• Published 5th Jan 2020
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My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 1 Chapter 5: Departure, Debts and Dragons

Chapter 5: Departure, Debts and Dragons

Back in the Canterlot throne room the others were exchanging stories about their adventures. The Ninja were amazed to hear about the Mane 7 adventures starting with their journey to find the Elements of Harmony. They also learned that when equines find their greatest talents a mark called a "Cutie Mark" appears on their shoulders to show what they are.

The Equestrian each showed their cutie marks, Twilight's was a six point magenta star surrounded white stars, Sunset's was a red and yellow sun, Rainbow's was a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, Fluttershy's was three pink butterflies, Pinkie's was three balloons, two blue and one yellow, Rarity's was three diamonds, Shining Armor's was a shield with magenta six point star, Flash's was a blue two-tone shield and a yellow lightning bolt, Cadence's was a crystal heart with gold reefs on the bottom and Luna's was a silver moon over a black splodge.

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were the only ones who didn't have any cutie marks saying they still haven't found them yet and that there reasons for become the CMCs was to find them, Wu then offered his advise saying, "Have patience. The mark of your talents will only appear when those talents have been found." But it only made them more desperate to find them.

They were also surprised to learn that Princess Luna was once a villain called Nightmare Moon who wanted to bring the realm into eternal night.

"So over a thousand years ago when people didn't appreciate your night time like they did the day the way they do now, you got super jealous of your big sister turned into an evil alicorn lady called 'Nightmare Moon' and tried to make people like the night better by casting a spell that would cause the moon and sun to stop rising and setting trapping the realm in an endless night?" Kai ask rhetorically as Luna rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"In hindsight that probably wasn't the best idea I had, if I consider all of the possible consequences it might have on the realm." She said sheepishly.

"Actually according to my calculations, the possible outcomes if the sun and moon stopped rising and setting would be that, with the sun energy on one half of the realm, plants would not be able to grow and soon the crops would wither and die, and on the other half they would dry up from the constant heat and drought." Zane, explained as everyone listen attentively, "Then people would soon perish from starvation without enough food or water, that is unless without the heat from the sun that plunge the realm into age of cold, ice and snow on one half while on the other half the land would burn and dry up from the extreme heat and sunlight would not end them all first." Zane put in, as everyone stared at him in shock and slight fear if Nightmare Moon had succeeded.

"Oh well," Rarity struggled to speak as she Luna shameful expression, before clearing her throat, "Th-then I suppose it was a good thing Celestia stopped you all those centuries ago?" She said nervously as Luna groaned and slumped on the floor, burying her face in her hands as she didn't think of those things that her plan to make an eternal night might have on the realm. Everyone turned and glared at Rarity for her failed attempted to lighten the situation.

Cadence approached her other aunt, sat down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Now Auntie Luna I know after that review of what could happen if Celestia didn't stop you is causing you some strife but as Wu and Misako taught me 'The past is the past.'." She said comfortingly.

"'And the Future,'' Misako continued.

"'Is the Future.'" Wu finished before helping Luna up to her feet and taking her hand, "We cannot change the past but we can learn from it to improve for the future Luna, and now there are people who do take the time to appreciate the night sky." Luna smiled and breathed out a sigh knowing what he said was true.

"You are right Wu, and I am greatly indebted to you six for saving me and having me see all those who truly adore my night." Luna gestured to the Mane 6 as Twilight smiled warmly, Pinkie gave a toothy grin, Rarity flipped her hair, Applejack tipped her hat, Fluttershy blushed as played with her hair and Rainbow smiled cockily.

"So after you freed Princess Luna here, You used the elements again to turn the Captain of chaos into a statue over here," Kai said gesturing to Discord, who appear next to him in a Pirate costume, startling him.

"'Captain of Chaos'? Heh, I like that! Ooh, I got write that down." Discord said pulling out a pen and paper, writing on it.

"So uh, Discord what's your story?" Cole asked the draconequus boy, as he turn to the earth Elemental. "Well since you asked Mr.Brookstone, I was just a boy born with the ability to bend reality to my will or rather in my case creating a fun filled land of chaos for me to enjoy but Apparently Celly and Lully didn't know how to have a good time and decided it would be fun to turn me into a lawn ornament! How rude!" He scowled before turning his back to Luna.

"You were making equines suffer because of your nonsense and disharmony." Luna argued, stepping up to the master of Chaos, "Not my fault if some people can't take a joke!" He rebutted, the two immortals soon got in each others faces before Fluttershy got in between them, "Princess, Discord please, It's not healthy to hold a grudge." She pleaded, but the two merely humphed and turned away from each other as she merely sighed.

"Well getting back on topic. Defeating Discord wasn't exactly a walk in the park," Rainbow spoke up, " He put us through this crazy maze and stripping us of our wings and horns."

