• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 239 Views, 5 Comments

Shout At The Devil : Welcome to Equestria - Bucket of Skies

Rocky and the gang are transported to a whole new world on a new adventure against a familiar foe.

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Chapter 2 : First Impressions

Can we pick this story up a notch already? I want to get this done so I can move on to something that is less horrific for me than this.

We’re only one chapter in.

And that’s one chapter too many. Just thinking about being the creature I ate the most gives me chills.

Whatever, I’m gonna keep going with this. We made it to the castle with Sunset giving Brim more and more lectures on how to act with her friend who was the princess of Equestria. To be honest, I didn’t think for a second that Brim would listen to any advice that Sunset gave him. If that’s me knowing Brim to well as a friend, sue me.

We knocked on the door to let whoever was behind the door that we had arrived. Brim was bickering about the advice he was given.

“I’m sorry, but you saying that I can’t make snarky quips is like telling a dog not to sit and be cute. It’s against my nature.”, Brim whined.

“Well you’re not exactly yourself right now are you? Just don’t do anything to upset her.”, Sunset told him.

“I’m a goat! By now, I have already upset others. Even that pink dragon who thought I was a bad goat.”, Brim defended.

“Well lets just calm it down a minute since we don’t know her yet. Well, almost all of us. You did say that she was tolerant of others since she was the head of that friendship school.”, I interjected.

“The top friendship school. So she knows how to deal with others who are typically rude.”, she explained.

“The only friendship school you mean. Why the hellfree would you need a school about making friends? Seems like a pretty basic concept anypony could understand at birth.”, Brim pointed out.

“It’s something to unite a community together.”, Sunset explained annoyed with Brim’s cynicism.

“It’s lazy writing, that’s what it is”.

“Oh now you want to mention the ‘author’ in this?”, she said sneering at Brim.

“Not the author, just another set of lazy writers.”, Brim explained.

The door finally opened up with a guard behind it. One thing I noticed about the guard was that he wasn’t a pony. He wasn’t a pegasus either. It was instead some bird, lion hybrid creature.

A Griffon. You donut.

Right, a griffon was the guard. He gave us a look that let us know that he was expecting us for the visit. With a nod, he let us into the castle for us to once again walk down the long hallway to the throne room. When we made it to the large door, the guard pushed the door and poked his head inside.

“They are here Princess Twilight.”, the griffon said.

“Thank you Gallus, you may go now.”, the voice said.

He walked right past us both and motioned us that it was okay to walk in. Letting Sunset lead the way, Brim and I followed behind her before stepping into the most glorious looking room I had ever been in. Inside was a large set of grandioso pillars leading up to a large throne were a semi larger unicorn-pegasus hybrid sat. When I say semi larger, I mean it in a sense that she looked to have a lot of power and prowess as a ruler. Yet, she still seemed to have that soft side of her based on her soft smile she gave us as we walked in. There she was. Princess Twilight Sparkle

“It has been far too long Sunset. I’ve missed you so much.”, she said stepping down from her throne.

Sunset ran over and hugged her.

“I’m sorry for the sudden visit Twilight, but let's just say I needed to revisit a second home.”, she explained.

They embraced for a little while longer before Brim tapped me on the shoulder to whisper in my ear.

“Are you really sure she is the one for you? Out of this entire trip, she has already hugged two other creatures.”, Brim whispered.

“They’re old time friends Brim.”, I told him.

“Yeah. Me and Lucy are old time friends, and we still don’t get that close. Mainly because the other one hates my guts.”, Brim said.

“And who are these two that you have brought with you?”, Princess Twilight said looking at us both.

“Uh, my name’s Rocky Pebbles. Let’s just say Sunset and I are very close, and this is Brim.”, I explained.

“Well it is very nice to meet you two. For once it is nice to finally meet somepony who isn’t a clone of themselves in the other world.”, Twilight said.

“Wait what?”, I asked.

“Oh nothing. Just a memory I had with a similar situation like this. Except this time it wasn’t by accident. Anyways, it is finally so nice to find a goat who isn’t causing problems with the kingdom.”, Twilight said looking towards Brim.

