• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 239 Views, 5 Comments

Shout At The Devil : Welcome to Equestria - Bucket of Skies

Rocky and the gang are transported to a whole new world on a new adventure against a familiar foe.

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Chapter 1 : Welcome to Paradise

“What happened to my body!”, I exclaimed to Sunset who was calm about this whole ordeal.

“Rocky, I know it’s a lot, but you need to calm down.”, Sunset urged me putting her hoof on my shoulder.

I fell over again losing balance trying to stand on my hind hooves.

“How can I be calm?! I am a horse!”, I hysterically blurted.

“Technically a unicorn.”, Sunset said jokingly, trying to lighten the tense mood.

“Unicorn, Horse. What difference does it make?! I’m not a human anymore! Where is my body?”, I said almost hyperventilating.

Sunset walked over to me on the ground and helped me up with some magic aura from her horn. I stumbled over as I tried to stand again only to fall on my now front hooves. Funnily enough, it felt more natural and less difficult to stand in this position.

“It’s nowhere Rocky. Right now, this is your body. We’re in an alternate world where everypony is a pony. Well, most of them. But that’s not important. The important thing is that you are still alive and well. Just well, a unicorn. Thank Celestia you weren’t a Pegasus.”, She explained to me.

I managed to catch my breath and speak more calmly.

“Okay, where exactly are we?”, I asked.

“We’re in a land called Equestria. My real hometown being Canterlot, but in this universe. Right now we’re in Ponyville, inside a castle.”, Sunset explained.

I gave a visibly confused look hearing all these places. Canterlot was the only one I heard before, but in this universe was completely faint to me. If it is confusing for you, I’m sorry but this was exactly how I was feeling in this exact moment.

“I can see it’s a lot to process, but right now we gotta get out of this old library.”, Sunset urged me.

“Yeah, let’s get out of- wait...where’s Brim?”, I asked looking around.

It hadn’t occurred to me when I landed that Brim was nowhere to be seen in this old library. By now, he would have told some weird quip to me as I woke up, but there was nothing of that kind.

“He must’ve landed a little bit further than you. I’m sure if we look around we can find him somewhe-”, Sunset said before being interrupted by a loud, familiar groan.

“..Oh my head!”, Brim’s voice groaned out from under a pile of books.

“Brim! Are you okay?”, I said trying to get used to walking on all fours.

The books rustled a little bit more until a figure rose from it. It was stout, and rather grizzly looking. I backed up from the fear of what I could imagine what Brim was turned into. All I knew for sure was that Brim certainly was not a pony.

Once my eyes came into focus on the figure, I picked out a large goat with yellow eyes and red colored fur like Brim’s devilish tone. He had two large black horns and a small black beard underneath his chin. Soon after rising, I could see his eyes focus on us with a look of confusion. Both Sunset and I were lost at words with what he was.

“You…..you-”, I tried saying to Brim.

I must’ve hit my head really hard because I see you guys as two small unicorns.”, Brim said lifting his hoof on his head.

By this point, he felt his horns with his hoof. A look of shock went through his face as he moved his hoof down to examine it. He bounced back with shock.

“What in the actual Hellfree forest!?”, Brim said turning around to examine a reflection of himself,”No! I can’t be!”

“You're ...a goat!”, Sunset answered for me.

“Oh God No! Oh this is so many degrees of messed up! And I lived in the Hellfree forest! Wait, why am I saying Hellfree forest? I mean Hellfree forest. Ahhh! I can’t speak straight!!!”, Brim panicked.

“What’s the matter?”, Sunset asked him.

“‘What’s the matter’? I’m a goat in some universe where in the other one I ate goats like potato chips. I pretty much did cannibalism on myself!”, Brim said suddenly turning green in the face.

“Brim, it’s gonna be okay. It’s all new to me too.”, I tried calming him.

He suddenly gave a small gag.

“I’m gonna hurl. I’m gonna-”, Brim said before turning over the table behind him to vomit.

“Oh good grief!”, I said looking away as he did that.

After he finished, I wiped off his beard before looking back at us.

“I swear after this is all over I’m gonna be vegan. Oh Buck me! What? Why am I saying different words than I am trying to say?”, Brim said visibly confused.

Sunset suddenly stepped forward to help Brim out.

“That’s, something I think I should discuss now that we’re all here, specifically for Brim. In this world, words are not discussed here simply as an evolutionary thing. Instead, we substitute different words in place of them.”, Sunset tried to explain.

“So what are you saying? We can’t swear here?”, he asked.

“Yes, but not really?”, she said nervously smiling.

“Oh mother bucking fish balls in a cog blocking sorting!”, Brim exclaimed throwing his hooves in the air.

A part of me chuckled at his attempts to try and swear in this world. He looked at me with an angry look on his face.

“Oh Buck off Rocky! I’m already going through an existential crisis finding out I am what I eat.”, Brim said.

Then for no reason at all, I realized that I no longer had my glasses on me. Yet, I had near perfect 20/20 vision.

Ha! You have the vision of a horse. Try to avoid that nickname motherbuck- OH ARE YOU KIDDING ME IT WORKS IN NARRATION TOO?!

Anyways, I kept that thought to myself and continued trying to piece together what was happening now that we were here.

“So, what now?”, I asked Sunset.

She opened her mouth to speak but then gave a realization look on her face.

“I ...actually don’t know. I’m typically here for an important life threatening event going on in Equestria or in your world, but never unannounced.”, she nervously said.

“You’re kidding me, right? You mean to tell me you wanted to take us here, yet you had no plan at all with what to do here!?”, Brim angrily asked.

“It was all last minute okay. Rocky wanted to have our trip last longer and well ...this came to mind.”, Sunset explained.

“You ditch! You made me have a bucking cannibalistic episode and-!”, Brim said confronting her before I got in between them.

“Guys! Let’s just try and calm down while we figure this out. Sunset knows this place better than either of us, so it’s no use trying to start a fight with her.”, I said to Brim.

He gave a humph before backing down. I then turned over to Sunset.

“Now, where do we start?”

“Well, the first thing we need to do is find Princess Twilight and tell her about this situation. Maybe I can catch up with her after a long while.”, Sunset explained.

“Princess Twilight?”, Brim asked.

“She’s a close friend of mine who got me out of a dark place.”, she explained.

“Of all the universes we could have gone too, why did we have to go to pony fairytale land?!”, Brim frustratingly said.

Before I could ask her more about her friend, a loud door opened from above us. We all turned in the direction of the door opening up with a small green light coming out of it. I felt uneasy anticipating what was coming out of that door. With a hard breath of anticipation, I was met with a small looking purple dragon with some small muscles.

“Who’s there! You don’t want to be stealing from the royal- Oh, its you! My goodness I was about to burn you to a crisp Sunset.”, the dragon said.

“Spike!”, Sunset said running to hug him.

Brim and I looked at each other before looking back at Sunset.

“It’s been so long Sunset! Twilight will be thrilled to see you.”, the dragon said.

“Uh, timeout. Who is this?”, Brim asked.

Sunset turned around to face us after letting go of Spike.

“Guys, this is Spike. He is the royal advisor to Princess Twilight.”, she explained.

“And the one who had been taking care of the castle library since the very beginning.”, Spike explained.

“A dragon as a royal advisor? Hard to say if it is better or worse than the political environment back home.”, I said jokingly.

“And, who are they?”, Spike asked Sunset.

“They are my friends from the other dimension. Rocky Pebble, the unicorn and best stallion friend ever. And then Brim, the goat.”, Sunset explained.

“A goat?! He isn’t one of those evil ones from the Hellfree forest is he?”, Spike asked stepping back in fear.

“Wait evil? Who told you I was evil?! I mean I am sorta evil, but not in the sense I am sensing from you. I literally just got here and i’m being threatened for being evil.”, Brim said cocking an eyebrow.

“No no! I didn’t mean to offend you assuming that. It’s just that we have had a few issues with some goats in the Hellfree forest nearby.”, Spike said apologetically.

Trying to diffuse the tension, Sunset stepped in.

“Is Twilight around?”, she asked.

“Not currently. She is off attending to some royal business in Canterlot, but you’re more than welcome to stay a while until she arri-”.

“No, I think these two will be staying a while, I’m going to go back home through the portal I came in. Maybe gonna become a vegan when I arrive home.”, Brim said walking back into the mirror before hitting his face against it.

I looked back at him with an angry look to his comments.

“Are you sure he wasn’t the goats from that forest?”, Spike asked Sunset.

“No, It’s nothing. I’ll just have a few words with him behind this mirror.”, I answered for her taking Brim by the horn.

I took Brim behind the mirror to talk about his attitude to this new place. He gave a small groan of pain as I tugged his horn to pull him aside.

“Ow! What is your problem?”, Brim asked.

“What is your problem?!”

“What are you talking about Rocky?”

“Can you at least give this place a chance? We haven’t even been here five minutes and you are already planning to leave.”, I told him.

“Rocky, I hate fantasy worlds. It’s all too happy and giddy. Personally, I’d much rather eat myself for the rest of my life than spend another second in this way too happy wonderland.”, Brim said.

“Don’t be so cynical! Just give this world a chance. This is Sunset’s true hometown. Granted, it’s a lot of information to take in, but I’m willing to put out enough work to get used to this new place for her”.

