• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,396 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 1 Chapter 2: Elements vs Elements!

Chapter 2: Elements vs Elements!

Inside Canterlot Castle Twilight and her friends slowly began to regain their vision. When they reopened their eyes they saw the broken pieces of glass everywhere but now sign of that strange vortex in the sky but they were relieved that it was gone and that their was not too much damage. Twilight soon got onto her feet, dusted herself off and than turned to her friends. "Is everyone OK?" she asked.

"I'm good." Sunset said getting back up.

"Eeyup." Applejack answered putting her hat back on.

"I think so." Rainbow replied shaking her head to get out any cobwebs still in it.

"Me as well." Rarity announced dusting hair off.

"That was so scary." Fluttershy whimpered still on her knees and her hands on her cheeks.

"WHEEEE! that was fun! can we do it again?!" Pinkie shouted bouncing up and down. She got her answer when her friends shot her looks that screamed 'Forget it Pinkie!' and she giggled and smiled sheepishly. "Ahem!" Twilight clearing her throat. "Now that whatever that was over we should-"





She was interrupted when she heard Spike along three other voices rushing down the hallway. the girls were CMCs, (Cutie Mark Crusaders) they were around Spike's age and were three of the Elements of Harmony's little sisters. The first girl was a Terran, she Applejack's little sister Applebloom. She had long red hair and tail with a pink bow on her head, reddish orange eyes a green shirt, blue jeans and yellow & red boots.

Following her was a unicorn girl named Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister. her hair and tail was a combination of light and dark purple with a magenta headband, she had bright green eyes and a short white horn. And was wearing a waist long magenta coat underneath a white and light pink dress with a yellow knee-high skirt and magenta boots with yellow straps.

And the last girl was pegasus and was Rainbow Dash's surrogate sister Scootaloo. She dark magenta hair, purple eyes and a pair of small orange wings on her back, she wore a black hoodie with elbow length sleeves with aqua teal edges and a matching armband on right arm, she also had military green shorts with knots on the ends and black knee high boots and teal socks.

Spike and the CMCs all ran to each of their respectable sister and hugged them (albeit Scootaloo was a bit reluctant) and they hugged them back. Rarity was the first to speak.

"Sweetie Belle, Spike, girls what in Equestria is wrong? Are you ok?" She than checked her sister for any damage on her or her clothes much to Sweetie Belle Ire.

"We're fine sis but we were ya'll." Applebloom answered as she hugged Applejack tightly and her big sister returned it with just as much love. "Yeah when that storm came out of nowhere we were worried you didn't make it." Spike said as Twilight reassured them that they were fine.

"Oh yes it would be absolutely terrible if my favorite lady and friends were gone with the wind."

A mysterious male voice rang through the hall but everyone merely sighed and/or rolled their eyes as they knew who it was. "Alright Discord you come out now." an annoyed Twilight said.

Then appearing in flash was boy slightly older then the Mane 7 with grayish brown skin, black wild hair, big white eyebrows and small goatee, Yellow and red eyes, a single fang in his mouth, he wore a brown vest, a white dress shirt, a dark brown short sleeve tailed-jacket with a blue spotted flower on left side, a white scarf with red circular jewel in a gold ring, tan brown dress pants, A brown right shoe, a green dragon left foot, a dark purple right bat wing, a blue left bird wing, a right yellow lion's paw, a left yellow eagle claw, a deer antler on the right side of his head, a goat horn on the left side of his head and had a crimson Asian dragon tail with white spines and hair at the end. this young man was infact a former enemy turned ally of the Mane 7, and Fluttershy boyfriend; Discord the Lord of Chaos who currently had a sour look on his at the new princess.

"Oh Twilight Sparkle your just as no fun as Celly and Lulu. The least you could give a good friend a decent hello." Discord said as he crossed his arms clearly feeling insulted.

"That was a little rude of you Twilight." Fluttershy said in defense of her boyfriend. as Discord than teleported next her and then dipped her.

