• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,789 Views, 111 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes - Tim Ribbert

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The Patchwork Girl Part 1 (The Wizard of Oz)


For the past few hours, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia were constructing a terminal for the Television. If done right, it would allow them to control the various portals the television has conducted. Up to this point, each adventure they’ve taken the television would shoot out portals which proved impossible to control and most of the time Twilight & her friends would end up landing rather hard upon the ground (Among other scenarios). Working on this terminal meant better control for not only where to ‘go’, but to where to ‘land’ as well.

“Spanner,” Celestia requested.

Twilight passed the spanner to Celestia, who grasps it with her aura and cranks a few bolts together until they were stiff as toffee. Twilight studies the blueprints thoroughly, to determine the next step as she faces Celestia.

“So, this should allow us to travel to worlds without trouble?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” Celestia replied. “In hindsight, this terminal should permit you to go anywhere with but a single word to travel without issues. Although, I should point out ‘one’ rule about traveling to other worlds.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“You must ‘only’ use the terminal if a world is in mortal danger. I don’t want any pony using it for their own gain. Let’s say, a pony whose power-hungry, if you know what I mean.”

Twilight thought about it before responding right away.

“Yes, I understand.”

Just then, the phone on a small table began to ring. Curious, Princess Celestia walked toward the phone, using her magic to lift and answer the phone.

“Hello?” She answered. “Princess Celestia speaking, how can I help you?”

Mumbling could be heard from the other end of the phone, a conversation which only Celestia could understand.

Then why bother saying it then?

It’s my story, that’s why. Do you ever stop complaining? You do this all the time during ‘Scooby Doo’!

Like you’re complaining about ‘me’, just now?

… Shut up.

“Don’t worry, Feather ink,” Celestia continued. “I’ll tell her right away.”

Celestia placed the phone down, before motioning toward Twilight, who could tell something important came up.

“Twilight, I just received a call from Equestria’s Publishing CEO,” Celestia spoke, calmly with a warm smile.

“What is it about?” Twilight asked, curiously.

“It seems they want you to write up some adventures of your trips. Seeing it’s the anniversary of Nightmare Moon’s defeat, thanks to you and your friends, I’ve recently made a request to add something new. It was agreed that we’d like to see some books based on some of your more ‘recent’ adventures.”

Twilight’s face began to light up, like a lightbulb. Having read many books her entire life, now some pony was asking her to write her own book. This was a dream come true for the Princess of Friendship… Well, her ‘second’ dream come true anyway.

“OH MY GOSH!! OH MY GOSH!! OH MY GOSH!! OH MY GOSH!!” Twilight cried, excitedly. “This is amazing! I never thought this would happen, being so busy as princess and everything… BUT IT’S HAPPENING NOW!!!”

But amid all her excitement, there was one thing on Twilight’s mind.

“But what about the terminal?” She asked, worried. “I can’t possible leave that undone.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Celestia assured, smiling. “I can finish the rest from here. You and your friends focus on having some fun, maybe you can find some inspirations during your travels to write about. I’m sure that will get every pony excited.”

Twilight nodded, thinking this would be a good idea to share with her friends and neighbors.

“Agreed!” Twilight replied. “I’ll go get my friends right now; this is going to be so exciting!”

Princess Celestia watched as her former student headed toward the door, smiling warmly.

“She still acts like a little filly deep in her heart,” Celestia thought, happily.


2 Hours Later…

Within the Castle of Friendship, the Mane Six, consisting of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle, along with Spike, gathered around the table. With a few cups of cider and cupcakes on a silver platter, they began discussing what their future book required. Twilight Sparkle, especially, had her quill and ink ready to jot down any notes on a parchment she picked out. Suffice to say, just planning on the development was easier said than done.

“All right, girls,” Twilight began. “Let’s start naming a few things this book needs.”

“What it needs is a cool title!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Make that ‘20%’ cooler, just to make it stand out.”

“I’d say a green cover,” Applejack added. “To represent the Emerald City.”

“Ooh! Ooh! How about some illustrations?!” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Can’t have a good read without pictures.”

“It would help to remember where we’ve been and what happened,” Fluttershy suggested, quietly.

“And we mustn’t forget a backup story, Darling,” Rarity said.

Twilight, however, felt rightfully confused, especially the last thing Rarity brought up.

“What do you mean, Rarity?”

“To put it this way: It’s a necessity for a novel to add a backup story, not only as a bonus for readers but something to add onto the main story. That way so readers feel the pacing takes it’s time, a separate bonus story is just the way to resolve the issue.”

Every pony nodded in agreement, considering it would help with the usual pacing issue. Nothing a bonus story to include in the main arc to add some extra reading for viewers.

“Wonderful idea, Rarity,” Twilight said, happily. “Do you have any particular stories we should tell?”

Before Rarity spoke up, Spike jumped in when he thought of an idea he couldn’t wait to share.

“How about the time we met that girl who fell in love with the Scarecrow?!” Spike exclaimed.

The ponies didn’t answer right away, trying to recall when that moment did happen. But now that Spike mentioned it, there was this moment back in Emerald City that they hadn’t considered before and up till now wasn’t mentioned before.

