• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,426 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 1 Chapter 3: A Masterly Royal Meeting

Chapter 3: A Masterly Royal Meeting

A few minutes before the brawl

In the Halls of canterlot castle, Spike was pacing back and forth while the CMCs were sitting down and doing their own thing, (Sweetie was hugging her knees looking concerned, Applebloom crossed her legs with her hand her cheek looking dismissed and Scootaloo was drawing circles on the floor with her finger looking bored) and Discord was laying on a hammock that hung from nowhere as he read a news paper with sunglasses probably to hide the concern and worry in his eyes.

The Girls had bolted out of the room to help Shining Armor and the royal guard when Discord informed them that they were fighting brightly colored warriors. They told Spike and the CMCs to stay put and reluctantly trusted Discord to keep an eye on them. The young ones tried to sneak off to help but Discord stopped them every time they tried, "I got eyes and ears everywhere." he said as a bunch of random eyes and ears sprouted out of walls when they tried to sneak away the fifth time.

Now all they were doing was waiting around hoping that the girls were okay, until they heard someone shout, "Get out of the way!" They all turned and Discord comically feel off of his Hammock as Sunset Shimmer charged in carrying Flash on her shoulder and Shining Armor and some other guards in her reddish-orange magical aura all looking very beaten up. While other guards took the injured ones elsewhere, Sunset layed Shining and Flash up against the wall as Spike, CMCs and Discord rushed over to them.

"Whoa what happened to you guys?" Spike asked amazed by how badly they were hurt as Sunset bandaged up Flash's arm despite her boyfriend's protest.

"These teenagers without any wings, tails, horns or ears turned into tornadoes and beat us into the ground that's what happen!" Shining exclaimed but hissed as his side still hurt. The others looked in disbelief by what Shining Armor said because it sound down right ridiculous. But when they turned to Flash and Sunset they nodded saying that what the stallion said was true.

"Well why were you fighting them?" Sweetie Belle asked getting over her disbelief and Shining Armor looked at her like it was obvious "They had weapons, and were in the middle of the city after that storm and hole in the sky appeared! so obviously-"

"You were jumping to conclusions again, sweetie?"

Everyone turned to the door and Standing their were three people. The first one was young alicorn woman with a light pink, purple and white dress with short sleeves, a cyan crystal heart pin with two gold markings under it connecting the breast parts of dress, gold slippers, bracelets and collar and crown with a purple jewel on it. Her hair and tail were a combination of Purple, magenta and yellow and was so long it reached down to her knees, horn was long and pink and her wings wear just a little bit bigger than Twilight's and were pink with purple on the ends, and her eyes were purple. This was Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or Cadence, the Princess of Love, ruler of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor's wife, Twilight's Sister-in-law and Celestia's adoptive niece.

On her right was an old man with a Straw hat, white robes, a red sash around his waist, black pants, a bamboo walking stick and a white beard and pony-tail on the back of his head and grey eyes. And on her left was a woman with Greyish brown hair tied into a braided ponytail with a silver stripe on the right side of her head, green eyes, a beige jacket, green scarf, light green pants, dark brown boots.

Cadance then approached Shining Armor glaring at him. "Because from what my new friends Master Wu and Misako told me about these teenagers and from what I heard, they don't sound like attackers." She said in disappointed tone as both Wu and Misako stood next to her.

Shining Armor darted his eyes for a moment and spoke "W-well how do you know they can be trusted?" He asked as Misako got close to his face, "Because one of the teenagers just happens to be my son, and I would have never raised him to be an attacker to such a fine city like this one." She said bluntly as Shining Armor bite his lip knowing that messing around with an angry mother was never a good idea.

"And he is not only my nephew but he is also along with the others are my students in the arts of Ninjutsu." Wu added stomping his staff down as emphasis slightly scaring the captain, "And also that turning tornadoes attack they used happens to be ancient marital art created by my Father." He added then looked and saw the young chaotic man who seemed just as surprised to see him.

"Well, well, well Discord," Wu said smugly, "It seems you've decided it is fun being a-what did call it-'Goody two shoes' after all?" Discord glared crossed his arms and turned his back to the old man.