"Well I couldn't have you cheat your way to victory, now could I." Discord said innocently.

"Well it certainly help that he turned us into the opposite side of ourselves." Rarity put in.

"AND that he got you to think some giant rock was a big honest to goodness diamond?" Sweetie Belle smirked as Rarity looked to her in shock.

"WHAT?!" Nya and Kai said before everyone started laughing except for Rarity who just stood fuming with a red face of anger and embarrassment.

"HAHA!!! You've seen how much you protected 'Tom' while you were under Discord's Spell!" Twilight laughed to Rarity.

Jay looked to Rarity struggling to even talk, "S-seriously you-you, you called a giant rock 'TOM'?!" He asked and started laughing even harder, "Oh that is just rich!"

Applejack then joined the conversation, "Oh yeah she did, She wouldn't even go inside the library without that rock!"

Rarity groaned, "Yes that all did happened and I thought me and my friends agreed never to speak of that part of our quest again." She then scowled at the Mane 6.

Twilight eventually calmed down and spoke, "but thanks to Princess Celestia, I managed to break us free of Discord's spell and we managed to turn Discord back into stone." She then frowned, " But then a few months later Princess Celestia asked us-well mostly Fluttershy-to reform him, believing he could use his Chaos power for good instead of evil." Discord then glanced at her annoyingly.

"You make it sound like it was a bad thing." He said to the Alicorn girl.

Master Wu then stroked his beard and spoke, "Actually what Celestia suggested doesn't sound all that strange, from what my father had taught me and what I taught each of you no element is truly good nor evil, it all depends on the person who wields it." He gestured to the Ninja as they remember they met a couple of evil elemental masters.

Nya thought on this and decided to join the conversation, " And when you think about Chaos is just as important as in the world as order is, as Misaké once said 'without one you cannot have the other'." She said, "As Darkness is need to balance out Light, Chaos and Disorder is need to balance Order and Harmony."

"Yeah if everything was just order and peace it would be totally boring with absolutely nothing to do." Jay put in.

"I guess when you think about without a little chaos in life it's wouldn't be any fun at all," Rainbow admitted, knowing for a fact she enjoyed the unexpected.

Discord then poofed up in between them and wrapped his arms around them, "Thank you! It gives me such joy to see people who see the importance of chaos!" He said as he hugged them while they struggled to break free. Discord then noticed that Fluttershy looked at little jealous of him hugging Rainbow, so he smirked and let go of her & Jay and teleported over to his girlfriend and gave her a hug, "Oh Fluttershy, hasn't anyone told you that, jealousy isn't a good look for you." Fluttershy blushed.

"Maybe." She mumbled.

"Well I prefer a 'Kind and understanding' Fluttershy over a 'Jealous and mean' Fluttershy anyday." Discord reassured her and the timid pegasus giggled and returned the hug. The others in the room either looking either, disturbed, confused or they were smiling in admiration, amusement or adoration.

"I find it weird how someone like you would become a couple with guy like Discord, Fluttershy." Nya said.

"Believe me, sugarcube, it still confuses us too." Applejack told her, putting her hands behind her head.

"What can I? I like shy girls."Discord said stroking Fluttershy's cheek as she giggled and took her turn to speak, "And he's actually quite the big softy once you get to know him," She then gave the chaotic young man a big hug as he blushed with a goofy grin on his face while everyone else chuckle in amusement. However Twilight glances over to the side sadly, still wishing she had someone to love and would love her as well. Sunset noticed her soul-sister downcasted expression and gave her a surprise side hug, Twilight glanced over to the fiery haired unicorn girl as she her a wink of encouragement and smiled at her in thanks.

Then at that moment everyone turned to the sound of the doors opening and walking in was Lloyd walked in to the throne room with a small smile on his face. The Ninja moved to greet their leader while Twilight slightly glared with suspicion at the young master. "Hey, so how'd go with the princess and what were you two talking about." Kai asked.

"It went well, and as for what we were talking about well um," Lloyd rubbed his arm unsure of how tell his brothers and sister that he and Celestia were talking about his father. Misako noticed her son's hesistantion and walked over to him giving him a hug, "Don't worry Lloyd, I know one day he will return to us." she whispered to him as his eyes widened but then he closed them and return his mother's hug. The others smiled as Wu nodded his head in pride, then Jay looked outside the window and Noticed something.

"Uh guys? You might wanna look at the sky." He said as everyone looked outside and saw the blue sky had turned yellow and orange meaning one thing, "AHH! How'd it get so late?!" Applejack screamed and turned to the others, "We gotta get back home!".

"But how?" Rarity asked, "From the look of the sky, the last train to Ponyville left an hour ago." The Mane 7, Spike and CMCs were starting to worry how were they gonna back home now? Lloyd then got an idea and whispered it to the others. Soon they all started think about it.