“Excuse me?”, he asked leaning back.

“Well, not to mean any offense by it, but we’ve been having a few issues with goats in a neighboring forest and thats been-”, She tried explaining before Brim interrupted.

“No no, I'm convinced that there is a huge prejudice against goats here! I haven’t been here for more than one day, and already some ponies have a problem with me. Yet, I don’t say how much I dislike them. Cause I have a little bit of bucking decency!”, Brim fired back.

“I didn’t-”

“Since you want to make assumptions because I’m a goat, how about I make assumptions about how you eat since you are somehow bigger than most ponies here. You probably down cake like it’s a-”, Brim said before Sunset whispered in his ear angrily.

After the brief explanation from Sunset, his eyes widened from realizing what she truly was.

“Oh. That makes so much more sense.”

The room was quiet. After all, Brim was just about to full on insult the princess. Though I would assume she wouldn’t punish Brim, it would still be awkward for the rest of this visit in the kingdom.

“Well, so much for first impressions.”, I awkwardly said with a goofy smile.

“So, have you been up to anything interesting?”, Sunset asked Twilight.

“Well, besides dealing with some local issues in the kingdom, I have been working on something really special. Oh, that reminds me! Do you happen to have the book that you used to write those letters from Canterlot?”, she asked.

“I do. Why do you ask”.

“I can explain on the way.”, Twilight said before walking towards a door on the side of the throne room.

“Am I the only one with a bad feeling about this?”, Brim whispered to me.

“She isn’t going to do anything to you.”, I told him.

“Not that. A bad feeling that something is about to happen.”, Brim explained.

“When do you ever not have a bad feeling with someone new?”, I rhetorically asked him.

“Fair point.”, he said as he followed behind.

We entered a large room on the opposite side of the castle filled with all sorts of old artifacts. Some looked to be a couple hundred years old, while some looked brand new to the display boxes.

“Over the past couple of years since I took to the throne, I have been collecting as many artifacts to represent the elements of harmony in a museum I am making for the castle. I want to display the full history of the elements of harmony, so every little artifact counts. Including your notebook.”, Twilight explained to Sunset.

As she explained this, we walked by a display case with a huge cannon with pink wheels.

“Uh, question. I know you just said that every single artifact counts for the history of this uh, ‘friendship gang’, but how the hellfree does a cannon tie in to this?”, Brim asked.

“That is Pinkie Pie’s party cannon. Oh, I forget that you aren’t from around here.”, Twilight said.

“No, I think I get the jist of who she is from stories. Would you say she is a bit out of her mind?”, Brim said looking at Sunset.

Right before she could answer, a worker pony came out of a door to a chamber nearby.

“Princess Sparkle, the harmony room is ready for final testing.”, the worker said.

“Wonderful! You can be the first to see the main attraction at the museum.”, Twilight announced.

“What is it”, I asked.

“In this room lies all the elements of harmony. Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, and Magic. They helped defeat beings that threatened Equestria. Which are also on display. Anyways, in this room, a pony can experience a ray of magic given off from the elements of harmony. Kind of a fun idea if you ask me. Especially for the little ones.”, Twilight explained.

“And it’s somehow safe?”, Brim interrupted.

“Well, that’s what we’re going to find out. So far it has been a success. Only issue is that it loses power.”, She explained.

“You don’t have enough magic to power it properly?”, Sunset asked.

“Not since our issues with the Hellfree forest cost us a large amount of some artifacts to be stolen. To be completely honest, you were lucky enough to make it here.”, Twilight said.

“Are you ever going to explain what the issue with my kind is? It’s starting to make me more iffy that you aren’t as nice as Sunset describes you.”, Brim asked her.

“It’s not anything against goats. It’s more what they have against Equestria. You see, Hellfree forest is a place where most goats live. They are not particularly the easiest to try and invite to our town to include in our harmony of all cultures. Partly due to the history of Equestria casting them aside due to their leader trying to obtain a large majority of land for themselves alone. It never became a problem until some of our artifacts wound up missing and ended up there. But when we went to investigate, the forest was gone. All that remained was an empty grass field. Yet, we still receive reports of goats returning to the empty field with more and more artifacts.”, Twilight explained.

