• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,791 Views, 17 Comments

Beast of Equestria - Mr Wool

A human is taken to equestria, where he hopes to start a new life after years of running away.from the one he destroyed.

  • ...

Old Memory: Part 2

Whatever screams of pain James had made as the creature killed him were now gone and everything was now quiet except for the occasional cheer from those watching the match. It was this silence tht enhanced the fear that David was now feeling. It was much worse for him not being able to hear the creature because now he had no idea on its whereabouts.

Desperately he ran through the empty street as fast as his legs could carry him hoping that he would get to the safety of his house and that the creature was going for Craig. He might have called them his friends but right now with death practically looming over them he only cared about his own life and he was certain that Craig was also concerned about his own life and nobody else's.

After while the housing estate where his house was located came into sight. It was easy to recognise the estate due to the fact that from a distance it looked like a bunch of plastic blocks (this led to people giving it the nickname legoland). By now David was beginning to grow tired from all the running and was slowing down.

At last he had reached the safety of his house. The lights weren't on and there was no car in the druveway but he had still made it. For a moment he felt like rejoicing out loud but knew better not to. As he walked up the empty driveway a loud cheer erupted from both his neighbours houses. The house on the right wasn't as loud as the one on the left, only about two or three people unlike the one on the left which sounded like there was at least twenty people, it wasn't uncommon, his neighbour always invite alot friends over if there was ever a big match on.

Immediately he reached into his pocket and pulled out his key. His hand shook as he tried to put the key into the keyhole only for it to fall onto the ground.

"No !" he almost shouted as he bent down to pick it up. Though it was dark the street lights gave him enough lght to see the ground and find his key. Still shaking he managed to open the door and get in.

Upon closing the door a feeling of comfort and safety instantly came over him. He decided not to turn the lights on out of fearing that the creature might see. In his mind he still tried to make sense out of what had happened althought htis only lasted a few seconds as the thought of what the creature did to James and was probably doing to Craig came to mind.

David began crying. Not just because of the deaths of his friends but also because of the fear that he might die as well. He then heard another cheer erupt from both his neighbours houses. It was faint and he was only able to just make it out, but still hewas able to hear it. Which he shouldn't. The doors and windows were meant to be closed and yet here he could just about here them.

Upon opening the door which led into the main room he was instantly met with a cold breeze. The whole place was cold. Nervously he turned on the light. He was shocked to find that the glass patio which led out to the back garden had been smashed. Bits of shattered glass stained with blood were scattered throughout the place. Turning his head to the side he was greeted with the sight of of th dead body of James, with very little of his head remaining.

He screamed and then heard what sounded like a hiss coming from the back garden.

"Run ! Run ! Run !" he heard people yell excitedly from both the houses.

Immediately he opened the door and ran back throught the hallway to the front door, thinking tht it was outside in his back garden. Due to opening the door in such a panic he ended up tripping.

He got up and immediately shut the door at full force, making a loud thud as it did. Before he could even breath a sigh of relief he heard something. It came from the roof of the house.

Looking down on him from the roof was Tyranno, baring his sharp pointed teeth at him and snarling. Anger and hatred could clearly be seen in his eyes. Before David could even take two steps Tyranno jumped down from the roof and with one perfectly timed swipe his blade sharp claws went straight throug Davids skull. With this grip he had on him Tyranno forcefully twisted Davids head to the side, snapping his neck.

His last scream went unheard by anyone. Ironically at the time Tyranno made his strike his neighbour let out anothr loud cheer. Indicating that another goal had been scored.

"You weren't the worst, so I let you die quickly"

The black smoke cloud in the sky grew bigger and the smell of smoke filled Tyrannos nostrils. They were close. He remained behind Twilight and Rarity the whole time they were running.

Black smoke seeped put of the windows of Sugarcube Corner. A large crowd had gathered around and watched the whole thing helplessly expressing their concern about those who were trapped inside the burning building. Twilight and Rarity ran over to Mr and Mrs Cake who were being comforted by a yellow pegasus with a pink mane who was doing her best not to break out in tears herself.