"It's a free realm I choose to be on any side I want thank you very much, grandpa," Discord argued as everyone just chuckled at the master of chaos pout, "Besides I'm not the first reformed villain in Equestria for your information." This made Wu raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really? and who else was refor-" Wu was cut off when there was gasp from down the hall and everyone turned to see who it was and Wu's eye went wide at who he saw "I-I don't believe it."

Standing in front of them was another Alicorn princess who was a little taller than Cadence. Her skin was brownish color, her eyes were aquatic green with slit pupils like a reptile's, her hair and Tail seem to resemble a blue starry night smog moving in an ethereal wind, Her wings dark blue and were like bird wings at the start but on the ends they were more like bat wings with the membrane a pale light blue and the fingers were the same color as the feathers and a thump claw on top of each. She wore and dark blue and black gown, Silver bracelets and slippers, a black collar with a white moon on it, and a small black tiara with a aquatic green oval jewel on it. This was Princess Luna, the princess of the moon, Celestia's little sister and former villain known as Nightmare Moon. As she looked at Wu she had tears in hers but a small barely noticeable smile on her face showed she was very happy to see him.

"W-Wu? Is-is it really you?" Luna said as she approached him as the old master smiled and gave her a warm hug that she greatly returned, "It is Luna...my sister." Wu replied with a few tears himself as Luna breathed a sign of peace as she hugged the old master. The other's had mixed reactions at the display, Misako and Cadence had warm teary smiles, Discord had a bemused smirk and crossed his arms, Sunset and CMCs had small smiles and Spike, Shining Armor and Flash had confused looks but Spike was the only one who actually spoke, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Wait a minute!" He said waving his arms in the air causing everyone to look at him, "Have I gone deaf but did that old guy just call Princess Luna 'Sister'?!" Luna blushed and Wu sheepishly brushed his beard as everyone looked at them, clearly there was gonna be some explaining to do.

"Then once Lloyd was back on feet after 'meeting his grandpa' we made a new painting on the mural and celebrated our latest victory!"

Jay said making air quotes about Lloyd seeing the First Spinjitzu Master as he told the Mane 6 about their most recent battle with the Oni. After getting all their giggles out after Zane's dance, the group was currently walking back to the castle to explain to the princesses about what happened and along the way the Ninja felt they should tell the equine girls about their adventures.

To say the girls were amazed by the Ninja's stories would be an understatement, They were shocked to learn that their home was just one of sixteen realms and in another realm, 6 teenagers fought to protect their home from skeletons, dragons, snakes, pirates, stone warriors, evil spirits, robots, elemental masters, snake cultists, ghosts, sky pirates, time travelers, biker gangs, dragon hunters and demons of darkness while they just fought against changelings, evil princesses, chaos spirits, dark kings and other monsters, infact they were almost jealous.

But while her friends were amazed by Lloyd's and his siblings achievements, Twilight had a sense of mistrust towards the green ninja especially when they told them that Lloyd's father was an evil warlord Tartarus-bent on turning their world into his evil image. Now she wasn't one to say that Lloyd was anything like his father but she could sense a darkness in him and slightly wondered how long it would take for it to be brought to the surface. She also sense something else about him, something that attracted her attention to him but she ignored that feeling for now. She also believed that Lloyd was hiding something else and she had a feeling it had something to do with that storm they saw earlier.

"Wow! And I thought WE did pretty awesome things but you guys are on whole level of awesome!" Rainbow's voice snapped Twilight out of her thoughts as she sees her friends complimenting the Ninja but she just frowns and says nothing still feeling a bit distrustful of the blonde young man. The other girls however felt like they could trust these people with their lives.

"For once I agree with Rainbow Dash. facing off against so many brutes, ruffians and scoundrels for so long, you certainly are a force to reckoned with." Rarity said walking next to Nya.

"Darn tootin'! And here I thought other worlds were just bunch of mumbo'gumbo but ya'll certainly changed my opinion on that." Applejack added as she playfully punched Cole's shoulder.

Kai chuckled with pride and said "Yup, when your a Ninja life is filled with adventure, danger, mystery and excitement!" He then put his hands on the hips and posed triumphantly.

"Including all the times your impatiences nearly got us all killed." Nya snarked as her brother growled at her as the other (apart from Twilight) laughed at Kai's wounded ego. Finally Twilight decided to speak her mind and stood infront of the group.

"Now hold on a minute girls, why are you trusting these guys so fast?", The teens looked surprised by what Twilight said, the Mane 5 more than the ninja for they never suspected 'Twilight' would be suspicious of their new friends.

"What you talking about Twi, these guys our awesome!" Pinkie said hold the the Ninja close, "And funny!"

"And they're really nice." Fluttershy added.

"Wicked cool superheroes!" Rainbow cheered.

"With astonishing ensembles." Rarity said admiring Jay's gi.

"Yeah sugarcube. these fellas are okay in my book." Applejack finished looking confused as to why their princess friend was so doubtful about trusting the Ninja as Twilight just frowned and paced back and forth. "Look, I agree from what they've told us their world does sound amazing and their adventures do sound like something I'd like to take notes on," She said before she stopped pacing infront of Lloyd and turned to face him narrowing her eyes at him, "But I wondering how much we can trust this one."

"Huh?" They all exclaimed, bewildered that Twilight was suspicious of Lloyd out of all them. "What are you talking about darling? Why wouldn't we trust Lloyd?" Rarity asked highly shocked.

"Well did all of you forget the fact that his father just happens to be a dangerous mad-man that nearly destroyed their whole world? Or the fact that HE was the one who started all their troubles by opening up those snake tombs?" Twilight pointed out as Lloyd looked offended that she decided he was untrustworthy because of his mistakes and who his father was as it was starting to remind him of another princess who also only looked at his wrong doings and not all that he had done since then.

However the fact she talked about his father like he was just some kind of monster, was something that really bugged so he walked up to the princess and stood his ground, "I admit, opening the serpentine tombs wasn't my smartest move but I've made up for that little mistake by risking my life time and time again for my home, and my friends," He said getting close to Twilight's face as the other worried another fight was gonna come up and chose to stay out of it.

"And another thing your Majesty, I don't appreciate people talking about my father like that no matter how evil he is or suggesting that I'm anything like him, so watch your words." He warned the Alicorn girl but Twilight merely crossed her arms and frowned, "Well then Master Lloyd do you think you and your team could tell us exactly what was that big vortex me and my friends saw earlier, and how is it that people from two different realms are here right now?" she challenged.

Lloyd flinched and darted his eyes unsure as how to tell her and the others about how the merging of their realm and Ninjago was his fault. Lloyd just straightened up and cleared his throat, "We'll...tell you when we meet these other princesses. So come on." He gestured for the others to follow him. But Twilight just hanged back as she felt Lloyd was definitely hiding something.

'I'don't what it is your hiding Lloyd Garmadon, But I swear I'm gonna find out' she thought as she glared at the blonde boy and followed after the group. What she didn't know was that watching from the shadows was the same mysterious boy that was spying on them earlier, he then chuckles evilly as he watched the heroes walk towards the palace, having big plans for the young princess and her powers.

The group soon arrived at the palace the guards at the gates looked a bit weary about the colorfully dress people accompanying the Elements of Harmony. Twilight saw this and step forward, "It's okay sirs these people can be...trusted." She said while looking at Lloyd saying the last part and he frowned at her for that, as the guards nodded and raised their spears allowing them to pass. The group walked through the halls of the castle and the Ninja were amazed by the architecture of Equestria.

"Amazing." Lloyd gasped.

"Now this is a palace." Kai whistled.

"I'll say." Cole agreed.

"Yeah, The palace of secrets has got nothing on this." Jay put in.

"Such incredible design." Zane said scanning the walls and columns.

"Eh, just another fancy palace." Nya bluntly said and Rarity gasped as she grabbed the water Ninja by the shoulders, "Just another fancy palace?! Nya, this castle has been for centuries and the most fabulously artwork, culture from across the land and..." Rarity stopped herself and looked to see the others looking slightly amused while some were snickering and she cleared her throat and blushed sheepishly.

"Oh, um please excuse my outburst darling." Rarity apologized to Nya who just chuckled and offered Rarity her hand and the two of them shook.

The group continued to walk until the Ninja noticed the stained glass windows on the walls. Some of the windows showed the Mane 6 together looking heroic or fighting some villains. others showed a boy with a dragon tail and wings and green hair holding up a heart shaped crystal to a pink Alicorn princess and four other equine people, Two Alicorn women combining their powers to turn a boy who looked like a combination of animals into stone or them fighting eachother.

