• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,791 Views, 17 Comments

Beast of Equestria - Mr Wool

A human is taken to equestria, where he hopes to start a new life after years of running away.from the one he destroyed.

  • ...

Old Memory

"You're not getting away from me that easily"

The voice echoed from deep within the confines of Tyrannos mind and spoke to him in such a menacing tone that it made him uneasy. He remembered he once spoke those words in that tone, he remebered that night as if it were yesterday, he played that memory in his head many times and it haunted every single corner of his mind whenever he did. It was the night he had made the awful mistake of letting his anger and hatred control him which then led to his exodus from the life he once had with those he cared about most. It was the worst night of his life.

The day was coming to an end, and as typical of most Irish summer days the sky whichwas light grey in colour was beginning to turn into a darker shade of blue, the street lights were beginning to light up and a cold wind was blowing in. Tyranno was walking up the hill which led to the local shop. It wasn't a long way from his house, hardly five minutes away. There was nobody around. Tonight there was a big soccer game on tv so everybody would be inside their homes or in the pubs watching it and right now it was kickoff time. He wasn't going up there for something in the shop in particular he knew that they would be there and not inside watching the game because the three of them considered themselves much bettersoccer players than the professionals. Across the road from the shop the three who caused him so much pain. Craig, David and James. Once they had come into sight he began to walk faster. They had already spotted him before he had gotten near to them. Craig who was the leader jumped down off the high wall from which they would sit on.

"Well well well look who it is" he spoke with the usual intimidating voice he spoke to him with.

A mischevious smile came across Tyrannos face.

Tyranno shook his head, he completely despised it whenever it would come back into his head, which was quite often. He concentrate his mind on Twilight who was talking about how she and her friends harnessed the power of the elements of harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and turn her back into her former self. Tyranno only caught a small bit of what she was saying due to the memory being the only thing on his mind. Still he had heard enough to know that Twilight was good friends with Applejack.

"Hey is something wrong with youTyranno ?, you seem like something is troubling you"

"No no, just lost my train of thought for a bit"

"Well ok then, shall we continue ?"


While they were walking Tyranno couldn't help but notice that some of the ponies gave him an odd look before turning away once they realised he saw them. It wasn't unusual for him to get an odd look of someone but they seemed like they were concerned about something.

"Hey Twilight why are some of the ponies giving me an odd look ? It's like they've never seen someone new before"

Twilight nervously began rubbing the back of her head. "Well I didn't really want to bring it up but, well you see, you don't have a cutie mark" Twilight said pointing at his flank.

"A cutie mark ?"

"Yeah a cutie mark, you know a mark that you get once you realise what your special talent is"

Tyranno looked at Twilight in a confused glare.

"Don't tell me you don't know what a cutie mark is"

"No I guess I don't"

"But didn't your parents ever tell you what it is, I mean surely they had one"

"I never really took any notice" Then Tyranno noticed something, the cutie mark Twilight had was a star that was very similar to the one he saw the previous night in his own world. This peaked his interest.

"So then what's your special talent ?"

"Well my special talent is magic"

"Magic, surely this isn't a coincednce, firstly I see the stars in those shapes and now I'm with a pony who has a mark in that matches one of them and her special talent is magic"

Tyranno began asking questions to Twilight about cutie marks until he had gotten everything there was about them out of her while they continued walking.before Twilight brought him to a stop.

"Ok this is the first stop, Carousel Boutique"

What is she serious ? Why did she bring me here ? Tyranno decided that it woul be best not to question why she had brought him here and decided to just go with it, he always had a habit of that.

As he slowly walked up to the boutique Twilight, who was already at the door gently knocked.

"Just a minute" an aristocratic sounding voice said.

David and James held onto him by his arm whil Craig punced him full force into the stomach knocking the wind out of him. It hurt alot. His breathing became frantic as he tried to regain his breath. Before he could even come close Craig got him with another punch. Immediately the other two let go of him, dropping him to the ground.

This was what he had planned however, the pain from being punched was something he could gladly put up with as a small price for the great sense of self joy he was hoping to feel. He figured he might as well let them have some bit of satisfaction before he turned things around.

"That all you got you fat sack of crap" he barley manged to say.

Immediately James and David picked him back up, their grip on his arms tighter than the previous time. He kept his head down the whole time.

"You're gonna regret that you little cunt"

Craig decided not to punch him this time, but instead he took a couple of steps back. He immediately began to move in for a kick.