Tyranno noticed that her cutie mark was that of three butterflies, just like the stars. He had also noticed that Rarities cutie mark resembled the three diamonds.

"Ok now I know this isn't a coincedence. Clearly me ending up here must have something to do with me ending up here. No doubt that Applejacks one is of three apples. That just leaves the cloud and lightning bolt and the three balloons"

"Do you have any idea how it started ?" Twilight asked.

"No, we were out when it started, Pinkie was left alone to watch the twins" Mr Cake replied while comforting his wife whose face was buried in her hooves.

"I do hope hope they are alright" Rarity said before bursting out in tears upon hearing the faint screaming of her friend along with the crying of the two babies. Twilight too began to cry.

"I hope the fireponies can get here on time" the yellow pegasus said.

"Where exactly are they trapped" Tyranno asked running up to them.

"Somewhere upstairs" Mr Cake replied.

Tyranno looked into the buliding through one of the windows. It was hard to see clearly because of the smoke pouring out but he could see that it was a complete inferno inside. Seeing as there wereno cars here he had no idea if help would arrive fast enough. The fire was already making it to the stairs. The crowd sstill just stood and watched almost helplessly. Tyranno understood that fear for ones own life can leave you paralysed but surely he thought that some pegasus could just fly up, break the window of whatever room they were in and get them out. But seeing as nopony though of doing he he now felt that it was up to him.

"I'm going in" Tyranno said before darting off into the inferno.

"Wait Tyranno Don't !" Twilight called out.

"What in Equestria does he think he's doing" Rarity asked.

"Stop you're going to get yourself killed !" Somepony in the crowd yelled out.

The only fire Tyranno had ever seen was the annual bonfire that was held during the summer for people who wanted to get rid of any unwanted items. This paled in comparison to the fire which engulfed the whole downstairs area of Sugarcube Corner and was now beginning to spread upstairs. Almost everything had caught fire and was burning away quickly. Tyranno knew he had to act fast.

"Help" a voice cried out from upstairs.

"Don't worry I'm on my way"

He immediately ran towrds the stairs. The fire was slowly burning it away. Ther wasn't much time left before it was completely burned away and then they would be trapped permanently upstairs. He ran straight up as fast as he could. The bottom of his hooves got slightly burned.

"Help" the voice cried out again accompanied by the crying of the Cake twins.

Tyranno followed the sound to a room at the end of the hallway. The crying definitely seemed to be coming from it.

"Are you near the door ?"


"Then stay back"

Tyranno turned around so his hind legs were facing the door. He then forced himself up on his two front legs and kicked out with his hind legs. The door shattered into pieces from the force of the kick.

Inside the room was the pink pony that he had seen before huddled with two foals, one was a pegasus the other was a unicorn. They were both crying and tears were also streaming down Pinkies face. Tyranno walked over to them.

"Are you ok ?"

Pinkie just nodded.

"What about them ?" Tyranno asked pointing at the Cake twins.

"Yeah they're ok too"

"Ok then we need to get out of here fast, the stairs is burning away and if we don't get a move on then we're both gonna be stuck up here with no way of getting down."

Craig sat alone on the dirt covered ground, his left arm wrapped around his knees and his right hand on the ground clutching a hurley. After running away from the monster that the person he once caused so much pain turned intohe made a run towards the G.A.A pitch used by local teams fo training. At the far edge of the field there was a ditchthat for the most part was covered with bushes and trees. Deep into though was a small opening almost completely invisible when viewed from the pitch. This was another hangout spot for him, David and James, as evidenced by the many plastic bottles, sweet wrappers, crisp packets and cans that littered the ground.

They would usually come here straight after school when they weren't causing Tyranno any grief. They had discovered it only a couple of months back when Craig had hit a ball into the ditch and went in looking for it. Since then they had made the placetheir secret hideout and managed to keep it a secret. As far as he knew they were the only ones who knew about the place, so it was instinctive for him to run in the direction of the pitch instead of the other direction where David and James stood and as he had hoped Tyranno went after them instead of him.