"Wow, these are some impressive windows." Jay commented looking at each one.

"they sure are." Applejack replied, but Nya raised an eyebrow, "But what do they mean and why are you girls in most of them?" she asked feeling curious as Twilight answered.

"Well each of the windows represent an important in equestrian history such as Princesses Celestia and Luna defeating the Master of Chaos, Discord, Celestia banishing Nightmare Moon or the six of us defeating them again by harnessing the power of the Elements of Harmony." Twilight explained with a small amount of pride as the Ninja looked in confusion.

" Um, the Elements of What-now?" Jay asked scratching his head. But before Twilight could reply Pinkie bounced up answer for her.

"Oh they're just the sparkly crystal necklaces and big crown thingy that represent each of us," She explained.

"Laughter," She started throwing confetti into the air.

"Honesty," She then hugs Applejack from the back while beaming widely as the Cowgirl deadpans at her.

"Generosity," then she flips a peacock fan over to reveal Rarity who winks and flips her hair.

"Loyalty," she states as she pulls down Rainbow by tail who smirks at her pink hair friend as she salutes.

"Kindness," Pinkie then side hugs Fluttershy who smiles timidly as the two nuzzles their cheeks.

"And Magic." Pinkie Finishes by releasing some sparkles and glitter over Twilight who placed her fists against her hips and smiled confidently. "When all six elements are brought together we can use them to defeat anything that stands in our way." Twilight explained

"Whoa." The Ninja said in unison.

"Yes, It goes to show that there's only so much we can do alone and sometimes it never hurts to count on the aid of others." A wise voice said the group turned to Wu walking towards them.

"Sensei!" The Ninja exclaimed as they bowed in respect towards their master. The Mane 6 however looked in confusion.

"Um what are you doing partners?" Applejack asked.

"Shh, that's our Master Wu," Kai hissed, "And if I were you I show some respect unless you wanna get wacked in the head by his staff!" The girls looked at him in confusion and then looked to Wu who stood before Rainbow started laughing,

"Oh that's a good one!" She laughed as The Mane 5 expression showed surpise, the Ninja's showed fear and Wu's showed unamusement as he approached her, "I mean how can an old man like him possibly-"


Rainbow was interrupted when she yelped and got sucked into a gold and white tornado emitting whites sparkles. It then stopped revealing Master Wu standing smugly on Rainbow's back with his staff on her head.

"Never disrespect your elders Ms. Dash, it will only led to your own defeat." Wu advised as the rest of the mane 5 had mixed reactions: Rarity had her hands over her mouth, Applejack held a shuddering Pinkie in her arms while looking stunned that her rival ended up face first in the ground by in old man and Fluttershy was whimpering behind a stunned Twilight.

Rainbow weakly lifted up her head once Master Wu moved his staff off her, "Ugh you got it sir." She groaned as Wu stepped off of her and Applejack helped her up. Then the Pegasus realized something, "Wait you know my name?!" She exclaimed.

"Indeed I do," Wu said stoking his beard, a walking up to her, "Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty: your devotion to helping your loved ones is as great as your speed." He stated tapping his staff on her shoulder as she crossed her arms and smirked confidently while Wu moved to Applejack.

"Applejack, Element of Honesty: your strength is only match by strength to express truth when it is needed. " He said doing the same with staff to Applejack as the cowgirl tipped her hat and smiled, "Thank ya kindly sir." She said as Wu moved to Rarity.

"Rarity, Element of Generosity: your beauty is great but your willingness to give to others is even greater." Wu described as Rarity closed her eyes fixed her hair, "Why thank you darling." She thanked the old master while he moved to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, Element of Kindness: despite your fears of the world it does not stop you from filling it with your compassion." He commented as Fluttershy blushed and played with her long hair, "T-thank you m-mister Wu." She replied timidly as Wu smiled at her and moved to Pinkie.

"Pinkimena Diana Pie, Element of Laughter: Your ability to spread happiness and smiles through out the land make it a much more colorful place." He said as Pinkie gasped and smiled brightly with stars in her eyes. "You know me so well!" Pinkie cheered hugging the old master before letting go and smiling at him.