He brought his head up and the next hing Craig saw stopped him dead in his tracks and with a scream he fell back. Tyranno the turned his head to David and James, they too recoiled in horror at the sight in front of their eyes. Tyrannos eyes were no longer that of a human but instead they had become red as the skin of the devil himself and were slitted like those of a reptile. He then grew in size until he stood at almost twice their height. His skin began to grow pale green in colour and began to turn into rows of thick scales. His face grew into a small snout filled with rows of razor sharp teeth and his feet and hands grew sharp claws out of them. This was the first time anyone outside of his family had seen him like this.

The three bullies looked at him paralysed with fear at the person who they had once looked down upon, treated as an outcast and picked on for not being like everybody else, now stood in front of them like something you would see in a nightmare.

"Look at how they cower in fear at the very sight of me. Haha I knew this was going to be good but not this good".

He let out a small hiss and the trio screamed. The very sound of it was like music to his ears, he even thought he could hear one of them crying.

He slowly began to walk towards Craig who quickly got up and ran away up in the direction of the G.A.A pitch.

"Hahaha you're not so tough now are you ? He ran away. Unbelievable. This person whose very prescence I feared now runs away from me with that exact same fear"

He then turned to David and James who were also running away but in the opposite direction.

"Look at those scrawny fools.Serves the lot of them right for how they treated me. Just because I was different. Just because I didn't like sports. They laughed at me. WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW ?!!! Simply scaring isn't enough,no. They must pay and pay dearly

David and James ran as fast as they could with James was trailing behind David who was determined to get to the safety of his own house. Over the sound of their footsteps and heavy breathing something else could be heard. They looked back to see the monster that Tyranno had become, down on all fours chasing after them. They screamed.

Tyranno didn't have much of a problem trying to catch up with them and he had almost caught up with James. He then lunged at James with his arms outstretched. He grabbed hold of James and brought him down to the ground.

"David please help" he cried out as he struggled to get free of the beasts grasp. His cry for help went ignored by his so called friend who was more concerned about his own life.

This is going to hurt. Alot !

Tyranno stood up with his victims left leg in one arm and his left arm in the other. He then threw James, who was still trying to fight his way out of the his grip, at the windshield of a nearby car. James went through it face first. The car alarm went off but immediately he jumped at it and landed on the hood. James who had almost completely gone through the wind shield except for a one of his legs was lying face down in the car, crying in pain. He then felt two hands grab him by the shoulders and pull him out of the car. Tyranno then flipped him over and saw that there were several bits of glass lodged in his face and a big shard was protruding out of his right eye. He then grabbed hold of James by the neck tightly and raised him up to his eye level. Then with great force he threw him back onto the road, cracking his skull in the process. Tyranno jumped down off the car and went over to him. He placed his hand on the side of his face pushed down hard and began dragging his face from side to side across the road, leaving skid marks of blood and torn skin. For James it was the most excruciating experience of his life. But then it was over when he felt something heavier than his hand, his foot, against his face. Immediately the foot was lifted off and as quickly as it had been taken off it came back down again with a much greater force than the first time. What was once his head was now a stain of scattered blood with crushed skull and brain.

Next was David and he knew exactly where he would be.

Tyranno shook his head once more to avoid the memory that wouldnt leave his head. He then saw a confused looking Twilight with another unicorn.

"I'm sorry my mind is all over the place today. I'm Tyranno"

"Well that's quite alright, it happens to all us at some point. I am Rarity"

Twilight then spoke up.

"Rarity is one of my best friends and she is also the best fashion designer in all of Equestria"

"Oh come now Twilight I highly doubt he has any interest in something like fashion"

"Yeah she is right, but thats not to say I don't appreciate it"

"What do you mean ?" Rarity asked.

"I enjoy art, all kinds of art and fashion I consider to be a form of art, and wouldn't you agree that you put alot of skill and effort into creating your dresses, just like an artist would put into creating a masterpiece ?"

"Yes, absolutely, I can certainly tell that you are a well cultured gentlcolt, are you from Canterlot by any chance ?"

"No I'm not"

"Well then where are you from ?" Twilight asked.

"I'm from Mayfiel..."

Tyranno was suddenly interupted by a cyan coloured pegasus with an rainbow coloured mane who flew up to them with such speed that they didn't even see her coming.

"Twilight, Rarity you have to come quickly !" she spoke with panic in her voice.

"Rainbow Dash whats the matter ?" asked Twilight.

"Sugarcube corner, its on fire, Pinkie and the cake twins are stuck inside"

"Oh no !"

"Come on we have to hurry" Rainbow said as she flew off in the direction of a large smoke cloud that appeared in the sky. Immediately Twilight and Rarity ran off in the same direction with Tyranno following the two of them.