• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 237 Views, 5 Comments

Shout At The Devil : Welcome to Equestria - Bucket of Skies

Rocky and the gang are transported to a whole new world on a new adventure against a familiar foe.

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Chapter 8 : Call

“Who are you?!”, Lord Brimstone said while starting to conjure up some spell.

I was speechless to the situation. This was a goat who we had no clue was capable of. Especially since he was a leader of the Hellfree army.

“Oh sorry, we’ll be quick. If you can show us the way to the Elements of Harmony we’ll be out of your horns.”, Brim said before tugging me out of the way of Lord Brimstone’s spear he threw at us.

Lord Brim’s spear struck the side of the stairs. He took the spear out of the stairs and aimed it at both of us again.

“You’ll be dead before you even set hoof on this floor.”, Lord Brimstone said before throwing the spear at us again.

The spear flew past my head, barely missing Brim in the process. Lord Brimstone was definitely not the goat to mess with. In the process of the scramble, Brim had managed to hit the evil lord with a spell that hit his horn. Lord Brimstone’s left horn ring had shattered from the spell Brim casted.

“You’ll pay for that!”, Lord Brimstone scolded him.

“Sorry, I left my wallet in my other world. And I don’t have any money.”, Brim said before launching a spell at Lord Brimstone.

As Brim and Lord Brimstone fought, I tried my best to help out. I conjured up the spell I used to attack. I fired my shot at Lord Brimstone, but missed and struck a painting on the wall. Lord Brimstone managed to pin Brim up against the wall and pulled out the spear next to him.

“Any last words, you insignificant stain?”, Lord Brimstone said to Brim.

“Yeah. I got one: Yoink!”, Brim said before using his hoof to snatch Lord Brim’s other ring on his horn.

Doing so made it easy for him to break free as Lord Brimstone tried to get it back before Brim tossed it down the steps. The two of them fell down the stairs, with Lord Brimstone losing his cape in the process. As they came crashing down at the bottom of the stairs, both Lord Brimstone and Brim were fighting on the ground with their hooves. The biggest problem was that I couldn’t tell them apart from each other.

I rushed over to try and figure out the situation. I noticed that Lord Brimstone’s spear was at my hoof. While the two of them were distracted, I used my magic to hold up the spear and aimed it at both of them. Both of them froze in their tracks when they realized the situation we were in.

“Woah woah woah! Take it easy, Rocky!”, One of the Brim’s said.

“Hey! Don’t listen to this one! I’m the real Brim!”, The other Brim said standing up next to the other one.

“Oh good grief!”, I groaned in total confusion.

“Listen to me. I’m the Brim who came into your life after you drank ‘Shout at the Devil’ whiskey.”, The Brim on the left said.

“Don’t listen to him. He’s just using a spell to get into your memories and pretend he is the real one when he is not. I’m the only one who can say that I shaved your pubes in your sleep the second night of us knowing each other.”, The Brim on the right said.

“Bullshit! That wasn’t you, it was me!”, The left Brim argued.

They continued arguing more and more to a point that it became annoying.

“Can both of you shut up?!”, I scolded them.

They both stood silently as I continued pointing the spears at both of them.

“Now, I’m going to figure out which one of you is the real Brim. First question, who did we help out on our trip to Canterlot?”, I asked them.

“Giddy Lee!”, both Brims exclaimed.

“One at a time. What happened when we went fishing in Hoovesiana?”, I asked them.

“We were attacked by some crazy rapist hillbillies.”, the Brim on the right said.

“Really? This is the information you’re using to figure us out? Shit that happened a few days ago? You’re a real master detective”, the left Brim said.

“Look I’m trying my best! I’ve never had to deal with two clones before.”, I exclaimed to him.

“Look at me, Rocky. You know it’s really me. Just make the right choice.”, the Brim on the right said.

“If you choose that Brim, you’ll be killing us both.”, the other one exclaimed.

By then, I had no clue which Brim was which. It was really like flipping a coin and hoping it was either heads or tails. I had to make a choice quickly. We were on a very short time schedule.

“Alright. I know which one is which.”, I announced.

Both Brim’s stood quietly as they waited for me to make my choice. I pointed at the left Brim.

“Come on Brim. Let’s finish off Lord Brimstone.”, I told the left Brim.

“Oh good! Now we can kill this fucker.”, he said walking up to me.

“Bet you can’t wait to scold the author on that one.”, I told the left Brim.

“What author?”, he said.

Right as he said that, I drove the spear right through his chest. Blood had spurted from his mouth and chest before he collapsed to the floor. He was dead. I looked over to the only remaining Brim standing.

“Well I’ll be damned. You know me so well that you used the one thing I haven’t ever explained to you against a fake me. I’m flattered.”, Brim said.

“I still have yet to learn of him.”, I told him.

“Ah, I’ll tell you later once this is all over. Now come, help me hide this body before any more guards see.”, Brim said.

We managed to dump Lord Brimstone's body into a wine barrel outside of the kitchen next to Lucy’s room. For some reason, Brim decided to wear the cape that Lord Brimstone was wearing.

Can you blame me? Capes are cool.

We walked in as quietly as we could into Lucy’s room to search for the Elements of Harmony.

“Look in that drawer on the left side of the bed. I think it’s the bottom drawer.”, Brim directed me.

I opened it up to find that the drawer was completely empty. To double check and see if Brim had made a mistake, I opened and searched through every other drawer. Only thing I could find was some books, gems and a bottle of some clear liquid.

“It isn’t in here. Are you sure that Lucy keeps it in a drawer? If I were her, I would think to put it somewhere a little less conspicuous.”, I told Brim.

“Well thank Lucy that you aren’t her. Otherwise we would’ve been done with this story in less than one chapter. Move over, let me have a look at the drawer.”, Brim said before walking over to look.

Brim put his hoof in the bottom drawer and felt around it.

“Of course, she’s a clever girl.”, Brim said suddenly.

“What?”, I asked.

“She made this drawer have a secret compartment. It's nice and hollow. I knew she was one to hide things in places that seem normal.”, Brim explained.

“Great, that means she has a key somewhere. Guess now we got to look for-”, I said before Brim interrupted me by smashing the bottom of the drawer.

“Or we can not do the most cliche story element of finding a key and just smash the shit open.”, Brim said.

Brim and I looked inside to find the elements of harmony in the crown that Lucy had been wearing. Still in perfect condition, and prime for the taking.

“Jackpot! Now let's get out of here and find Sunset before-”, Brim said before suddenly turning over to face the noise coming outside the door,” Shit! She’s here!”

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! What are we gonna do?”, I asked frantically.

Brim looked around and pointed at the closet just by the door.

“Here, take the Elements of Harmony and hide in there!”, Brim commanded.

“What are you gonna do?”, I asked him.

“Don’t worry about what I’m gonna do, just hide! I’ll try and figure something out. Hopefully she doesn’t know that we iced Lord Brim. Now go!”, Brim said.

Doing as he said, I took the Elements in my hooves and ran into the closet to hide. As I shut the closet door, Brim had reached around to grab some rings to put on his horns. He was able to put some on at the last moment before the door opened. Lucy emerged and stopped at the entry.

“Lord Brimstone! You must’ve received my messenger.”, Lucy said to Brim.

“Yeah. Came here as soon as possible. Just as the messenger directed.”, Brim said, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.

“Good. We have some things to discuss and do before tomorrow morning’s attack.”, Lucy said walking up to Brim.

“Sure thing. What’s up, Lucynious?”, Brim asked her casually.

“Oh please, we’re behind closed doors, Brim. You need not to call me Lucynious. Not for what we’re about to do.”, Lucy said getting closer to Brim.

“Um, what is it we’re about to d-”, Brim asked before Lucy leaned in to passionately kiss him.

The two made out for around ten seconds. With Lucy taking off Brim’s cape in the process. Whatever was gonna happen next, it needed to be away from the door so I could escape and try to meet up with Sunset.

The two finally finished making out.

“Things have been going so well for Hellfree. I want to celebrate in the way that we both do on one of those days.”, Lucy said before reaching up to the top of her bed to pull down a compartment.

What came down was a wall of various whips, toys and other kinky leathers. Brim’s eyes had widened to the sight of the toys. Lucy had walked over to the bed and bent over on the bed, lifting her rear up.

“I want you to ravage me. Make me hurt like the dirty slut I am.”, Lucy said sensually.

“You want me to hit you? With one of these whips?”, Brim nervously asked her.

“I’ve been horny for the past few days since we kidnapped Princess Twilight. You know how horny I get when I manage to gain a lot of power. And I want you to spank me as hard as you can, Lord Brim.”, She said reaching her hooves over to the other side of the bed as she bent over.

Brim had suddenly snapped out of his trance and got back on track.

“Uh for sure! I’m gonna blindfold you so you can’t even have a moment to prep when I dominate you.”, Brim said reaching over for the blindfold before winking at me to try and escape while she was blind.

“Oh you know how much I love it when you-”, Lucy said before Brim covered her eyes with a blindfold and gagged her with his hoof.

“Shut up bitch! I’m the Lord now! You’ll only answer when I say so!”, Brim said, taking one of the whips with a spell,”Reader, if you think I’m not going to enjoy this, you’re god damn wrong”.

“Who are you talking t-”, Lucy said before letting out a loud moan of pleasure as Brim smacked her rear with the whip.

This was my chance. As quietly as I could, I emerged from the closet. It hadn’t occurred to me that the floor was made of wood until it creaked when I set my hoof on it. Lucky, the sound of the whip cracks and Lucy moaning was able to mask it up. I began to tip toe my way to the door.

In the process of me carrying the Elements of Harmony carefully, I managed to run into a small pillar holding up some Hellfree artifact. The pillar tipped side to side as the artifact tipped over. I felt my heart drop as it fell down. Thankfully at the last minute, Brim was able to catch it and put it back with his magic without making a noise.

“Get the fuck out of here!”, Brim mouthed at me silently as he planted another whip smack to Lucy’s rear.

I quietly sneaked up to the door and opened it with my magic. Thankfully the sound of Lucy moaning and shouting masked up the loud creaking of the door. All was going well and according to plan, all we needed to do now was not fuck u-

“Have you gotten the Elements of Harmony from Lucy?”, Sunset said from a portal that suddenly appeared in front of me.

Not the place or the time to spawn a portal like that. I fell back from fear and dropped the Elements of Harmony on the floor, making an undeniably loud bang. The room suddenly went quiet before Lucy took off her blindfold perked over the bed to see me.

“What the Hellfree?! Who the hell do you think you-”, Lucy said before Brim took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed her to the bead frame.

“Sorry I know it’s rude to leave your partner handcuffed to a bed before they finish, but you’re kinda a bitch.”, Brim said to Lucy, sweeping up the Elements of Harmony before running out the door with me following behind.

“BRIMSTONE!”, Lucy yelled out in anger from the room.

“What is going on?”, Sunset asked from the portal.

“You kinda bursted in at the wrong time. That's what’s going on.”, Brim said, annoyed at the possible situation he missed.

“Where are you? We have the elements.”, I told Sunset.

“I'm in a dungeon downstairs. I don’t know how long until guards notice, so please hurry.”, Sunset told us.

“Oh trust us, we’re hauling ass after managing to handcuff Lucy to her BDSM bed!”, Brim exclaimed.

“What was that?”, Sunset asked confused.

“Don’t worry about it, it's gonna be a fun story on the way back home. Bye!”, Brim said before closing the portal.

“How much time did you buy us before she breaks free from those handcuffs?”, I asked Brim as we turned a corner.

“Twenty seconds at most. The last time I did this as a joke, she managed to rip the chain off the handcuffs and stabbed me with some broken glass bottle.”, Brim said before a loud boom echoed from the room behind us,” And I think this Lucy managed to break free in ten seconds”.

Not wanting to stop for a second, Brim and I ran for our lives as we looked for some stairs that led down to a dungeon. Lucy had been on our tail for a few rooms. When we managed to find a room with a large door and a spiral staircase, Brim closed it behind us and barricaded it with some large boxes. Lucy had slammed into the door with full force. It didn’t even budge. She then began shooting spells at the door, slowly whittling away to get to us.

“Hop on my back!”, Brim told me.

“What? Why do you-”, I asked confused.

“We’re being chased by an evil goat that is trying to kill us! Shut the fuck up and hop on my back so I can jump down the stairs!”, Brim demanded.

