a red ninja gi with brown harness with packs and buckled at the back with a badge with a fire symbol on it and had a silver shoulder pan on his left arm. He was tapping his foot impatiently and had an annoyed looked on his face, Lloyd knowing first hand that patience was not exactly one of the fire ninja's strong points had uneasy look on his face as he approached him.

"There you are ya slacker!" Kai shouted in Lloyd face and walked behind him, "Come on the others are waiting for us!" he than pushed the young master into the elevator, pushed a button and as the doors closed the two boys rode it upwards. After some silence Lloyd tried to ease the uncomfortably and tension in the elevator with a conversation.

"So...uh what the emergency?"

"You'll find out and trust me it's going to blow your mind." Kai answered back as they reached the top.

Waiting for them were three other teenage boys and a teenage girl each having the same shoulder pad Kai did on their left arm and all standing by a man in a wheelchair wearing glasses a gray jacket and pants and black turtle neck sweater who was Cyrus Borg the owner of Borg Tech and was a trust ally of the Ninja. The first boy was Jay the Master of Lightning he had blue eyes, brown messy hair and freckles, his gi was blue and had gray straps with two buttons on right side one with lightning bolt and the other with a smily face emoji. The second boy was Cole the Master of Earth he was more buff than the others, had black hair, dark purple eyes and green scar running down the left side of his forehead to the side of his eye, his gi was black held by an orange belt and dark brown armbands/bandages on his wrists. The last boy name was Zane the Master of Ice and was in fact a robot (or Nindroid as he called himself) he was in cloak mode though so he looked like a normal human, his eyes were bright cyan and his hair was white, flatten at the top and shaved down and his gi was white with a silver armor pad at the top leftside of his torso, a cyan belt tied around his waist and bandages wrapped around his shins. The girl was Nya the Master of Water and Kai's little sister, her hair was black tied into a ponytail by a gray band, her eyes were a light blue and had beauty mark on the right of face just underneath her eye and her gi was dark silverish gray with a light blue shirt under it, a matching colored belt and strapped around her and fasten together by a buckle with a water symbol. Lloyd soon noticed that Pixal was not with them, she was probably out patrolling the city as the new Samurai-X. All of them looked a little be worried but a lot more patient than Kai was when Lloyd approached. " Hey guys, sorry I'm late, must've missed breakfast today." he joked trying lighten the mood while the others laughed, shook their heads or rolled their eyes at the Green Ninja joke Kai was getting annoyed and let out groan of exasperation.

"Can we please just tell him what's happening?!" he shouted when the Cyrus approached him.

"Calm down Master Kai! We will get to that just try and keep your cool." The wheel-chaired man said to the red ninja but he just scoffed and walked over to his sister and brothers.

"Sorry about Kai Mr.Borg. you know how brother gets when he's impatient: just like a volcano waiting blow up." Nya said teasing her brother, the other boys and Cyrus Borg all laugh at Kai who scowling at his sister that now turned her attention back their leader."By the way Lloyd how's the new gi? looks good." she commented on Lloyd's new suit was green, had brown leather knee pads and belt, a bronze arm guard on his right arm with his symbol marked on the chest piece.

"Feels good. got give to Master Wu, he got some other skills besides ninjutsu."

"Perhaps now you'll attract a less villainous young female with that suit." Zane teased.

Lloyd blushed and stuttered at the Android remark while the others even Kai snickered. Though they kept things about Harumi quiet it didn't stop them from teasing Lloyd about it. "W-well an-anyway! what is you wanted to show me?" Lloyd said after finally getting a grip of himself. Cyrus realizing they were getting off topic put a more serious face along with the others and turned to his screen that showed a replay of Lloyd and Garmadon's battle with the Oni's leader; the Omega down in the vault and where Lloyd destroyed the Realm Crystal. An artifact sealed in his grandfather; the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb and had the power to travel between realms.