“Sounds like you might have your solution of where they are if you received reports of goats turning up there.”, Brim quipped.

“But it’s finding out how to get into Hellfree that is troubling us. Until we find a true solid solution to enter the forest, we must wait. But let's forget about that, we have a room to test.”, Twilight exclaimed.

“Actually, I think I’m starting to side with Brim’s idea of the room not being safe enough yet.”, I said nervously.

“I’m sure it will be fine Rocky. I’ll be there with you.”, Sunset reassured me.

“Great. We can all die together if it somehow goes wrong.”, Brim added.

We walked into the room with six crowns circling around a small statue of six ponies, including a younger version of Twilight. The room looked to have been modified heavily for withstanding some of the magic that was given off from the crowns.

“Here it is. The elements of harmony.”, Twilight pointed out.

“Kinda smaller than I imagined. You sure these aren’t the replicas?”, Brim asked.

“Don’t underestimate them. They were the ones used to help defeat the evil creatures who threatened Equestria. Some were even turned to stone with this.”, she explained.

“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it”.

“So how does it work? Obviously it wouldn’t be safe to use the actual spell.”, Sunset asked.

“It’s very simple. With a push of this button, a small fraction of the magic will be released in the room by surrounding it with the rainbow power. It will be relatively harmless if something were to go wrong.”, Twilight explained.

“Sounds simple enough.”, I said.

“It is. But without further adieu, let's give it the final test.”, Twilight announced as she pressed the button.

“These are gonna be my last words and I’m going to regret it.”, Brim said as the crowns started up.

“I thought that you couldn’t die.”, I told him.

“We’re out of the world I’m used to. Who knows what can happen to me here”.

As the magic reached its peak, the crowns whined and shot a beam of rainbow magic around the room. It beamed with bright and vibrant colors only for a second before becoming a mixed blodge of colors. After a few seconds, the beams died down to leave the room in a weirdly dark state.

“Um, shouldn’t the magic spectacle be more of a….’spectacle’?”, Brim sarcastically asked.

“It must need some more tests. Oh well, guess the magic can wait for another day.”, Twilight said.

“There won’t be another day here in Equestria.”, a mysterious female voice said from the shadows.

This made my spine tingle as I felt the presence of somepony or something lurking in the shadows. I stood close to Sunset to try and feel safe.

“Who goes there!”, Twilight said taking a powerful stance.

“Do you really think that teaching the world about friendship and kindness will save them from evil? Will it stop the darkness that lurks behind every bright ray of happiness?”, the voice asked from another direction of the darkness.

Brim suddenly perked up.

“That voice. There’s no way.”, Brim said to himself.

“Heh, no. For there will always be darkness. And in that darkness is the despair we’ve felt being casted aside for years and years. There have been far too cowards who lack the grit to try and show the rest of the world the suffering we’ve been through. But that changes now,” the voice said before a figure the same size as Twilight walked out of the shadows.

Out came a dark feminine goat with horns as sharp as spears with eyes that could cut like a razor. In between her horns was a dark aura of magic holding the elements of harmony, as the ones in the chamber faded away to dust. She held an evil grin as her eyes locked onto us.

“And it changes with me.”, the feminine goat said standing menacingly

“Lucy?! Is that you?”, Brim exclaimed aloud.

The goat widened her eyes with a hint of confusion.

“Oh my Lucy, It is you! What are you doing in this universe?”, Brim asked stepping towards her.

“Brim, I-”, I tried stopping him before he continued talking.

“I mean if you wanted me back so bad, you could’ve called a little sooner if you asked me. A bit weird how you’re bigger than me in this universe.”, Brim said stepping closer.

“Brim wait!”, Sunset tried warning him.