Or because the original director deemed it unnecessary to include to begin with.

Yeah… I think they really missed out.

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash realized. “You never did tell us what happened.”

“Probably because the original script writer didn’t put it in,” Pinkie Pie said.

I just SAID that!!!

The rest of the Mane Six turn toward Pinkie Pie, confused as to what she said. But they shrugged it off, as Pinkie Pie being… Well, Pinkie. Twilight dipped her quill in the ink, ready to write.

“Well, that’s a start,” Twilight nodded. “Rarity, Spike, mind tell us what happened?”

“Most certainly, darlings,” Rarity answered. “Allow us to tell you about the adventure me and Spikey-Wikey encountered back in Oz. Submitted for the approval of all our friends, we call this adventure…”



Dorothy Gale, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of their friends enter a beauty parlor in Emerald City. After a lengthy trip, they all deserved a chance to clean up and look somewhat presentable. Some, like the Scarecrow for example, really needed this treatment having little straw inside of him (At least what wasn’t plucked out by the Crows). The Tin Man could barely more properly, what with him being so rusty, and a single oil can could only get him so far. As for the Lion, to help him look the part as ‘King of the Forest’, he had to look dashing and professional.

“Oh Darlings, you’ll simply love this!” Rarity said, delightfully. “It’s the most fun you boys can ever have!”

“Oh joy! A beauty parlor!” The Scarecrow said, happily. “What a wonderful place to go!”

Suddenly, the Scarecrow thought of something he hadn’t thought before.

“What’s a Beauty Parlor?”

“Well Darling, a Beauty Parlor is a wonderous place where you go to be beautiful,” Rarity explained. “They can fix your hair, do your eyelashes, or even offer you a relaxing massage. Did I mention they can fix you up, preen and proper?”

“Shucks, that sounds good to me,” The Cowardly Lion said. “My claws have been a bit rough lately.”

“You’re telling me,” The Tin Man agreed. “I’m so rusty I can’t even reach my back, a small problem compared to a multitude of problems wrong with me.”

“Well, don’t you worry about a thing,” Spike said, optimistic. “You’re in good hands… Well, ‘hooves’ and ‘claws’ anyway. We’ll have you all fixed up in no time flat.”

As they strolled along, they came upon a girl performing cartwheels. But up close, this was no ordinary girl before their eyes. In fact, what made her rather unique was her entire body full of patches of many shades of color, as if she was stitched together by hand. All around her were a variety of orange, purple, blue, and pink, not to mention her hair arranged much like a rainbow. Yet the most enticing quality about her was the cutest face all of Oz has ever seen.

“Well… She’s certainly unique,” Spike muttered, under his breath.

“Why hello, there!” She said, kindly. “Welcome to Emerald City!”

Under normal circumstances, this would take the Mane Six and Spike by surprise. But given all the weird stuff they’ve seen all day they paid no mind. But nonetheless, they could appreciate hearing such good manners from this unique little lady. The Scarecrow, especially, was entranced by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in all of Oz.

“Hello,” The Scarecrow said.

The Scarecrow looked as if he were daydreaming, nearly falling to the ground before the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion caught him lifting him back onto his feet.

“May we ask who you are, miss?” Spike asked.

“You may call me The Patchwork Girl,” She answered, politely. “I reside and work here in Emerald City for Mr. Woozy, my creator. We run his ‘Dream Fulfillment Parlor’ together, though I mostly just do the greetings.”

“Wait! Did you say, ‘dream fulfillment’?” The Cowardly Lion asked.

“Oh yes, indeed! It’s been Mr. Woozy’s great desire to help those fulfill their lifelong dreams; he’s so generous he’d do just about ‘anything’ to help those in need.”

“You sound lovely,” The Scarecrow said, dreamily.

But The Scarecrow quickly realized what he just said.

“Uh… I mean, he sounds nice! What I meant to say, heh heh…”

The others had noticed The Scarecrow’s odd choice of words but shrugged it off for now. The Tin Man, on the other hand, wasn’t sure how to take these claims.

“He does sound interesting,” The Tin Man said, optimistic yet skeptical.

“What do you make of this, Twilight?” Rarity asked, to no reply. “Twilight? Darling?”

In fact, had they realized, Rarity and the others just realized they lost the others while walking through the endless corridors.

“We’ve just lost the others, didn’t we?” Spike asked, worried.

“I’m afraid so,” The Tin Man confirmed. “It could take ages to find them and we don’t know where they are.”

The Patchwork Girl, on the other hand, merely smiles and slouched along the Tin Man’s shoulder.

“Now don’t you worry,” She assured, kindly. “I’ll make sure we find your friends. But first, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Woozy himself. If you don’t mind, come right this way.”

Nodding in agreement, they follow the Patchwork Girl to meet with Mr. Woozy taking it as a slight detour before meeting the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz himself. Still, the more they thought about it, if this man claims to make dreams come true then this proposition was sure to pique their interest… Well, ‘almost’ everyone.

“You know darlings, I’m not so sure about this,” Rarity spoke, concerned.

“What do you mean?” The Scarecrow asked.