“Ugh, you’re so bucking cheesy its unbearable! Fine, I’ll give it one day and one day only. After that, I’m going back to sit in the hot car till you get back. At least I can entertain myself by competing in a death battle with the kids to see who can survive the longest. A true car battle royal, if you will.”, Brim said.

I cringed a little at the thought of that, but gave a sigh of relief to get him back on the idea of this new adventure. I gave him a nod as we both walked back from behind the mirror to meet with Sunset and Spike.

“Alright, let’s give,’Ponyville’, a chance. I don’t see myself getting out of this world because I have no way to get back home.”, Brim told them both.

“Great! I’ll shall get the word out to Princess Twilight about your arrival. You guys can hang around town until she gets back.”, Spike said, making brim cringe at the word Princess.

After getting a brief talk from Spike on the way out of the library about the history of the town, we were finally let loose to the wonderful town of Ponyville. If you asked me about what it is like, I would say that it is exactly what it sounds like.

They wouldn't ask of course since they know a thing or two about this place already.


Er nothing. Just a hunch I felt.

"Wow, this is your old home. It is beautiful. ", I told her standing on the steps of the castle to the town.

"Yeah. I always have a place in my heart for Equestria. ", Sunset said looking off in the town.

"Hold up, I just realized something. ", Brim spoke up.

"What?", I asked.

"Since this is technically an alternate universe, wouldn't that mean we would run into our animal version of ourselves?", Brim pointed out.

“It is possible, but that is unlikely to happen since we don’t exactly know where your alternates are. It would be a one in a million chance to run into them here.”, Sunset explained.

“Works for me.”, I said shrugging.

We walked down the steps right into town. One thing that I noticed right off the bat was how truly diverse a town could be just by looking at them as ponies. Not only in color, but in size, stature, even eyes to an extent. The only similarity I noticed was that everypony, including me, had a little picture on their rear. They all had a variety of some sort, making them unique. Sunset explained it to me that they were a representation of their character and personality called a “cutie mark”. My cutie mark was a familiar sight to say the least. Remember that tattoo that appeared the night brim came into my life? It was that only slightly modified to be appealing to well, a technicolored horse, unicorn or pegasus.

“Ugh, please tell me there is a place to get a drink around here. All these bright colors are giving me an eyesore.”, Brim said rubbing his eyes.

“Can you try and stay positive about this place for five seconds?”, I told him looking back.

“Fine. I’ll be more positive. I’m positive that this place is giving me an eyesore and I need a drink. And a smoke.”, he said sarcastically.

“I don’t think that they have that here in this world.”, I assumed.

“Actually, we have a place that is close to that. It’s not proper ‘drinks’, but it’ll do well for what Brim needs.”, Sunset explained.

We walked around the corner to find a bar called “PT’s”. For some reason it was very familiar. Like I had been there before.

I walked over to the door and reached for the handle. Sadly, I didn’t realize it until I saw that I couldn’t open the door with a hoof. It wasn’t till then when I realized how truly great fingers are for functions. Sunset laughed at me as I tried to open it with a hoof.

“I’m going to have to teach you how to use that horn someday Rocky.”, she joked with me as she used her magic to open the door for me.

“Ha! You have to rely on your marefriend to open doors for you. Loser!”, Brim said walking past me.

I rolled my eyes at his remark and followed behind them both inside. As we walked in, I smelled the sweet smell of juices in the air. It definitely wasn’t the alcohol smell that I was used to smelling in a regular bar. Maybe that was this bar’s charm since it was part of a different place.

Brim looked around to find a stallion with a small pipe in his hoof. How he was able to grip it is a mystery to me. Unexpectedly, Brim threw himself at the stallion and grabbed his pipe.

“Hey! That’s mine!”, the stallion said.

“Forget you! I need this a lot more than you!”, Brim said before taking a hit of it.

He let out a loud cough as he spat out a large cloud of bubbles.

“What is this?! This isn’t real smokes!”, Brim said tossing it back at him.

The stallion got up and walked away in anger from Brim ruining his pipe.

“Stupid goats!”, he said before exiting the bar.

“Oh now that was uncalled for! What a little ditch.”, brim said before looking back at us.

“You’re not about to cause trouble in my bar are you?”, a familiar voice from behind me said.

I turned around to see a unicorn with a small curly mane. Then I saw his fur. It was a similar color to a very close friend back in the original Manehatten. He looked very much like…

“Biff Bottle?”, I asked him with a surprised tone.

“That’s my name. You definitely don’t need to wear it out. Now I asked you three a question: you’re not about to cause trouble in my bar are you?”, he asked us again.

“No, we aren’t. That is just a friend who is new around here and doesn’t know the rules of town yet.”, Sunset answered before for passive aggressively looking at Brim.