"While repairing the damage to my tower that was done when those Oni invaded I detected a strange anomaly with an energy signal similar to that of the Realm Crystal. After some research and studying I discovered that it was a side effect that happened when you destroyed it," Cyrus explained, as Lloyd began to worried what their first attempt to stop the Oni had caused Cyrus continued. "Apparently somehow some of the shards of the Realm Crystal got into another realm and they along with the shards still here in Ninjago are now pulling themselves together trying to restore itself and dragging both realms with them as a result!" Lloyd gasped at this reveal what his and soon realized from his friends expressions what it meant for their home as they explained the results.

"Which means..." Jay started worryingly.

"That Ninjago..." Cole continued.

"And another realm..." Zane stated.

"Will collide with eachother..." Nya said.

"And when that happens..." Kai put in.

"The two Realms will merge into one." Lloyd ended. Cyrus nodded but assured them that there was a guarantee that no one would be harmed and no damage would come to either realm. However Lloyd hoped their was some way to stop this. "When will the collision happen?"

but before he could get answer a massive black storm cloud the size of the city appeared, crackling unnatural Lightning
with a humongous Vortex at the center of it. the windows broke by the wind as the Ninja and Cyrus ducked for cover and when they looked to the sky in horror Cyrus only said one word.


Then a bright white light from the giant vortex flashed and spread throughout all Ninjago and blinding everyone.
Lloyd soon thought to himself 'something tells everything is not going to fine.' before the light blinded him leaving him to wonder what could have happened.

When Lloyd woke up he notice that he and his friends (sans Professor Borg) who were unconscious, were in the middle of a field which was located in a majestic gold, white, dark purple medieval looking city with great castle in the distance. "Ow my head." he groaned and turned to his team who were just waking up as well, "Hey guys, you ok?"

"Ugh a-ok." answered Kai.

"I think so." replied Nya.

"pretty alright." said Jay.

"yeah I'm fine." said Cole.

"all my systems are in perfect working order." replied Zane.

Once they got they're barrings the Ninja looked around his location. "Ok where are we? I don't recognize this city from anywhere in Ninjago." Asked Kai while Zane scanned the area and turned to the others once he finished. "My database of Ninjago cities and villages has no information on the settlement we are currently in. which indicates that this city is a city from the other realm that the shards of the Realm Crystal that Professor Borg. " he told the others.

"Which means we're in a unified realm of Ninjago and probably some realm we never been to before." Cole assumed but than he realized something, "Hey wait. if the Realm Crystal has been restored when the realms merged than where is it now?"

Nya than spoke up, "We'll figure that out later right now we have figure out where we are and getting around might be hard without our rides." The boys than looked around and saw that the water ninja was right there was no sign of any of their vehicles, than Jay groaned in exasperation and threw his arms up in the air and walked back forth as he did one of his famous 'Jay spazz outs'.

Oh that's just great! We're in a new combo realm created from Ninjago and another one we nothing about, in a city that we also know nothing about and our rides are knows where! Can our day get any worse?!" He asked rhetorically but he soon regretted as they were surrounded by men in gold armor and had tails, horns and wings?

Before anyone could question anything one taller guard with blue hair, tail and eyes, gold and purple armor with purple shield crest with magenta six point star on his chest-part and a white horn on his head through a whole in his helmet pointed a spear to Lloyd.

"State your names and your business in Canterlot" The guard demanded as the Ninja drew their weapons. Kai unsheathed his Golden Sword of Fire, Jay whipped his Golden Nun-chucks of Lightning, Cole brought forth his Scythe of Quakes, Zane pulled out his Shurikens of Ice and Nya show her silver trident. While his friends prepared for battle, Lloyd thought 'Just another day in the life of a ninja.' knowing this sort of thing was basically normal them.

Author's Note:

Well sorry for the delay People but school work and family business came up but now the next chapter is here. I based the Mane 7 clothes off their equestria girls looks and the Ninja's from Season 11. As for the cutie mark crusaders, discord and others well you'll just have to wait and see.

Well looks like Lloyd got himself into a real pickles but what about the other Ninja and Twilight and her Friends stay tuned!