“Don’t you think it seems too easy for some pony, or ‘someone’, to make dreams come true so easily? I mean, if such a person could do all that, why would anyone bother going to see the Wizard at all?”

“Hmm… That’s a good point,” The Tin Man nodded. “It does seem too good to be true.”

“Well to be fair fellas, we haven’t met him yet,” The Lion points out. “Maybe if we see him at work, we can make our judgements. Although I do share your skepticism.”

The Scarecrow wasn’t fazed by this at all; in fact, he was sure this was their ticket to get what they want. If this worked, perhaps this Mr. Woozy could help Dorothy and Toto get back to this Kansas she spoke of and perhaps get the rest of the girls back home too.

It wasn’t long before they reached Mr. Woozy’s Dream Fulfillment Parlor, noted by the neon-lit sign and a crowd of folks working busily inside. Such a sight to behold, the whole parlor full of people working hard, in match green outfits (The same shade as the architecture of Emerald City), the walls a light shade of green, levers pulled to-and-fro, papers stamped and approved, not to mention all the lovely ladies greeting all the passing customers.

“Is it me or does this place seem like it shines too brightly?” The Cowardly Lion asked, slightly blinded.

“I’ll vouch for that, Darling,” Rarity said, shielding her eyes. “Probably would’ve been the best time to bring a lovely pair of shades.”

“Mr. Woozy!” The Patchwork Girl shouts. “We have visitors!”

As soon as she shouted, the door leading to the office along the right opens and to their surprise…

“It’s a Munchkin!” Spike exclaimed.

Boy, he wasn’t wrong in the slightest. This was indeed a Munchkin, much like the ones they saw in Munchkinland. This one wore a slim green business suit, deep black shoes, and a top hat shaped like a cloud. This was a very slim munchkin, even for his size, but still deemed friendly enough with that signature warm smile of his.

“Ahh, welcome guests,” He said, politely with a posh accent.

“You must be Mr. Woozy?” Spike asked.

“Yes indeed, young sir. I presume you are here because you all have ‘dreams’?”

“Yes,” They replied, in unison.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen you are in luck. Here at my Dream Fulfillment Parlor, it is an absolute privilege to make the dreams of all our patrons come true. We care not how big your dream is or however small they may be, it is our upstanding offer to find the means to make them happen. So, my friends, do you have anything you most desire?”

The Scarecrow was the first to raise his hand.

“Yes, my fine trim friend!” Mr. Woozy acknowledged. “How may I help you?”

“I want a brain!” He exclaimed.

“A brain, good sir? Well now, don’t that beat all. How about the rest of you?”

Mr. Woozy waited for the others to grant a follow-up response, but a minute came by and not even one answered.

“Well… Don’t you desire anything at all?”

“Well Mr. Woozy, it’s not that we don’t want anything,” The Cowardly Lion spoke, nervously. “It’s just this whole thing seems too good to be true.”

“Agreed,” The Tin Man nodded. “This entire operation just seems… Too perfect for its own good.”

“Ah… I get it!” Mr. Woozy replied, calmly. “You’d be surprised how many of our patrons shared their doubts and concerns the first time they came here. Yes, my friends, I’ve seen this often throughout my career. But rest assured, this is where people go where they can have everything they ever wanted. Even when it’s deemed ‘impossible’.”

Mr. Woozy strolled towards a billboard, showing the pictures of happy customers. The billboard itself had ‘Dreams Come True’ written in big bold letters.

“As you can see, this is the place where people come to be happy. It’s been my lifetime goal to ensure that happiness and harmony thrives here in the land of Oz. I can assure you; we too loathe those door-to-door leaches scamming the poor and the naïve. Our procedures are completely safe, and we’ve had no on-the-job injury, that I see to it the operation goes smoothly myself.”

“Well, I guess that’s promising,” The Tin Man pondered.

“Agreed,” The Cowardly Lion nodded. “Well, in that case, could you make my tin friend a heart, Mr. Woozy? And perhaps a means to make me brave?”

“Absolutely, good sir,” Mr. Woozy said, excitedly. “And don’t worry by straw-filled friend, I haven’t forgotten about you. As soon as I settle some business with your two friends, I’ll invite you right in. Come along boys, let’s talk.”

The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, fully convinced, followed Mr. Woozy, who showed them into his office. Yet while her friends seemed happy, Rarity still had this aching feeling inside. A place where dreams become reality, there was something wrong about this operation, yet she couldn’t put her hoof on it.

“What did he tell you Rarity?” Scarecrow asked, excitedly. “I’m good as got my brain, right now!”

“He seems like a nice guy,” Spike added.

“I know, darlings,” Rarity said, quietly. “I want to feel happy for our friends, I really do. There’s just something not right… About ‘him’.”

Indeed, there was something not right about this Munchkin. The question is: What could be wrong about this seemingly charming fellow?

Well you’re just going to have to scroll over to Part 2 and find out.

Is this really a new thing we’re doing now?


Author's Note:

Hello everyone i would like to thank Dramamaster829 for proof reading the story and extremeenigma02 for approving of the idea basically how this works is that some stories will be two parts while others will be one part just depends on how long the story will be I thank you for your waiting and I hope to see you in part 2