• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes - Tim Ribbert

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The Shopping Mall of Doom!!!! Part 1 (The Spongebob Squarepants Movie)

Set Between The Spongebob Squarepants Movie and The Conjuring

In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were hanging out with the Mane Six and Spike at Queen Nova’s castle. They arrived under the invitation of the Queen herself to attend a very important meeting. A week had passed since their adventures with a talking Spong and starfish, the journey still fresh in their minds. They were proceeding with work on the next book in their series of other-worldly adventures, from witches to phantoms, to talking dogs and other amazing things. The Cutie Mark Crusaders watched in awe as the girls planned out their next book.

“Can we ask how you girls always do so well in makin’ them book series?” Apple Bloom asked. “How does work?”

“Well there are many stages to do a story,” Twilight explained to the fillies. “The first step is the planning stage, where to determine the beginning, the middle, and end of the story. Then it’s a matter of describing the events by memory of every single detail of our adventures. And it doesn’t hurt to add a couple drawings and the ‘title’ of said story.”

Sweetie Belle swam beside her big sister, taking a seat next to her on a bed of coral.

“I thought the story with you and Erik would be next,” She pointed out. “I’m not complaining or anything, I’m glad we’re doing a SpongeBob story. But I just figured you of all ponies would want to do a story on how you fell in love.”

“And we’re doing just that Sweetie darling,” Rarity replied happily. “It’s a personal story you see, a story which holds a special place in our hearts. Which is why we’re writing the story together.”

Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement, knowing full-well the experience of how love changes a pony’s life forever.

“I guess it’s true they say that the best ponies to write love stories are the ones who fall in love to begin with,” Pinkie Pie replied.

Just then, Queen Nova and her daughter, Princess Skystar, enter the room. While Skystar looked cheerful and happy, Nova seemed sadder than usual.

“GIRLS!!!” Skystar exclaimed, hugging the girls. “I’m so glad you all came here today. Especially with that new book you’re working on!”

“We’re glad too, Skystar,” Fluttershy said. “We always love coming to your kingdom. It’s so lovely and colorful!”

Queen Nova smiled for a moment, as she did not admit to anyone she’s quite happy that Skystar and her friends are enjoying themselves. But then her smiled faded away just as quickly. The girls took notice of the queen’s mournful face.

“Something wrong your majesty?” Twilight asked.

“Well Twilight, ever since I became queen of this kingdom, I felt like I lost the joy of having fun,” Nova explained. “I’m a mother, yet I don’t know how to have fun anymore… I feel like I don’t know what to do anymore.”

The girls gaze upon the queen with sympathy. Understanding the queen’s position of ruling a kingdom, only to feel like the fun within was slipping away. Such a thought was sad and disheartening, especially given the previous experience. Who could blame her? The Cutie Mark Crusaders swim from their seats, swimming toward the Queen who turned toward them.

“We know exactly how you feel,” Sweetie Belle assured, with a light smile.

“We’ve had the same feeling during our adventure with SpongeBob and Patrick,” Scootaloo added.

Apple Bloom nodded, remember the moment the pair attempted t o prove themselves as kids despite the fact the whole town saw them as kids.

“They were dealin’ with the fact no one took ‘em seriously and they tried to prove everyone wrong,” Apple Bloom explained. “There was one moment they did prove to be great heroes despite their childish ways.”

This drew Queen Nova’s attention, having never heard the story of the children saving the day. She adjusts herself onto her throne.

“If you don’t mind girls, can you three explain to me this moment?” She asked politely.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders turned toward the Mane Six (And Spike), who smiled and nodded their heads with approval. The CMC smiled back before turning back toward the Queen.

“It will be our pleasure, Queen Nova,” Scootaloo answered excitedly. “Gather around every pony, we’ve got a story to tell.”

“Of how SpongeBob and Patrick proved themselves to be great heroes,” Apple Bloom added.

“And how we fought a most unusual foe,” Sweetie Belle added.”

“Submitted by the approval of all of you,” The CMC introduced, in unison. “We call this story…”

The Shopping Mall of Doom!!!!!

Patchy the Pirate comes into the writing room.

Oh, hi Patchy… what’re you doing here?

Argh… one of your writer friends got sick and asked me to take his place.

Really? You sure it’s not because you only a cameo in the story?

… Yes.

Well monsieur, we better get started then.

