• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,789 Views, 111 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes - Tim Ribbert

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The first Wonka Bar Part 2 (Willy Wonka and the chocolate Factory)

Author's Note:

if you want to see this story with lyrics check out the chapter in wattpad

The Weekend 3 pm

It was a Friday afternoon, Willy Wonka sat at the park with his sketch book in hand. For some time, he'd been sketching a pony filled with ducks swimming about, the family minding their own business. Since he was five years old, Willy Wonka was always fascinated with drawing. He could sketch just about anything that would peek his interests: Flowers, Lakes, just about anything he would find interesting. His studies his latest drawing, giving a close look at all the details he put into it.

"Okay," He said to himself. "I'll add some shading over there; maybe add a bit of black along the feathers. And~"

Suddenly, a figure accidentally bumps into the lad when he wasn't looking. The poor lad drops his notebook and pencils all along the ground.

"Oh, so sorry mate," The male figure said.

He knelt upon the ground, helping Wonka pick up the dropped items.

"So clumsy. I really should be looking where I'm going."

"It's quite all right, sir," Willy replied.

As he picked up his stuff, he had a good look at the lad who bumped into him. He wore a long brown trench coat over a red shirt, black slacks and matching business shoes. His scruffy hair nearly covered his blue eyes, a slightly big nose stuck out, and based on the face he appeared to be between 17 and 18 years old. They both stood up, as the stranger hands Wonka his stuff.

"Thank you for the help, mister...?"

"Wallace," The man replied. "And you are?"

"Willy," He answered, shaking his hand. "Willy Wonka."

Wallace's eyes widen with surprise, as if he hadn't heard the word 'Wonka' in such a long time.

"Wonka?!" He asked. "As in 'Doctor Joseph Wonka'? The dentist?"

"Yeah! That was my dad."

"Wow, I've always wanted to meet someone famous. Never thought I'd actually meet his son."

Wonka was at a loss for words, having never received this much attention from just anyone.

"So, what brings you here?" Wonka asked.

"Nothing much," Wallace replied. "Just passing through on the way to my father's office. Helping him out and stuff."

Wonka took interest the moment Wallace mentioned aiding his father.

"What does your Dad do?"

"All kinds of things. Coats, cars, business suits, you name it. Although, between you and me... We actually put effort into them."

"I hear you. Really hard to come by these days."

They both gave out a sigh, knowing they both knew how the world was: Cheap... Really cheap.

Kinda sad that it reflects the current world right now.

The boys stood silent for a moment, looking up to the sky as if expecting a miracle to happen. After a while, Wallace looked down and noticed one of Wonka's drawings in his sketch book.

"Nice drawing," He complimented.

"Um... Thanks," Wonka replied, turning toward Wallace. "Which drawing exactly?"

"The one with the weird looking room. And what's that I see? Is that... Chocolate?"

Wonka turned toward the drawing Wallace was referring to, before turning back to him.

"Well, mum did say I have pure imagination," He joked.

That got the two to laugh, as if it's the first one they've had in forever.

"Well, she's not wrong," Wallace replied.

Just then, an idea pops into his head as a smile forms upon Wallace's face.

"Say Wonka," Wallace spoke. "How would you feel about becoming a man of business?"

Wonka turned toward Wallace, both confused and bewildered by that very statement.

"Come again?"

Tip-Top Incorporated Office

Willy Wonka sat along one of twelve chairs in the meeting room, sitting on one side of an ever-long table. Sitting across the way is a man who appears to be between his late-twenties to early-thirties. He wore a black business suit, complete with a matching necktie, a pair of dark black shoes, and sunglasses. The nervous expression on Wonka’s face is most apparent.

“Wallace,” The man spoke, calmly. “Why did you bring this boy here?”

The boy in question, Wallace, stood from a chair beside the man.

“Well, I saw potential in him,” He replied. “Thought he might help us, father.”

The father’s expression, however, hardly changed and his eyes never leave from the nervous Wonka.

“Son, while I do appreciate you taking initiative,” The man spoke, toward Wallace. “We already have more than enough people working for me. How can this boy be any different?”

“Well, I did bring some proposals about making the world less cheap,” Wonka spoke.

Wallace’s father steps up from his seat, approaching Mr. Wonka.

“If that’s all right for me to share, sir…”

“Yes, yes, no sense beating about the bush,” The man replied sternly. “You understand getting into this business is not as easy as it seems. There are certain provisos and quid-pro-quos, you understand?”

“Of course, sir,” Wonka nodded, pulling out his sketchbook. “I thought I’d start with something simple I’ve been concocting.”

“Mr. Wonka, before you proceed, suppose I were to inspect that book of yours myself?”

Mr. Wonka looked straight into the eyes of the man before him, the head man in charge of ‘Tip Top Inc.’. Wonka thought for a moment, as if determining whether this would be a good idea or not. Ultimately, he presents the book to the boss.

“Here you are, sir,” He replied. “I do believe you’ll find some promising concepts.”

Wonka hands Wallace’s father the sketchbook, the man opens the cover to view all the sketches inside. He observes each page with a keen eye, turning each one after another, until his attention is drawn to a rather particular room that certain folk might recognize.

“Hmm… Not bad,” He said, turning another page. “I see what you are going for…”

The man turns to another page, this time of a raft of ducks in a pond. Another page displayed a city full of color, as if to symbolize a joyful occasion. A feeling he hadn’t seen in quite some time. Having seen enough, he closes the book and turns his attention back to Wonka.

“Young man, if I may speak to you for a moment,” He asked.

“Indeed you may,” Wonka replied.

The young man picks himself up from his seat, slowly walking towards the head of ‘Tip Top Inc.’. The man leads Wonka into his private office, as Wallace looked on. When the two were truly alone, they slowly approach the man’s desk.

“Mr. Wonka, I see potential in you,” He spoke, with a hint of optimism. “When you’re a man of business, such as I, you must seek employees who have that special skillset within themselves. To make absolutely certain that you can push them, guide them until they have reached their absolute potential.”

“I can’t argue on that logic, sir,” Willy agreed, twirling his thumbs.

“You see son, I’ve been seeking a new product to produce. The problem is: Nothing’s come up. My entire staff has run short on ideas to push our business back on top, and as you can understand, certain cuts had to be made and most of my staff have been demoted due to their inability to meet demands.”

Wonka thought for a moment, taking what the man said to heart. To come up with something new, even on a whim, can prove extraordinarily difficult for anyone. Then, all of a sudden, one idea pops into his head.

“What about candy?” He suggested.


Surprised, the boy and the boss turned back towards the door. The old man gestures for the boy to wait and steadily makes his way to the office door. He opens the door, where he soon spots his son, Wallace, having listened through the door with an empty glass on the other end and his ear pressed against the glass.


“Sorry father, I just couldn’t help but overhear and~” Wallace began.

“Just come in… Wallace.”

“Yes father.”

The young man quietly enters the office, as the man closes the office door and turns his attention back to Wonka.

“So as I was saying,” Wallace said. “Suppose Willy might be onto something. Sure, candy is not among the fanciest products in the world and there’s been a history of candy factories across the globe. But if Wonka is willing to suggest otherwise, perhaps it’s an idea worth listening to.”

The man carefully thought about the idea for a moment, as if picturing as to the benefit in the marketing of candy and the finances that customers would pay for it. A smile forms on his face as he considers the merit of this idea.

“I suppose that could work,” He spoke, turning to Wonka. “Here’s my offer, young man: If you agree to create the highest quality products you can imagine, I shall grant you full ownership of your products and prepare the legal documents for your own business. Do we have a deal?”

Wonka could not believe the offer that the man before him was granting. Not only could this offer more than enough money to support himself and his mother, but in agreeing to this proposal his products may help the good people seeking some joy in their lives. He takes a deep breath before making his final decision.

“It’s a deal, sir,” He agreed, shaking the man’s hand.

“Good lad,” The boss nodded. “Now then, is there anything that you boys are going to need?”

Wallace approaches his father, taking out a notepad and pen from his suit pocket.

“Well father, this project is going to acquire just a few things to get started…”

And from that moment forth, ladies and gentlemen, this is where the real juicy bits come into action.

Tip Top Incorporated Warehouse

Inside a giant warehouse, Wallace and Wonka stood in the dark with only one lightbulb for light. By now, Wallace and Willy had set up a laboratory with test tubes, filled with chemicals, powders, and other things. Wonka inspects one vial very closely.

“Banana,” He requests.

Wonka reaches out, as Wallace gives the fruit to him. Willy proceeds to peel it, cut the fruit into chunks, and carefully places each piece into the liquid.

“So, what are you trying to do?” Wallace asked, observing Wonka.

“I’m trying to develop a fizzy sweet with a banana flavor,” Wonka replied.

He proceeds to pour the mixture into an ice cube tray.

“With any luck, this mixture will harden and should be edible in about ten seconds, give or take.”

The mixture began to shake rapidly within the dry ice, as steam emerged. Willy and Wallace braced themselves, expecting an explosion. But thankfully, after ten seconds, that did not happen. The two sighs in relief as Wonka uses some ice tongs to carefully life the tray and places it onto the table.

“Is it safe?” Wallace asked.

“Let’s find out,” Wonka replied.

Wonka grabs a metal stick, attached to a monitor, as he sticks it into one of the fizzy sweets inside the ice cube try. A monitor beeps as it analyzed the contents of the sweet.

“Hmm… The reading seems normal,” Wonka remarked.

As he removed the metal stick and placed it onto the counter, he picks up one of the fizzy sweets.

“You’re not thinking of trying it, right?” Wallace asked nervously.

“I see nothing to be afraid of,” Wonka reassured, with a shrug. “The monitor readings showed that it’s normal. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen for trying it?”

Wonka then puts the candy into his mouth, feeling the fizzy taste of the banana making his taste buds dance upon his tongue.

“See? Nothing happened—”


All of a sudden, Willy Wonka vanished in a puff of smoke. Wallace stares in bewilderment, as he did not expect his friend to disappear into thin air.

“Wonka?!” Wallace cried out, running across the building. “WONKA!!!!”

“So yeah, Wonka said he accidentally made a sweet that made him travel to other dimensions. He didn’t tell us which ones he went through, but—”



“Did you say Wonka accidentally invent a fizzy sweet that sent him through dimensions?!” Diamond Tiara asked, in surprise.

Suffice to say, the whole group turned to her with confusion.

“Yes, I did,” Pinkie Pie said. “Why do you ask?”

“Seems some pony actually met him before,” Cheese assumed, sipping his milkshake.

Diamond Tiara scratched the back of her head, unsure of how to put it.

“Actually… That’s because I think I accidentally met him,” She muttered.

As soon as Diamond Tiara said this, Cheese spat out his entire milkshake… Through his nostrils. The entire group looked equally shocked at the revelation.

“YOU MET WONKA?!?!?!” The group cried.

“Like… What… How?!” Rainbow Dash asked bewildered.

“Now this is an unexpected turn for the deleted scenes,” Pinkie Pie remarked.

The others faced Pinkie Pie with confusion but shrugged it off. Mrs. Cake, having been overhearing the story, turns to Diamond Tiara.

“Sweetie, would you mind telling us what happened?” She asked politely.

“Now I’m so intrigued right now,” Twilight added.

“Us too!” Rarity remarked.

Diamond Tiara took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Her eyes turn to every pony around her, which she had to admit made her nervous. After clearing her throat, she begins to tell her little tale.

“Well you see, it all began in my bedroom. I had helped my parents trying to put Sugarcube Corner out of business… I was so upset that day; I didn’t know what to do…”


A few weeks ago…

Diamond Tiara laid on her bed, crying. Just a moment ago, she was forced to help her parents put the Cake’s shop out of service. Her heart was filled to the brim with guilt and shame, she truly wanted no part of this. But her parents didn’t give her much choice in the matter and now here she was: Trapped in her own household. She spent the next few minutes or so crying in her bedroom, clutching her pillow close to her body.

“Why did I have to ruin the Cake’s lives?” Diamond sobbed. “I didn’t want to do it… I didn’t…”

Suddenly, a loud thump in her room startled Diamond out of her guilt.

“What was that?”

Slowly, Diamond Tiara crawled from atop the bed towards the source of the sound and made a remarkable discovery. Oddly enough, a figure LAID in her room, but she had no idea what it was. It seemed too large to be a pony, no such features to spot, and it appeared to be wearing clothes. Suddenly, the figure stirs and groans as it slowly got up.

“Okay… Did not expect that,” Wonka muttered. “Never thought I invent a sweet with the ability to teleport me to…”

As he turned around, he spots a small pink pony with a tiara on top of her head. The two stared at each other in awkward silence, neither knowing what to say.

“Uh… Hello?” Wonka spoke awkwardly.

Diamond Tiara merely screamed at the top of her lungs before Wonka folded her mouth with his hands so nobody could hear.

“Hey! Hey! Hey, kid listen!” Wonka spoke. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Wonka slowly removed his hand from her mouth, pulling out his pockets.

“See? No weapons. I’m completely harmless. Can you tell me where I am?”

Diamond Tiara eventually calmed down, as she gazed upon the mysterious creature.

“You’re in Ponyville,” She replied, hopping off the bed. “And you’re in the land of Equestria. What are you supposed to be?”

“I am a human from planet Earth, England specifically,” Wonka answered. “I’m currently making candy for…”

Suddenly, Diamond Tiara burst into tears and cried on the floor. Wonka looked down on her sadly, as he leaned down and stroke Diamond’s mane.

“Gee, I guess kids really don’t like candy,” He muttered.

“No, it’s not that,” Diamond Tiara muttered, looking up. “I did something… terrible.”

“Like what?”

“My family forced to me have the Cake family kicked out of Ponyville!”

Wonka did not know how to take this information. But he remained calm, as he took a seat next to her.

“What’s wrong with this Cake Family?” He asked. “Aren’t they nice?”

“Of course they are!” Diamond Tiara replied, wiping her tears. “They’re the nicest family you could ever meet. They run the most amazing bakery in the world, with the most delicious sweets you’ve ever tasted!!”

Wonka listened on and was quite surprised over what he heard. A little filly ruining a family’s livelihood… Now that didn’t sound right. Despite this, he still felt there was one important question to ask.

“Why are you doing this at all?” Wonka asked, sympathetically. “It’s clear you’re a good kid; you don’t actually want to do this. So, what’s making you?”

Diamond Tiara remained quiet for a moment until she was comfortable to trust this stranger with the truth.

“My parents want to buy Sugarcube Corner!” She explained. “But the only way they can is if the business is failing. So, they forced me to tell them lies about their sweets getting too old and unoriginal. Within the next few weeks, the business was failing and they’re planning to buy the store once my parents convince the Cakes to sell.”

“Why those dirty crooks!!!” Wonka said angrily. “I can’t imagine someone using a child to exploit for profits. That just makes me sick! Why would a nice girl like you stick around with such rubbish?”

“Because… Because…”

Diamond Tiara wasn’t sure what to say next, until she took a deep breath.

“Because they’re my family… The only ones I have.”

Diamond Tiara began to cry softly, feeling the guilt of every horrible decision in her entire life. Wonka reached over to hug her, doing his best to comfort the pony. She looked toward Wonka’s face, seeing a small smile form.

“Tell me something little one, do you know what a family is?” He asked.

The question was quiet yet loving, almost welcoming. But Diamond Tiara merely shook her head.

“No…” Diamond Tiara looked down. “No, I don’t.”

Wonka lifted Diamond’s chin with one hand, gently lifting her face to look at him as he stroked her mane with the other hand.

“Well, I can you tell all about what a loving family means,” He replied happily. “Better still, I can sing it to you.”

Then the lights began to glow, as Diamond Tiara felt the warmness as if experiencing a symbolic gesture of how someone feels to be welcomed into their home to smiling faces.

Diamond Tiara felt something she hadn’t felt in all her years… Love. Not spite, not hatred… Just love and compassion.

The two turned toward the sun out the window, both smiling as the leaves from the trees flew into the open window. They flew around in a circle, almost as if they were dancing to the melody.

The two hug each other with a warm, loving embrace. Diamond Tiara smiles at Wonka, having never felt so happy in all her life. But then, she noticed something rather odd: Wonka appeared to be transparent.

“Mister, are you fading?” She asked, surprised.

Wonka looks over himself, noticing he was slowly fading away.

“Oh dear! The sweet’s effects are wearing off,” He said, standing up with a smile. “Before I go, little one: There is one bit of advice I must share with you.”

“What is it?”

“If you ever want a wish to come true, you need only do three things: Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three…”

Diamond Tiara smiled, with tears of joy in her eyes.

“Thank you… For everything!” She said happily.

“It’s been a pleasure, little one,” He replied, his voice becoming an echo. “I know you will do the right thing… Goodbye!”

And just like that, Willy Wonka vanished into thin air again leaving Diamond Tiara all alone. Only this time, her heart was full of happiness and bravery. For now she knew what to do now and she did as she was told. She held her breath, made a wish, and counted three… For now she was going to do the right thing.

(Sobbing) Wow… That was so sad!

And so happy at the same time! How messed up is that? (Sobbing harder)


“And that’s how it happened,” Diamond Tiara concluded the story.

The entire group in the shop had a wide range of emotions: Shock, happy, sad, amazement… All at the same time. Some of the ponies had tears in their eyes, while others only smiled.

“Wow, that was so lovely,” Rarity sobbed, blowing her nose in a tissue.

“To think, Mr. Wonka actually helped us,” Mr. Cake said, in amazement.

“And we didn’t know about it,” Spike added.

“I guess we owe him some thanks for that,” Rainbow Dash replied, sipping her smoothie.

“I hafta agree with you there, sugar cube,” Applejack agreed.

“Same here,” Fluttershy smiled.

Twilight Sparkle stared out the window, where the sun was shining at its highest peak.

“I guess miracles do happen sometimes,” She said happily.

Eventually Twilight faced the others, as Diamond Tiara gently tapped Pinkie’s hoof to get her attention.

“Pinkie, can you and Cheese please continue the story?” She asked nicely.

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich faced each other, with a happy grin on their faces.

“Okie-doki-loki!” Pinkie replied, bouncing in her seat.

“Let’s see, where were we?” Cheese Sandwich thought, realizing. “Oh yes, we were right back at the warehouse…”


Wallace paced around the hallway, not knowing what to do. Just a moment ago he saw Wonka vanish into thin air and he had no clear where he could be. To say he was slightly panicking was a major understatement.

“Oh man, oh man!” Wallace paced around the room. “How am I gonna…”


Just then, Wallace heard something fall into the room. His instincts kicked in and he rushed towards the source. By some miracle, he found Willy Wonka laying on the ground.

“WONKA!!!” Wallace cried.

He helps his friend back on his feet.

“Are you okay, buddy?”

“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine,” He reassured, brushing himself off. “Just a bit bang up, that’s all.”

“You vanished into thin air!!! Where were you?”

“Let’s say I found a new friend and helped her out… I’ll tell you later.”

The two approach the lab table to continue their candy-making project.

“Note to self,” Wonka concluded, picking up some containers. “The fizzy sweets will need a few more tests before they are safe to eat.”

“Agreed!” Wallace replied, pushing the sweets aside. “I’ll tell yah, you scared the cocoa beans out of me.”

Just then, Wonka put everything on hold and turned back toward Wallace.

“Say, do we have any cocoa beans?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah, there are some in the back,” Wallace replied, pointing to a pile of sacks. “Why do you ask?”

As Wonka approached one of the backs, digging his hands till they were full of the cold dark beans, he turns toward Wallace.

“Because my dear friend, I have an idea!”