• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 329 Views, 19 Comments

Best Friends for Life - SuperWriter2329

Two best friends. One story about one of them being a secret agent. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a number of things actually. And one of the answers will not please you.

  • ...

Trying to Find the Truth

Author's Note:

I am currently in the middle of my assignment but I decided to take a break and make an update to this story instead! Yay!

Also, leave a comment if you spot any mistakes. However, I might not keep my promise on fixing them later. So, let the story continue!

After Bon Bon managed to calm down, her girlfriend Lyra helped her up to the dining table and prepared her a nice and healthy breakfast of daisy sandwiches and orange juice.

Taking a sip from her drink, the earth pony said with a smile, "Thanks for the breakfast, Lyra. It's really delicious."

"Anytime, Bonnie. Anytime," replied the unicorn, also with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Lyra?"

"Yeah, Bonnie?"

"I...uh..." started Bon Bon, but the words she wanted to say just wouldn't come out for some reason.

"What is it?" asked the lyre player, getting impatient at first but soon getting the idea of what her girlfriend wanted to say. "Is it about your cover suddenly being blown?"

Bon Bon said nothing but nodded all the same. She then said, "What am I gonna do, Lyra? I feel like I'm not gonna be able to show my face in public again." She then started crying again.

Seeing this, Lyra scooted over to the earth pony, wrapped her left forearm around her, silently wishing that had helped calm her down. Minutes later, the secret agent calmed down again, giving Lyra a reassuring smile and said, "Thanks again, Lyra. I don't know what would happen if I didn't have you in my life. Err, I mean my double life."

Smiling back, the unicorn said, "No problem, Bonnie. No problem." They soon hugged each other, smiling and feeling really warmer on the inside every passing second.

Sometime later, Lyra decided to take a morning walk without Bon Bon this time in fear of being shunned by the entire town. She has a lot of questions going through her mind right now. One of them would be who would make her girlfriend move out of Ponyville for finding out her secret life? As she was contemplating on that very question, she nearly passed by Sugar Cube Corner and decided to take something home for her girlfriend.

As the unicorn walked into the shop, she noticed that there weren't a lot of ponies inside. She even spotted Pinkie Pie by the counter, tending to a pegasus customer. She then sat by one of the tables, still thinking over the same question that was ringing in her head. She was so into it that she did not notice the pink pony hopping towards her table. She did hear her loud voice shouting, "Hey, Lyra! How was your day?"

Lyra was startled by the hyperactive pony's voice. "Gah! Pinkie, you startled me!"

"Oh, really? I'm sorry, Lyra. So, what got you down? And where's Bon Bon?" asked Pinkie, completely oblivious.

The lyre player was internally shocked when the pink pony did not know the news that was spreading around Ponyville right now. Still, she answered, "Oh, uh, there was something that was bugging me. It was-"

"About your girlfriend who was actually a secret agent but she had to get relocated in five weeks if you did not find the pony responsible for blowing her cover and you would have to live alone forever and ever?" asked Pinkie, all in one breath.

Lyra was dumbfounded over how the party pony could have known everything if she was not even in the scene in the first place. "Uh, yeah, how did you know all of that?"

"Just a hunch," was all Pinkie said.

"Okaaay, then. But yeah, what you said earlier was all true," the mint unicorn said.

"Oh, su- Wait, what?!" shouted the party pony, maybe a little too loud as everypony in the premise was looking at their direction right now.

"Pinkie, keep it down! Pretty much everypony in Ponyville knew about it right now!" whispered Lyra.

"Hehe, sorry," sheepishly apologized the earth pony. "So, what do you want to do about it?"

As the crowd dispersed, the lyre player shrugged. "I don't know, Pinkie. It feels like my worst nightmare is becoming true."

"I'm so sorry, Lyra. I really do. But who do you think wanted Bon Bon to leave Ponyville? I swear, if I find the pony responsible, I'm gonna make him or her pay!"

"Honestly, Pinkie, I don't know. Everypony could be a suspect right now. I just don't know where to start looking for clues."

"Well, if I were you, I would think about it later. By the way, what brings you here?"

It was then that Lyra remembered that she wanted to get some desserts for Bon Bon. "Oh, I actually wanted half a dozen cupcakes to go for my girlfriend."

"Okey dokey lokey! I will have your order done in no time!" said Pinkie before speeding towards the kitchen.

Left alone again, the unicorn went back to thinking over who could be the main suspect. It didn't last long as a sound of a bell and a murmuring voice rang in her ears. She looked up and saw Princess Twilight walking into the shop, obviously looking for Pinkie.

"Excuse me, is Pinkie around?" asked the princess to the crowd.

"Did somepony call my name?" Lyra could hear the pony in question from the kitchen. A second later, Pinkie ran towards the counter, trying to look for the source of the voice. Her eyes soon lit up as she saw her best friend right nearby. "Twilight! You're back!" She then ran towards Twilight and trapped her in a hug that could have crushed her. "Oh, I'm so happy that you're here again! Does that mean the whole princess business in Canterlot is done?"

"Y-yes, Pinkie. Now could you please get off of me? I c-can't breathe!" wheezed Twilight.

The party pony then realized she was hugging her too hard and lets go of her. "Oops, sorry, Twi! I didn't mean to crush your ribs!"

"It's okay, Pinkie. I'm not mad at you. Oh and by the way, I wanted some cupcakes to eat."

"Okay then! Let me get the order for some other pony done first and then I'll get on with yours! Have a seat if you wanted to!" said Pinkie before speeding towards the kitchen again.

The alicorn just shakes her head and murmurs, "Huh, the same old Pinkie." She then went off to find a place to sit, finding in the form of Lyra sitting alone without her girlfriend next to her. "Huh, that was odd. Usually Lyra and Bon Bon would sit together. Why is today different?" Figuring that she would not get the answer by just standing around, Twilight went off to sit right next to Lyra.

"Hey there, Lyra! Mind if I sit here?" asked the princess to Lyra.

"Huh? Oh, princess! I didn't see you coming here! Sure, this seat's empty anyways."

"Oh, please, just call me Twilight. No need to be formal with me. Also, thanks for the seat," said Twilight before sitting down. "So, how are you doing right now?"

Lyra just shrugged. "I don't know right now. How about you, Twilight?"

Feeling that something is wrong, the lavender princess dismissed it for a while and answered, "Oh yeah, I'm doing just fine. Having to stay up for three days straight just for a princess summit has really taken a toll on me. But I managed to get a good rest, only to wake up to have a number of ponies getting angry at me for unknown reason."

"Oh, really? What happened?" asked the unicorn, wanting to know what had happened at the summit.

"Well, apparently Spike, my dragon assistant, has been making decisions without consulting me, resulting in disastrous calamities all around Canterlot that ended in the destruction of a statue made out of gemstones from different cities all across Equestria," explained Twilight.

"Oh, that was...something all right," said Lyra, completely shocked over the story that the alicorn was telling her right now.

"Yeah, I know. But in the end, Spike managed to fix the whole thing up with the help of the delegates, me and the other princesses as well, so all is well," said the princess, ending her story.

"Okay, good for him," concluded the mint mare.

"Now that I have told you my story, tell me about what happened to you right now?"

"Well, it started out like this..."

"...and now I'm completely stumped as to who could have done it."

The princess just sitting next to her, completely shocked and jaws open so wide it might have ended up on the floor.

"So did all of that really happened?"

Lyra sighed. "Yeah, it's all real. And no, I'm not making it all up."

"Okay, that could be a problem. If you didn't figure out who could have known your girlfriend's huge secret in five weeks, she has to get relocated?" asked Twilight.

"Yes, but I have no idea as to who could've known it," said the mint unicorn before asking the princess, "Could you help me, Twilight? Please?" Lyra looked up with sad eyes on her face, looking like she was about to cry.

Twilight is really in a pickle right now. She really wanted to help her on finding the culprit but at the same time she has a lot to do on finishing her princess duties. But then again, Lyra seems really desperate. Plus, she only has five weeks to find the responsible party or she has to say goodbye to Bon Bon forever and she really didn't want that to happen. If that happens, it would feel like her duties as the Princess of Friendship has failed.

With a sigh, she said, "Okay, Lyra, I will help you in any way I can."

Lyra looked up, feeling really hopeful now that she has a huge backup on her hooves right now. "Really?"

The princess simply nodded.

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you! Oh you would have no idea how relieved I am!" exclaimed the mint unicorn, hugging Twilight in the process.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, Lyra. Everypony's looking at us right now."

Looking around, Lyra did see that they have attracted an even bigger crowd than last time. She then sheepishly stepped back to where she was before she hugged the princess. "Hehe, sorry. I can sometimes get carried away."

"It's okay. Don't apologize. I get it a lot," said Twilight.

"Wait, I just realized something. How are you gonna help Bon Bon and I find the culprit?" asked the lyre player.

"Well, lucky you, I have read a lot of mystery novels to know that this whole news was actually a fake to get rid of somepony and get a hold on somepony else."

"So, what you're saying is that somepony is getting jealous of me having a girlfriend and decided to get Bon Bon relocated so that she can be my new girlfriend?"

"Exactly," said Twilight.

"Wow, this is actually groundbreaking. So, will you help us?" begged Lyra.

"Of course, Lyra. I just need to get back to the castle to get everything I need."

Nearby, unbeknownst to them, the mysterious pony was wearing a cloaked hood so that she would not be seen. Unfortunately, she had overheard the princess' theory. It was exactly the kind of thing she is doing right now. "Grr, damn you mystery novels! Now the princess is clearly one step ahead of me right now. I can't mess up or I might blow my cover." She then simply walked away from the sweet shop completely unnoticed by the two ponies.

"Okay, who ordered some cupcakes?" they heard Pinkie said. They turned their heads to see the pink pony balancing their orders on her head. Even to this day, they are still amazed by how she was able to balance the whole thing on her head while moving so fast and not spilling a single thing.

"So, who ordered the dozen cupcakes?"

"I did," said Lyra.

"Okay, here you go, Lyra. So that means the cupcakes to eat are for you, Twilight."

"Yep. Thanks, Pinkie. You're the best," said the princess.

"Anytime for my best friend in the whole wide world!" exclaimed Pinkie before running off and tending to another customer.

"So, one of your friends, huh?" asked the mint unicorn.

"Yeah. Also, I'm not sure how I am gonna keep up with her antics though. There was this one time where I was first encountered her Pinkie Sense. Trying to find a solution and all but in the end, I decided to let it go and believe in the Sense instead," explained Twilight.

"Wow, that's the exact same thing that happened to me years ago," said Lyra. "So, when are you available to help, Twilight?"

"Well, probably after I had my helping of cupcakes and then I will be available to help," said the alicorn.

"Oh, great! Thanks, Twilight! You're the best!" said the unicorn, hugging Twilight and getting up to leave. Before she left, however, she looked at Twilight again and asked, "Hey Twilight, where should I meet you to get things started?"

"Just meet me in front of the castle in an hour and we can get started."

"Great! Thanks again, Twilight!"

"Anything to help a friend in need."

Lyra gave one last nod before finally leaving Sugar Cube Corner with the goodies held in her aura. With a big smile on her face, she couldn't wait to tell Bon Bon the exciting news about having Princess Twilight on their side right now. She then skipped happily towards her and her girlfriend's house that they shared together. Maybe luck will finally be on their side once again.