"Why thank you for coming to my aid my lovely little butterfly, I can always count on you." he said to her as Fluttershy giggled and blushed at the nickname while the others all had mixed reactions, Rarity, Pinkie, Applebloom and Sweetie belle aww'ed and giggled at the scene, Applejack and Sunset had bemused smirks, Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement (while feeling a bit envious of Fluttershy) and Spike, Scootaloo and Rainbow gagged at the display.

Twilight than approached Discord wanting to ask what his appearance was about "Alright Discord I apologize for the cold welcome but what are you even doing here?" she asked as Discord made a lounge chair appear with newspapers and glasses.

"Oh just thought I tell you that your BBBFF, Flash and the royal guard are fighting some colorful dress people in the city and decided to let you all in on the fun." he said casually as he read his news paper.

"WHAT?!?!" everyone in the hall said.


"Surrender now!" the captain said as he and the guards fought against the Ninja. One of the of guards who was fighting Kai had blue hair and tail, bright blue eyes, orangish yellow wings and gold armor with a blue shield with lighting bolt symbol on the chest plate. He was Flash Sentry Sunset Shimmer's boyfriend.

Lloyd was holding back against the captain because he knows that these men are royal guards meaning they tasked to protecting so he tried to explaining, "Listen to me, Captain Shining Armor was it? We don't mean any harm we're just a little lost." He while avoiding another thrust from Shining.

"Than why were you and your comrades carrying weapons?! No doubt trying to over throw the princesses!" Shining Armor shouted as he gave Lloyd a right hook to the stomach and knocked him to the ground. Lloyd glared back at the captain as he got up.

"Ok That it! No more playing nice! Let's see you take this! Ninjaaaaa-go!!!" He cried as he began to spin and then turned into a small green tornado with green energy sparks coming from it.

"What in Equestri-AAAAAAHHHH?!?!?!?!" Shining said but was cut off as he was pulled into it and from the inside Lloyd unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks on him and incredible speed.

The other Ninja seeing this nodded to each other smirking and then began to spin and turn into small tornadoes too, "Ninjaaaaa-go!!!" they cried as they spinned and turned into tornadoes as well, while the guards back away in surprise and confusion.Kai's was reddish orange with flames and embers, Jay's was Blue with lightning bolts, Cole's was dark brown with rocks and stones, Zane's was white and cyan with snowflakes and ice shards and Nya's was light blue with bubbles and globs of water. One by one the shocked guards got either sucked in or bash back onto the ground, The Ninja then ceased their spinning and stood before the groaning guards triumphantly.

"ugh..what in the world was that?" Flash asked struggling to get up but in no state to fight as the Ninja approached them. "That my blue haired friend was a little trick we Ninja like to call 'Spinjitzu'!" Kai said cockily as he and Nya fist bumped, Jay cheered, Cole pumped his fist in triumph and Zane Put his hands behind back and nodded while Lloyd kneeled before Shining Armor who glared at him unable to believe he got beat a teenage boy who could use a technique even he never seen or heard of before.

"Alright captain Armor now that we've all calm down would you and guards please listen to what we have to sa-ARGH!!!" Lloyd suddenly got blasted by a beam of magenta energy that cut him off and sent him tumbling a couple of feet away from the others. The other Ninja turned to see who cheap shot their leader but were surprise to see 7 teenage girls around their age that had colorful hair, tails, ears, horns and wings glaring at them. One of the had both wings and a horn and wearing a crown while her horn glowed a magenta aura so they guessed she shot Lloyd.

But before any of the could react the girl's horn glowed brighter and they were all surrounded by the same and they all yelped as they were lifted slightly off the ground and flunged right towards Lloyd, crashing into him and causing them pile on each other groaning. Lloyd pushed Jay and Zane off of him and looked to see one of the girls with red and yellow hair and a golden horn on her head guiding the guards elsewhere while other six got into fighting stances.

"Rarity you take the girl!" the girl with the lavender wings and horn said to the girl with the white horn and purple curly hair and tail.

"Understood darling." Rarity answered as she and Nya glared at each other while the other girl turned to the girl with cyan wings and rainbow colored hair and tail.

"Rainbow Dash you got the red one!" She declared.

"You got it Twilight!" Rainbow Dash reply as she raised her fists and flashed a cocky grin at Kai who gave a cocky grin back at her Twilight turned to the blonde haired and tailed girl with the cowboy hat who looked at Cole with interest.

"Applejack can you handled the black one?" Twilight asked her.

"You betcha sugarcube!" Applejack answered while cracking her knuckles and winked at Cole who blinked in surprise before looking determined again as Twilight turned to the girl with the puffy pink hair and tail.

"Pinkie Pie the blue one's yours!" Twilight said to her.

"Yes indeedily Twi!" Pinkie saluted and then growled like a dog at Jay who was slightly recoiled in fear as Twilight turned to the final girl with the long light pink hair and tail and yellow wings.

"And Fluttershy I want you to take the white one, ok?" she told Fluttershy as she twiddled her fingers while looking back & forth between the ground and Zane who just look confused.

"Um, uh okay I-I think so?" Fluttershy mumbled before gulping and then looking determined at Zane who got into a fighting position as Twilight stared down Lloyd and pointed to him.

"That just leaves you and me Greenie! Nobody hurts my BBBFF and gets away with it!" she declared while Lloyd was confused by the BBBFF statement but regained his composure as he readied themselves knowing a fight was impossible to avoid now. The Ninja decided to put their weapons away to even the odds a little as both sides glared at one another waiting for the right moment to make their move.

Then as a clock hand moved, a feather hit the ground and a unicorn took a sip of tea they charged, yelling. Applejack and Cole were caught in a grapple as both were determined to push the other onto their back. Cole surprised by the cowgirl's strength spoke, "Whoa! He-ha your pretty strong, I gotta admit I haven't met many people who are just as strong as me," he said with a smile and grunted as he was pushed back, "you must lift some crazy weights!" He then pushed her back!

Applejack smirked at his compliment and pushed him back, "Well your purty strong yourself big boy and comin' from someone whose a member of the hardest working family in Equestria that there means a lot." She commented as continued to push the black Ninja back while looking closely at his arm muscles.

"But ya ain't strong enough!" She said and continued to push him back.

Cole than pushed AJ back even harder causing her feet to slide across the ground then clenched fist and smirked at her, "Well cowgirl if you thought that was good, your gonna love this," he than surprised her when he punched his fists together and the green scar on his head started glowed and orangish yellow energy formed on his hands and arms making it look like his skin was splitting apart with lava coming out! "EARTH PUNCH!!!" he shouted as ran towards Applejack jumped up and pounded the ground cause it crack slightly. Applejack managed to back flip and dodge the punch and landed a few feet away from Cole, she then gave a low whistle and readjusted her hat while looking to him.

"Well I be!" She said walking backing to him,"That a mighty powerful punch you got there sugarcube. But let's if it take a kick from old 'Bucky McGillicuddy' and 'Kicks McGee'!" She shook her legs to empathizes her point.

"Well 'Bucky' and 'Kicks', time for you to meet 'Lefty' and 'Righty '!" Cole said as he held up his hands then he Applejack charged with Applejack kicking and Cole punching.

Meanwhile Zane spun his shurikens while Fluttershy held up her hands nervously in defense waiting for the former to make the first move. However Zane just stop spinning his shurikens, placed them back and stared at the timid pegasus girl in a non threatening way and spoke, "Forgive me miss but I sense that you do not wish to battle me do you?" Zane asked as Fluttershy smiles slightly and fidgets with her mane, "Oh uh yes? I'don't really like violence unlike the rest of my friends," she said softy.

"I don't supposed you'd liked to talk things out would you Mr...." she trailed off not knowing his name.

"Zane." he answered before walking up to her, smiling. "And yes I would Like to approach this with conversation but perhaps with should discuss this somewhere less...chaotic?"
He gestured to battle going on around them.

"Oh yes, good idea." Fluttershy replied as they left the fight to talk. While they the two walk away Pinkie was jumping around avoided Jay's punches and kicks while he was getting frustrated, "Dang it, your as slippery as a Serpentine!" He shouted.

"Serpentine? He-he that's funny name." Pinkie laughed.

"Oh sure it's funny until they hypnotize to you, turn you into a snake, squeeze you to death or-" Jay stopped himself when realized, "Hey! trying to divert me?! Well Mrs. Cotton Candy, your in for a shock!" Jay then fired Lightning bolts out his hands at Pinkie.

She managed to dodge a few of them but on the fourth one she got zapped so much you could see her skeleton. When the electricity wore off she a few burnt marks on her face and clothes and her hair looked like a giant pink Afro with black marks on it. Jay to one look at her and then started snorting and then loudly laughing at Pinkie ridiculous hair due and Pinkie looking at her too started laughing uncontrollably too. The two approached each other still laughing and jay spoke in between his laughs.

"Wow! Now 'that's' a bad hair day." He said while Pinkie looked at him, "Yeah it was a real shocker!" She joked and she and Jay laughed even harder.

"Finally somebody who can take a joke during a fight." Jay said as Pinkie shook her head returning her hair back to normal, "Yeah I mean what's fight without a 'punch' line!" Pinkie quipped as the two continued to laugh and hold each other.

Nearby Rarity was blocking Nya punches and kicks when they saw Pinkie and Jay were joking around and the two sighed and shook their heads knowing their funny friends would get distracted by laughing.

Rarity sighed, "I will never understand how Pinkie always finds fighting a good time for joking around."

"Ugh tell me about it, honestly sometimes I think Jay would make a better comedian than a ninja but then again that what I love about him." Nya said while smiling warmly at her laughing boyfriend. Rarity noticed this and smiled as well seeing how the two of the work well together.

"Well I definitely say we your looks and outfit he would sure fall head over heels for you." Rarity complimented as Nya grinned and ran a hand through her hair. "Thanks, your not so bad yourself, but I got little question for you." Nya said as Rarity looked at her curiously.


"Are your clothes... water proof?!" Nya held up her hands and shot a steam of water straight at Rarity. Rarity shrieked and rolled out the way but not before a splodge of water stained her skirt. When Rarity noticed she glared at Nya, "HOW DARE YOU?! Do you have any idea how long it took me to dry this out?!" She shouted.

"Oh relax it just a skirt-OOF!" Nya was then kicked in the gut and looked at the fuming girl while clutching her stomach. Strangely though she smiled, "Well, well. Looks like your more then just a pretty face." She commented as Rarity smirked and placed one hand on her hips and one fixing her hair.

"Why thank you darling. I like to people to see just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I'm a damsel in distress." She replied while taking a fighting stance and gestured to the water ninja to come and get her.

"I couldn't agree with you more. Just because I'm the only girl in this team doesn't mean I'm helpless!" Nya smirked as the two girls fought they soon found a similarity between them: Being beautiful but deadly.

While the two pretty girls fought Rainbow Dash and Kai were trading blows with no intent of running or dodging. Kai then delivered a strong punch to Rainbow's cheek. While Rainbow readjusted her jaw Kai smirked, "Not bad. I can tell your the kind person who prefers to go for your opponents head on." He commented to her, Rainbow then smirked back to him and rolled her shoulders.

"You too. Nice to meet someone who actually likes to fights back." She said before getting into a running position, "But let's see you fight THIS!"

Then in the blink of an eye Rainbow dashed off. Kai looked surprised for a moment but then before he could react he felt something kicked him. He stumbled back a little and looked to see a trail of Rainbow color moved quickly away, only for it to come back and strike him again and again. Kai was getting bounced around all over the place as Rainbow taunted him "Guess that's all ya got hot shot!" she smirked until she noticed him gritting his teeth and widening her eyes when she saw his hands were literally on fire. "Not so fast Missy, I'm just getting warmed up!"

Kai then released a big burst of flames that sent Rainbow flying to the ground from the blast. Rainbow got up onto her feet and patted out the flames that were on her jacket that was thankful fireproof as Kai approached her with flaming fists. Rainbow whistled and smirked at him cockily, "Okay I got admit, that's pretty cool or should I say hot." she joked while she dusted herself off and Kai smirked backed her, "Thanks when your kicking butt you got give'em something good to look at, right?" he asked.

"Duh! I thought I was only one who knew that!" Rainbow said like it was obvious before raising her fists again and Kai did the same after putting his flames out.

"But unfortunately the only getting their butt kicked is you hair gel." Rainbow remarked.

"Heh, I liked to see you try Skittles!" Kai shot back.

The two then charged at each other determined to pound the other into the ground while looking cool doing it.

As their teams continued to clash with one another, Lloyd and Twilight were fighting fiercely. Twilight had taken self defense classes before and after she back a princess so she held her own against the green ninja. Lloyd however was trying hard not to fight by using a fighting style his father taught him called 'The Art of the Silent Fist'. It relied on using dodging and blocking attacks from the opponent making them losing energy and tiring themselves out while the user reserved their own strength, it was to fighting without fighting. As Lloyd thought about his father, his real father he mentally frowned.

'Not the time!' he shouted shaking his head focusing on the fight.

Twilight head however was running with questions. Who were these people? Where did they come from? What were they since they didn't have ears, tails, wings or horns like they did? And how could they used such incredible magic?

She had noticed the others fighting and Saw the black one hands glow orange and create a mini earthquake that nearly crushed Applejack, the blue one firing bolts of electricity that electrocuted Pinkie, the girl shooting out water at Rarity and the red one releasing streams of fire so powerful it knocked Rainbow right off her feet. She didn't the white one's magic though yet, as matter fact there was no sign of him or Fluttershy anywhere. Before she could wonder where they wear she grabbed a punch from her green opponent as he grabbed her other fist.

The two leaders struggled to break the other's grip while Twilight looked into Lloyd's eyes. when she did she saw incredible light and also equally incredible darkness. She also wondered what kind of magic boy could do. She theorized that his magic was nature based because of the green of his outfit. She was pulled out her musing when he heard him speak.

"Listen, I don't who you are but me and friends aren't here to cause any trouble!" He said trying to reason with her but Twilight just glared at him. "Oh so you call beating my big brother and his men to a pulp not causing trouble?!" She asked rhetorically.

"He attacked us first we were just-"

"Save it! Let's see how you like THIS!" Twilight shouted cutting him of before pushing him back and charging her horn and firing a magenta beam of energy straight to him. Lloyd just glared and raised his hands, "Not this time!" He then fired a green beam of energy at her's and as the two collided it released a small explosion causing them to recoil back a bit. Both the young princess and master were surprised to see that the other was just powerful as themselves. Twilight Immediately realized this wasn't a normal kind of magic she and her friends were dealing with, in fact she wasn't even sure if these colored outfit warriors powers were magic.

"What was that? I've never seen or heard of any magic like that before in any book, scroll or ancient text anywhere." Twilight asked glancing suspiciously at the boy knowing that there was more to him than meets the eye. Lloyd regained his senses and answered back, "It not magic. It's an Elemental power. Each of my friends has them that can control a different element of nature. I control energy, Kai has fire, Jay uses Lightning, Cole masters Earth, Nya handles water and Zane does-" He stopped himself as he looked around and noticed that there was one Ninja was missing, "Wait a minute where is he?!" He said before Twilight charged at him. The two knew that had to get answers later

"And that is how we were able to defeat the Great Devourer." Zane finished telling Fluttershy about their fight with the giant serpent as they walked back to where the fight was going down. Fluttershy was shocked to hear how the boy and his friends were able to fight so many evil threats along with that they were not bad at all. Though she would've broken down when she learned that someone killed an animal from what Zane had told her the Great Devourer was not an animal but a monster that would listen to or be control by anyone.

