• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,791 Views, 17 Comments

Beast of Equestria - Mr Wool

A human is taken to equestria, where he hopes to start a new life after years of running away.from the one he destroyed.

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Within each passing day I lose more and more of who I am. I have been like this for as long as I can remember. I was given something truly remarkable, something I couldn’t exactly explain, it was almost like something out of a bad Sci-Fi or Horror movie, but it was reality and something that I had always considered to be gift that is until I was twelve.

It was the last day of school, in fact it was the last day of primary school for me, I had just finished ready to go my separate way from everybody else. I wasn’t exactly the popular kid in school at all, I only had one friend or what I could call a friend, we knew each other our entire lives, he lived only a few seconds down the road from my house. But still when everybody was picking on me he wouldn’t hesitate to join in so the same wouldn’t happen to him. I don’t know why I kept forgiving him, in fact I always forgave everybody else as well when they apologized, but then they would turn on me once more and so it continued til the end. At some points I even considered ending my own life, but something stopped from going ahead with it.

The night after we school had finished and summer had begun I wanted to do something to Craig, David and James. They were the three who picked on me the worst. It was simple really, just change into my other form, scare them, and that would be it. I wasn’t thinking straight that night, I had forgotten one thing. Once I had appeared to them in my “alternate form” I killed them, that’s all that happened. I killed the three of them, quite savagely I might add.

What I had forgotten was that in my non human form my most powerful emotions take full control of me and at that moment all I felt was hatred, anger and a lust for revenge. I was a murderer so I had to leave. I came clean to my family. They knew of everything. You see this ability I have to turn into this creature is something that has always been in my family, it is something that only occurs every tenth generation so I am currently the only member of the family with this gift or a curse as I now considered it. I did the only thing that I could do, just leave, I couldn’t be around people anymore.

That’s the way it has been for the last six years now. When I first left home I found the most isolated spot I could. Then I changed form. Now I have become sort of a legend like Bigfoot or Nessie. Here they call me ‘ an dinosaur daonna’ which is Irish for The Human Dinosaur, which is sort of true because dinosaurs do play a role in my family history, but in reality I was nothing but a horrible freak of nature, I didn't know what to call myself, I know I couldn't call myself human, I was far from it.

I move from woodlands to bogs to the mountains generally any are where there are no people, and I have made my way across the whole country. Occasionally some people might get a quick glimpse of me and I like to think that somewhere on the internet there are a load of blurry photos of me. But I am usually able to keep myself hidden. I might sometimes change back into a human and go into a small town but only for a small while, but I know I cant stay, I know that being around people will just cause me to kill again, in a way however it was the closest trait I had to being human.

I miss my family but that’s just about it. I was going to go to a different secondary school to everyone else just so I could be away from everyone in my old school. I picked a school that only I had a chance of getting into. Everbody else was going to go to the local community school but I picked the private school that my older brothers had gone to. It felt so great to tell everyone that I will never have to see any of them again. That came at a cost though, they made the remainder of the school year a living hell.

I thought that I was destined to spend the rest of my life alone wandering from one point to another. That was the way it seemed. One night I wished upon a star. I wished that I could start again. I thought that it was stupid to do something like that, but it reminded me of the times when I was young, when I was with my family, when I was happy.Solitude had finally gotten to me and I hated every single second of it. I needed to get away from it and fast. The future is never easy, but looking up at the stars and making a wish that night I saw the glimmer of a dream, the tiniest spark of hope that my life could change. Who could say ?

There was also something else, something rather unique, up among the millions of stars up in the sky. Now its not unusual for people to see images forming in the stars and I was no stranger to this, but that night the images i saw forming in the stars were so clear in what they were. There was six of them in total. The first image was that of three diamonds, then the next image I saw was that of a cloud with a bolt of lightning coming out of it, the third one was in the shape of three butterflies, the fourth one was that of three apples, the fifth one was three balloons, each one of them was circled around the image of a six sided star. I thought it was an odd sight, diamonds, a lightning bolt, butterflies, apples, balloons circled around a star. They didn't have anything in common with one another. That was the last thing I saw before I went to sleep that night, it was also the last I saw of my old life.

Authors Note: I know this is kind of a cheesey first chapter, I'm not exactly the best of writers. Anyway I know that I probably should went into more detail in describing my Oc and his second form, I didn't even give his name yet, but I'm saving that for later on in the story. Just one thing that I'm going to tell you about the second form is that because my Oc is human for the moment it is human like in appearance, when he is turned into a pony it is going be pony like in appearance. I will get into more detail about it later on and I will probably put up an image of it for the story. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it so far.