Ahh, the sea. So mysterious, so beautiful, so… uh wet. Our short story begins with our band of heroes driving along in their patty wagon, ready to reclaim Neptune’s Crown in the mysterious Shell City. For you see, the girls were looking for the evil Cozy Glow, who had stolen the Pearl from the kingdom of Seaquestria. However, when SpongeBob’s boss, Mr. Crabs, was framed for stealing the crown, the girls, along with SpongeBob and Patrick, set out on a journey to retrieve the crown. SpongeBob was very much enjoying the drive in the patty wagon, needing to get his driver’s license.

“Ahh, isn’t this great Patrick?” He asked cheerfully. “The blue skies, the rocks on the sand, the window blowing in your face! It’s literally eye shattering.”

“Sure is buddy,” Patrick replied.

But soon as he spoke, his eyes ‘literally’ shatter in a million pieces. Fortunately, he had an extra set of eyes. A bit surprising to the Equestrians, despite knowing that Bikini Bottom is anything but normal. What they didn’t expect was for him to do just that.

“This place gets weirder by the minute,” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Very true, Rainbow,” Twilight agreed. “But then again, we’ve seen weirder than this. Remember Discord?”

“Oh yeah…”

“What do y’all think Shell City looks like?” Apple Bloom asked curiously.

The boys faced each other, each trying to determine an answer.

“I’m honestly not sure, Apple Bloom,” SpongeBob replied, scratching his chin. “Maybe it’s like a city where shells rule it all! Yeah, like they have these big skyscrapers where they worship a giant clam and…”

“Maybe it’s full of scary monsters that might rip us apart!” Patrick added.

This thought causes every pony to turn toward him with wide eyes toward the remark.

“Uh… yeah, we could see that buddy,” SpongeBob chuckled nervously.

Despite his efforts to laugh it off, they could see the sweat emerge from the Sponge. As much as he didn’t want to admit it to everyone, the possibility of running into monsters made the worried Sponge scared. And if what was rumored about Shell City was true, this is bound to be one wild and scary adventure. Wanting to change the subject, Twilight Sparkle takes out a list from her bag.

“So, have we got everything we need?” Twilight asked. “Fuel for the Patty Wagon?”

SpongeBob checks the fuel gage, tapping the glass just to be sure.


“Equipment?” Twilight read.

Patrick pulled out a large briefcase, opening it up to reveal loads of stuff: A sink, a cricket, a baseball bat, a jellyfish net, a mammoth, some colorful rocks, and one thousand goober dollars. Suffice to say, the others are quite surprised with all the contents inside.

Don’t bother asking how he managed to fit all that stuff…

“Checky-check!” Patrick smiled.

Twilight, slightly bewildered, scratched a checkmark on her list. She goes over the sheet for one final thing they’ll need for the long journey ahead.

“’Food’?” Twilight spoke.

Soon as she said it, SpongeBob’s eyes widened greatly. He hadn’t considered just how long the journey would be or even if they needed food or not. Unsure of what to do, he turned toward Twilight with a sheepish smile.

“Umm…” He spoke nervously. “I haven’t actually thought about that before we left.”

The girls’ eyes widen with disbelief, having not thought of this conundrum till just now.

“I guess we’re in a bit of a pickle now, ain’t we?” Pinkie Pie asked. “A sea pickle to be precise.”

Twilight glared at Pinkie for a moment before Pinkie sheepishly smiled and sank futher into her seat.

“This isn’t the time for jokes Pinkie Pie,” Twilight pointed out. “King Neptune threatened to kill Mr. Krabs, and possibly us, if we don’t get his crown back in six days! We already have enough trouble on our plates.”

“Twilight’s right,” Rarity agreed. “We have to focus on the mission at hoof.”

“What do we do now?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I mean it’s not like we encountered a store on the way.”

However, as soon as she said it, they saw a massive supermarket which grasped their attention. A white building with corals for decorations, a big neon sign which said, ‘Super-Duper Market’ in bright, bold colorful writing. The building also had very large square windows up front. The others looked at it with a surprise look.

“Okay… did not expect that,” Pinkie Pie commented. “Especially for the deleted scenes!”

The others stared at her with a look of confusion, but SpongeBob merely shrugged as he stepped out of the patty wagon.

“Well, can’t complain if there’s food in there,” SpongeBob replied cheerfully.

“SpongeBob’s right,” Twilight agreed. “I say we split into groups, me with the girls and Spike with group one.”

“And me, SpongeBob, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be group number three!!!” Patrick cheered with delight.

“Patrick… we’re group number two,” SpongeBob corrected, holding two fingers.

“Oh…” Patrick nodded. “Well anyways, we better—”

“Actually guys…”

They were just about to walk toward the supermarket until they froze. Turning around, they saw Applejack raising her hoof to get their attention.

“What is it Applejack?” Patrick asked.

“Is it alright if we watch the little ones?” She asked. “Just cuz we don’t want ‘em to get hurt or anythin’. Besides, we’ll need their help if we wanna find food.”

What the two don’t realize is that Applejack was not entirely honest. As much as it hurts, she knew the real reason stems from the last time the fillies were left with the two back at Goofy Goober’s Ice Cream Party Boat. After getting themselves carried away, she can’t really trust the fillies to be alone with SpongeBob and Patrick. The pair in general think for about…

Uh… what he said.

Anyway, the two thought until smiles formed on their goofy faces.

“No problem Applejack,” SpongeBob said. “That’s a great idea! Now let’s get inside and grab us some chow!”

The group pushed their way through the doors and once inside, they couldn’t believe their eyes. True to its word, this supermarket has everything: Bicycles, toys, tools, comfy chairs, and of course, food. Food everywhere, illuminated by bright lights shining across one aisle and the neck. They all looked on with great awe, as Twilight unveiled her list.

“Okay every pony, let’s meet back here in ten minutes,” Twilight instructed.

The others nodded in response and soon split off into two groups. The girls and Spike went to one section, beginning their search for supplies. Their trip takes them to the vegetable section, where all kinds were on display: Tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, onions, and so on and so forth. Pinkie Pie pressed her face against the glass door, staring at all the food.

“Wow… they look so beautiful and yummy!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“They certainly look appetizing,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Yes, they do have a certain charm to them,” Rarity replied.

Meanwhile, Twilight took Applejack to a corner away from prying ears.

Yarr… this should be interestin’.

Indeed it should, monsieur.

“Applejack, was that lie really necessary?” Twilight asked seriously.

Applejack tried to turn her gaze from her friend’s eyes, but it was no use. Applejack hung her head in shame as she took off her hat.

“Sorry Twi,” Applejack spoke shamefully. “But I don’t trust those two with the fillies. Remember the ice cream party boat? When they got carried away with all that ice cream?”

“Okay yes, they did get carried away,” Twilight admitted. “But one, SpongeBob wasn’t in a good mood at the time and two, we did leave the girls unsupervised in the first place. We share a bit of the blame here—”

Before Twilight could finish, electricity shot toward the alicorn princess. She screamed in pain before falling unconscious.

“TWILIGHT!!!” Applejack shouted.

Applejack’s shout drew the others to swim toward her.

“Applejack!” Fluttershy gasped. “What happened?”

Soon as she asked, a bolt of electricity struck each of them one by one. They all screamed in pain before falling unconscious. Suddenly, a small robot hovered down from the sky. This robot had a small umbrella on its head, wore glasses, and held a remote control which crackled. Whatever it was, it seemed its mission was complete.

On the other side of the store, SpongeBob and Patrick were hanging around the ice cream section. Currently, the two were trying to decide which flavored ice cream to choose for their long journey.

“HOW ABOUT DOUBLE CHOCOLATE?!?!?!” Patrick exclaimed excitedly.

“OR MINTED LEAVES?!?!” SpongeBob also exclaimed.

The two laughed, as they gazed toward all the delicious ice cream. The two loved ice cream like it was the best thing in the entire ocean. Then a thought dawned on Patrick.

“Hey SpongeBob?” Patrick asked his spongy friend.

“Yes Patrick?” SpongeBob replied.

“What do you think Ham-flavored ice cream would taste like?”

SpongeBob really thought hard on Patrick’s question.

“Hmm… well aside from the obvious, I dunno old buddy, old pal. Maybe it will be like being hugged over the head with a hammer!”


The two were struck on the head, and instantly fell to the ground out cold. Then two robots emerged from hiding, very skinny robots with hammers which looked like a giant piece of ham.

“Bring them to my lair,” A Mysterious male voice spoke.

The robots, on command, brought the unconscious ponies and the boys to an underground lair. The source of the mysterious voice emerged from the shadows. A creature shaped like a sphere, with yellow eyes, brown-muddy skin, and very sharp teeth. The most horrifying creature in the sea and it resembled a bubble… a dirty bubble.