I was too busy with the realization that I was meeting Biff again, only this time he was a bartender unicorn. This definitely put me in an uneasy feeling knowing that people I knew in the other world are nearby in this world as well. Kinda confusing to explain, but then again my situation was confusing to begin with.

“Hey, you look like you could use a drink. You must’ve seen a ghost or something. I’ll make you a specialty.”, Biff said before walking away.

“Well, looks like we already have you a new friend in Equestria!”, Sunset said putting her hoof on my shoulder.

“This is so heavy. What was it like for you Sunset?”, I asked her sitting down at the stool.

“What was what like?”, she asked me sitting next to me.

“Coming to a new world. Specifically my world. Was it as scary as it is for me running into familiar faces but not knowing how to react and such.”, I explained.

“Well, I’m not really too keen on my past since well, you know what horrible things I did so long ago. But after I got over my anger and wanting power like I thought I was promised, I realized that that world and Equestria aren’t so different. Especially with running into the other Twilight back at the Friendship Games.”, Sunset said.

“I’m sorry, the what?”, I asked confused after hearing something that ridiculous.

“A bit of a long story. I can explain it another time.”, she said before booping my nose with her hoof. I didn’t really like it that much to be honest.

“Alright. Here is my specialty cider.”, stallion Biff told me handing me a glass.

“Thanks.”, I answered.

I forgot about how I had hooves again, as I got my hoof up to try and grab it only to have it pushed away from me. Sunset laughed at me again as she used her magic to lift the drink up to sip it before handing it to me to sip. Right off the bat, I knew right away that this wasn’t an alcoholic beverage. It was probably the sweetest thing I had ever tasted, leaving me with somewhat of a spastic state for a moment before calming back down.

“My, what is that?”, I asked Sunset.

“It’s a type of sugar mixed in. Since you aren’t used to that body, it may be a bit strong on making you like Pinkie.”, Sunset explained.

“That one friend of yours who had a ton of energy”?

“Yeah that's her”.

“I always thought she had something wrong with her with how you described her.”, Brim said still puffing bubbles.

“Brim!”, I said to him turning around.

“Don’t look at me like that. You know for a fact that you thought she had something mental going on up there. After all, even Sunset had seen inside of her head and didn’t know what to say.”, Brim said shrugging.

“Still, it’s not right to make an assumption about her.”, I told him.

“Those ‘assumptions’ can sometimes discover things that can save lives you know.”, Brim said crossing his hooves.

“She doesn’t have anything.”, Sunset settled for us both.

“She doesn’t have anything that you know of yet.”, Brim added.

Sunset gave a small sigh before drinking more of the cider. We talked more and more as we were at that small little bar. More specifically about Sunset’s life here in Equestria. She talked a little bit about how she was this old princess's student for the longest time before she went through a rough time. But thankfully it was all the good memories. Even when she first returned back to Equestria to fix an issue going on in Canterlot high, all she talked about was all the good things.

She even managed to try and describe how to use magic with my new horn in simple terms. Something to do with focusing on an object and wanting it to do a certain thing. It sounded a bit complicated to me, but of course I wasn’t from this world so it made sense.

Dummy, you can use the force in our world. It’s the same thing.

What force?

The force! You know, the thing that surrounds us all or some bull schtick.


Ugh! You guys have no sort of respect for old movies.

Anyways, we talked a little bit more and even got to talk to unicorn Biff. for the most part, he seemed pretty much identical to the one back in Canterlot. The only thing that was different was that he was more of a stickler when it came to rules in the bar. Not that the other one wasn’t either, but he was a lot more stricter. Especially with repeat offenders that we saw try to come back into the bar.

As we were talking, Sunset’s satchel she wore with her began to light up with a green light.

“Whoa! What’s going on with your bag?”, Brim pointed out.

“Looks like I’m getting a message from Spike. Sent it through fire.”, Sunset explained.

“And somehow your bag is still intact”?

“Look, Equestria has a lot of unexplainable magic.”, Sunset said pulling out a note that is badged with a seal.

She opened it up with her magic and then closed it before putting it back in her satchel.

“What is it Sunset?”, I asked.

“Spike sent us a message. He said that the princess is back.”, she explained.

“Great! Now we can go see this pony that you have been talking about that you love so much.”, I jokingly said to said to her.

“Oh hush. Don’t get jealous of my close friend.”, she said with a smirk before kissing me on the cheek.

“Whoever this pony is, she better be worth this entire trip.”, Brim said snarkily getting up from the stool.

“That “pony”, is the new ruler of Equestria. That means you will need to behave in front of her.’, Sunset told him.

“That you said she was an accepting type. You can take a demon out of the Hellfree Forest, but you can’t take the Hellfree Forest out of the demon.

“This is gonna be something else. I can predict it.”

Author's Note:
