• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 237 Views, 5 Comments

Shout At The Devil : Welcome to Equestria - Bucket of Skies

Rocky and the gang are transported to a whole new world on a new adventure against a familiar foe.

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Chapter 5 : Defense *clap clap*

Without any haste, we all rushed down the small mountain to reach the inflamed Ponyville. Brim was trying to figure out what had happened with the spell he had casted as we were running down the mountain.

“I don’t understand. I thought it would be like some cool blast like Rocky’s.”, Brim explained as he was running.

“Maybe if you had listened to us and stopped blurting out random spells the whole damn town wouldn’t be in the mess that it is in.”, I scolded him.

“You gotta admit, that cursing spell is useful now.”, Brim said, trying to look on the bright side.

“Can you please shut the fuck up!”, Sunset told him angrily.

“Alright fine!”

We managed to get down to the castle where Spike and a bunch of guards were frantically waiting for us to get back. The town was starting to burn down as smoke appeared from behind the castle.

“Spike! Are you okay?”, Sunset asked him coming to a screeching halt.

“I’m fine. What the hay happened up there?”, Spike asked.

“We got the spell book.”

“And? What went wrong? Did he not say the spell right?”, Spike asked.

“He did but well…”, I nervously tried explaining.

“But well what?!”, Spike frantically asked.

“The spell didn’t fucking work! I got a bunch of other spells. All it does is reveal all spells in the goat history.”, Brim exclaimed.

Spike widened his eyes upon hearing what Brim said.

“Did he mean bucking instead of…...fucking?”, Spike asked.

“Look, that's not important. What is going on in town?”, Sunset asked, trying to steer back to the town under attack.

“We don’t know. One second I was trying to address that the princess wasn’t around and that everything is fine. Then the next second the entire Hellfree forest army spawned from a portal above and started attacking the town.”, Spike explained.

Sunset and I slowly turned to Brim.

“What? Why is everypony suddenly looking at Brim?”, Spike asked.

“I….may have accidentally caused it.”, Brim explained.

“You what?!”

“Look hear me out. If you were given the amount of power I was given, you’d probably go a little bit overboard right?”

“Well, can you undo this!? A bunch of ponies are probably dying out there!”, Spike said frantically putting his claws on his shoulders in a panic.

“Easy, your bad dragoness! I don’t think that would be a good idea since that one I did because it sounded cool. Some of them I know, some I don’t. I knew the ‘bad things’ spell because I needed a fucking cigarette.”, Brim explained.

“Oh this is hopeless! Without Twilight, the elements of harmony are going to be useless to defend against this attack! All we have is this psycho goat who doesn’t even know what the…..fuck he is doing!”, Spike suddenly exclaimed.

“Wooo! First time swearing! Knew that this place would be a whole lot better when you add swearing.”

“There’s gotta be something we can do. They can't attack forever can they?”, Sunset suggested.

“The royal guards are trying their best, but they’re constantly being overwhelmed.”, Spike explained.

“Well there is your first problem. Your royal guard sucks. I would have fared better than them in this attack.”, Brim said.

“That's it! Maybe with your new found powers you can fight them off.", Spike exclaimed perking up.

“Uh, I was just joking when I said that.”

“If the other six could fight off evil changelings years ago, you could do it to goats.”, Spike pointed out.

“But we don’t have the Elements of Harmony on our side.”, I chimed in.

“But, You have your magic and whatever spells Brim has in his new repertoire to fend off the Hellfree goats.”, Brim said.

“You did launch a pretty powerful blast while we were up there.”, Sunset reminded me.

“Great. Now we have to do the guard’s job of killing these invaders.”, Brim announced.

“Oooh, we don’t use that word around here.’, Spike said wincing.

“You’re kidding me right? You literally just said ‘fuck’ not two minutes ago. All of a sudden ‘kill’ is the one word that gets me in trouble?”

“I didn’t even know what that word meant. Look just don’t say it like that.”

“And say what? ‘Silence, mutilate, brutally bash them in’? I have a whole list of-”

“We don’t have time for this Brim! Ponyville is under attack!”, Sunset said, trying to get Brim to focus.

“Alright. Let’s go kill these motherfuckers!”

We rushed from the castle to the center of Ponyville where a majority of the goats were attacking. Sunset had managed to blast one that was on top of a random store out of existence.

“We’ll split up so we can better our chances of fending them off.”, Sunset said.

“Um, are we not going to address the fact you just killed one nonchalantly?”, I asked her.

“You get used to it when fighting off threats. You and Brim take this side of the town. I’ll run over to the other side to help out the guards.”, Sunset said.

“Wait, what if I miss my shot and they attack me?”, I asked.

“Then you better hope Brim is a good friend of yours in hurrying to save you. I’ve got to go. Stay safe!”, She said before running off.

“But….it’s Brim we’re talking about.”

“Awesome! Two bros fighting off an evil army together. What a way to go out fighting.”, Brim said patting me on the shoulder with his hoof.

Right as he said that, a group of goats bursted out of the window of a nearby building. Thankfully they weren’t as large as Brim, but they were definitely not ones you would want to mess with.

“General Brim?!”, one of the goats said.

They all had a bit of a shocked expression like they never would’ve predicted Brim would be there.

“Yeah my name’s Brim and also- Abra Carva!”, Brim said before blasting them with a spell that made them disappear.

“What was that? How do they know who you are?”, I asked him.

“Oh I don’t know. It’s not like we’re in an alternate universe or anything.”, he said sarcastically.

“Okay fair point.”

“Hey new plan. I’m gonna split up and take one side of town to try out some spells. You got this right? Great see ya.”, Brim announced.

“Brim wait Sunset told us to-”, I said as Brim teleported somewhere else,” stick together”.

All of a sudden I felt a great surge of fear with the threat of being killed by a goat. Before I could try to get my grips on the situation, I heard some pony behind me let out a loud scream of terror. I turned to see a large goat hovering above a much smaller mare. The goat looked like he was ready to scorch her to ashes with his horns. It was time to nut up or shut up.

Using the trick Sunset taught me, I quickly conjured up the spell to attack. With my skill with the spell improving, I was able to launch my attack the quickest I had ever launched it. It was a direct hit, nearly blasting the goat a couple of feet away. The innocent mare got up onto her hooves and turned over to me.

“Oh thank you sir! I felt my life flash before my eyes.”, the mare said.

“It was er, nothing. Now get out to someplace safe. I don’t know how long these goats plan to attack.”, I told her.

Without questioning it, the mare ran off to safety. I was able to save a mare's life from the jaws of death. Not many people who turn to ponies can say that. As I was basking in the moment, I heard a loud noise come from behind me that startled me. So much so that I had instinctively fired my magic attack at the source of the noise. Whatever had made that noise wasn’t hit directly, but was instead crushed by the debris from above falling from me damaging a support beam.

I decided to investigate further to make sure that what I took out was down. I moved closer to the fallen debris and used my levitation magic to lift up the bricks that crushed the being that was hidden. I had expected to find a goat that was hiding in the shadows waiting to attack me, but I was so far from it.

When I pulled the bricks and debris off, I found a stallion who looked exactly like me when I first caught a glimpse into the mirror. He had his head split open, leaving a trail of blood to flow down his face. Next to him was a shattered pair of glasses similar to the ones I wore in my other universe.

The realization caused my legs to feel like jelly as I felt a massive weight hit me in my chest to what I did to my alternate self.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!", I exclaimed to myself.

I heard a faint noise of magic from behind me, but I was too shocked with my accidental deed.

"So I was able to fight off my portion of troops, how's it going over here?", Brim had asked me casually.

"I….I...I-", I shuddered.

"Three goats you killed? I don't speak roman numerals."

"Oh good grief I think I'm gonna be sick!", I said suddenly feeling faint.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Don't you see it?!", I said pointing out the clone of me lying dead in the debris.

"Oh shit! Well looks like Sunset was wrong about it being highly unlikely to find you here.", Brim said looking at the corpse.

"How can you be so calm about this?! I just killed myself!", I reiterated.

"Well, technically not really. You're still alive and breathing."

"This is not the time to joke around with your Hell humor Brim!"

"Look how about we move on from this. I came back to tell you that Sunset needs our help with getting some of the stragglers out of here. Let's go, we don't have time to waste!", Brim told me before running off in the opposite direction.

