• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 329 Views, 19 Comments

Best Friends for Life - SuperWriter2329

Two best friends. One story about one of them being a secret agent. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a number of things actually. And one of the answers will not please you.

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Secret's Out

Two weeks later...

It was around 7:30 a.m. when Lyra woke up. She was usually an early riser so she was able to get breakfast done before her girlfriend sauntered down the dining area an hour later. Bon Bon never starts her day without having breakfast. Halfway through, however, there was a knock on the door. Lyra didn't notice it until the third knock rang into her ears.

"Who could that be at this hour? I'm trying to cook here," mumbled the unicorn before answering, "Okay, I'm coming!" When she opened the door, she saw two earth pony stallions, both had brown coat and jet black manes, dressed in black suits with black sunglasses by the porch. "Um, can I help you, sir?"

One of the ponies raised a hoof, seemingly wanted to shake Lyra's. "Good morning, ma'am. Is this where an earth pony named Bon Bon lives?"

"Uh, yeah, this is where she lives. I'm her girlfriend, Lyra Heartstrings but you can call me Lyra," answered Lyra and introducing herself to the ponies. "Who are you guys, anyway? And what do you want with her?"

The pony from before then said, "Whoa there! Patience, Miss Lyra. One question at a time. But if you must know, just call me Agent F and this is my partner Agent G. We are from the anti-monster agency that was situated in Canterlot. And also-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say the anti-monster agency in Canterlot?" interrupted Lyra, who was currently the only mare in the room since Bon Bon hasn't awoken yet.

"Yes, we are. Why do you ask?"

And then Lyra remembered something. Something that her girlfriend told her during the preparation of the wedding two weeks ago.

Flashback... (Two weeks ago)

A bugbear suddenly showed up in Ponyville while the preparations for Cranky and Matilda's wedding was still underway. Inside the town hall where the wedding took place, Lyra and Bon Bon was decorating the top floor when they also heard the creature attacking the town.

"What was that?" asked Bon Bon.

"There's some monster attacking Ponyville or something," answered Lyra, sounding like the occurrence has happened a lot of times in the past.

"What is it this time? A creature from the Everfree Forest?"

"Uh, I think it's some sort of bugbear," the unicorn said, laughing.

Her answer shocked the cream earth pony. She turned to Lyra and asked, "Did you say bugbear?" She then ran towards the curtains overlooking outside and shouted, "It found me!"

Lyra turned to face her friend. "What are you talking about, Bon Bon?" she asked, not sounding too happy about her attitude.

In her head, Bon Bon was struggling with herself. If she told Lyra the truth about her being a secret agent, their friendship could be in jeopardy. In the end, she decided to tell her instead.

With a sigh, the earth pony explained, "My name isn't Bon Bon. It's special agent Sweetie Drops. I work for a super secret anti-monster agency in Canterlot. Or at least I did until the bugbear went missing from Tartarus a few years back."

The unicorn was confused on what her friend was saying. She asked again, "What are you talking about?"

The secret agent went on by taking out a briefcase that was hidden in one of the boxes and said, "When it escaped, we had to shutter the whole agency. Every last shred of evidence of the organization's foundations was destroyed. Celestia demanded complete deniability." As she explained, she opened the briefcase and took out a grappling hook attached to a rope.

Despite the explanation, Lyra was still confused and asked, "What?"

The earth pony explained again, "It was me who captured the bugbear. I had to go deep cover here in Ponyville and pursue the name Bon Bon. I'd never thought that it'd be able to track me, but now it has."

It was then that the lyre player snapped. "Are you saying our whole friendship was based on a lie?!" Lyra shouted.

"I'm sorry, Lyra. I couldn't tell you for your own protection," Bon Bon apologized.

"B-b-but the lunches? The long talks? The benches we sat on? None of that was real?!" stammered the mint unicorn before tearing up.

"It was all real. You're my very best friend," said Bon Bon, using her hoof to lift Lyra's chin and smiling at her.

Lyra smiled back.

However, the moment was cut short when the bugbear roared again. The agent then went to the nearest window, opening it and said, "I gotta go find a crowd to blend in before I put you in danger. I'll see you at the wedding," before using the grappling hook to hoist herself down.

"Fine, but we're gonna talk about this later!" Lyra shouted as her best friend reached the ground and blended in with the nearest crowd.

End flashback...

Lyra remembered that moment when her friend revealed her past to her. Sure, she was pissed, but she forgave her in the end. A few days later, they decided to make it official and declare themselves girlfriends and went on their first date, doing a lot of things together like having lunch with their back legs entwined with each other and enjoying the sunset at the park. That was the greatest time of her life.

"Um, ma'am?"

The unicorn snapped back into reality, stammering, "H-huh, what?"

Agent F asked the same question, "I said why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's just that-" Lyra wanted to tell him but snapped her mouth shut in fear of angering the agents.

The lead agent then said, "It's okay, you can say whatever you want. We're all ears."

Feeling a little relieved, the lyre player told them the truth. "Okay, so it started about two weeks ago..."

"So what you're saying is that she had to tell you the truth about her double life because of the same bugbear that caused our agency to be shut down?"

"Yes, that would be it," Lyra confirmed.

"And are you certain that the girls had the bugbear defeated?" asked Agent F.


The two agents glanced at each other before nodding. "Okay, now that we got that out of the way, could you please get Miss Bon Bon down here?"

"Um, Lyra? Did somepony called my name?"

The pony in question froze. She had forgotten that her girlfriend was upstairs.

Bon Bon was walking down the stairs before stopping in her tracks. She had encountered two ponies she never thought she'd see again. However, she quickly recovered and said, "Agent F? Agent G? What are you two doing here?"

"Ah, perfect timing. We actually came here-" said Agent F before giving her a stern look, "-to get you relocated."

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed both mares, one in disbelief and one in shock.

"Yes, you heard what I said. Miss Sweetie Drops, you have to be relocated."

"W-w-why? I never did anything to blow my cover!" Bon Bon defended herself before glancing at her girlfriend. "Lyra?!"

It was Lyra's turn to defend herself. "Don't look at me! I didn't blow your cover, I swear!"

Agent F smirked. "Well then, how would you explain this?" he said before showing them a newspaper. The mares' faces went pale as the newspaper showed a picture of Bon Bon with a headline titled "Bon Bon: Secret Agent or Normal Pony?"

"B-b-but how?! Who could have taken this picture of me?!" the mare in question shouted, not believing her eyes at that moment.

Meanwhile, a mysterious pony was watching the scene unfold using her binoculars. She smirked as her plan to get rid of Bon Bon was slowly becoming successful.

Back at the house, the girls are at a complete loss of what to do now. Bon Bon teared up, feeling that her worst nightmare has finally come true. She exclaimed, "B-b-but I can't leave Ponyville! This is my home! This has to be a mistake! It has to be!"

"I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do right now. But luckily for you, only the ponies from this town has known your secret. But only time will tell," said Agent F.

Lyra interjected. "Sir, please! You have to believe her! Someone must have overheard us talking and that's how he or she knew that she is a secret agent!"

"How will you prove it, then?"

"Please, give us time to find the culprit, I promise we will get him or her red-handed," said the mint unicorn.

The agent thought about it for a while before answering, "Fine, I will give you a month to find whoever is responsible for this. But if you did not find this pony before the time, we will have no choice but to relocate your girlfriend."

Lyra really wanted him to give them more time so she asked, "Just a month? Please give us more time, at least one more week. Just please." She then saw her girlfriend about to cry so she decided to comfort her as a sign that she needed more time.

"Okay, fine. Five weeks. And then relocation after the time has passed. Final deal," Agent F said.

The unicorn sighed in relief. "Okay, good enough for me."

"Okay then. Have a nice day, girls. Come on, G. Let's come back five weeks later," the lead agent said before the two of them walked out of the premise, leaving the mares behind.

The mysterious pony went wide-eyed in disbelief. "What?! They let her stay until they found me?! Damn it. I need to be more careful or else I will get caught." The pony then walked away, planning out what to do next.

Back at the house, Lyra was still holding her girlfriend, who was still crying on her shoulders. "Hey, it's okay, Bon Bon. You're not gonna leave yet."

With tears in her eyes, Bon Bon exclaimed, "Okay? Okay?! How am I gonna be okay in this situation?! I'm about to be relocated! I-I don't wanna leave you alone!"

The unicorn started tearing up as well. "Don't worry, I'll think of something. But for now, I'm gonna hold on to you until you calm down, okay?"

The earth pony said nothing as she cried on her girlfriend's shoulders again. The lyre player then cried as well, holding her girlfriend close as if not wanting to let her go. Lyra mentally said, "Don't worry, I will always be by your side. Always."

There were a lot of questions running through both of their heads right now as they held on to each other and cried. Who would try to frame Bon Bon? Who was the pony that overheard them a fortnight ago? And more importantly, who was going through a lot of trouble just to get the loving couple to be apart from each other? All of these questions will go unanswered, but for now, they decided to keep each other company until they either find the criminal or be apart from each other forever.

Author's Note:

Wow, the suspense is starting to kick into overdrive and it's only been the second chapter! However, I have an assignment that needs to be completed, so I'm probably not going to be uploading a new chapter real soon. :fluttercry:

Also, leave a comment if you spot any errors and I might get on to fixing them.