"Hmm, that not a bad idea," Kai admitted.

"Yeah, Might actually be fun." Jay agreed.

"And it has been awhile since we've done that as group." Nya added.

"That's assuming the girls are willing to try it." Cole reminded them.

"I don't see that they have any other likely options." Zane pointed out.

"Then if we're all agreed, let's fly." Lloyd announced. The Ninja turned to their new equestrian friends, "Girls, Flash, and Spike I think we got a way to get you all home." The girls were surprised by this, but Scootaloo was the only one who, "Well what is it?" She asked.

"I think it's better if we show you," Lloyd said before turning to the other Equestrians, "Anyone else like to join us?" Cadence and Shining shook their heads.

"Sorry but we had to talked with Celestia about something important but because of everything that's happened we had to postpone it to tomorrow," Cadence answered before she walked up to Twilight and gave her hug, "I hope we can finally meet under much happier circumstances." She joked as she and Twilight giggled.

"Me too Cadence," Twilight agreed as they broke their hug, then she walked over to her big brother and gave him a hug to, "Take care of yourself BBBFF." She then heard a chorus of 'huh's and turned to see confusion on the faces of the Ninjas.

She rolled her eyes and spoke, "It means Big Brother Best Friend Forever." She ended each word by moving her hands like splitting some up.

"Ohh." The Ninja said now getting her nickname for her brother, "Don't worry guys, none of us got it either." Sunset reassured them.

"Wait, then let me guess, Shining Armor calls you Little Sister Best Friend Forever or rather LSBFF?" Nya said rhetorically. As Shining and Twilight looked at her with surprise and she groaned, "You do, don't you?" And Shining nodded. "Alright I'm out of here. I'll be in the Castle courtyard if you're all ready to leave." with that the water ninja left the throne room.

"The courtyard?" Rarity asked raising an eyebrow, The Ninja just waved saying they'll find out while Twilight and Shining shared a goodbye hug, "Hope to see you soon Twiliy." Shining said before the two siblings separated. Fluttershy then turned to her boyfriend, "Care to join us Discord?" She asked but Discord shook his head.

"Thank you my dear Fluttershy, but I'll just snap travel back to Ponyville," He started before pointed to the others, "And before you ask, no I will not transport us all back that just ruin this chapter's length especially with that lame and short description of your cutie marks and your adventures, Anyways, ciao!" He Then gave Fluttershy a quick peck on the lips and teleported back to her cottage. Everyone just looked in confusion to what the Master of Chaos just said but shrugged it off thinking he was trying to be silly and left to meet Nya in the courtyard. Before they all left Lloyd turned to his Uncle and Mom.

"You two coming with us?" He asked as they shook their head. "We will rejoin you in Ponyville in the morning, we have some catching up to do with the Celestia and Luna here." Wu said gesturing to Luna as the two of shared a small smile before something came to Luna's attention.

"By the way young Master Garmadon, where is Tia?" She asked the Green clad boy as merely shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, Celestia just told me to go on ahead while she had business to attend to, whatever that means." He answered as Twilight gasped and zipped over to Lloyd pointing a finger in his face while glaring, "That's Princess Celestia to you mister! And if I were you I'd show some-" But before she could finished lecturing him, she was grabbed by the shoulder, spun around and met the angry gaze of Misako and just like that her own anger vanished on the spot.

"What were you just saying to my son, your Majesty? Because I certainly hope it was something compassionate and understanding if you were." Misako said as Twilight shoke with fear, knowing an angry mother was not something you want to mess around with. Lloyd however looked at his mother in astonishment as he never seen her act like this before.

He was brought of his awe when Twilight made a nervous smile and patted his shoulder, "Um, uh what I meant was that's, um very interesting Master Lloyd and please excuse my earlier outburst." She said doing a quick curtsey and walked over to her friends and the Ninja, who were snickering and holding smug grins on their faces. She glared at them and said through gritted teeth, "Not. One. Word."

Lloyd turned to looked at his mom as she smiled confidently while Wu and Luna were slightly chuckling, "Uh thanks for the save mom." Misako just nodded her head to say your welcome.

"Anyways we'll see you two tomorrow." He then turned to leave but not before Misako spoke again, "Aren't you gonna kiss your mom goodbye?" She teased as Lloyd stopped dead in tracks and his cheeks turned bright red and while the other laughed at his embarrassment he slapped his hand over his face.

"Mom! We talked about this!" Lloyd groaned and turned to his mother but Misako just smiled held out her arms as if she was expecting Lloyd to her a goodbye kiss. Lloyd groaned as he remembered what happened the last time he decided not to give his mom a goodbye kiss. Not wanting to get possessed again or anything else he decide to swallow his pride, walked back to his mom and gave her a quick hug and peck on the cheek, "Happy now?" he asked while the girls tried hard not giggle and coo at the cute son and mother moment as Misako smiled smugly and cupped his cheek.

"Yes, I am." she answered and gave him a quick cheek kiss too, "Just for good luck, enjoy the trip back Lloyd." She said as Lloyd groaned and walked back to his friends looking smugly at him.

"Not. One. Word." He echoed Twilight's words from earlier as the Ninja, Mane 7, CMCs and Spike all started walking out of the throne room but not before Flash and Sunset gave their own goodbye kiss.

"Anyways I'm sure you guys are wondering how we're gonna get you all back home." The Mane 7 nodded in confirmation as Lloyd smiled, "Well to answer your question, let me ask you girls one: Have you ever ridden a Dragon before?" Whatever was said after that was not heard as door of the throne room was closed leaving, Flash, Cadence, Shining, Wu, Luna and Misako while the adult couldn't help but wonder what sort of business Celestia was doing at the moment. They were so deep in thought that none of the noticed that outside the window two black and white specks clashing were through the sky in the distance.

What they didn't know was that while they were wondering about Celestia, she was currently battling her former friend/brother and Evil lord Garmadon in a remote forest clearing. The two circled each other, keeping a grip on each of their weapons, waiting for the other to make the first move. Garmadon then spoke while he and Celestia continued to circle, "You may as well just give up Tia! I'm the superior warrior here, I taught you every move and ability you know and your little sister isn't here to save your hide this time." he declared but Celestia did not waver at his boasts, "No but neither is your brother Garmadon, and she and I have learned many things since we last met."

"Well I'll be sure to visit Luna and Wu next and see what they've learned," He then stopped walking and crouched down as Celestia prepared for him to attack, "But only after I destroy YOU!" He shouted jumped up and smashed his staff into the ground. Celestia managed to dodge and started jabbing her spear at him multiple times. Garmadon dodged and blocked her every blow but was still being pushed back so he decided to start striking back. Before long sparks were flying as the two clashed their weapon over and over again, but soon Celestia started panting.

"What's the matter sister? Running of steam already? Seems sitting on a throne for all these years has made you weak." Garmadon mocked as Celestia just growled, unfurled her wings and rocketed over to him, her spear held back and once she got close she swung it forward, knocking the staff out of the dark lord's hands and pushing him back a couple of feet. Garmadon so shocked that he didn't have time to block and avoid Celestia landing a couple of punches and kicks on him. He soon started shaking in pain with two of his arms clutching the spots where Celestia inflicted the most pain as she pointed her spear at his face while baring a confident smirk, "Well clearly you haven't heard of 'playing possum' brother."

Garmadon just returned her smirk with his own, "The benevolent Princess Celestia resorting to playing dead, how deliciously deceptive of you," He said before his smirk turned more devious as Celestia's eyes widen when she notice a purple glow from his hands, "But unfortunately for you it's not enough!" He then blasted her a couple of meters away through some trees, He then grabbed his staff and charged at the princess yelling in determination. Celestia opened her eyes just in time to see Garmadon grabbing her by the neck collar of her shirt and grunted in pain as he knocked her upwards with his staff. While Celestia was airborne Garmadon used his lower hands as thrusters to fly up to her and ready to strike.

Celestia managed regain control of herself and block Garmadon attack. The pushed hard determined to knock the other out of the sky. Soon they started zooming all over the sky clashing but since Garmadon was flying because of his powers his soon exhausted himself much faster as he struggled to keep up with the alicorn women, soon enough of his strength had been used up, for Celestia to gain the upper hand on him and swung her spear down sending him hurtling back down to the ground. She dived after him and even as he was falling towards the ground Garmadon did not give up, "Oh so you want to take a piece of me on the way down, do you?! Well then come get and me!" He shouted as Celestia continued to dive straight for him. Once she got close enough she grabbed Garmadon by the shoulders with both of her hands as he grabbed her shoulders and waist with all four of his arms. The two started spinning like a wheel as they kept a firm grip on each other while they were still falling trying to make the other break their fall.

Soon they impacted the ground creating a medium size crater then they rolled away from each other by a few meters. Garmadon stood gripping his staff while Celestia struggled to stand, using her spear to help pull herself up all while her back was turned. "Just how long do you think you can endure against me, Tia?" He demanded before Celestia turned him looking more determined than ever, "Long enough to beat the evil out of you and leave you, lying face flat in the ground!" She hollered before whipping her spear again and the two charged at one another again.

Garmadon moved to the side just before Celestia collided with him. Celestia confusion by why he dodged her soon turned into shock when suddenly she felt him grab her from behind by her long rainbow hair, "Ooh, the hair!" She strained before Garmadon lifted her over his shoulder embedding her face first in the ground, "Ooh, the face." He then tossed her into a boulder. For while Celestia thought she saw three Garmadon coming at her. But she shook her head few times, glaring at the one Garmadon and charged

The two masters exchanged blows and clashes, speeding all over the field, only being able to be seen for a split second when make a few big clashes before they zip off and start trading blows over again. Before long, elemental energy starts surrounding each of them. purple and black fiery energy surrounds Garmadon while gold and white sparkly energy surrounds Celestia. The energy started swirling around them like leaves blowing in a storm as they clashed once more, they then swap their weapons and start striking over and over again until eventually they both knock the weapons out of their hands and pushing them back a couple feet away from each other simultaneously. Garmadon's Staff became embedded in a rock and Celestia's spear ended up stuck in a tree trunk.

Once they regained their barring they glared at each other, reared themselves back, brought their hands together as purple energy built up in Garmadon's hands and gold energy build up in Celestia's and both release a barrage of Elemental energy blasts. The Elemental blasts collided creating small explosions that illuminated the entire area around them. Eventually though they began to lose energy Celestia more than Garmadon since she was as combat experienced as him. However Garmadon wasn't faring better, usually when fighting he absorbed the attacks of his opinions to increase his strength and stamina, but now while absorbing Celestia's power, he felt the energy course through his body but in his mind he felt something weakening while something else was trying to break free from it. It felt familiar, like he felt somewhere before, but the last time he felt this feeling was-

"NINJAAAAAAA-GO!!!", He was then brought out of his thoughts when a white, green, blue and violet tornado crashed right into him. he was knocked into a large tree and slid down it to the ground. He felt whatever was trying to break free in his get stronger and what was holding it back grow weaker. He then saw the Spinjitzu Tornado coming at him again Garmadon then used his, Spinjitzu tornado was Dark purple, and Black with violet lightning bolts and embers. The two tornado collided with each other creating shockwaves that blew most of the leaves out of their trees. As the two continued to clash they locked punches and kicks with one another. Eventually Celestia grew tired again and Garmadon used this opening to land a powerful kick to Celestia's midsection, knocking the wind out of her, cutting her spinjitzu off and sending her bouncing across the field. She skidded to a halt and falling to her knees. She tries to stand but her knees buckles falls again, coughing.

Garmadon stopped his Spinjitzu and stomped over to the downed Princess as she tries to take to the air but she was too stunned to take flight. She looked up just in time to see the evil lord grab her throat lifting her off the ground up to his eye level with his top left hand. Celestia glared at dark man even through he was strangling her, "Ha, ha. Well it seems you've grown soft since we last meant, Tia," Garmadon chuckled and in his top right hand a purple ethereal blade appeared aimed right her heart. "But now little sister, I believe now we should bring this duel to its end." He then drew the dagger back ready to dig it into Celestia's chest. Celestia just looked at him knowing somewhere deep down in this monstrous form he was still the man who help her become the alicorn she was today and who she saw as the big brother she never had. Even though every cell in her body was telling her that it was hopeless she still had to try.

"Garmadon, please. I know this isn't who you are, you can still change back to who once were." She pleaded.

Garmadon merely scoffed, "As I told my son that is mere youthful ignorance." He retorted increasing his grip on her neck, "People don't truly change. Only reveal who they really are and THIS is who I really am!"

"No. This is just a shadow of what you once were. Twilight has given the proof of what I've always believed in: that all people young and old can change for the better." Celestia argued, before her expression softened, "Garmadon tell me honestly, is this what you really want? To push away everyone you love? Wu, Misako, Luna, me,...Lloyd?"

Garmadon's glare weaken slightly at the mention of Lloyd, "I, I-I," He hesitated as grip on his blade and on Celestia.

The princess saw this and also saw that the real Garmadon was slowly but surely returning. She then realized that she had to keep pushing, "Listen to your heart Garmadon, it's telling you to stand by the people you care about. To serve this realm not as its master but as its protector. The realm need the real you, your family needs the real you," She then surprised him by touching his cheek. He then looked at her seeing tears in her eyes, " I need the real you."

Garmadon merely gave a dark chuckle, "Oh Celestia if you think words will help you win this battle I'm afraid you are sorely mista-" He stopped when felt something in his mind snap. He then saw not Celestia but a young Alicorn girl with light pink hair, a white horn and pair ears and violet eyes for few seconds before she shifted back to Celestia. He felt like he had no control over what he was doing when he looked down and pulled a photograph of Lloyd wearing a green jacket & blue jeans and standing next to him was an old man with gray hair, a black robe with white sleeves and green sash tied around his waist fastened by a gold buckle. That old man was in fact himself with his son few days after the Overlord's second defeat.

He then gritted his teeth, screwed his eyes shut and grabbed his head with his top arms and dropped his photo on the ground and let go of Celestia as he felt whatever was trapped inside him that was now free began to wrestle with his mind. As Celestia rubbed her sore neck she watch as Garmadon gripped his head tightly as if he was the world's most powerful headache.

What she didn't know was that Garmadon was seeing things, memories speeding through his mind. He saw the moments where he trained with Wu under their father, meeting Celestia and Luna, teaching them along with some others in the art of Spinjitzu, when he first met Misako, sending her his (or rather Wu's) love letter, dating her, fighting alongside the elemental alliance in the serpentine war, facing off against Krux and Acronix with the time blades, Celestia and Luna's Coronation in Equestria, fighting alongside Wu in the Realm of Madness, Saving Lloyd in the volcano, destroying the Great Devourer, being free from the darkness, training his own pupils, helping Lloyd find his balance, facing off against Clouse, sacrificing himself to stop Chen and when he saw Lloyd one last time in the Cursed Realm.

But the most powerful memory of all was when he saw his wife resting in a hospital bed, her hair disheveled and her eyes begging for rest but she wore a heartwarming smile as looked down at the small bundle in her arms. She passed it to him and as he held it protectively, he glanced down and saw a small but beautiful baby boy with soft blonde hair sleeping peacefully. When he woke up he looked at his daddy with his gorgeous emerald eyes, laughed with joy and reached for daddy's hands.

He heard himself chuckle at the baby and as he reached to hold the little one's hands he heard himself say,

"Welcome to our world, my Son. I promise I won't let anything happen to you...Lloyd."

He remembered. The promise. The promise that he made that he would let anything happen to Lloyd. For him to have the chance in life that he himself never had. But Garmadon now realized that he did have a choice, a choice here and now to change into a better man, the man he wanted to be, that he NEEDED to be. For himself and his family. The family he loved, his brother, sisters, wife, friends and students.

And above all else his son.

Garmadon eye shot right open and released a powerful scream into the sky that rang out across the forest, "RRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" then erupting from his mouth black and purple elemental energy scattered all over the place. Celestia once she regained her barings stepped back in horror as she watched her brother spewed out dark energy out of him as his eyes glowed a bloody red.

The energy stopped after a few minutes and then he collapsed on the ground. Celestia just stood there cautiously thinking that Garmadon was merely playing dead. Eventually she took a deep breath and stepped closer to him, "Garmadon?" She called but instead of answering Garmadon got up slowly and shakily but still kept his towards the ground. Getting nervous, Celestia spoke again, "Brother, are you in there?"

After a few suspenseful moments Garmadon looked up at her with his red eyes and with unreadable expression before turned, grabbed his spear bounded across the forest, "Wait!" Celestia called but Garmadon was too far to hear her. Though downtrodden that her brother was gone and possibly not back to himself, Celestia just took a deep breath and made a small smile "One day big brother. One day we will be reunited again."

She then picked up her spear and took off once her wings felt flight worthy again. 'Luna's gonna want a long explanation.' She thought as flew back to Canterlot but before she left she failed noticed six creatures flying over head.

"Whoo-hoo!!!" Pinkie cheered, raising her arms in the air as she rode on the back Jay's elemental Lightning dragon while it roared. "Ho-ho-ho You haven't seen anything yet! Hold on Whoo-hoo!" Shouted Jay, as he and Pinkie laughed with joy and excitement as the dragon did all kinds of tricks.

After meeting with Nya in the courtyard the ninja showed them that they were going home via dragon riding. They all had different reactions to the dragons : Rainbow, Pinkie and Scootaloo beamed with excitement, Sunset, Applejack, Applebloom and Spike looked with interest, Twilight was simply in awe and slack-jawed that the ninja could create living creatures out of pure energy and outta thin air, however Rarity, Sweetie belle and Fluttershy were rather hesitant or afraid to ride such beasts.

But after some encouragement from their friends they all hopped onto the Dragons. Rainbow and Scootaloo rode with Kai on his Fire dragon. Pinkie rode on the Lightning dragon with Jay, Rarity and Sweetie Belle rode on the Water dragon of Nya. On Cole's Earth dragon, Applejack and Applebloom rode with him. For Fluttershy Zane and his Ice dragon. Finally Spike and Twilight rode on the back of Lloyd's Energy dragon, though Twilight was reluctant to ride with Lloyd, Sunset managed to convince him.

By the time they all took off the dusk turned into night as they all flew toward Ponyville. Along the way the Mane 7, Spike and CMCs took the time to enjoy the ride. Some more then others.

"Yeehaw! Getta along little doggy!" Applejack shouted, waving her hat in the air as the Earth dragon did a barrel roll. "Yahoo! This is fun!" Apple Bloom cheered as she infront of Cole in between his legs.

"Ha-ha! if you thought that was good, then hang on, this is gonna be a wild ride!" Cole declared and tightened his grip on the rains. Applejack looked at Cole with some admiration, She was impressed by his honest and responsible attitude from what she learned from the stories of his and the other Ninja's adventures especially during the time when Master Wu went missing before their fight the S.O.G. She also admitted to herself that his strength was also impressive, almost as great as her own, in fact the only one who matched her in strength was her big brother Big Macintosh. This along with his personality made a warm fuzzy feeling, one she had pretty good guess was. While she told her friends she wasn't interested in finding a boyfriend but now after meeting Cole she was starting to reconsider.

With a small smile Applejack surprised Cole by wrapped her arms around him. He then looked over his shoulder seeing her looking at him with half-opened eyes, "Oh don't you worry sugarcube, I'm holding on tight." She said in tone that brought a slight blush to his face, so he turned from her and focused on flying while he heard her giggle out a laugh he found kinda cute. When Cole saw firsthand how strong Applejack was he had to admit she was pretty strong for young women, almost as strong as him. Plus her hardworking, can-do attitude was something he found attractive along with the cowboy hat she wore. He made it clear to the guys he wasn't into romance after what happened with Nya and Jay during the perfect match incident. Still seeing Applejack smile at him like that made him question if he should change his mind. He was thankful that Applebloom was in front of him and shorter so she couldn't see the red on his cheeks when he looked at her green eyes.

But as he looked into her eyes he could also sense that her responsibility personality came from a very shocking and painful event, similar to him after She was gone. He decided not to ask about until the time came or at least until Applejack was more comfortable with talking about it with him.

Meanwhile on the Water dragon a certain Fashionista wasn't having as much fun as her friends, "Oh dear. E-easy now darling, not so fast." Rarity mumbled clutching onto Nya's middle tightly not wanting to fall off. Sweetie on the other hand wasn't as afraid but more curious as she saw the world a way she never imagined of seeing. "Wow, it's so beautiful up here, you can see everything from this height." She said taking in the beauty of the realm at night.

"Yeah it is," Nya agreed as she always a moonlight flight on her dragon. But she couldn't enjoy it full because of the pressure on stomach. she then glanced over her shoulder to look at the teenage unicorn squeezing her, "Rarity I think we feel alot better if you loosen that ironclad grip on stomach a little, please?" She asked as Rarity noticed she was squeezing Nya quite tightly. Blushing in embarrassment she loosened her grip.

"Ahem, my apologies Nya but after a little incident at Cloudsdale I'm exactly use to extremely high heights," She reasoned as Sweetie Belle snickered at her big sister fear of heights she developed after she fell from the sky during the 'Best Young Flyers' competition after showing off her butterfly wings. Nya made a small smirk wanting to hear that story some time later once they got to Ponyville, "Well don't worry Rarity you could have it worse. You've been riding with them." Nya pointed upwards as a red dragon zoomed over them with multi-color haired girl riding in the back.

"This!" Rainbow started with a wide Grin on her face.

"Is." Scootaloo added with a smile similar to her adoptive sister as Kai made his dragon do a triple loop-da-loop.

"AWESOME!!!" They both finished in unison and laughed as the Fire dragon did it's third loop-da-loop. "This totally rocks! How do you guys make these awesome dragons just appear out of nowhere?" Rainbow asked Kai who just smirked.

"All it takes is facing your fears, combined with your elemental powers and Presto! You got an elemental dragon!" Kai shouted as he pulled back the rains making the dragon roar out a stream of fire.

"So cool! And wow! It feels like I'm actually flying!" Scootaloo exclaimed happily as she held out her arms like she was a airplane. Kai meanwhile looked at her with confusion, "Why do say that? Your pegasus aren't you? Can't you just fly on your own?" he asked but instead of answering Scootaloo just looked down sadly. Seeing this Rainbow decided to answer for her.

"Actually, Scootaloo has a little trouble flying, most kids her age can fly just find but she still can't for some reason." Rainbow explained, as Kai looked a little surprise before glancing over to the purple haired girl feeling sorry for her, knowing that being the only one of your kind who couldn't do what they could best sounded pretty tough. Deciding to offer some encouragement Kai ruffled Scootaloo's hair and said, "Hey don't worry Scoots, if you just have patiences I'm sure those flight feathers will grow in, in no time." Scootaloo smiled taking his words to heart, she just had to wait for her wings to become flight ready which she hoped wouldn't be too long.

However while she was thinking about her future in flying Kai was thinking, 'Wow, way to sound like a hypocrite, Mr.Rush in first ask questions later.' He knew that telling someone else to be patient was kinda funny considering he wasn't very patient himself.

Meanwhile with on the Ice dragon Fluttershy had her eyes screwed shut and clutching on to Zane tightly not daring to look at the ground, "Ohmygoodness,Ohmygoodness,Ohmygoodness!" She whimpered feeling scared to the core of riding on the back of this mighty beast. Zane on the other hand being a robot wasn't really bother that Fluttershy was practically trying to squeeze him to death but rather felt concerned about his passenger. So reached a hand back to grab her's soothingly, it got her to look at him smiling with comfort, "Do not worry Fluttershy. As long as you hold onto me securely you will be alright." he said as Fluttershy smiled seeing Zane despite being a robot was a lot more human than most other real people.