A;most half ano hour had passed since he ran away and despite being in the safety of the hideout his fear of the small chance that Tyranno might know about it overwhelmed him. Still he couldn't bring himself to run to the safety of his house where he thought it was probably safer.

Then a rustling came from the bushes. Craig immediately jumped up and held the hurley with botj hands ready to swing. His heart began beating faster. He didn't know exactly where it was coming from so he continually moved his head from side to side. There was another rustle.

"Look I'm sorry" he cried out. "I'm sorry for everything"

There was no reply. Just more rustling. Craig almost burst out crying but managed to refrain from doing so. Still the combination of fear and regret could be heard in his voice.

"Please I'm sorry ! I'm really sorry ! Please don't kill me !"

The rustling grew closer and closer. Craigs heart began beating faster. Therewere only two ways this could end, and he hoped, he prayed that he would be forgiven.

Then a rabbit jumped out.
"It's only a rabbit. Just a stupid rabbit" he said. He felt a combination of both relief and anger. After all the fear he had experienced at that moment, after saying sorry for the first time and meaning it, it was all over a rabbit.

He raised the hurley up as if to hit the rabbit, this caused it to scamper off. Just as he lowered the hurley something landed behind him, it breathed slowly. Craig turned around to the sight of Tyranno, standing taller than him, baring his teeth the same way he did at David. He walked slowly towards Craig.

Once again Craig raised the hurley and swung it at Tyranno, hitting him across the face, knocking out one of his teeth.

"Nice hit. But nothing that can't grow back"

Having been hit many times by Craig Tyranno knew how great it made him feel whenever he struck him. Naturally he anticipated that Craig would try to strike him again, and of course he was right, Craig once again swung the hurley at him but this time he caught it and pulled it out of his hands.

Tyranno then swung the hurley at Craig who tried to run away. He hit him across the face the same way he hit him except alot harder. Several of his teeth were knocked out and the metal band of the hurley left a large cut on his forehead. Criag fell onto the gound, almost choking on his teeth as he did.

He tried to roll over onto his stomach to avoid getting another hit to the face but was stopped by Tyranno who forced him back onto his back. He raised the hurley above his head and then slammed it downwards onto Craigs face like he was hammering a nail. The impact crushed in his nose cartilage and almost caved in his skull.

Upon noticing that he still wasn't dead Tyranno threw away the hurley and bent down over his body. He put his claws to Craigs now blood covered face digging his fingers into the top part of his head and his thumbs into the back of his jaw. Then he bgan to rake his fingers down his face like a cat with a scratching post. Bits of shredded flesh got stuck between his claws. Tyrannorepeated this procedure until finally whatever flesh remained on Craigs face hung from it in rags with blood coursing out of it in streams.

Tyranno turned back into a human, his eyes were still red and reptilian like. He looked triumphantly over the dead body of what was once the aperson who made him feel so powerless, so small, so weak.


Tyrannos eyes returned back to normal and he realised what he had just done.

I have to admit that the writng in this chapter isn't the best. So I'm definitely going to go over it again wheI get the chance, might be a while though. Also I should mention that it might be another month before I get another chapter up, got alot stuff going on, basketball matches, tae-kwon-do tournament, other fanfics that I am working on and for some reason I seem to be getting a special merit in school, haven't got the slightest idea what for.Anyway thanks for reading.

Comments ( 7 )

You're going to go over it again? Then I will withhold judgment until that time.

Beautiful, :raritystarry: nice work, :heart: aaannnddd.... NOOOO WAAAYY CCOOOOLLNNEEEESSS :flutterrage: :heart:

okay so... haven't read this one yet.
but! this fics name was ripe for a Bioshock Infinite crossover. am i wrong?

2305922 no it's not a bioshock crossover

very good story so far. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2578835 Thanks. Glad to hear you like it.

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