• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 329 Views, 19 Comments

Best Friends for Life - SuperWriter2329

Two best friends. One story about one of them being a secret agent. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a number of things actually. And one of the answers will not please you.

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The (Possibly) Last Birthday Bash for Bon Bon Part 1

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. My laptop is constantly having minor problems and because of that, I had to restart the whole thing from where I had saved up from the last time. Also, I have decided to split the chapter into two parts. This is because originally I wanted to do the whole thing in one go but decided it was too long for me to do. I hope you guys agree to my decision.

Last but not least, feel free to leave a comment if you spot any mistakes and I will get to them. Happy reading everyone!

Four days later...

Lyra woke up early in the morning for the biggest day that she usually celebrate with just Bon Bon: her birthday. But this time, since she might be moving away in the next month, the mint unicorn had decided to celebrate it with the Mane Six as well. The reason she did this is because she wanted her girlfriend's birthday to be a bit bigger this year around, so she had decided to bring in more guests, the ones that she has known for the past week, trying to help them to find the pony responsible for trying to send Bon Bon away from Ponyville. She had even learned from Rarity that the pony in question was in fact Amethyst Star. To hear the name that she trusts for her whole life was indeed shocking to Lyra. She never would have thought that she was actually jealous of Bon Bon. However, they said that they don't have enough evidence to outright accuse her for doing this, which is actually the right call in her opinion.

Pinkie: Uh, excuse me?

Gah! Pinkie, what are you doing here?! I thought I told you to wait for your queue at Sugar Cube Corner!

Pinkie: Yeah, you did, but you were taking too long talking about Amethyst. Can you please hurry it up?

Ugh, fine. But if you interrupt me again, I'm not talking to you for the rest of the day.

Pinkie: Hehe, okey dokey lokey! See you later!

Ugh, I really don't understand her sometimes. Anyway, where was I? Oh, right.

After sneaking out of their bedroom without Bon Bon noticing and having a light breakfast, Lyra then made her way to Sugar Cube Corner to talk to Pinkie Pie on organizing her girlfriend's birthday party. On her way, she tried to come up with various ways to make sure Bon Bon stays away from their house long enough to set everything up and surprising her. That includes giving her a nice present that she had came up with for the past few days so that she can remember her for the rest of her life.

When the mint unicorn arrived, however, she was surprised to see a huge crowd of ponies lining up inside and branching out a little outside the sweet shop. "Huh, there must be either a sale going on, or that there was a new dessert that Pinkie had managed to create without burning the whole thing down. Still, I really need to talk to her," thought the lyre player as she lined up at the back of the row, waiting to just go inside.

An hour later, Lyra finally managed to get to the front counter. She then found out that Pinkie had indeed created a new dessert; she had called them "puff cakes" which is a combination of a cream puff and a common cupcake. Seeing that new pastry made Lyra's mouth salivate because from the looks of it, the dessert is something to die for. She had been mentioned that it had become the new crowd favorite just yesterday and clearly everypony enjoyed it. She was then greeted by Pinkie, who had been panting from making the new dessert and attending a customer.

"Hey, Pinkie, how are you doing today?" asked the mint unicorn.

"Huh... huh... doing... fine... Lyra. What brings... you here?" panted the party pony, clearly getting tired from doing two things at the same time.

"Oh, I just wanted to make an appointment. Is that okay?"

"Well, is there anypony behind you right now?"

Glancing back on her shoulder to make sure nopony else entered before her, Lyra said with a smile, "Good news, Pinkie. I'm your last customer."

"Oh, thank Celestia!" said the pink earth pony, collapsing behind the counter before continuing, "You know, making new desserts and showing them to everypony was a bad idea after all!"

"Yeah, I notice," was all the unicorn said with an eye roll. She then continued, "So, why aren't Mr and Mrs Cake helping you?"

"Well, unfortunately Mrs Cake and one of the twins, Pumpkin Cake has gone sick so Mr Cake had to take care of them all by himself," the party pony explained.