"My goodness you certainly had a lot of adventures with your friends." Fluttershy commented as they made it back to the fight but stayed at safe distance.

"Why thank you. Also I would like ask you something," Zane replied not noticing Rainbow glaring at him and dashing towards them while Kai was crying out for her to get back here.

"What is it?" Fluttershy inquired.

"Have you or your friends seen a-" He stopped himself when his sensors detected an incoming attack to his left. He turned to see Rainbow coming at him like a bullet. Zane then kicked her pretty hard in the chest causing her cry out in pain making the others stop fighting.

"Rainbow!" the girls cried and ran over to their friends while the Ninja did the same but to check on Zane.

"Oh! That guy hits like a Minotaur." Rainbow groaned as she clutched her stomach as the friends helped her up. Fluttershy then glared angrily at Zane. "Zane for goodness sake! I know Rainbow Dash was a little foolish to attack you in mid-sentence but you didn't have kick her that hard!" She shouted. "Now apologize to her or else," She glared intensely at him giving him her infamous move 'The Stare'.

While the Ninja looked at the girl glaring at their robotic friend and suddenly felt very uncomfortable but the Mane 5 grinned knowing that when Fluttershy got ticked off enough she used her Stare to make anybody do whatever she wanted. Zane however just looked back at her confused and blinked, "I apologize Fluttershy but is something supposed to happen?" He asked causing Fluttershy to stop glaring and gasp while the other girls jaws to drop in shock.

"What in Tarnation?!" Applejack said in surprise.

"He resisted The Stare?!?!" Pinkie Screamed putting her hands on her head.

"That's impossible! No one can resist Fluttershy's Stare!" Rarity exclaimed.

"How? What? Why? When? Huh?!" Twilight sputtered unable to even fathom how it was possible.

Zane then approached Rainbow who looked at him in shock as he was the only person other than Discord who could resisted her childhood friend's best move. "I will however apologize for my assault. I sensed you coming and I went into defense mode." He apologized bowing to her respectfully. Rainbow getting over shock just waved at him "Nah. It, it's cool. Just dial it down a little bit next time."

Fluttershy also getting over shock turned to her friends, "Now that you've all stopped fighting, I want to say that Zane and friends are not the enemy." she said.

"They're not?" the girls asked.

Lloyd stood infront of his friends, "No we aren't. We fight to protect those who can't protect themselves. So allow us to introduce ourselves, My name is Lloyd Garmadon the Green Ninja and Master of Energy."

"I'm Kai Smith, the Red Ninja, Master of Fire." Kai said lighting he hand on fire and winking at them.

"The name's Jay Walker, The Blue Ninja and not only Master of Lightning but also Inventing, some model building, cooking, dable in a little poetry," Jay went on about his talents as the other Ninja just groaned.

"He forget to mention he's also the 'Mouth' of Lightning." Cole joked as Jay glared at him while the others laughed, " They call me Cole Brookstone the Black Ninja and Master of Earth." He introduced himself crossing his arms and glancing at Applejack who smiled back him.

"I am Zane Julien, White Ninja and Master of Ice." He said creating some ice on the ground to emphasize his point as the mane 6 'ooh'ed in awe.

"And you can call me Nya Smith, The Silver Ninja, Master of Water and Kai's little sister." She finished putting her hands on her hips.

"Together we are..." Lloyd began.

"The Wu-Cru!" The other Ninja said together posing. The Mane 6 looked curiously before Rainbow snorted,"Seriously? 'The Wu-Cru'? That's all you got?!" she asked while the other girls were trying hard not laugh at the corny name.

Lloyd then turned to his team glaring, "I told you guys we're not calling ourselves that!" he scolded as they looked sheepishly. Twilight recomposing herself approached them. "Now that we've got your names, how about we introduce ourselves?"