“Guys, relax. I know how to deal with crazy exes. How the hellfree do you think I managed to real this one back if I didn’t? So, why don’t we catch back up with our famous tongue danc-”, Brim said before being strangled by the magic that this evil Lucy was giving off.

“Brim!”, I exclaimed.

“Let him go Lucynious!”, Princess Twilight said threatening to use her magic.

“Heh, as you wish.”, she said with an evil grin.

“Oh Lord you are an equally horrible goat in this world!”, Brim raspily said in her grasp.

Lucyinous took Brim and threw him out of the room and into the museum with violent force. Sunset went to step forward with Twilight to try and take a stance.

“Whatever your plan is, it will not work”, Twilight declared to Lucy.

Lucy let out a loud chuckle.

“Oh darling, it’s working just as I planned.”, she said menacingly.

Before we were given a moment to act, the aura around Lucy’s horns let out a burst of energy that knocked Sunset and I back. We were only a few feet away from each other, but we were okay for the most part. I lifted my head to see how Princess Twilight was doing

Still standing tall, Twilight stood her ground as she went to cast a spell causing a beam of energy to flash from her horn like a bolt. The beam launched towards Lucy for a second before she disappeared for the moment. Before Twilight could look around for where she disappeared off to, a beam struck her from above. The room went bright for a second as Twilight tried to fly away from the magic that was casted onto her. When the light dimmed, I was horrified to see Princess Twilight frozen in stone.

“Twilight!”, Sunset screamed out.

Lucy was floating around in a magical field above Twilight. She was about to cast a spell on the now frozen princess until Sunset ran towards her and shot a ray of magic at her. The beam grazed her shoulder, causing her to turn back towards us.

“Well, looks like I have enough time to take two for the price of one. You’ll pay for that!”, She said lunging at Sunset.

When Lucy landed, a dust of air knocked Sunset off her hooves. Lucy was getting ready to attack Sunset. I had no way to know if my horn could do anything, but I couldn’t let Sunset suffer the same fate as Twilight. Looking around, I found a rock. Somehow, I managed to grab it with my hoof and throw it at Lucy. The rock managed to hit her in the eye, causing her to scream in pain before turning to me with the angriest look upon her face.

“I’ll eat your soul for that!”, she yelled out as she ran towards me with her sharp horns.

I screamed out in fear. For the moment, I saw my life flash before my eyes as I drew the thought of me being impaled by an evil goat. But before she got within a few feet of me, a loud bang was heard in the room as a stream of projectiles hit Lucy. She then turned her direction to the side where the noise came from.

“Yo She Witch!”, Brim said appearing in the doorway holding the pink cannon we saw earlier.

He gave it another grip of the string to ready it for another shot.

“Let’s go!”

Lucy let out a scream of anger as she charged at Brim with full force. Brim stood his ground and walked forward. He let out a battle cry as he began firing the cannon at Lucy. What Brim was shooting Lucy with was a bunch of confetti. Surprisingly, it was stopping Lucy in her tracks with the power of the party cannon. Saying that out loud just made me realize how truly absurd that sounds, but I’m not from that world so what do I know.

For a second, it looked like Brim was able to defeat Lucy. Then as Lucy backed up against the now frozen Princess Twilight, she beamed a blinding ray of light in the room. When it was dim enough to finally see again, we were shocked to find that Lucy had disappeared with the statue of Twilight. All that was left was the burn marks from the magic that was fired in the room.

“Rocky! Are you okay?”, Sunset said trotting over to me.

“Yeah I’m fine. Where did they go?”, I asked.

“I don’t know, but we need to find Spike.”, Sunset said helping me up.

“And just like in the real world, you would always run away as soon as I would get the best of you.”, Brim shouted tossing the cannon to the side.

Right before we could get our bearings, Spike burst through the door with two guards at his side. His face to witnessing what he saw through the door spoke all the words I could imagine would be said. Of all the ones in the room to speak first, it had to be Brim.

“Ah, look who finally showed up. Equestria’s finest guards showing up right as the princess just got captured. Oh was that too fast? Let’s start from the beginning…”

Author's Note:

Oh no!