"Oh dear. Poor Mrs Cake and Pumpkin. I hope they get better soon."

Composing herself after a few minutes of rest, Pinkie asked, "So, what do you want, Lyra? Wanting to surprise your girlfriend with a birthday party?"

This actually came as no shock to Lyra. She and practically everypony else knew a lot about Pinkie's antics; how she knew everypony's name, how she made a welcoming party to a new pony that came to Ponyville, and even how she knew everypony's birth date, including Bon Bon's, which was of course today by default.

The lyre player then said, "Yeah, it's about her birthday party. I actually wanted to do it in a bigger scale this time."

This, however, came as a shock to Pinkie, because the unicorn always celebrate her girlfriend's birthday party alone. Still, she then said, "Ooh, a bigger birthday party? Sure thing, Lyra. Where do you wanted the party to take place?"

"Well, I was thinking Twilight's castle. Is that okay?"

"Oh, sure! I just need to get Twilight's permission to do the party there and we're all set on the location. How many do you wanted to attend since you wanted to do it big this year?" asked the party pony.

"I actually don't care how many. You can invite the whole town if you wanted to. Oh, and I wanted to invite you and your friends as well, if that's okay with you," answered Lyra.

"Oh goodie. I get to invite more ponies this time! Sweet! And I take it you want the same flavors for her birthday cake?"

The unicorn just nodded.

"Okay then, I need to get started right away! Why don't you go and make those invitation letters? That way we can save more time."

"Oh, no need for that. I already made a whole bunch yesterday. I just need to make the finishing touches to the rest of them and then I can send them to you," explained the lyre player.

"Wow, Lyra. You're one step ahead of me. A bunch more time has been saved thanks to you!" said Pinkie.

"It's okay. Just tell everypony the party's tonight and we're all set."

"Uh, what party?"

Lyra and Pinkie turned towards the source of the sound and spotted Rainbow Dash standing behind the former.

"Oh, it's you, Rainbow! We were just explaining about Bon Bon's birthday party," said the pink earth pony to her friend.

"Sweet! Can I come?"

"Sure, I was going to invite you, anyways! Oh, and do you mind helping Lyra here with the invitation letters?"

"Eh, why not? So, where are we doing it?" asked the weather pony.

"At Twilight's castle. Can you tell her that we're doing it at her place?"

"Okay, after I'm done sending the letters, I'll go and inform Twilight about the party. And do you wanna invite our friends as well?"

"Of course! The more the merrier!"

"Also, do we need to keep an eye on Amethyst? She's obviously gonna come to the party as well," exclaimed Rainbow. She had been told by Rarity a few days ago that they had found the main suspect to Bon Bon's predicament while she was patrolling the area and keeping check of the weather as well.

"Oh yeah, about that, I think we really do need to keep a close eye on her, but we need to do it one at a time though as to not get her uncomfortable," said Pinkie.

"Well, that's great! Maybe we can do that right now! Come on!" said the weather pony before heading outside. Right before she reached the front door, however, she then felt her tail being pulled back, not by somepony's teeth but by magic.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it, Rainbow! I need to make sure that Bon Bon is outside of the house and then we can get started on those letters, remember?" said the mint unicorn, letting go of Rainbow's tail from her magic's grip.

"Oops, nearly forgot about that. Sorry," the pegasus meekly apologized.

"It's okay, I understand. Now, come on, we need to get going. I'm assuming that she would be awake by now for the past half an hour. Oh, and by the way Pinkie, could you make, like, ten dozen of that new dessert since everypony's coming? Thanks! Come on, Rainbow, let's get a move on!" the lyre player explained before trotting out of the shop with the pegasus in tow, leaving the earth pony alone with her thoughts. Also with her jaw nearly on the floor after hearing Lyra's request.

"What?! She wants me to make ten dozen of those puff cakes, on top of making Bon Bon's birthday cake?! Ugh, no fair!" thought Pinkie, moaning all the while before continuing, "Never mind. I'll just get started right away. Huh, just another day in the life of me." She then made her way back to the kitchen in order to make the huge order in time for the party.

After a few minutes of getting Bon Bon to where she wanted her to go, Lyra and Rainbow finally got started on the invitation letters. It was currently eleven in the morning when Lyra came back. As it turns out, Lyra had managed to make an appointment at the Ponyville Day Spa as Bon Bon's birthday present yesterday. She told the Spa Twins that she wanted to give her girlfriend the most relaxing treatment they can give her until she came back to pick her up.

"Okay Rainbow, these are the ones that I have already done," said Lyra, pointing to one of the two piles of letters by the kitchen table, the one that was neatly stacked, "and these are the ones that still needs to be done with," continued the unicorn, pointing to another one of the piles, this one being in a complete mess of envelopes and invitation cards.

"Okay, so what do I need to do?" asked Rainbow.

"Well, since you're the fastest, maybe you can help me with these," exclaimed the lyre player, referring to the messy pile.

"Oh, that's it? I can do that. Do I need to put the letters in the envelopes?"

"Yeah, some of them I have already done but the others, not so much. I still need to put the location of the party in the ones that weren't done yet."

"Do you need any help with it? Well, after I'm done with the others of course."

"Sure thing, Rainbow. I could use the extra hoof," said the unicorn before she and Rainbow got to work on the letters.

About 45 minutes later, Lyra and Rainbow have finally sealed the last two envelopes, allowing them to take a sigh of relief.

"Huh, finally! I never thought doing this would be very exhausting until you tried it out for yourself," said Rainbow.

"Yeah, doing this alone does get you tired easily, unless you had a clear mind like me," exclaimed Lyra.

"Whatever," was all the pegasus replied to with a subtle eye roll. "So, can I send these letters now? Cause I really need to stretch my wings after not being able to use them for a while."

The mint unicorn just giggled. "Okay Rainbow, you can send them now."

"Sweet! Oh, and don't worry, I'll inform Twilight about the venue of the party. See ya!" said the weather pony, grabbing the bag full of letters and zoomed outside to deliver them to everypony in Ponyville.

"Okay, while that is done, I need to go check on Pinkie to see if she has done with her part of the work, alongside getting something to eat since it's nearly lunch time," exclaimed Lyra, before heading off to Sugar Cube Corner to get an update on her request.

Meanwhile, at the Ponyville Day Spa, Aloe and Lotus Blossom are still pampering to Bon Bon, the birthday girl. Currently they were polishing her hooves after she was done with a nice half an hour of steaming in the sauna and a fifteen-minute long mud bath.

The cream earth pony then asked the twins, "So, how long does this usually take, exactly?"

"Well, for a normal visitor, we only do it for an hour and a half, but since you were our special guest, we are doubling the time just for you to relax," explained Aloe.

"So does that mean I got to spend three hours here for this treatment? Nice!" said Bon Bon, getting back to closing her eyes to enjoy the treatment.

The sisters just giggled at her reaction before resuming their work.

When Lyra reached the Sugar Cube Corner fifteen minutes later, she was pleased to find the shop to be less crowded after the whole ordeal Pinkie has to go through alone after she presented those puff cakes to the crowd earlier in the day. She then went straight for the front counter to find Pinkie there.

"Hey Pinkie, done with the order I gave you earlier?" asked the unicorn.

"Yep yep! I still got the last dozen of those puff cakes in the oven to be baked and now, I'm waiting for them to be done. For the birthday cake, I already made them yesterday to save time," explained the pink earth pony.

Again, the lyre player was not surprised to hear that news. Pinkie was also well known around Ponyville that she can make desserts anywhere from an hour to a blink of an eye without any flaws to be found on them. No matter how big the order is, she always get the job done before anypony could say "I want...".

"Well, that's great Pinkie! You really outdone yourself!" praised Lyra.

"Aw shucks, it was nothing!" said Pinkie with a small blush on her face.

"Anyways, you wanted to do the decorations for the party at the castle? As soon as Twilight gave permission, that is."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Twilight always lets us borrow her castle for certain events. I'm pretty sure she will say-"

"Hey, guys!"

Both Lyra and Pinkie screamed in shock as Rainbow flew towards them quite suddenly.

"Rainbow! Next time, try saying that quietly. We nearly got a heart attack from that shout, okay?" said the mint unicorn.

"Eh heh, oops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you guys like that," the pegasus apologized.

"It's okay. So, any news from Twilight?"

"Oh yeah. Well, great news! She said that she is willing to lend her castle to serve as the venue for the birthday party!"

"See? I knew she would say yes!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"Yes Pinkie, I know. Anyway, I'm also here because I wanted to give Bon Bon her second part of her birthday party, so do you mind if you can make a really nice lunch spread for Bon Bon and I when I went to pick her up soon?" asked Lyra.

"Sure thing, Lyra!" was all the pink earth pony said before zipping towards the kitchen in a blurry haze.

"Well, that's that. Now Rainbow, could you maybe help me with making sure this next part went well?" said the unicorn.

"Oh, uh, I don't mind but after this I'm gonna take a break from all of this, okay? Don't worry, I'll be at the party," answered Rainbow.

"Great! Now come on, the twins should be done with Bon Bon by now," said Lyra before heading outside towards the direction of the spa where her girlfriend is to pick her up with Rainbow in tow.

It was about 12:45 p.m. when Lyra arrived at the Ponyville Day Spa to pick up her girlfriend. When she opened the door, she was greeted by one of the twins, Aloe, who was walking back towards the back rooms where Bon Bon might be. She then called her to get her attention. "Um, excuse me, Aloe?"

The bubblegum pink earth pony stopped in her tracks and turned around to find Lyra standing by the door, her eyes lit up all the while. "Oh, Miss Lyra, it's you!"

"Yeah. Is Bon Bon ready yet?"

"Don't worry, we're almost done. We just need to make the finishing touches and she's all done," explained Aloe.

"Well, that's great! I'll just be waiting here then," said the mint unicorn.

The earth pony nodded before walking away. Lyra then went over to one of the benches set up inside and wait for her girlfriend to show up.

About five minutes later, Lyra heard the distinctive sound of hoofsteps approaching. When she looked up, her eyes were wide in shock and her jaw dropped. Her girlfriend is barely unrecognizable. She looked cleaner, her fur was trimmed to perfection, her mane and tail was groomed and shined, but most importantly, her face was covered with possibly the cutest combination of makeup she had ever seen; with peach eye shadow and coral colored lipstick, Bon Bon looked even cuter than before. This managed to make Lyra melt when she saw Bon Bon in that makeup as she trotted towards her and said, "Wow Bonnie, I have a feeling you look really cute and you are."

The cream earth pony blushed. "Really, Lyra? You mean it?"

"Of course I do! It's a wonder I became your girlfriend in the first place. Now, I can finally see that you are cute in your own way."

Bon Bon's face turned an even brighter shade of red after hearing that compliment and smiled whilst saying, "Thanks, Lyra. I'm glad I became your girlfriend as well."

"You're welcome," the unicorn said before turning to the twins and saying, "Girls, thank you so much for making my girlfriend even more beautiful than before."

"Anything for you, Miss Lyra," both of them said at the same time.

The lyre player nodded. She then turned back to Bon Bon. "So, are you ready for the second part of your present?"

"Wait, you mean there's more? Sure, why not? Come on, Lyra, let's go!" the earth pony excitedly said.

"Okay Bonnie, follow me then," said Lyra, turning to the front door and walking out of the spa with her girlfriend walking behind her. "Goodbye, and see you girls again later!" was all they hear from the Spa Twins before disappearing from the door for them to head towards Sugar Cube Corner.

To be continued...