Not wanting to see Lucy gut me or Brim, I hopped onto Brim’s back before Brim took off running to the edge of the spiral staircase. Brim took a massive leap and fell down the spiral staircase. When he landed, he let out a grunt before falling down to his knees. I hopped off his back as he went down.

“Are you okay?”, I asked him.

“Yeah yeah, I’m fine. I just need to make the reader think that this ‘injury’ has meaning. Just go find Sunset.”, Brim said getting up.

“What are you gonna do?”, I asked.

“We’ve been running for the past five minutes, and I had to carry your fatass jumping down the stairs. I need a ciggy break. Now go!”, Brim said before using his magic to spawn a lighter and cigarette.

I ran into the dungeon with the elements on my back and my face looking forward. The dungeon had a dark glow that could strike fear into any knights who would dare enter it. Yet, here I was running into it not even thinking of what would be in it looking for Sunset and Twilight.

As I ran further, I saw Sunset in the distance. She ran up to me as she saw me.

“Rocky! She’s over here! If we can hurry we can get her out now.”, Sunset said.

“Alright, let's go. We’ll have to meet Brim when we ge-”, I said before being cut off by a bolt of magic from behind us.

“You’re not going anywhere you insignificant stains!”, Lucy said with blood dripping from her front hooves.

She began to slowly walk towards us.

“There is nothing you can do to stop our cleansing of Ponyville. And if I have to kill you all in the process, so be it.”, Lucy said before launching a beam of magic towards us.

The beam managed to strike right in front of Sunset, launching her back into the wall and knocking her out.

“Sunset!”, I called out to her.

“And I’m going to make your death the most slow and painful. And then I'm gonna rip that crown from your dead hooves and destroy Ponyville.”, Lucy said slowly walking towards me with a spear covered in acid.

I began backing up in fear. My heart began racing as she drew closer. In panic, I began firing all the spells I could to stop her. She managed to deflect them off of her like it was nothing. I began to feel my life flash before my eyes when she lifted her spear up to throw at me.

Right before she could throw the spear, Brim came up from behind and tackled her off to the side. He managed to knock the spear from her grasp to the floor. Brim was now face to face with Lucy.

“Why you annoying little shit, I’ll gut you for that!”, Lucy said.

“That’s mister annoying little shit to you.”, Brim said before spawning a metal pipe to use as a weapon.

The two stood for about a second before Brim stepped forward and swung at her with the pipe. She ducked out of the way and blasted him with a small bold that barely missed his side. Before Brim could get a chance to attack, Lucy had tackled him to the ground and got on top of him. It looked like Lucy was going to try to stab Brim with her horns. Right as Lucy brought her horns down, Brim used his front hooves to catch her head right before her horns could harm him.

“Tigerstyle!”, Brim said before taking his back hooves and flipped Lucy over his head.

Brim rose to his hooves.

“What the hell are you doing? Get the princess out of that statue!”, Brim yelled at me.

“What if you get into trouble?”, I told him.

“Relax. What’s the worst that can ha-”, Brim said before he suddenly got stabbed from behind.

My heart stopped as a blade had come out of Brim’s chest. Blood had shot out of his mouth as his eyes had widened. The blade was pulled out from behind and made Brim drop to the floor, revealing that Lucy had used her magic to throw a sword that was nearby.

I called out his name as tears began coming out of my eyes. I ran over to his body, not realizing that I had dropped the Elements of Harmony behind me. I dropped down to his hooves and cradled my best friend as I wept. Blood was all over the stone floor where he layed. It looked like this was for real.

In my moment of grief, I failed to realize that Lucy had grabbed the Elements of Harmony from behind me. She had put the crown on her head and began beaming some magic around her. I began backing away from here as she walked closer.

“It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be the first pony to experience what I’m going to do to Equestria.”, Lucy said menacingly with an evil smile.

I backed up further and further until my back was up against a wall. My heart was racing a thousand miles per hour as she began casting a spell.

“And now you’re going to end up like your friend here; dead.”, Lucy said before taking a stance.

For a moment I thought that this was it. I was about to die by the hooves of an evil goat and there was nothing I could do about it. My best friend was slain right before my eyes and the girl I love is next. All of Equestria was about to be doomed to the rule of the Hellfree. I began to close my eyes to prepare for my death.

“I’m not dead”, a mysterious voice said from behind Lucy before the sound of something cocking followed.

Lucy turned around to see Brim walking once again with a cigarette in his mouth and holding a double barreled shotgun with his magic.

“I’m Brimstone, bitch!”, Brim said before swinging his shotgun towards Lucy’s head.

Brim had hit Lucy so hard that it not only knocked off the Elements of Harmony off her head, it also broke off one of her horns. Lucy let out a painful yelp as she stumbled over to the side.

“Kiyaaa!”, Brim screamed out as he fired both shots of his shotgun towards Lucy.

The shots sent Lucy flying all the way across the dungeon into a stone statue. The impact managed to shatter the statue like it was a bunch of toy bricks hitting the ground. Brim had grabbed the Elements of Harmony and blew away the smoke coming from the barrel of his shotgun.

“Who’s next!”, Brim yelled out.

“Brim! How are you alive?”, I asked him with a relieved tone.

“I’ve been alive this whole time, Rocky.”, Brim said.

“But, you were just stabbed from behind. I saw you die!”, I told him.

“Correction, I was just getting off my ciggy break. You saw the decoy goat I formed earlier die. I managed to teleport that doll back and reshaped her to look and act like me while I finished smoking.”, Brim said.

Brim was going to say something else but I interrupted him by running over to hug him. He was caught off guard by this.

“Uh, you have a girlfriend, Rocky. She’s right over there. She could wake up at any moment and think that you are actually pretty fruity.”, Brim said.

“Please don’t do that ever again. Do you understand me, Brim?”, I told him.

“No promises, but sure.”, He said, returning the hug.

Right as we were having a bromance moment, Lucy had stumbled from the debris of the statue she had crashed through. Blood was bleeding across her face from where her left horn used to be.

“You… you have been a horn in my side for the last time.”, Lucy said angrily out of breath.

“Huh, you look tense. Have you been a little less horny as of recently?”, Brim smuggly said.

That joke made me chuckle a little bit.

I am going to fucking rip out your tongue for that!”, Lucy guttarally screamed out at Brim.

Her anger caused her skin to all of a sudden burst into flames. She was now covered by her own flames like a blanket. Suddenly she leaped over at us. When she landed in front of us, it knocked me onto my back from the force of her landing.

“Damn, you look pretty hot when you’re angry.”, Brim joked once more before lifting up his shotgun.

Right as he went to pull the trigger, the gun had clicked but didn’t fire.

“Oh shit I forgot I fired both shells earlier.”, Brim said before being tackled by the enraged Lucy.

Brim was using his gun to keep Lucy from burning him. Right before the gun could melt from the heat, Brim found Lucy’s weak spot and decked her in the eyes. Lucy had fallen back again before facing Brim again.

You are really getting on my nerves!”,Lucy said, grabbing her eye.

“And you have fallen into our trap.”, Brim announced.

Lucy had given Brim a confused look. Right at the last second before Lucy could do anything, I managed to open a portal above her. It had taken all my strength to conjure the portal and hold it open long enough. By the time Lucy realized what was happening, it was too late. The pile of honey began to fall on top of Lucy. She was fully submerged inside of it before trying to move once again. The flames coming off her body began to harden the honey like cement. As she tried to attack Brim, she began slowing to a halt before being an ambered goat.

I was out of breath by the time I closed the portal.

“Did….did we do it?”, I asked Brim out of breath.

“I think we did. “, Brim said.

Before I could do anything else, I remembered that Sunset was knocked out. I ran over to Sunset. She was still knocked out from when Lucy had attacked her.

“Sunset! Sunset, wake up!”, I said, shaking Sunset.

Her eyes slowly opened as she began breathing again. She blinked a few times before rising up slowly.

“What happened?”, she asked.

“We did it, Sunset. We won!”, I told her.

I helped her up with a hoof. I helped her walk over to where Lucy stood in amber. I was now convinced that he had successfully defeated Lucy. There was no way she could break out of there. Not without help of course.

“Oh my god. Oh my god, you managed to defeat her!”, Sunset said.

“Yeah, we did.”, I told her.

“You don’t understand. I was so worried that my nightmare would have been true. It was all so real.”, Sunset said with tears of joy in her eyes.

“I told you we would make it.”, I told her, putting a hoof on the side of her face.

