• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes - Tim Ribbert

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The Patchwork Girl part 2 (The Wizard of Oz)

As they waited for Mr. Woozy arrival, anxious to take their turn, they decided to have a quick word with the Patchwork Girl, curious about her life prior to her creation.

“So, Mr. Woozy created you himself?” Rarity asked.

“Oh yes, he sure did,” The Patchwork Girl replied. “When Mr. Woozy’s business was just beginning, he created me to serve as his little helper. In fact, I was his very first successful creation he ever made. I’ve been by his side helping him make people happy ever since.”

Yet, though her demeanor may decide the group, The Scarecrow noticed a small sigh escape her lips. It was then he paid attention to the sadness on the girl’s face.

“Is something wrong?” The Scarecrow asked.

“It’s just…” She began, pausing a moment. “It’s just I want to do ‘more’.”

Though she spoke quietly, the rest were quite surprised when they heard her.

“I thought being his assistant means you help the customers,” Spike implied.

“I only perform the ‘Meet and Greet’ service, before I escort them to meet Mr. Woozy. He’s the one who does all the work; I never actually get to see what he does. He merely tells me to wait outside like his ‘good girl’, when all I really want is to be useful. I know it doesn’t make any sense.”

“Oh no,” Spike shook his head. “Believe me, that makes ‘perfect’ sense.”

Only now did the group understand the girl’s plight, feeling sympathetic when her job seems smaller than she initially made it to be. Spike especially felt for her growing up thinking there’s much he could do to help his friends and family, yet usually he’s kept on the sidelines.

“I know how you feel,” The Scarecrow said, sympathetically.

“You do?” She asked, surprised.

“Of course! I mean ever since I was stitched together and had my face painted, they stick me up on a wooden pole just to scare crows off the field. But I always fail, sometimes I feel I wasn’t very helpful at my job. That’s initially why I came here, to meet the Great Wizard of Oz, who could grant me a brain and help me become clever.”

“As for my friends and I, we’re merely trying to get back home,” Rarity added.

The Patchwork Girl smiled slightly, knowing she wasn’t alone in terms of her own issues. But what really made her smile was The Scarecrow, him and his charmingly sweet smile. Just the way he connected with her ups-and-downs with his own, desiring to understand a life no one had asked about her nor can relate to. It felt like a huge weight was off her shoulders.

“You know… I’m starting to like you,” She said, with the biggest smile on her face.

“REALLY?!?!?!?!” The Scarecrow asked, surprised. “Uh… I mean… ‘Really’?”

The Scarecrow never expected to hear such a flattering compliment. The Patchwork Girl merely giggles at how Scarecrow seemed to blush at that remark.

“Oh yes… I mean, I’ve never met someone like me before. What you just said, that’s the kindest, sweetest words anyone has ever said to me. I’ve never had the chance to tell anyone how I felt… Until you came along.”

She grabs one of Scarecrow’s hands, as their eyes lock onto each other and they can see the happiness through their gaze. As for Scarecrow, who never felt he had a brain, had a stirring notion unlike any he’s had before, and it felt… Amazing. Rarity and Spike stare silently, finding the happiness between the two rather heartwarming.

“Looks like we found some lovebirds,” Rarity said, cheeky.

“Indeed,” Spike nodded.

The Scarecrow, on the other hand, was very confused. He had no idea what his friends were saying nor even what they meant.

“What are lovebirds?”

But the question never got an answer when…


The sound of a car engine chucking drew their attention to some dirty black smoke emerging through one of the doors. The smoke was so filthy, the others coughed hysterically unable to breathe.

“Do you guys have engine problems?” Spike asked, between coughs.

“No!” The Patchwork Girl replied, coughing. “We’ve never had engine trouble before; this is all new for me.”

“We better investigate this!” Rarity declared, determined. “Let’s split up! Scarecrow, you and Spike go left. Me and Patchwork Girl will take the right.

“Got it, Rarity!” The boys said.

The group split up, with the guys going left and the girls heading right. Through the long corridors, they had to duck their heads away from the oncoming smoke. But that was merely the icing of a terrible cake, for no matter how long and far they searched they couldn’t determine the source.

“This is worse than getting lost in the Everfree Forest,” Spike muttered. “Or was it the time I became a giant, greedy dragon?”

“I hope it’s not a fire!” The Scarecrow said, nervously. “If you hadn’t noticed, I’m made of straw and I don’t intend on being a bonfire.”

“Believe me, I’ve noticed…”

The Scarecrow and Spike searched for a minute or so, until they came upon a large silver metal door which read, ‘Heart implants for the Heartless’. If this was meant to be a pun, Spike and Scarecrow weren’t getting the joke.

“The smoke’s coming from there!” The Scarecrow exclaimed, pulling the door. “Come on, Spike! Help me open it!”

“Right!” Spike said.

Unable to pry open the door, the two starts backing up preparing to bring it down by force.

“On the count of three. One… Two… THREE!!”

They charged toward the door, which slid open by itself. Spike and Scarecrow end up running so fast, they were unable to stop themselves from crashing into the wall with a loud… BAM!!! They hit the wall so hard, they slowly fell backward onto the floor.

“We should’ve thought this through,” Spike muttered, in pain.

As the two picked themselves up, they saw their friend, Tin Man, hacking up smoke through his funnel hat. They stood in shock, before rushing to aid their friend.

“Tin Man!!!” Spike exclaimed. “What in Equestria happened to you?”

“I was given a new heart,” The Tin Man replied, coughing. “But they used a tractor engine to make me a heart… It exploded and I’ve been coughing up dirty black smoke ever since!”

“That’s terrible!” Spike said, shocked.

If it wasn’t enough seeing their friend suffering, it’s how apparent Tin Man’s dream was fulfilled in a questionable manner. They were intent on having a word with Mr. Woozy if he did something sketchy with the others… Speaking of which…

“Wait a minute!” The Scarecrow realized. “Where’s Cowardly Lion?!?!?”

“He’s in the “Room for the Brave’, right next to us.”

“’Room for the Brave’?!” Spike asked, eyebrow raised. “That’s oddly specific.”

As the group turned their heads right, they indeed saw the door with the sign reading ‘Room for the Brave’. As they enter the room, they freeze in shock over a terrifying sight: The Cowardly Lion, their good friend, strapped to a chair in front of a swirling circle and speakers all around sharing hypnotic suggestions.


“I’m not a lion,” The Cowardly Lion repeated. “I am a human being.”

“Lion!” The Scarecrow shouted. “Lion don’t listen to that stuff! You’re being hypnotized!”

The Scarecrow practically screamed at the top of his lungs, but the Cowardly Lion didn’t seem to hear or acknowledge him.

“It’s no use! He can’t hear us! What are we gonna do?!”

“We can’t just leave him like this,” Spike responds, panicking. “We have to do something!”

As the group were thinking what to do, Tin Man spotted a large gray bucket filled with water right next to the door. In that moment, he knew just what to do.

“Grab the bucket and douse him with water!” Tin Man instructed. “That’ll snap him out of it!”

The Scarecrow, as instructed, grabbed the nearby bucket and hurled the water straight at the Cowardly Lion. As soon as the cold water splashed over him, he returned to his senses albeit rather confused and felt a slight pain in his head.

“Oh… Boy! Have I got a splitting headache!” The Cowardly Lion groaned, looking around. “What happened? Why am I soaking wet?!”

It was then the Lion acknowledged the presence of the boys.

“Oh, hi fellas! What were you standing there for?”

“We saved you from being hypnotized!!!” Spike exclaimed.

“Hypnotized?” The Cowardly Lion asked, confused. “What exactly happened?”

“They put you in a chair, then made you watch a swirling circle,” The Tin Man explained. “Seems they were making you think you were a man instead of a lion.”

“WHAT?!?!?! I can’t be a man! I must be a Lion; I’m King of the Forest! How can I protect all the creatures if they see me pretending to be human? I’d be mortified!”

Just then, Rarity and the Patchwork Girl ran into the room with all the boys, shocked by the sight before their eyes.

“Oh my!” The Patchwork Girl gasped. “What in Oz happened here?”

“Boys, you might want to start from the beginning,” Rarity said.


Several seconds passed before the boys were able to explain everything to Rarity.

“So, let me get this straight, Darlings,” Rarity spoke, understanding. “The Tin Man had been given a heart made from a tractor engine, making him cough out smoke. Then, you find Lion hypnotized into being human instead of a… Well, Lion?”

“Basically, yes,” Spike replied.

As a matter of fact, it was Spike who told everything to both The Patchwork Girl and Rarity. Both girls were quite intrigued and shocked over what they just heard.

“I knew something was up,” Rarity pondered, scratching her chin. “Now it’s all a matter of what’s going on and why they’re doing this to us.”

“Patchwork Girl,” The Cowardly Lion spoke up. “Just out of curiosity, probably a few other things I can’t put my finger on… You didn’t know about this, did you?”

“No!” She replied, shaking her head. “I honestly didn’t know about this. If I knew, I’d have asked Mr. Woozy to put a stop to this immediately.”

“If Mr. Woozy is involved in all this, we should at least ask if this is normal operations here,” The Tin Man suggested.

They nod in agreement, hurrying straight to Mr. Woozy’s office. Once there, they noticed the door wasn’t closed properly. It was upon sighting the door an idea popped in Rarity’s head.

“We better investigate Mr. Woozy’s office,” Rarity suggests. “I have a hunch something inside may tell us what’s going on.”

“Are you sure?” The Patchwork Girl asked, nervously. “We don’t want to make Mr. Woozy angry or anything.”

“Don’t worry, Patchwork Girl. I’m sure if we explain why we’re doing this, he’ll probably understand.”

With all concerns out the window, they cautiously enter his office. Inside, loads of stacked paper piled atop each other filled the cabinets, so tall was the pile they nearly reach the ceiling. The only other piece of furniture is a tiny desk with quills and ink ready to use.

“His office sure isn’t tidy,” The Tin Man noted. “Although, I do like the paint job.”

“He does admire painted walls,” The Patchwork Girl points out.

“All right everyone, keep your eyes open,” Spike instructs.

They search around, hoping to uncover anything resembling a clue. They searched high and low, but after a few minutes they couldn’t find anything.

“Nothing so far,” The Cowardly Lion said.

“Same here,” Tin Man added, looking around.

“There’s got to be something,” Rarity said, looking around. “But where could it be?”

Just then, Spike noticed a string of ribbon atop of the filing cabinets. Beating his wings, he slowly flew to the very top of the files. He noticed that the ribbon itself was attached to a small green book.

“Hey guys!!” Spike cried out, grabbing the book. “I think I found something; looks like some kind of book.”

As Spike floated down, the rest of the group came around Spike to see what he found. He shows them the book tucked in his clawed grip, which the majority found rather intriguing.

“Well… At least we found something,” The Scarecrow replied, puzzled. “But what is it?”

“It appears to be a diary of some kind,” Spike answered. “All we need now is to read the latest entry and it’s smooth sailing from here.”

“But Spike, we don’t have sails.”

“It’s a common saying, silly,” The Patchwork Girl giggled.

“Mind if I take a look, little buddy?” The Cowardly Lion asked.

Spike complies, handing the book to Cowardly Lion. Astonishingly, he pulls out a pair of reading glasses from his mane which surprised everyone.

“Darling, I didn’t know you had reading glasses,” Rarity said, surprised.

“Well of course, I do!” He chuckled, amused. “My eyesight’s not so good. I need these to read the finest literature in Oz. Now, if my intuition is correct, his latest entry should have some juicy information if I can find it.”

The Lion began flipped the pages rapidly, hoping to find the latest entry. After a couple turns, he managed to find the latest one.

“Ah ha! Found it!!!” He exclaimed, pointing at the page.

“What does it say?” The Patchwork Girl asked.

“Let’s see, according to this entry, it says…”

“I haven’t heard from the Wicked Witch of The East for days. I am worried because my share as promised has been delayed. She knows she needs ‘me’ to spread misery around Oz, to spread her name throughout Oz so she’d be known as the Wickedest Witch in all of Oz. But as of late, I suspect she may threaten to be playing me for the fool. Last I heard, she was heading to my old home in Munchkinland and that’s where I’m sure to find her.

Since aligning with her, I’ve maintained my loyalties to her which I haven’t had the luxury in return during my youth. I still recall the time I concocted a machine to turn the average piece of junk into gold, a project so secret I trust only myself to know. I would’ve been the richest Munchkin in Oz, but the darn machine literally blew up in my face, turning my fellow munchkin brethren to gold. Glinda herself had to resolve the matter and the mayor was furious to discover how the disaster was of my doing. I insisted I only wish to invent something special for our people and he blatantly accuses me of causing more harm than good. I was arrested shortly after for the charge of unethical science and my image hasn’t been the same since.

Ever since that day, I vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged me. If I had to spend the remainder of my days miserably, I’d make sure there are no exceptions. It’s taken me ages, but I found a means of taking all the dreams that these people hold value and replace them all with nightmares. Soon the day will come when I finally have the respect I rightfully deserve, so says I…

As the Cowardly Lion finished reading, everyone in the room were stunned by what they heard. Not just the discovery of who he truly was, but whom he served…

“The Wicked Witch of the East?!?!?!” They all said, in unison.

“I don’t believe it!” The Scarecrow exclaimed, sadly.

“But it’s true, it’s all true!” Rarity confirmed, wrapping her hoofs around Scarecrow.

“Who’d have thought that Munchkin would served the Wicked Witch of the East?” The Tin Man asked, shocked.

“You’re telling me!” Spike nodded. “Was she really this bad?”

“She was crazy!!” The Patchwork Girl exclaimed. “You don’t know about The Wicked Witch of The East?”

“Well, part from accidentally landing a house on her… No, not really,” Spike admitted.

The Patchwork Girl could hardly believe she was in the presence of peculiar individuals who had no idea about this Witch. She took a deep breath before deciding to relate to the tale of this Witch.

“She was a Wicked Witch, hence the name, but far worse than any that ever lived. She thrived on her vanity so much, she turned those who called her ugly into stone. This one time, the ensure nobody had a face prettier than hers, she literally stole their faces and left them wandering, faceless beings for a month. Would’ve gone on for eternity had Glinda not stepped up to fix the matter.”

Now the rest were understandably horrified, hearing what The Patchwork Girl said. Despite only a tiny segment of what The Wicked Witch of The East was capable of, now they knew just enough about her and wicked describes her best.

“That’s awful!!” Rarity exclaimed.

“That’s not all she did,” The Cowardly Lion added, recollecting.

“What do you mean?”

“When I was but a small cub, I heard this one time of a group of meerkats just having a nice picnic, minding their own business. Then, the Witch herself came by and you know what happened next?

“No,” They all said, in unison.

“She turned them all into raging, venomous beasts just because she found them too cute! I’ve feared meerkats ever since!”

“Yikes! Sounds like someone Fluttershy wouldn’t like,” Spike muttered, disturbed. “But that leaves one question: Why would Mr. Woozy agree to work with The Wicked Witch of the East?”

“I am so glad you ask.”

Everyone turned in shock, seeing Mr. Woozy himself, standing behind them.

“How long were you standing there?” Rarity asked, awkwardly.

“Quite long enough, my dear.”

“You humbug!!” The Scarecrow shouts, angrily.

“Yeah!!” Tin Man and Cowardly Lion added, in unison.

“Yes, I am a humbug… And proud to be!!” Mr. Winky smirked, smugly.

The little Munchkin grabs a bottle of fizzy pop, pouring it into a glass and listened to it fizz. The Patchwork Girl, seeing the look of smug expression on his face, stood on the verge of tears.

“How… How could you do this to those people?” She asked, tearfully. “They’ve done nothing to you!”

“NOTHING TO ME?!?!” Mr. Woozy shouts, angrily. “THEY RUINED ME; THAT’S WHAT OZ DID TO ME!!!”

Mr. Woozy paused for a moment to compose himself, straightening what remained of his hair and took a tiny sip of his drink.

“Ever since I’ve been kicked out of Munchkinland, by my own Mayor nonetheless, I’ve held a grudge on my own people ever since. And what did the rest of Oz do about it? NOTHING!!! They cast me aside, caring for only their previous little dreams over mine!”

“Your experiment turned your people into gold!” The Tin Man pointed out.

“And it would have made us all rich, but they refuse to see my potential! I dedicated my life to giving Munchkinland the recognition we deserve, the respect I so crave, but their tiny-little minds refused to see the big picture!”

“So, why work for The Witch?” Rarity asked, confused. “She could have turn you into a frog for all she cares.”

“On the contrary, my dear,” He spoke, clearing his throat. “You see, during my time in prison, I honestly did not expect any visitors coming to see me… Until The Witch herself came in secret. She claimed to have heard of my inventive talents, offering her assistance to free me in exchange to agree to work with her in servitude. She too has an agenda against the people of Oz, to make them as miserable just the way she is.

“Soon as I was free, I needed someplace to work where I’d have all the supplies, which we required to fulfill our ambition. That’s when I stumbled onto Emerald City, hearing about the Wizard of Oz who could make the people’s dreams into a reality. But no one’s ever actually seen him, and their requests often went unnoticed. Seeing opportunity, I decided to concoct a plan to become the resident role model that this city needed.”

As Mr. Woozy continued his tale, the group understood how such a tiny Munchkin could turn so bad. But none could expect that this Munchkin was so desperate for revenge, he’d pledge himself to serve one of the most dangerous enemies of Oz.

“If you hate everyone in Oz, why did you make me?” The Patchwork Girl asked, sadly.

“Quite simple, my little girl,” Mr. Woozy replied. “I may be a charming munchkin, but I knew I needed a means to persuade the people to come to my parlor and frankly Munchkins are never respected amongst any corner of Oz. So, what better way to draw people to my business than having a friendly assistant that the people can trust?”

“You used her!!!” Spike shouted, clutching his fist.

“Of course, I used her you little fool!” Mr. Woozy spoke, sinisterly. “And what was this I heard about the Witch being crushed by a house? Would you know anything about it… Little Dragon?”

That sinister look from the Munchkin, his eyes staring straight into his own, made Spike very nervous before he spoke up.

“Well… We got sucked into a tornado and we saw some weird things. Two men in a boat, a chicken coop with a turkey, a cow, and then some Witch. I think that was the one we accidentally crushed with the house, but by accident of course. It’s not like we did it on purpose, you understand, don’t you?”

Mr. Woozy’s left eye twitched, his body quivering as if he could burst out in anger like a volcano. But then, with a single breath, he calmed himself before that creepy smile reappears.

“How would you like to meet my pet?” He asked, gleefully.

“Oh, a pet! Is it a dog like Toto, the one Dorothy has?” The Scarecrow asked.

Mr. Woozy merely smiles sinisterly, before placing two fingers into his mouth and blew a shrilling whistle. A loud screech came from his office, so loud the group had to cover their ears from the painful sound they heard.

“I think that’s a ‘no’, darling!” Rarity winced.

“What in Oz is that terrible, horrible noise?!” The Tin Man exclaimed, rattled.

Just then, a creature seemed to emerge out of camouflage, so huge it practically filled the entire room. It appeared plant-like, a green color scheme, leaves growing off its back, and its breath smelled of roses. The roses, covered in blood, sprouted all around its bulky body, with six giant crab legs, a neck long as a giraffe, and a head resembling a coconut with two red bug-eyes. It looked around until it smelled the scent of its meal, licking its chops with its blue tongue. The others stared worriedly, their knees shaking at the presence of this plant beast.

“W-What is that thing?” The Tin Man asked, nervously.

“My friends, say hello to the Nuisance Eater,” Mr. Woozy introduced, with an evil smile. “My most prized pet, bestowed upon me by the late Witch herself. I should warn you though: He tends to bite, for lack of a better word.”

“Rarity, I-I-I-I-I know we’re supposed to stop him,” The Cowardly Lion quivered, backing toward the door. “But since we’re seeing a giant plant monster right now, can we run for our lives?”

“Actually Darling, I do think it’s a good day for running,” Rarity replied, nervously.

“Well then, I suggest we… RUN!!!!” The Patchwork Girl shouted.

The group bolts toward the door and through the corridors, but Mr. Woozy wasn’t letting them get away that easily.

“GET THEM!!!” He commanded.

The Nuisance Eater growled, crashing through the office and pursuing the group. They ran for their lives as they turned from corridor-to-corridor for what seems like an endless chase, all while the Nuisance Eater hurled chairs aside and ran inches behind our heroes. Luckily, they manage to duck in time, but it only made the creature angrier and more determined to eat them.

“I don’t think he’s really happy!” The Tin Man panicked.

“No kidding, Tin Can!” The Cowardly Lion shouts, scared.

“Why do giant scary creatures always try to kill us for doing nothing?!” Rarity panicked.

Rarity tried to keep up with the others, but she wasn’t as used to running great distances as her friends. Thankfully, the Patchwork Girl grabbed Rarity’s front hoof as she dragged the mare towards her.

“Don’t worry, Rarity,” She assured. “I got you!”

“I may not have a brain,” The Scarecrow muttered, tripping between his feet. “But I say this is overkill.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more than ever, Scarecrow,” Spike said.

The little dragon ran as fast as he could, as far as his tiny legs could carry him. Just then, they came to a complete halt and stumbled across two corridors, which split in separate directions.

“Oh great, which way now?” Spike asked, frustrated.

Before the question could be answered, they heard a crash and turned around. They saw the Nuisance Eater lift a table preparing to hurl it towards the group.

“Any direction that gets us as far away from that!” The Patchwork Girl shouts.

The Nuisance Eater hurled the table, as the group dived toward the right path. The table soars to the opposite direction and pounds through the floor at such incredible speed and crashes into the wall.

“That was a close one,” The Scarecrow sighed.

But the relief was short-lived when they saw the Nuisance Eater was still in hot pursuit and everyone began to boot it.

“No time to rest, Darling!” Rarity cried, mid-run. “Keep running!!”

As they ran, the Cowardly Lion and Tin Man faced each other in worry.

“How long till that thing rips us apart like a cat’s chew toy?” The Lion asked, worried.

“Dunno, but long enough for us to think of a plan!” Tin Man hoped.

The two kept running, as it seemed this chase would never end. Yet they were too scared to imagine how long it would be before that monster caught them for its next meal.


Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Dorothy, and Toto approached the reception area. For some time, they’ve tried to find their friends ever since they got separated. Twilight and Dorothy approach the receptionist at the desk, hoping to find some help.

“Please miss, can you help us?” Dorothy asked, politely. “We’ve lost our friends when we came here.”

“We were hoping you could help us find them,” Twilight said.

The receptionist gave a small smile before picking up her pen to write on a document.

“Don’t worry,” She assured. “I’ll let the staff know we need to find your friends. Can you please give a description?”

As the receptionist began to hear her two clients out, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy sat along the chairs discussing the situation.

“You think a place this big should at least have a map,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“I know wut you mean, sugar cube,” Applejack said, studying a book. “This place gets you more lost than the Everfree Forest.”

Pinkie Pie was juggling apples to pass the time, then spins the fruit like basketballs. The others took notice but didn’t mind her shenanigans since… You know, it’s Pinkie Pie.

“You have to wonder why the people of Emerald City always wear green,” She asked, bouncing apples on her head.

“Maybe it’s a style choice,” Fluttershy suggested.

“I think it needs a bit more color if you ask me. Maybe a hint of yellow, a pinch of pink, a sprinkle of blue, maybe add some black for depth…”

“We get the point, Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash agrees, looking at the clocks. “Could be worse. At least it’s not a table smashing through a wall.”

As soon as those words are uttered, a table smashed through the wall startling everyone. Pinkie Pie leapt into Applejack’s arms with a squeak, as the table crashed to the floor busting into splinters.

“Rainbow, did ya intend for that to happen?” Applejack asked.

“Uh… No?” Rainbow Dash replied, bewildered.

“Jiminy Crickets!” Dorothy said, while comforting a frightened Toto. “There, there Toto. It’s all right.”

“Ok, that was unexpected,” Twilight said, in shock. “Now, if I can ask politely… WHAT IN EQUESTRA JUST HAPPENED?!”

“MONSTER IN THE PARLOR!!!!” A man shouts, running through the corridors. “MONSTER AT THE DREAM FULFILLMENT PARLOR!!!!!!”

Everyone turned toward the man wide-eyed, stunning over what they just heard.

“Thought you ought to know.”

The man faints from the panic, as everyone in the reception room screamed their lungs out. Papers were tossed all around, everyone racing out the door as an alert was unleashed.

“GREEN ALERT! GREEN ALERT! All Emerald City guards report to the Dream Fulfillment Parlor! Bring weapons A.S.A.P. EMERGENCY!”

The group gather around, trying to assert the situation.

“A monster?!?!?!” Fluttershy squeaked, closing her eyes. “Did the Witch come to get her slippers?”

“No way, it’s too early in the story for that,” Pinkie answered, looking at the script. “At least, I think it is.”


You said you had it!


*Grabs script* GIVE ME THAT!!!!

“Oops, sorry!” Pinkie smiled, sheepishly.

“This doesn’t feel like the Witch’s style,” Twilight remarked, ignoring the moment. “She likes to get personal; she wouldn’t send a monster to get the slippers.”

“Then, wut in Equestria is goin’ on here?” Applejack asked.

Every pony tried to figure out the cause of the problem, when a thought crossed Dorothy’s mind.

“Girls, what if our friends are in that parlor?” Dorothy asked, worried. “They could be in danger!”

“Then we need to find them right away!” Twilight said, determined.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying in mid-air. “Let’s go save our friends!”

They raced into the hole in the wall, Fluttershy being the last to go. As always, she was hesitant to go forward.

“Why can’t we ever have an adventure without danger?” She muttered, catching up with the others.


Meanwhile, Spike, Rarity, and the others were still pursued by the Nuisance Eater. The case felt like it went on for minutes and the beast was determined to catch them. Eventually, the group ran far enough to hide in a nearby corner without being seen.

“No pony… Make… A sound!” Rarity whispered harshly.

By the time the beast arrived, it began sniffing the area for their scent. The group found themselves in a very precarious situation.

“We have to find a way to stop this monster,” The Tin Man whispered, frightened.

“But how?” Spike whispered, under his breath. “It’s not like it has any obvious weaknesses.”

So it seemed as they observed the Nuisance Eater, growing in frustration trying to find them. Then, Scarecrow noticed a long silver container that may prove useful.

“Patchwork Girl, what’s in that container?” The Scarecrow asked, quietly.

“Weed killer,” She answered. “Why?”

“If we can get the creature covered in that stuff, it could destroy it once and for all!”

Now the group were taken aback by Scarecrow’s plan. Honestly, it was a rather brilliant plan coming from someone claiming to not have a brain. Still, any plan was better than nothing.

“Swell plan, Scarecrow!” The Cowardly Lion said.

“Why thanks, lion,” He said, feeling pleased. “Are there any water sprinklers in this building, Patchwork Girl?”

“Yes, but the office area is the only one with any working sprinklers,” Patchwork Girl points out.

“We need a plan of action,” Rarity suggested. “Spike, Lion, and Tin Man, you boys distract that monster. Scarecrow, Patchwork Girl, and I will get the sprinkler system ready.”

“I may be an overgrown scaredy-cat, but I’ll try my best,” The Cowardly Lion assured, determinedly.

“Don’t worry about us,” The Tin Man added.

“You can count on us!!” Spike salutes.

Together, the three jumped in front of the Nuisance Eater drawing its attention.

“Hey Mr. Sod Bags!!!” Spike called, blowing raspberries.

This infuriated the creature as it started chasing the three boys. They ran as fast as their feet could carry them, staying as far ahead as possible. Taking advantage of the distraction, Scarecrow, along with Patchwork Girl and Rarity head to the office. As soon as they step inside, they searched for the level for the sprinkler system but couldn’t find a handle anywhere in the whole room.

“Where is it?” The Scarecrow pondered, worriedly. “Finding it seems more difficult than I thought it would be.”

“We need to find that hatch immediately!!!” Rarity said, urgently.

“Wait a minute! The fire extinguishers,” The Patchwork Girl points out. “I remember where it is! Come on!”

They rush towards the set of fire extinguishers, as The Patchwork Girl reaches out and tilts one of the cannisters aside. It triggers a compartment to open revealing a container next to a lever. Rarity takes the cannister of weed killer with her aura and places it into the slot.

“On my cue, pull the lever and this place will be raining weed killer,” Rarity instructs.

Patchwork Girl and Scarecrow nod in unison, as they each grab the lever. Just then, they heard screaming coming from the corridors.


The Nuisance Eater crashes through the concrete wall, tossing desks and filing cabinets aside leaving a crumbled mess.

“NOW!!!!” Rarity shouted.

Scarecrow and Patchwork Girl activate the sprinkler system, sending weed killer splashing onto the monster. The Nuisance Eater screeches in pain, as Tin Man took cover under the desk to avoid getting rusted. The monster tried to get away, but it’s legs soon feel apart, while the leaves on its back turned brown, and the creature melted away while screeching loudly. Finally, after mere seconds, the beast melted into a steaming green puddle as the group released a sigh of relief.

“Boy, I thought it would never end!” Tin Man sighed, crawling from the desk.

“Same here,” Spike said, taking a deep breath.

Just then, a set of footsteps cause the group to turn as Dorothy, Twilight, and the rest ran toward the source of the screeching.

“Dorothy!!! Girls!!!” They exclaimed, giving their friends a group hug.

“Thank goodness you’re all fine!” Dorothy said, happily.

“What just happened?” Twilight asked, looking around.

“It looks like pigs decided to make this place into a mud hole or somethin’,” Applejack observed.

“Well, basically…” The Scarecrow began.


A loud scream interrupts Scarecrow followed by falling rubble. They turn around and see Mr. Woozy emerged, a devastated look on his face. Before his very eyes, his entire legacy that he had built was destroy.

“My parlor!” He sobbed. “It’s ruined… RUINED!!! Oh… Once I find those troublemakers, I’ll rip ‘em apart, I’ll burn them, all in the name of the Wicked Witch of the East I will destroy…”

Mr. Woozy stopped ranting as he acknowledged the group behind him, their jaws wide open in shock. It was in that moment he realized he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

“Oh… Celestia!” Rainbow Dash said, in shock.

“See, if she said the ‘F bomb’ this series would be T-rated,” Pinkie Pie whispered to Fluttershy. “But oh, the things we could get away"

“Pinkie Pie, what are you talking about?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

Suddenly, at least twenty Emerald guards stormed through the door holding spears. However, when they looked around, they found no monster. The general, with a short hat and a beard, marched up front determined to find the cause of this mess.

“What in Oz is going on here?” He demanded.

“General, this Munchkin is a selfish fraud and rotten beast,” Rarity accused, angrily. “Mr. Woozy is the cause of all the problems around here.”

“That is quite an accusation,” The General spoke, turning to the others. “Is this true?”

“Yes sir, he’s conned the good people of this city,” The Scarecrow added. “He said himself that he served the Wicked Witch of the East and together they’ve been plotting to turn their dreams and aspirations into nightmares!”

“I asked for a heart, but he gave me a dirty tractor engine that exploded!” The Tin Man explain, furiously.

“I wanted to be brave, and he puts me through a hypnotizing room trying to make me think I’m human,” The Cowardly Lion added.

“Sounds like serious offences,” The General pondered. “But all this will be difficult without the evidence to support these claims.”

The Patchwork Girl noticed Mr. Woozy’s diary conveniently next to her. She picks it up and approaches the General, handing him the diary.

“This contains the very evidence against him, sir,” She spoke, kindly. “I hope it will be enough to convince you.”

The General slowly read through the pages carefully. Soon as he was finished, he hands the book to one of his soldiers.

“This is more than enough evidence to put him in the slammer for a long time,” He concludes, pointing to Mr. Woozy. “Guards seize him! Lock him up… And fetch the cleaners, I want this place spotless.”

The guards march toward Mr. Woozy, grabbing his arms before he could run away. He struggled to break free but to no avail as the soldiers dragged him out to place him in a ‘nice cell’.

“Oh… When I get out of this, I promise you lot will pay!” Mr. Woozy shouts, mid-struggle. “I’ll ground you into plant food; I’ll turn you to emeralds. I’LL MAKE YOU GLUE!!!”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, girls,” The General assured. “We’ll make sure he won’t bother anyone for a long time. Sorry you got mixed up in all this.”

“That’s quite all right sir,” Rarity said, politely. “We deal with these situations all the time.”

As Rarity and the General talked, Twilight leaned towards Spike.

“Mind tell us what happened here?” She whispered.

“How’s about I tell you when we get back home,” He whispered back.

“Well milady, allow us to recommend a trip to the beauty parlor, that will get you back in shape,” The General assures, then turns to Tin Man. “Don’t you worry my Tin Friend; we’ll have that rotten heart out. Please enjoy the rest of your stay.”

The General soon left to join the guards through the corridors. It was only after all the insanity died down; they finally acknowledged their new friend.

“So, who’s the Patchwork Girl over here?” Applejack asked, curiously. “Ya have a name?”

“Well, that’s my full name, ‘Patchwork Girl’,” The Patchwork Girl replied, giggling.

“Oh, sorry madam. Didn’t mean to insult you or nothing…”

“No, no! It’s okay. People get confused over my name all the time.”

The Patchwork Girl then proceeds to shake hands with Dorothy and the others.

“It was a pleasure to meet you all.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Dorothy said, smiling.


After shaking hands… Or claws… Or hoofs… Or ‘whatever’, The Patchwork Girl turned toward The Scarecrow for a moment.

“Do you mind if me and Scarecrow have a talk for a moment?”

Patchwork Girl grabs Scarecrow’s hand, walking him to a nearby corner leaving the rest a bit confused.

“What’s up with those two?” Fluttershy asked, curiously.

“Let’s just say we got love birds in the building,” The Cowardly Lion said, cheeky.

Meanwhile, the Patchwork Girl and the Scarecrow had just enough space for their small discussion.

“I guess this means you’re going to The Wizard of Oz, I presume,” The Patchwork Girl said, quietly.

“Yes, I guess so,” The Scarecrow nodded, sadly. “What will you do with Mr. Woozy in prison?”

“Well, I’ve been Mr. Woozy’s assistant for so long, I felt completely useless. But now that he’s in jail, I intend to make a change for the better. I’m going to be the one helping people, help them with their issues, and help them find their happiness because it’s the right thing.”

“Sounds like a plan to me!!” The Scarecrow said, smiling.

“When you do get your brain, will you come back to visit?” She asked quietly.

After a moment, The Scarecrow grabbed her hands gently.

“You bet I will,” He said, delighted. “Only for you.”

The Patchwork Girl was so happy, she planted a kiss on the cheek, which made the Scarecrow blush. The others watching giggled before Scarecrow turned around.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” He asked. “Off to the beauty parlor!”

“Let’s go, everyone!” Dorothy called out.

As Dorothy and the others went on their way, they sung a familiar tune as they marched along.

Group (Sings):
Ha ha ha!
Ho ho ho!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
That’s how we laugh the day away
With a ho ho ho, ha ha ha
In the merry old land of Oz…


“And that’s how the story went,” Spike concluded.

Spike and Rarity had just concluded a stirring story, everyone found the adventure a very enjoyable, thrilling experience.

“Now that was an awesome adventure!” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Definitely worthy for a wide release!” Pinkie added, spinning in her chair.

“Same here!” Applejack nodded.

“Do you suppose Mr. Woozy will cause any more trouble?” Fluttershy asked, curiously.

“I don’t believe he will, darling,” Rarity reassured. “Everyone knows he’s a fraud and no one will ever trust him again.”

“That’s one thing we definitely know for sure,” Twilight said, writing on her note pad. “As soon as we get this side story together, we can proceed to focus on the main story.”

Twilight didn’t write for long, when they noticed a tiny pink bubble floating in the air. It swirls back-and-forth until it gently lands on the table. When the bubble fades away, they discovered a green letter with a printed word reading ‘Oz’.

“A letter from oz?” They all exclaimed, in unison.

“Who sent it?” Pinkie Pie asked, panicking. “Am I getting evicted from Ponyville?! Oh no, no, no, no, no…”

Pinkie Pie raced around the room at max speed, before Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the tail and stopped her.

“Settle down, Pinkie,” She said. “We haven’t even opened it yet!”

“Huh… I knew that.”

“Who’d send us a letter?” Fluttershy asked, curiously.

“I don’t know, but it could be important,” Twilight said, picking up the letter.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Spike asked. “Let’s open it!”

With the letter in her grips, Twilight began to carefully open the envelope. As she slowly lifts the flap, she uses her aura to remove the contents. It turned out the letter contained a photo featuring The Scarecrow, The Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion, and The Patchwork Girl in a group shot. Only now, they wore Emerald City Clothes as writing on the photo read:

“Thinking of you. Love, friends”

“AWWWWWWW!!!” They said, in unison.

“We miss you too,” Twilight said, wiping tears from her eyes.

“That was lovely of them to send a photo like that,” Rarity said. “And in such good quality too.”

“I sure do miss them,” Fluttershy said, sadly.

“Me too, Flutters,” Pinkie Pie added, comforting her friend. “But something tells me they’re going to be all right.”

“Do you think we’ll ever see them again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight replied. “But deep in our hearts, we’ll always remember them.”

“Same here,” Spike added.

As they all look at the photo, Applejack drew every pony’s attention.

“I think I found a good title for this story!”

The group faced Applejack, curious of the name they had in mind.

“Ok Applejack, what would you like to call it?” Twilight asked.

The group waited patiently, as Applejack finally declared her answer.

“How about, we call it…”

Author's Note:

Thanks for Dramamaster829 for proof reading

Next time it's gonna be terror in a cafe with Twilight Sparkle and Scooby doo