"My name's Applejack Apple of Sweet Apple Acres. You got hard work that need to be done or an honest answer, I'm your gal." She introduced herself putting one leg behind the other and tipping her hat while subtly winking at Cole.

"I'm Fluttershy Breeze." She said as quiet as mouse.

"What was that?" Kai said cleaning ears so he could hear better.

"It's Fluttershy Breeze." She said even quieter hiding behind her long banks.

"Um honey? I'm afraid your going to have to speak up." Nya said kindly.

"She said her name is Fluttershy Breeze." Zane clarified, "And from what she's told me she takes care of all kinds of animals that can't care for themselves, great and small. Showing kindness to all who need it." he explained as Fluttershy smiled and nodded timidly.

"Wow you must be pretty good with animals then." Jay complimented as Fluttershy blushed at little and fiddles with her hair. "I-I g-guess so." She said shyly.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! Certifiable Super Party Planning Girl at your service! You need a party or a good laugh then I'll make it happen!" She announced bouncing up to The Ninja and beamed widely.

"UH is she always like this?" Lloyd asked nervously.

"24 hours a day darling." Rarity answered before approaching them and flipping her hair. "You may call me Rarity Belle. If you need to look absolutely fabulous and need the perfect generous gift just come to me and I'll have it ready for you. And I must say Mr.Garmadon you certainly look like quite the handsome young man." She compliment as Lloyd chucked, scratched the back of his head and blushed as his friends glanced slyly at him.

"T-thanks. I think."

Rainbow approached them smirking, "The's name Rainbow Dash. The most awesome and Loyal Flyer in all of Equestria and an official Wonderbolt!" She said puffing her chest proudly.

"She's also the biggest showoff in Equestria." Applejack snarked and Rainbow growled at her while the others laughed.

Twilight then approached them slightly bowing, " And I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, There's no magic spell or question or riddle that I can't solve." The Ninja caught their attention when she said princess.

"Your a Princess?!" They asked in unison and Twilight nodded. The Ninja looked at each other before kneeling down one knee before her.

"Um, forgive us your majesty, we didn't know you were a princess since you don't exactly look like one. Not that what your wearing is bad!" Cole said quickly while still kneeling. The girls chuckled at their chivalry while Twilight gestured for them to stand.

"It's alright. I just became a princess a week ago." She assured them, "And please, just call me Twilight." She asked as Ninja looked at each other again.

"Okay then...Twilight, Nice to meet you. So how about we put that fight we had early behind us and just shake on it." Lloyd said offering his hand to her. Twilight at him for a moment before smiling and accepting it but mentally she felt like he was hiding something.

"Now that we all know each other, can someone please explain to me how he resisted Fluttershy's Stare?!" Rainbow demands pointing Zane.

"What's this 'Stare' anyway?" Kai asked.

"The Stare is what Fluttershy uses to make her animals behave," Twilight explained, "It makes any living thing do whatever she asks."

"I usually only do it when my animals are being difficult about their care." Fluttershy said twiddling her fingers as the Ninja looked at each other for moment, then at Zane, then back to her.

"Every 'living' thing you say?" Jay asked as the girls nodded he grinned and chuckle, "Well that it explains it then. You see Zane not exactly what you would call a living thing." He said making emphasizing fingering.

"What do you mean by, not exactly?" Rarity asked in confusion.

Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole and Nya then turned to the Zane and made gestured that looked like they were opening their chests . Zane nodded as the girls grew even more confused. Then suddenly Zane reached for his shirt and grabbed it.

"What the.." Rainbow muttered.

He then opened it and suddenly as his body fizzled out for second and showed that his pale skin and white hair turned silver, his eyes turned full glowing cyan, his chest revealed tons of wires, gears, circuits, switches and buttons.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" The girls screamed in horror as Rainbow jumped into Applejack arms, Rarity nearly fainted, Fluttershy hid behind a stunned Twilight and Pinkie jaw dropped right to the floor.