"Whoa big name for peppy girl huh?" Jay whispered to Kai who nodded in agreement.

The old master chuckled at the girl's friendliness and moved to Twilight.

"And Finally Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Leader of the elements of Harmony: Your knowledge and power is vast and it those two that help bring you six together." He finished bowing his head in respect to the Alicorn girl. Twilight fiddled with her hair not use to compliments while also getting the strange feeling from Master Wu. Like she's seen him before.

"Um thank you Master Wu sir, but how do you know about us?" Twilight asked as Wu smiled.

"Tia was kind enough to fill me in on all of you." Wu answered as the teens looked to the elder in confusion.

"Tia?" They all asked in confusion before Twilight gasped in realization, "Wait you mean..?" She asked before Master nodded.

"Yes I speak of your Teacher: Celestia." Wu answered as the group looked in shock. "You know eachother?!?" They exclaimed as Wu chuckled and motioned for them to follow.

"Come. we will answer all of your questions in the throne room." He then opened the doors to the throne room. The teens looked at each other confusion before shrugging and following him, none of the noticing the hooded boy watching them through a stain glass window though his face was hidden there was clearly seen a green streak running through dark hair. His cloak's pin was a silver snake's head with green eyes. He watches as the Ninja and Mane 6 follow Wu into the throne room.

"Soon Master." He spoke with a genuine smile on his face before jumping off the building and gliding with his cloak on the wind.

As the Grouped walked in they saw the crowd gathered in the throne room: to the right Three young girls, One was a Pegasus with short magenta hair and tail with small orange wings on her and orange ears in her hair, another was a unicorn with long lavender hair and tail with a stubby white horn and ears sticking out of it and finally one was Terran with long red hair and tail with a pink bow and yellow ears in her hair.

Next to the trio was a boy around their age with green spikey hair, a purple and green dragon tail and green dragon eyes and floating around was a young teen who looked to be a bit older then the Ninja and girls but had body parts from different animals which weirded them out.

to left were two of the guards the Ninja were fighting early one of them (Shining Armor) was glaring at them and standing next to them was a unicorn with a red and yellow striped tail and honey yellow horn and ears probably standing there to keep them from attacking the Ninja.

Finally standing infront of them were three other Alicorns, The one to the left was the shortest who looked to be at least a foot taller than them with long a purple, yellow and magenta tail and hair with a pink horn, wings and ears with gold regaila symbolizing her princesshood.

On the right was a princess with a much darker vibe from how she was dressed, looked to be a foot taller than the one on the left. But unlike her, she had dark blue wings that looked more bat like on the ends with rest looked more feathered. Her horn and ears were the same color as her wings. And the rested in long blue and purple hair that looked like it was flowing in non-existent wind and her tail was the same. her regalia was silver and black with white giltter on them.

Finally standing in the center was really a tall Alicorn woman wearing beautiful white and yellow dress and golden regalia, her white wings were much larger than the other two's wings, her white ears and long white horn rested within a rainbow of purple, pink, green and blue hair which that and her tail like the darker princess was both blowing in an aether wind. The Ninja were in complete at the princesses and their beauty when...



They were brought out of their awe when Twilight ran up to one of the princess who name they guessed was Cadence and then...

Sunshine, Sunshine

Ladybugs Awake,

Clap your hands,

And do a little shake!

The Ninja watched as the two teenage alicorns girls did a little dance that looked more like a little girl's handshake. They had to stifle their giggles after the 'do a like shake' part of the song when the two shook their tails at each other. After the two did their dance/handshake they giggled and shared a warm hug.

While the the sisters-in-laws shared their hug, Lloyd noticed the elder woman standing off to the side. When Misako's eyes met his he beamed, "Mom!" he said as ran up to Misako gave her hug. The others watched as the mother and son had their little reunion with smiles.

She chuckled and hugged her son back, "It's good to see you too Lloyd." When they broke the embrace she gave Lloyd a quick peck on the cheek. Lloyd hastily backed away slightly and blushed as the others laughed at his embarrassment.

"Mom! You promised not to do that in public!" Lloyd groaned, as Misako just rolled her eyes and gave him a sly grin, "Oh Lloyd, Have you forgotten? I'm your mother," She said cupping his cheek, "I'm allowed to embarrass you if I want to."

Lloyd groaned and hid his face behind his head, begging his mom to stop. The others continued to chuckle at the green ninja being made fun of by his Mom until Discord coughed to get their attention.

"I hate to kill the joy here but perhaps we should this story on the road, the readers need their entertainment." He said winking at the fourth wall. Every looked at the Master of Chaos in confusion but just shrugged it off. Celestia approached the Ninja as Lloyd walked back to them.

"Welcome Masters of Spinjitzu, I am Princess Celestia, Princess of the Sun and this is my little sister Princess Luna, Princess of the Moon." Celestia introduced herself and her sister who bowed her head in respect to the elemental masters, "On behalf of Equestria, we welcome you to our land." Celestia finished bowing her head as well.

The Ninja then bowed before the two princess as well, "Thank you for the welcome your Highness but we must admit we weren't expecting such an interesting welcome." Lloyd said, saying the "interesting" part while glancing at Shining Armor as he glared back him and Twilight did the same while Lloyd had his back turned.

Celestia sighed and turned to Lloyd, "Yes, I apologize Shining Armor tends to act before he thinks when protecting the kingdom. Especially after that mysterious storm passed over." She explained while Shining winced knowing that was true while Sunset patted his shoulder comforting the young Unicorn man.

"I can see that but after seeing his devotion to this city and his skills while fighting I can say you chose the right guy to lead your guard." Lloyd imformed her while Shining looked at the green ninja in surprise as he winked at the captain. And Shining Armor thanking him for the compliment. 'Maybe these guys aren't all bad.' he thought, as Lloyd turned back to the princesses, "As for the storm thing me and friends may have an Idea as to how that happened." The rest of Ninja nodded in confirmation.

"And just what might that reason be?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well you see..." Lloyd began before Master Wu took over.

"Ninjago and Equestria have become one realm once again." Wu explained as the Royal sisters and Discord's eyes widen and everyone else jaws dropped and said,


"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" Jay shouted waving his arms, "Excuse me master but what do you mean that our two realms merged into one, 'once more'!?"

"Wait a moment. Are you saying our worlds were once one and the same before?!" Rarity exclaimed as Master Wu nodded, "Indeed they were."

Twilight shook her head and zipped right up to the old master, "But how is that possible?! How are our two world once one?! And how did they seperate?!" she demanded.

Wu turned to Celestia who nodded in agreement before both turned to Discord. The master of Chaos nodded in understand before snapping his fingers and causing a yellowish smoke cloud to appear, "Well to answer your questions my dear Twilight," Celestia started as two astral projections of two people appeared. One of the wore a straw hat and had a braided pony tail and the other had wings, a horn, pony ears and tail and long wavy hair.

"We must explain the truth. The truth of the creation of our world and the birth of the elemental masters." Wu finished as the Ninja, Mane 7, CMCs, Spike, Shining Armor, Flash and Cadence all looked in the projection in awe. "Ooh! I love story time!" Pinkie cheered, reaching into her hair and pulling out a box of popcorn. The Ninja were shocked as to how she got popcorn in her hair. "How did she-" Kai asked pointing a finger at her.

"Don't question it." the Mane 6 answered bluntly as Rainbow pulled Kai closer. "Trust me dude, it'll save you a really big headache." Rainbow warned as the Ninja looked at each other and shrugged deciding to take their advice as they watched the story playing out in the could while Pinkie munched on her Popcorn.

Author's Note:

Oh Man! :applejackconfused:

That was not easy folk!

I liked to apologize for the extra delay. my computer broke down and I had to get a new and I had to start the chapter again from scratch! Talk about inconvenient!

Anyway a lot things happened in this story, Wu, Cadence, Luna and Misako's first appearance, Twilight having trust issues with Lloyd, two mysterious figures one possibly evil and the other...well that's for me to know and you to find out:trollestia: (tell me in the comment who you think the 2nd mysterious guy is) and now the heroes discover their realm's history may not be what they thought it was.

I also liked to say that the descriptions of the Characters clothes are either from equestria girls or things I thought up in my head, feel free to suggested any good ideas for Ninja gis for the mane 7 and the Ninja for future chapters.

Next time our heroes learn the true Story of how their realm came to be. Also if you have any ideas for good name for the Ninjago+Equestria realm please write in the comments.

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