"Thank you Zane." She said sweetly, and relaxed her grip on him but still kept it secure as they continued to fly.

Finally leading the way Riding the green Energy Dragon of Lloyd, was Spike riding in front of Lloyd between his legs, Twilight behind Lloyd and Sunset riding behind Twilight. Spike looked down at the ground and spoke, "This is a amazing. I still can't believe we're actually riding on the back of dragon."

Sunset looked around as well "Me too. I read in the book at canterlot, saying that dragon either went extinct or just left Equestria to somewhere else. I'm guessing it was mostly likely the latter, right Lloyd?" She asked him, as Lloyd nodded and continued to steer the dragon, "Yup most of the dragons returned to their birthplace in the First Realm, while some of the others stayed in Ninjago like our old Dragons." He explained gaining Twilight's attention.

"You had other dragons?" She asked.

"Yup, There was Flame, Kai's old fire dragon, Wisp, Jay's former lightning dragon, Then Shard, Zane's old Ice dragon and last but not least Rocky, Cole's former earth dragon." He chuckled remembering that Cole and Rocky had the closest relationship compared to the others, "Sometime after the Hypnobrai kicked me out, the dragons were starting to molt their scales and had to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their Transformation." He explained.

"The 'Spirit Coves'?" Spike asked.

"It's a nesting grown for dragons who lay their eggs and where they go to undergo their transformation from adolescents to adults, and boy was it a transformation," Lloyd explained recalling what happened to the dragons, "When we saw them again it was during our battle with the Great Devourer. Me and Nya were seconds away from becoming snake food when they showed up at the last second to save us. We then saw that when the four of them reached adulthood they became a giant, white, four-headed Dragon. We then named him Ultra because he was just that an Ultra dragon. And with Ultra's help we were able to destroy the Devourer and stop a bunch of other bad guys as well!"

"Wow that all sounds amazing but if this Ultra really is all that, then where is he?" Sunset asked as Lloyd formed a sad smile, "Well sometime after our first victory against the Overlord, Ultra and I saved a village from some serpentine stragglers trying to loot it. But after we did Ultra went back to the Spirit Coves, I knew right there and then he was feeling homesick and missing the other dragons. So I decided to release him and let him go back to the First Realm. I just hope he's happy where ever he is." He said before looking up to the sky almost hearing his old friend's roar.

Twilight looked at him a little unsure what to feel. She could defintely tell that Lloyd loved this Ultra dragon and because of that he wanted him to be happy over him being happy. 'Maybe I was wrong about him. But shouldn't give my entire trust until I'm certain. she thought still feeling like he was hiding something. She was brought out of her thoughts when she noticed a familiar looking town up ahead, "Hey look Ponyville! Were almost there!" She said as the other three noticed the upcoming town. But they also noticed something else, something unusual floating in the sky just on the outskirts of the town. It looked like an Island with a fancy looking temple on it. "Is that a...floating temple?" Twilight asked in confusion as the other girls were saying their own things about the island but Lloyd and the rest of Ninja immedity reconized it.

"What?! No way!" Lloyd said as Spike, Sunset and Twilight looked at him with confusion. "What? Do you know that island?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, I do! Guys, head for the Temple of Airjitzu!" He called to the others as they all speed up their dragons. the Equestrians all yelped at the sudden increase in speed as they all headed for this Temple of Airjitzu.

Author's Note:

Well There you have it folks the latest chapter of My little Ninjago.

And Boy did we get see a lot.

First off the Ninja and The Mane 7 traded stories and then made their way back to Ponyville. Meanwhile Celestia and Garmadon had a big battle where Garmadon almost finished our beloved sun princess off if he hadn't hesistanted that second. Tell in the comments below what you think will happen when we see Garmadon again.

Finally the Ninja and Mane 7 ride back to Ponyville Elemental Dragon style! I didn't like how the Ninjago series cutted the dragons and Airjitzu out just because they didn't want the Ninja to be more powerful, So I decide to bring the dragons back and yes all you airjitzu lovers Airjitzu will be making a comeback but not just yet. Sorry.:trollestia:

Anyways I think I should let you all know that for the moment I'm going to be working on the next chapter for Flash of Love but I will return to this just as soon as I post it. so don't worry

Next the The Ninja and the Mane 7 have a bit of Slumber party in a former haunted temple and to end it all off before we move on to the 2nd volume we will not only reveal the first OC of this story but also get a sneakpeek of an old friend to the Ninja who was proclaimed dead but not anymore.

Tell in the comments who you think this old friend could be.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.