"Ta-da." Nya said bluntly.

Rarity trying to control her heart rate spoke breathlessly, "Z-Zane darling! Y-y-y-your a, a machine?!?", The girls getting over their shock now understood why Fluttershy's Stare didn't work on Zane because she was glaring at a walking piece of metal.

"A robot." Zane clarified. "Though I prefer to go by Nindroid." Twilight shook her head before her eyes sparkles, smiled widely and took big gasp.

"Ohmygosh,Ohmygosh,Ohmygosh,Ohmygosh,Ohmygosh!" She exclaimed, conjuring up a quill and notepad as she zoomed up to The Nindroid and examined him as she took notes, "This is amazing! An actual fully sentient, multi-functional, automaton! the technology of Equestria isn't even close enough to into making this kind tech!" She cheered as Zane continued stand there not really minding her taking notes.

"An excellent description Twilight though I still prefer Nindroid." He said while she continue to take notes.

"Well guess that explains why you resisted The Stare. Fluttershy can bend walking tin-can to her will." Rainbow said laughing nervously as Applejack put her down.

"Wowie Zowie! Zaney you look totally metal!" Pinkie joked.

"Actually my exoskeleton is made out of titanium as well as combination of-" Zane was cut off when Jay scoffed.

"Zane she making a joke! I think your funny switch is off again." Jay said pointing a switch that said 'humor'.

Zane looked down at the switch, "Oh! So it is. Thank you for pointing that out for me Jay." He said before he reached for the switch. As the Ninja back away Jay then grinned at the girls, "Your gonna love this." The girls then looked confused before Zane flipped the switch.

Zane then started playing country music and danced around in a silly fashion while sing a song called "send me a kiss by wire". When he finished the girls looked at him awkwardly for second before Pinkie snorted a few times and then bursted with laughter so hard she fell on her back kicking her legs in air. "T-That...That was...the, the FUNNIEST THING I EVER SAW!!!!" She said inbetween her laughs as her friends had also started laughing uncontrollably along with the other Ninja.

"OH! That never gets old!" Jay said struggling to breathe.

"I think we're gonna get along with ya'll just fine!" Applejack said clutching her sides.

"I agree!" Nya laughed.

As everyone laughed their heads they didn't notice a shadowy figure with a not-so-friendly grin watching them. Their eye glowed red as they spoke in masculine voice,

"Laugh while you can kiddies. Because soon you'll all be in for a nightmare." He then glanced to the laughing princess, "Starting with you Twilight Sparkle." He then laughed wicked plotting to wipe out The Ninja and the Elements of Harmony once and for all.

Author's Note:

Whew okay! That was not easy!:applejackconfused:

I apologize for not uploading a new chapter sooner but I've been very busy with school and other things that I had to work day and night on this. But not to worry I'll try get chapters uploaded much faster from now onwards.

As for the chapter I decide to match the Ninja with Element of Harmony they resemble in terms of personality. Cole and Applejack are strong and honest, Zane and Fluttershy are kind and calm, Jay and Pinkie are funny and cheerful, Nya and Rarity are Generous and Pretty, Kai and Rainbow are Loyal and cocky, and Lloyd and Twilight are Strong and leaders. As for Sunset well her match will appear much later on, as for who it is, well I'll leave that for you figure out on which Ninjago character Sunset Shimmer is most like.:trollestia:

As you there were some applecole moments in this chapter but more will appear later on. As for Twilight and Lloyd, so far Twilight is suspicious of Lloyd and that gonna bring her into a world of trouble in later chapters.

I based the CMCs appearances off of their Equestria girl counterparts. Discord's however was all me. As for the shadowy figure, he will be introduced in the chapter after the next one, so stay sharp and keep an eye out.

Next time The Ninja will meet with the Princesses of Equestria, explain what happened to their realms and also learn about secret between them, their sensei and their greatest enemy that dates back to when they were children...

Don't forget to like, comment and request what you liked to see happens next.