I didn't want to stare at my own dead body any longer so I agreed to follow him. But before I could get far enough away, I let out a few soft sobs as I said a goodbye to my other self.

"I'm so sorry."

We met with Sunset not long after where she was held up assisting some of the royal guard with getting ponies to safety. The guards were behind some rubble that they were using as cover to fend off the hellfree army. Sunset was helping out an older mare who had been injured in the conflict.

“There you are. I was worried something had happened to you.”, Sunset said to us as we approached.

“Well, something did happen to Rocky, but not really. I can explain it later. What stragglers do you need us to blow to smithereens”, Brim answered for me.

Before Sunset could answer, a loud boom echoed from behind the defenses. An ominous light followed the boom as the entire town was now in a shade of red light. All three of us went over to the line of rubble to find a yellow aura of energy where the goats were running into.

“Look! I think they’re retreating!”, Brim pointed out.

As the final goat from behind the line went in, the aura began to grow larger in size. It shot out menacing flames before showing the familiar face of Lucy. She looked to have a look of threatening stature.

“This is only the beginning of what’s to come for all of Equestria! It is inevitable. You will all suffer the same fate we all did as you casted us aside like we were nothing to you. The day of darkness is coming. Without your precious princess to save you, you will all drown in the darkness of Hellfree magic. The goats will rise again! And there is nothing you or your friends can do to stop it. Let the darkness in!”, Lucy said from the aura.

The aura began to fade away as the town around us began to come back to it’s natural lighting. There was black smoke where the aura once was in its place. As the last phrase Lucy said echoed out, ponies had gathered around and murmured in fear.

“There’s no way this can be real!”, a pony shouted.

“Our princess would never let herself get captured.”, another one said.

“What are we going to do?!”, a mare panicked.

The other questions soon joined together into a massive panic in the streets about what’s to come. The hysteria was rising as more and more ponies began to speak irrational ideas of the end coming.

Before the panic turned to a riot, Brim used a spell to grab all their attention with a loud boom.

“Can we all calm the fuck down? It’s not like you guys haven’t been through this type of danger already. It’ll fix itself I think.”, Brim said.

A stallion spoke up.

“And why should we trust you? We were just attacked by your kind!”, he said.

“Quite frankly, I wouldn’t even trust me. But how about trust these two dorks beside me. They can fix this situation.”, Brim said pointing to us.

The crowd began to murmur with doubt.

“Sunset, please say something. I’m losing their attention.”, Brim whispered to her.

“Look, there is no easy way to say this. We are in a bad situation. Like a really bad situation. But wasn’t the invasion of Queen Chrysalis a bad situation? Wasn’t Nightmare Moon a bad situation? Wasn’t Lord Tirek taking away all the magic a bad situation? They all were bad situations. But we remained optimistic to stay on top. Even though the odds were against us, we always managed to come out victorious.”, Sunset told the crowd of ponies.

The doubt from the crowd slowly deteriorated as Sunset told this speech. They looked unto Sunset like she was the hero of the day.

“Yes, Princess Twilight may be in captivity. But so was Princess Celestia and Luna. Even without their help, Twilight was able to overcome those odds with the help of her friends. That's what I plan on doing here for her, with my closest friend’s help.”, Sunset said looking back at us.

Suddenly, the crowd began cheering as they felt inspired to feel calm about the events to come.

“God Damn! Your marefriend is a multi-tool.”, Brim whispered over to me.

“What?”, I asked him confused.

“A receptionist, former crown thief, and a motivational speaker. What else has this mare done that we don’t know about?”, he explained.

“You know what, I think I may have to agree with you on that thought now that I think of it”.

Sunset stepped back towards us.

“That should be enough to calm them down for the moment.”, Sunset told us.

“That was incredible.”, I told her.

“It really wasn’t hard. You just had to do the exact opposite of what Brim was doing.”, she said, shooting a look at Brim.

“Oh hush, you probably have clout here that gave you an edge.”, Brim responded.

Right as we were talking, a royal guard had approached us.

“Sunset, Spike needs you back at the castle immediately. We may have found something we could use to our advantage to find the Hellfree forest.”, the guard said.

“Let’s not waste anymore time then. Lets go.”

Author's Note: