• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 329 Views, 19 Comments

Best Friends for Life - SuperWriter2329

Two best friends. One story about one of them being a secret agent. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a number of things actually. And one of the answers will not please you.

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Gathering the Group

Back at the Heartstrings residence, Bon Bon was still at the couch thinking about her current predicament. She has a lot of questions running about through her head right now. What if the pony actually wanted to be Lyra's new girlfriend by getting rid of her? What would happen if they never find the culprit in time? Would she have no choice but to leave Ponyville and her girlfriend alone? These questions keep coming back and forth as Bon Bon tried finding solutions but failing each time.

It was at this time when Lyra burst through the front door with a smile on her face whilst shouted, "Bon Bon!"

"Gah! Lyra, you startled me!" exclaimed the earth pony.

The unicorn realizes her mistake and smiled sheepishly. "Hehehe, sorry Bonnie. Didn't mean to scare you."

*sigh* "It's okay, Lyra. I understand," said the cream earth pony. "So, what's all the excitement about?"

"Oh yeah. I actually got something to tell you. But first, I got you a few cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner. Enjoy!" said the mint unicorn, handing the treats to her girlfriend by magic.

With a smile, Bon Bon took the cupcakes from her friend's magical aura. "Thanks, Lyra. You're the best."

"You're welcome, Bonnie. Hope you like it."

The secret agent gladly devoured one of the cupcakes her girlfriend gave her. With a big smile plastered on her face, she told her, "Wow, no matter how many times you brought me cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner, it never bores me from eating them. Thanks again, Lyra!"

"Oh, don't mention it, Bonnie. Honestly, this is the least I can do as of now," exclaimed Lyra.

Bon Bon smiled as she enjoys her cupcakes. Then, she remembered something that the unicorn wanted to tell her. "Hey Lyra, you said you had some news for me earlier. What is it?"

"Oh yeah, I remember now. So, earlier today at Sugar Cube Corner, I was talking with the princess whilst waiting for my order and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. A princess? As in Princess Twilight?" interrupted the earth pony.

"Uh, yeah, her. So anyways, she said that she is willing to help us with our current predicament today."

"Wait, really?!" said the secret agent, eyes filled with hope.

"Yeah, really. She will help us by meeting her at her castle in an hour's time."

Tears are beginning to form in Bon Bon's eyes. She could not believe her luck. With some help from the princess, they might be able to find the pony responsible for making her move away from Ponyville after all! She then hugged her girlfriend tightly just as the first tears fell from her eyes, causing Lyra to tear up as well.

"Shh, it's okay, Bonnie. Everything's gonna be fine. I promise."

The two just sat there, hugging and weeping on each other's shoulders.

Meanwhile at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was prancing all around the throne room, waiting for her friends to show up. She had sent Spike as her messenger, telling him to gather up her friends and meeting her in the throne room. She was still thinking over the conversation she had with Lyra not too long ago at Sugar Cube Corner. Was the true news about Bon Bon being a secret agent was actually a ruse to drive her out of Ponyville? If so, who could have done something like that and why?

"Oh, this is bad. If I fail to find the pony responsible, my duties as the Princess of Friendship would be for nothing because I failed to keep a strong relationship intact."

She keeps pondering about it as her pacing comes to a stop.

"Okay, calm down, Twilight. Panicking is not the answer here. Just relax, take a deep breath," she paused to take a breath, "and let it slowly." She exhaled slowly, eventually calming down. Just then, Applejack and Rainbow Dash burst through the door of the throne room, quickly followed by Spike and Rarity. Pinkie and Fluttershy were the last ones to arrive.

"Howdy, Twilight. How was Canterlot?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, it was fine, actually. Well, not until Spike here managed to mess things up while I was there."

"Oh dear. What did he do, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy.

The princess then told the same story she told Lyra back at the sweet shop earlier today. As soon as she finished, Rainbow started laughing over Spike's poor luck.

"Oh, sweet Celestia, did that actually happen, Twilight?"

"Yes Rainbow, it did," said Twilight. This causes Spike's cheeks to turn red from embarrassment.

"Well, that happened, right girls?" asked the shy pegasus to everyone else. They all nodded.

"Now that we got that out of the way, I wanted to tell you why I called you girls here," started the princess.

"Yeah, why did you call us here, Twilight?" asked the cowgirl.

Twilight then told the girls the same story that Lyra told her earlier.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. So you mean to tell me that the news I read today was a fake?" asked the weather pony.

"Well, apparently it is, Rainbow," answered the lavender alicorn.

"Oh dear, that is terrible news! Poor Lyra. She and Bon Bon are always together. Why, they have officially became girlfriends just one and a half weeks ago! Who could have done something like this?" pondered Rarity, who was clearly upset over the news.

"Yeah, that pony was nothing but a mean meaniepants to those two! They did not deserve this kind of treatment at all!" shouted Pinkie, voicing her agreement to Rarity's statements.

"Yeah, that I have ta agree. Who in the hay does he or she thinks they can separate those two apart?" Applejack asked with hatred and disgust in her eyes.

"That I don't know much about. What I do know is that based on the mystery books I've read, this was all because of jealousy on one pony towards the other, which I believe is the very case of Lyra and Bon Bon," explained Twilight.

"So, you mean to say that whoever did this was jealous of Lyra and Bon Bon?" asked Rainbow, wanting to make sure she heard it right.

"Well, at least of one of them but yeah, that's pretty much it."

"So, what are we gonna do about it?" asked Fluttershy, who has been quiet since the start of Lyra and Bon Bon's unfortunate story.

The lavender alicorn then proudly said, "Luckily, I have read enough on what to do in these situations, which reminds me, the girls should be here any minute now. Spike, do you mind having a lookout on them, would you?"

Spike, who has been quietly listening to the entire conversation, perked up from his seat at the Cutie Map and said, "Okay, Twilight. I'll be sure to let them enter." He then ran towards the front door to do just that.

"So Twilight darling, is there anything you wanted us to do while you help those poor girls?" asked Rarity.

The princess thought about it for a moment before coming up with a solution. "Actually, there is something that I wanted you girls to do. So here's my plan..."

About an hour later...

Lyra and Bon Bon slowly walked towards the huge castle on the edge of town where Princess Twilight lives. They have been silent for the entire journey, but as soon as they reached the front door of the castle, Lyra said to her girlfriend, "Well Bonnie, are you ready to find out who's causing this madness?"

Bon Bon looked up to her and said, "To be honest, I'm a bit nervous. But we've seen the princess for nearly five years now and even then she was a unicorn when we first met her. So, yeah, I think I'm ready."

"Good," was all the unicorn said before knocking on the front door.

A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing Spike, who was tasked with waiting by the door for their arrival. As soon as he saw them, his face lit up. "Oh! Hey there, I'm Spike, Princess Twilight's dragon assistant. Are you the two ponies that she was waiting for?"

Both of them nodded in agreement.

"Well, that's great! Now, follow me to the throne room. Twilight wants to meet you there," said the young dragon before letting the mares enter the castle.

Once inside, the two girlfriends were mesmerized by the interior of the castle. There were crystals adorning every hall, room and passageway they see as they made their way to the throne room. The sheer amount of crystals makes them wondering how did Spike managed not to eat some of the crystals as that was his main source of food. They quickly glanced at each other before continuing on their way.

After about a minute or two, Bon Bon became impatient. She then said to Lyra, "Honestly Lyra, this castle looks a lot smaller on the outside rather than the inside."

"Yeah, I know, right? Just look at all of those rooms and hallways. I wonder how many of them are there," wondered Lyra.

"Hey Spike, are we there yet?" asked the secret agent to the dragon.

"Oh, right. Well, as a matter of fact, we're actually here," said Spike, pointing to one of the large set of doors next to him.

"Oh," was all the earth pony said.

"Okay, so I need you two to stay here while I get Twilight. And when the time comes, I'll let you two in. Got that?" explained the young dragon.

Again, the two nodded.

"Great. Be back in a minute!" said Spike before disappearing into the room.

Meanwhile, back inside the throne room, the six friends are still discussing about Twilight's plan when Spike entered the room, getting all of their attention.

"Twilight, the girls are here," was all he said.

"Excellent," said Twilight, turning to her friends next. "So girls, you know what your roles in this plan will be?" The girls then stated their roles one by one, starting with Rainbow Dash.

"I was supposed to be on a lookout for any suspicious activity around Ponyville," said the weather pony.

"I need to tell my animals to be on a lookout by the Everfree Forest as well, just in case," mentioned Fluttershy.

"Ah need to make sure I was ready fer combat, just in case the pony suddenly attacked any of us," said Applejack.

"And Pinkie and I will scour the entire town for any possible suspects capable of doing this," explained Rarity.

"Yepperooni! Rare and I will do our best, trust me!" said Pinkie, eager to get started on this mission.

"Great. Spike, you can let them enter now," ordered the lavender princess.

"Okay, Twi," said Spike, heading towards the door where the girls are waiting.

Seconds later, Lyra and Bon Bon entered the throne room, who are quite nervous about having to meet the saviors of Equestria. Each of the girls were seated at the Cutie Map, currently deactivated, by the crystal thrones that each adorned their cutie marks, except for the smaller, non-adorned one next to Twilight's, obviously a seat for Spike. They all met the two with smiles on their faces, especially Pinkie, who was actually one of the first ponies besides Rarity to learn that they have become girlfriends days after the wedding. She was also the first to greet them.

"Hey, Lyra and Bon Bon! How was your day today?"

Lyra answered for both of them. "Well, to be honest, not so great since my girlfriend here has to leave Ponyville because her cover has been blown."

The smiles gradually disappeared one by one.

"Yes darling, we've heard from Twilight. I'm so sorry for it. You two seem perfect together, not until this whole love triangle thing came upon you," exclaimed the fashion designer.

Bon Bon sighed. "Yeah, I still can't believe somepony else was-" She then stopped abruptly, thinking over what Rarity had said earlier before speaking again. "Wait, what do you mean by 'love triangle'? Are you saying that pony was interested in Lyra?"

"Yes, but do not worry, girls. Twilight here was actually a really great detective. Once, she managed to solve a mystery involving an eaten cake called the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, or the MMMM as the Cakes said it," said Rarity.

The mint unicorn could not believe her ears. "The princess used to be a detective? Well, no wonder she wanted to help in the first place," she mentally exclaimed. "So, who was the culprit?"

The purple maned pony blushed when "culprit" was mentioned. That did not go unnoticed by the lyre player.

"Sweet Celestia, was it you?!"

"Well, to be honest, it was me who ate the cake," Rarity admitted before continuing, "but so did Dash and Fluttershy."

"Hey, I heard that!" The pony in question shouted from behind. The other one just hung her head down, covering it with her pink mane, trying to hide her beet red face.

"Yeaaaah," was all Lyra said.

"So, anyways, if you wanted to keep your girlfriend, Twilight here is the best at solving mysteries," said Rarity.

"Oh, Rarity, stop. You're making me blush," sheepishly said the princess, fluttering her wings from blushing too hard.

"Wow, that's actually really great! That could be really helpful!" exclaimed the lyre player.

"Okay, let's get down to business, ponies. So girls, you know what to do, right?" said Twilight, managing to calm down some time ago.

Her friends nodded.

"Okay, great. Let's go, everypony," said the lavender alicorn to everypony present in the room before exiting it herself. The others quickly followed.

After noticing Spike isn't following, Lyra asked, "Hey Spike, why aren't you coming with us?"

"Oh, Twilight said that I need to stay here in case that pony tried breaking in here," answered the young dragon.

"Oh, okay then. See you later," was the unicorn's last words before finally exiting the throne room and catching up with the others.

Unbeknownst to any of them, however, the mysterious pony had secretly followed the two lovebirds since they left their house, trying not to get spotted on the way. When she reached the castle, she had to try to find a window that shows the throne room since they had entered before she even reached the front door. Luckily, she had found one not too far away and had secretly listened to their conversation as well as the six friends' plan to find her. That had made her blood boil.

"Great, just great! I had to be even more careful now that they had decided to do a lookout and suspects interviewing, which means I need to act as casual as I possibly can or I risk of being found out!"

After a quick monologue, she then slipped away from the window and trotted towards her house which was fortunately quite close from the castle as she tried to figure out on being even more careful.

As soon as they exited the castle, everypony began to separate in order for them to begin their duties, except for Rarity, who has to finish a customer's dress by the end of the day. However, she promises to be on duty for tomorrow, so that leaves Pinkie Pie with the duty given to her. Afterwards, only Twilight, Lyra and Bon Bon remain at the castle as the princess starts questioning them.

"Okay girls, where should we start first?" asked the princess.

"Well, the whole thing happened because of a news article, so maybe we should start there?" said the unicorn.

"True, but unfortunately, there aren't any newspaper companies that had resided on Ponyville so we are currently at cold here," wondered the former unicorn before realizing something. She then summoned one of today's newspapers with her magic and examined it carefully. When she saw "Foal Free Press" written on the front page, she knew exactly where to start.

All the time, the two girlfriends watched with patience as Twilight came to a conclusion. "Lucky for us, we actually got a lead! See the front page?" said the lavender alicorn, showing them the newspaper. "This is actually a school paper being distributed to everypony in Ponyville!"

The two could not believe their eyes. Their first clue! And it was being directed to Ponyville Schoolhouse! But, why would this pony ask a bunch of fillies and colts to write something they never thought would be real and then sell it to everypony else? However, this question will have to be put on hold for a while.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? To the schoolhouse!" shouted Lyra, running towards the school which was currently on session right now, quickly followed by Twilight and Bon Bon. Maybe finding the culprit won't be that hard after all!

Anyways, next stop, Ponyville Schoolhouse!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. With all of the tests and my final examination out of my way, I was able to post this for you today. Hooray!!!

Anyway, as usual, feel free to leave a comment if you found any mistakes I have made and I might get to them soon. You can also vote in the comments on who do you think the mysterious pony is. And if you get it right, a forward congratulations will be on the way. So, happy reading everyone!