Sunset and I locked eyes with each other once again. Maybe it was the moment that we had managed to make it out of a dangerous situation together or that she was relieved, what we did know was that we were caught up in the moment. We both leaned in to kiss each other.

Right before we could even touch lips, Brim had interrupted us by kicking the amber that Lucy was encaged in, shattering it along with Lucy’s head into a million pieces. Blood had splattered all over me and Sunset.

“Good Grief, Brim!”, I reacted.

“What? We have to be sure that she is gonna stay dead. What better way than to shatter her head like ice?”, Brim defended.

All of a sudden, the dungeon began shaking violently. Parts of the walls started to fall down revealing the outside. We looked to see that the dome surrounding Hellfree was collapsing. In some way killing Lucy was also killing the Hellfree forest dome.

“We need to get out of here now!”, Sunset said.

As quickly as she could, she formed a portal below the stone prison Princess Twilight was in. The statue fell into the portal.

“Quickly, let's get to Ponyville before-”, Sunset said before a piece of stone had pushed her into her own portal, shutting it when she went in.

“Sunset!”, I called out to her.

“Come on! We’ve got to get the hell out of here before we get crushed by this dome!”, Brim said, grabbing me by the hoof.

Brim and I made a dash for the opening in the wall to outside the castle. There was mass panic in the streets as goats were making a beat to the exit. Not many of them cared that I was there, many of them were too focused on not getting crushed by the debris coming from the dome.

“You have the Elements right?”, I asked Brim.

“Of course I do. Let's just get out of here!”, Brim said as we started running towards the entrance of the town. Because so many other goats were trying to leave, the crowd was too thick to push through.

“Rocky, look! We can take that shortcut!”, Brim said pointing off to a beaten path of burning buildings.

“That way is too dangerous. We got to push on through this cro-”, I said before seeing a goat get crushed by thousands of other goats making a run for it in the crowd,” The burning buildings will do”.

We both passed through the first building that was on fire. The smoke was so thick that it was almost impossible to see through. Luckily, Brim and I were able to make it through the first building and start passing through to the second. We were making it through to the exit a lot quicker than if we were able to make it through the crowd.

Right as we were passing through the fourth building, I started hearing some music playing behind me. I thought it was just adrenaline kicking at first until I realized that the music felt really real. I looked over to see Brim carrying both the Elements of Harmony and a speaker playing some heavy metal music.

“Really? You have to do this now?!”, I asked Brim as we were running.

“I like setting the mood! We’re escaping from Hellfree. The song is called- ah forget it! You’re no fun!”, Brim said tossing the speaker off to the side.

Right as we were leaving the final building, we finally had an opening to jet for the exit without being trampled. In fact, there was no one in the way at all. Brim and I took off running from the building to the exit. Right as we were in the home stretch, the forest shook violently one last time. The shakes were so intense that it caused Brim to drop it as we were running. At the same time, the shakes were enough to cause the rest of the forest to start collapsing from behind us.

Catching Brim off guard, I screeched to a halt and ran to go grab to the Elements.

“Rocky what are you doing?!”, He panicked.

“Just make it to the exit!”, I yelled back at him.

I made a bolt to go pick up the crown of elements. Thankfully I was able to make it in time to grab it. However, I stopped to witness the center of the Hellfree forest dome collapse. The dome began to fall before me. That was my cue to run like hell to the exit.

As I was running for my life, the world behind me was crumbling right behind me. Bits and pieces of the dome were falling beside me in the process. Brim was waiting for me at the exit. He had a look of fear seeing the chaos ensue from behind me. I realized that I needed to run faster when a large chunk of the dome landed next to me. As more and more chunks landed near me, I ran as fast as my hooves could take me.

Right as I made it within jumping distance of the exit, I made a last second dive to the exit. I managed to tackle Brim in the process and managed to make it out into the cemetery we were in when we first arrived. The entrance made a loud boom as dust shot out from the entrance to the now buried Hellfree forest. By pure luck, We had done it.

“Good fucking grief.”, I said looking back at the entrance.

“Uh, Rocky. I think we have a bigger issue to deal with now.”, Brim said nervously.

I looked up from the ground to see all the goats of Hellfree staring right at us with the Elements of Harmony at hoof. This is going to be swell...

Author's Note:


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